
1. Is the Republican party going to say to a woman who may already have two kids at home that she needs to raise along with a husband, that their mother and his wife has to die in order to give birth to a baby?
This is such a nonsensical progressive talking point. Of course every rational person in the world supports the right to keep the mother alive. If the baby is a threat to the mother's life, no rational person would ever claim that the mother should be forced to die.

It's such a shame that you on the left can't have an honest discussion about this issue.

Yea. I'm strictly talking about a woman who's pregnant and doesn't want to be being able to abort. In the future she won't be legally allowed. Better take the morning after pill if you aren't sure. Or maybe that'll be illegal too?
It is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS--to involve yourselves into the very personal--private decisions that women and their families make.
This is such an idiotic position. Can you imagine Ted Bundy standing up in court during his trial and trying to make the case that (and I quote) "IT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS" that those women were killed. That was between Ted and the women.

It's idiotic on a level that's not even comprehensible. Babies are helpless. It is absolutely our business within the law to make sure they are not slaughtered. Think of the stupidity it takes to try to make the case that it's ok to kill a baby at 39 weeks but not at 52 weeks. What the hell difference does the amount of weeks make in taking a life? If it's not ok to kill a baby 2 weeks after it is born, why is it ok to kill that same baby 3 weeks before it is born? It's the same baby. Same heart beat. Same unique DNA.

What I find ridiculous is how you think life is so precious that instead of sucking a seed out of her womb before the first trimester is over, you would force a woman who doesn't want to have a baby to have one.

But hey, you won the election in a year when stupid women knew this was at stake and still they didn't show up to vote. If they didn't think conservatives were serious, please show them that you were.
With all these abortions, that you claim are paid for by the taxpayers of this country via Planned Parenthood, you have yet to produce one single woman that stated she got her abortion for FREE. Indicating that no taxpayers dollars are paying for an abortion.
If tax payer dollars are used to make the facility even exist, and the facility provides abortions, then tax dollars are in fact paying for abortions. Common sense goes a long way Oreo.
It is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS--to involve yourselves into the very personal--private decisions that women and their families make.
This is such an idiotic position. Can you imagine Ted Bundy standing up in court during his trial and trying to make the case that (and I quote) "IT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS" that those women were killed. That was between Ted and the women.

It's idiotic on a level that's not even comprehensible. Babies are helpless. It is absolutely our business within the law to make sure they are not slaughtered. Think of the stupidity it takes to try to make the case that it's ok to kill a baby at 39 weeks but not at 52 weeks. What the hell difference does the amount of weeks make in taking a life? If it's not ok to kill a baby 2 weeks after it is born, why is it ok to kill that same baby 3 weeks before it is born? It's the same baby. Same heart beat. Same unique DNA.

Nope--you're not going to do that. The U.S. Supreme court has decided that a fetus is not a baby until it is out of the womb--and then and only then does the baby have the same protections and rights as a woman that was killed by Ted Bundy.

There's a reason for this. While you on the right are continually trying to get a Personhood bill passed (which would prevent any and all abortions)--there are the consequences of such a bill. Our laws do not discriminate SO:

1. Common miscarriages would have to be investigated and an autopsy performed--(to look for foul play.)
2. A woman who by accident fell down the stairs and the fetus died would have to be investigated, and could possibly be charged with manslaughter.
3. YOU get into a fender bumper with a pregnant woman and the fetus died, you could be charged with manslaughter.
5. Doctors & nurses delivering still born babies would have to be investigated and possibly charged.

A baby in the womb is a very fragile life, and we can't be investigating, prosecuting, and incarcerating people over accidents, illness's or other.

That's why in my state of Colorado the Personhood bill has gone down in flames each & and every 3 times it was put on the ballot.

You have NO RIGHT to intervene into the very personal, private matters and decisions of women and their families.
Last edited:
Planned Parenthood, and even your President elect stated does a lot of good for poor women who can get their mammograms and physicals.
Even if that were true...why the frick is the American tax payer paying for mammograms and physicals?!? That alone is an egregious violation of the U.S. Constitution.

It's as tragic as it is comical that progressives have been so brainwashed since birth that they never stop to question anything. They never stop to learn anything. Tax dollars exist to run the government (i.e. people performing a service outlined in the U.S. Constitution). What service are these women providing the American people in exchange for their mamograms and physicals?

