About Comey!


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
The Inside Story on James B. Comey

Don’t believe the fake-media story that Trump made a mistake or huge gaffe by firing Comey.
Don’t believe the media narrative from the left that it was an attempt to silence Comey from some investigation into Trump.
Don’t believe the RINO narrative that Comey is a good guy just trying to do his job in terrible circumstances and the timing was bad.
Don’t believe the lie that Comey was admired and respected by career FBI investigators and agents.
Don’t believ
Comey was a minor assistant US attorney in the late 90’s. He only gained power and money by being the DOJ official who “investigated” and cleared Bill Clinton of any wrong-doing in Clinton’s totally corrupt pardon (for huge payoffs) of criminal financier Marc Rich as Clinton was leaving the Presidency. This is how Comey began his career as a creature of the “swamp” years ago, as a servant of the Clintons.

Comey provided “cover” for the Clintons in their gaining incredible power and wealth after leaving office through pardoning a billionaire money-launderer, arms dealer and criminal. Comey was a key piece in how the Clintons upped their corruption game and gained incredible wealth through their foundation after leaving the White House. A huge part of the scheme was giving Marc Rich a free pass when he should have spent life in prison, and that is what Comey covered-up for the Clintons. This set up Comey to be part of the corruption machine, making him powerful and wealthy.