When my tax dollars go to the military, I get defense and security in exchange. When my tax dollars go to pay the salary of federal courts, I get a lawful society and justice in exchange. When my tax dollars go to people in the Patent Office, I get intellectual property protected in exchange. I receive a direct constitutional benefit/protection in exchange for my tax dollars. What direct constitutional benefit/protection are all of these women providing to me in exchange for their "free" mammograms and "free" physicals? None of them are government employees. So why are they getting my tax dollars? :dunno:
It is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS--to involve yourselves into the very personal--private decisions that women and their families make.
This is such an idiotic position. Can you imagine Ted Bundy standing up in court during his trial and trying to make the case that (and I quote) "IT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS" that those women were killed. That was between Ted and the women.

It's idiotic on a level that's not even comprehensible. Babies are helpless. It is absolutely our business within the law to make sure they are not slaughtered. Think of the stupidity it takes to try to make the case that it's ok to kill a baby at 39 weeks but not at 52 weeks. What the hell difference does the amount of weeks make in taking a life? If it's not ok to kill a baby 2 weeks after it is born, why is it ok to kill that same baby 3 weeks before it is born? It's the same baby. Same heart beat. Same unique DNA.

Nope--you're not going to do that. The U.S. Supreme court has decided that a fetus is not a baby until it is out of the womb--and then and only then does the baby have the same protections and rights as a woman that was killed by Ted Bundy.

There's a reason for this. While you on the right are continually trying to get a Personhood bill passed (which would prevent any and all abortions)--there are the consequences of such a bill. Our laws do not discriminate SO:

1. Common miscarriages would have to be investigated and an autopsy performed--(to look for foul play.)
2. A woman who by accident fell down the stairs and the fetus died would have to be investigated, and could possibly be charged with manslaughter.
3. YOU get into a fender bumper with a pregnant woman and the fetus died, you could be charged with manslaughter.
5. Doctors & nurses delivering still born babies would have to be investigated and possibly charged.

That's why in my state of Colorado the Personhood bill has gone down in flames each & and every 3 times it was put on the ballot.

You have NO RIGHT to intervene into the very personal, private matters and decisions of women and their families.
Our SCOTUS will change all that bullshit....just relax baby killer....
Nope--you're not going to do that. The U.S. Supreme court has decided that a fetus is not a baby until it is out of the womb--and then and only then does the baby have the same protections and rights as a woman that was killed by Ted Bundy.

There's a reason for this. While you on the right are continually trying to get a Personhood bill passed (which would prevent any and all abortions)--there are the consequences of such a bill. Our laws do not discriminate SO:

1. Common miscarriages would have to be investigated and an autopsy performed--(to look for foul play.)
2. A woman who by accident fell down the stairs and the fetus died would have to be investigated, and could possibly be charged with manslaughter.
3. YOU get into a fender bumper with a pregnant woman and the fetus died, you could be charged with manslaughter.
5. Doctors & nurses delivering still born babies would have to be investigated and possibly charged.

That's why in my state of Colorado the Personhood bill has gone down in flames each & and every 3 times it was put on the ballot.
So again you sound like a lunatic. By that same logic, we should take all laws forbidding murder off the books immediately. After all....

1. Common deaths are investigated and autopsies performed (to rule out foul play)

2. Any person who falls down the stairs by accident and dies risks a murder investigation of other members of the home. This can and has happened.

3. You get in a fender bender with someone and they die - you can (and sometimes people actually are) charged with vehicular manslaughter.

4. Doctors and Nurses who lose patients under their care are investigated. Some are found to be guilty with intent. Some are found to be guilty of negligence.

Do you realize how idiotic you sound now? Your entire premise for why we shouldn't make abortions illegal is that because if a baby dies, we would have to investigate it. Gasp! Nooooooo! You mean, just like we do with every other living person in the world?!?
It is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS--to involve yourselves into the very personal--private decisions that women and their families make.
This is such an idiotic position. Can you imagine Ted Bundy standing up in court during his trial and trying to make the case that (and I quote) "IT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS" that those women were killed. That was between Ted and the women.

It's idiotic on a level that's not even comprehensible. Babies are helpless. It is absolutely our business within the law to make sure they are not slaughtered. Think of the stupidity it takes to try to make the case that it's ok to kill a baby at 39 weeks but not at 52 weeks. What the hell difference does the amount of weeks make in taking a life? If it's not ok to kill a baby 2 weeks after it is born, why is it ok to kill that same baby 3 weeks before it is born? It's the same baby. Same heart beat. Same unique DNA.

What I find ridiculous is how you think life is so precious that instead of sucking a seed out of her womb before the first trimester is over, you would force a woman who doesn't want to have a baby to have one.

But hey, you won the election in a year when stupid women knew this was at stake and still they didn't show up to vote. If they didn't think conservatives were serious, please show them that you were.
And what right do you, or I, have to take the rights of another human?
1. Is the Republican party going to say to a woman who may already have two kids at home that she needs to raise along with a husband, that their mother and his wife has to die in order to give birth to a baby?
This is such a nonsensical progressive talking point. Of course every rational person in the world supports the right to keep the mother alive. If the baby is a threat to the mother's life, no rational person would ever claim that the mother should be forced to die.

It's such a shame that you on the left can't have an honest discussion about this issue.

Yea. I'm strictly talking about a woman who's pregnant and doesn't want to be being able to abort. In the future she won't be legally allowed. Better take the morning after pill if you aren't sure. Or maybe that'll be illegal too?
From my personal perspective (and this is just my opinion) that morning after pill should be allowed for two reasons:

1. There is no knowledge of conception at that point. There might not be one and we should not be dictating based on might or might not.

2. There is no heartbeat that quick. If you don't have a heartbeat, then you're not really alive. We officially declare death with the end of a heartbeat. We should officially declare life with the beginning of a heart beat.
It is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS--to involve yourselves into the very personal--private decisions that women and their families make.
This is such an idiotic position. Can you imagine Ted Bundy standing up in court during his trial and trying to make the case that (and I quote) "IT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS" that those women were killed. That was between Ted and the women.

It's idiotic on a level that's not even comprehensible. Babies are helpless. It is absolutely our business within the law to make sure they are not slaughtered. Think of the stupidity it takes to try to make the case that it's ok to kill a baby at 39 weeks but not at 52 weeks. What the hell difference does the amount of weeks make in taking a life? If it's not ok to kill a baby 2 weeks after it is born, why is it ok to kill that same baby 3 weeks before it is born? It's the same baby. Same heart beat. Same unique DNA.

Nope--you're not going to do that. The U.S. Supreme court has decided that a fetus is not a baby until it is out of the womb--and then and only then does the baby have the same protections and rights as a woman that was killed by Ted Bundy.

There's a reason for this. While you on the right are continually trying to get a Personhood bill passed (which would prevent any and all abortions)--there are the consequences of such a bill. Our laws do not discriminate SO:

1. Common miscarriages would have to be investigated and an autopsy performed--(to look for foul play.)
2. A woman who by accident fell down the stairs and the fetus died would have to be investigated, and could possibly be charged with manslaughter.
3. YOU get into a fender bumper with a pregnant woman and the fetus died, you could be charged with manslaughter.
5. Doctors & nurses delivering still born babies would have to be investigated and possibly charged.

A baby in the womb is a very fragile life, and we can't be investigating, prosecuting, and incarcerating people over accidents, illness's or other.

That's why in my state of Colorado the Personhood bill has gone down in flames each & and every 3 times it was put on the ballot.

You have NO RIGHT to intervene into the very personal, private matters and decisions of women and their families.

SCOTUS made no such ruling as to whether a baby in the womb is or is not a human being.

If not, show us the ruling.

Essentially they threw their arms up and said, "It beats the hell out of us cuz this is out of our league".
It is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS--to involve yourselves into the very personal--private decisions that women and their families make.
This is such an idiotic position. Can you imagine Ted Bundy standing up in court during his trial and trying to make the case that (and I quote) "IT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS" that those women were killed. That was between Ted and the women.

It's idiotic on a level that's not even comprehensible. Babies are helpless. It is absolutely our business within the law to make sure they are not slaughtered. Think of the stupidity it takes to try to make the case that it's ok to kill a baby at 39 weeks but not at 52 weeks. What the hell difference does the amount of weeks make in taking a life? If it's not ok to kill a baby 2 weeks after it is born, why is it ok to kill that same baby 3 weeks before it is born? It's the same baby. Same heart beat. Same unique DNA.

What I find ridiculous is how you think life is so precious that instead of sucking a seed out of her womb before the first trimester is over, you would force a woman who doesn't want to have a baby to have one.

But hey, you won the election in a year when stupid women knew this was at stake and still they didn't show up to vote. If they didn't think conservatives were serious, please show them that you were.
And what right do you, or I, have to take the rights of another human?

I'm wondering if most Dims are viable outside the womb. After all, they can't seem to survive off the tit of Big Brother.
It is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS--to involve yourselves into the very personal--private decisions that women and their families make.
This is such an idiotic position. Can you imagine Ted Bundy standing up in court during his trial and trying to make the case that (and I quote) "IT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS" that those women were killed. That was between Ted and the women.

It's idiotic on a level that's not even comprehensible. Babies are helpless. It is absolutely our business within the law to make sure they are not slaughtered. Think of the stupidity it takes to try to make the case that it's ok to kill a baby at 39 weeks but not at 52 weeks. What the hell difference does the amount of weeks make in taking a life? If it's not ok to kill a baby 2 weeks after it is born, why is it ok to kill that same baby 3 weeks before it is born? It's the same baby. Same heart beat. Same unique DNA.

Nope--you're not going to do that. The U.S. Supreme court has decided that a fetus is not a baby until it is out of the womb--and then and only then does the baby have the same protections and rights as a woman that was killed by Ted Bundy.

There's a reason for this. While you on the right are continually trying to get a Personhood bill passed (which would prevent any and all abortions)--there are the consequences of such a bill. Our laws do not discriminate SO:

1. Common miscarriages would have to be investigated and an autopsy performed--(to look for foul play.)
2. A woman who by accident fell down the stairs and the fetus died would have to be investigated, and could possibly be charged with manslaughter.
3. YOU get into a fender bumper with a pregnant woman and the fetus died, you could be charged with manslaughter.
5. Doctors & nurses delivering still born babies would have to be investigated and possibly charged.

A baby in the womb is a very fragile life, and we can't be investigating, prosecuting, and incarcerating people over accidents, illness's or other.

That's why in my state of Colorado the Personhood bill has gone down in flames each & and every 3 times it was put on the ballot.

You have NO RIGHT to intervene into the very personal, private matters and decisions of women and their families.

SCOTUS made no such ruling as to whether a baby in the womb is or is not a human being.

If not, show us the ruling.

Essentially they threw their arms up and said, "It beats the hell out of us cuz this is out of our league".

They most certainly did--that's how Roe V Wade passed. You people never look beyond the tips of your noses. You never look at consequences much less understand the law and court rulings and why something passed and why something didn't.

Women really aren't just baby making machines. They also have health issues, sometimes severe that prohibits them from giving birth. Women die everyday giving birth, and you never see it.
It is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS--to involve yourselves into the very personal--private decisions that women and their families make.
This is such an idiotic position. Can you imagine Ted Bundy standing up in court during his trial and trying to make the case that (and I quote) "IT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS" that those women were killed. That was between Ted and the women.

It's idiotic on a level that's not even comprehensible. Babies are helpless. It is absolutely our business within the law to make sure they are not slaughtered. Think of the stupidity it takes to try to make the case that it's ok to kill a baby at 39 weeks but not at 52 weeks. What the hell difference does the amount of weeks make in taking a life? If it's not ok to kill a baby 2 weeks after it is born, why is it ok to kill that same baby 3 weeks before it is born? It's the same baby. Same heart beat. Same unique DNA.

Nope--you're not going to do that. The U.S. Supreme court has decided that a fetus is not a baby until it is out of the womb--and then and only then does the baby have the same protections and rights as a woman that was killed by Ted Bundy.

There's a reason for this. While you on the right are continually trying to get a Personhood bill passed (which would prevent any and all abortions)--there are the consequences of such a bill. Our laws do not discriminate SO:

1. Common miscarriages would have to be investigated and an autopsy performed--(to look for foul play.)
2. A woman who by accident fell down the stairs and the fetus died would have to be investigated, and could possibly be charged with manslaughter.
3. YOU get into a fender bumper with a pregnant woman and the fetus died, you could be charged with manslaughter.
5. Doctors & nurses delivering still born babies would have to be investigated and possibly charged.

A baby in the womb is a very fragile life, and we can't be investigating, prosecuting, and incarcerating people over accidents, illness's or other.

That's why in my state of Colorado the Personhood bill has gone down in flames each & and every 3 times it was put on the ballot.

You have NO RIGHT to intervene into the very personal, private matters and decisions of women and their families.

SCOTUS made no such ruling as to whether a baby in the womb is or is not a human being.

If not, show us the ruling.

Essentially they threw their arms up and said, "It beats the hell out of us cuz this is out of our league".

They most certainly did--that's how Roe V Wade passed. You people never look beyond the tips of your noses. You never look at consequences much less understand the law and court rulings and why something passed and why something didn't.

Women really aren't just baby making machines. They also have health issues, sometimes severe that prohibits them from giving birth. Women die everyday giving birth, and you never see it.
Roe was not about abortion.....your fake news tell you it was?
It is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS--to involve yourselves into the very personal--private decisions that women and their families make.
This is such an idiotic position. Can you imagine Ted Bundy standing up in court during his trial and trying to make the case that (and I quote) "IT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS" that those women were killed. That was between Ted and the women.

It's idiotic on a level that's not even comprehensible. Babies are helpless. It is absolutely our business within the law to make sure they are not slaughtered. Think of the stupidity it takes to try to make the case that it's ok to kill a baby at 39 weeks but not at 52 weeks. What the hell difference does the amount of weeks make in taking a life? If it's not ok to kill a baby 2 weeks after it is born, why is it ok to kill that same baby 3 weeks before it is born? It's the same baby. Same heart beat. Same unique DNA.

Nope--you're not going to do that. The U.S. Supreme court has decided that a fetus is not a baby until it is out of the womb--and then and only then does the baby have the same protections and rights as a woman that was killed by Ted Bundy.

There's a reason for this. While you on the right are continually trying to get a Personhood bill passed (which would prevent any and all abortions)--there are the consequences of such a bill. Our laws do not discriminate SO:

1. Common miscarriages would have to be investigated and an autopsy performed--(to look for foul play.)
2. A woman who by accident fell down the stairs and the fetus died would have to be investigated, and could possibly be charged with manslaughter.
3. YOU get into a fender bumper with a pregnant woman and the fetus died, you could be charged with manslaughter.
5. Doctors & nurses delivering still born babies would have to be investigated and possibly charged.

A baby in the womb is a very fragile life, and we can't be investigating, prosecuting, and incarcerating people over accidents, illness's or other.

That's why in my state of Colorado the Personhood bill has gone down in flames each & and every 3 times it was put on the ballot.

You have NO RIGHT to intervene into the very personal, private matters and decisions of women and their families.

SCOTUS made no such ruling as to whether a baby in the womb is or is not a human being.

If not, show us the ruling.

Essentially they threw their arms up and said, "It beats the hell out of us cuz this is out of our league".

They most certainly did--that's how Roe V Wade passed. You people never look beyond the tips of your noses. You never look at consequences much less understand the law and court rulings and why something passed and why something didn't.

Women really aren't just baby making machines. They also have health issues, sometimes severe that prohibits them from giving birth. Women die everyday giving birth, and you never see it.

I asked you to give their ruling, not just to keep saying they ruled the way you say they did.
It is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS--to involve yourselves into the very personal--private decisions that women and their families make.
This is such an idiotic position. Can you imagine Ted Bundy standing up in court during his trial and trying to make the case that (and I quote) "IT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS" that those women were killed. That was between Ted and the women.

It's idiotic on a level that's not even comprehensible. Babies are helpless. It is absolutely our business within the law to make sure they are not slaughtered. Think of the stupidity it takes to try to make the case that it's ok to kill a baby at 39 weeks but not at 52 weeks. What the hell difference does the amount of weeks make in taking a life? If it's not ok to kill a baby 2 weeks after it is born, why is it ok to kill that same baby 3 weeks before it is born? It's the same baby. Same heart beat. Same unique DNA.

Nope--you're not going to do that. The U.S. Supreme court has decided that a fetus is not a baby until it is out of the womb--and then and only then does the baby have the same protections and rights as a woman that was killed by Ted Bundy.

There's a reason for this. While you on the right are continually trying to get a Personhood bill passed (which would prevent any and all abortions)--there are the consequences of such a bill. Our laws do not discriminate SO:

1. Common miscarriages would have to be investigated and an autopsy performed--(to look for foul play.)
2. A woman who by accident fell down the stairs and the fetus died would have to be investigated, and could possibly be charged with manslaughter.
3. YOU get into a fender bumper with a pregnant woman and the fetus died, you could be charged with manslaughter.
5. Doctors & nurses delivering still born babies would have to be investigated and possibly charged.

A baby in the womb is a very fragile life, and we can't be investigating, prosecuting, and incarcerating people over accidents, illness's or other.

That's why in my state of Colorado the Personhood bill has gone down in flames each & and every 3 times it was put on the ballot.

You have NO RIGHT to intervene into the very personal, private matters and decisions of women and their families.

SCOTUS made no such ruling as to whether a baby in the womb is or is not a human being.

If not, show us the ruling.

Essentially they threw their arms up and said, "It beats the hell out of us cuz this is out of our league".

They most certainly did--that's how Roe V Wade passed. You people never look beyond the tips of your noses. You never look at consequences much less understand the law and court rulings and why something passed and why something didn't.

Women really aren't just baby making machines. They also have health issues, sometimes severe that prohibits them from giving birth. Women die everyday giving birth, and you never see it.
Roe was not about abortion.....your fake news tell you it was?
Never mind him, he still believes that Hillary is 20 points ahead of Trump.
Speaking of the idiot psychopathic press, has anyone seen the movie about Gosnell?

Abortion Doctor Kermit Gosnell TV Movie Hits $2.1 Million Crowdfunding Goal

Apparently it was toooooo controversial for Hollywood to fund or for anyone to show on screen. LMAO!

So these twits can show films that Christians view as an abomination, like the Last Temptation of Christ, that infuriated Christians around the country, but the abortion flick is too controversial?

May they all rot in hell.
With all these abortions, that you claim are paid for by the taxpayers of this country via Planned Parenthood, you have yet to produce one single woman that stated she got her abortion for FREE. Indicating that no taxpayers dollars are paying for an abortion.
If tax payer dollars are used to make the facility even exist, and the facility provides abortions, then tax dollars are in fact paying for abortions. Common sense goes a long way Oreo.
Better than paying for welfare foodstamps and all the other things poor women with kids get
It is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS--to involve yourselves into the very personal--private decisions that women and their families make.
This is such an idiotic position. Can you imagine Ted Bundy standing up in court during his trial and trying to make the case that (and I quote) "IT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS" that those women were killed. That was between Ted and the women.

It's idiotic on a level that's not even comprehensible. Babies are helpless. It is absolutely our business within the law to make sure they are not slaughtered. Think of the stupidity it takes to try to make the case that it's ok to kill a baby at 39 weeks but not at 52 weeks. What the hell difference does the amount of weeks make in taking a life? If it's not ok to kill a baby 2 weeks after it is born, why is it ok to kill that same baby 3 weeks before it is born? It's the same baby. Same heart beat. Same unique DNA.

What I find ridiculous is how you think life is so precious that instead of sucking a seed out of her womb before the first trimester is over, you would force a woman who doesn't want to have a baby to have one.

But hey, you won the election in a year when stupid women knew this was at stake and still they didn't show up to vote. If they didn't think conservatives were serious, please show them that you were.
And what right do you, or I, have to take the rights of another human?
It's just a seed in my body. Life isn't that precious to me or most of America.

Why don't you run on this issue in 2020? See how you do.
It is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS--to involve yourselves into the very personal--private decisions that women and their families make.
This is such an idiotic position. Can you imagine Ted Bundy standing up in court during his trial and trying to make the case that (and I quote) "IT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS" that those women were killed. That was between Ted and the women.

It's idiotic on a level that's not even comprehensible. Babies are helpless. It is absolutely our business within the law to make sure they are not slaughtered. Think of the stupidity it takes to try to make the case that it's ok to kill a baby at 39 weeks but not at 52 weeks. What the hell difference does the amount of weeks make in taking a life? If it's not ok to kill a baby 2 weeks after it is born, why is it ok to kill that same baby 3 weeks before it is born? It's the same baby. Same heart beat. Same unique DNA.

What I find ridiculous is how you think life is so precious that instead of sucking a seed out of her womb before the first trimester is over, you would force a woman who doesn't want to have a baby to have one.

But hey, you won the election in a year when stupid women knew this was at stake and still they didn't show up to vote. If they didn't think conservatives were serious, please show them that you were.
And what right do you, or I, have to take the rights of another human?
It's just a seed in my body. Life isn't that precious to me or most of America.

Why don't you run on this issue in 2020? See how you do.
Abortion will be ended by then....

And what are you dising with plants in your pussy? Just curious? :lol:
So you think they approved murder?

Nixon said sometimes abortions are necessary, like when a white woman gets knocked up by a black guy

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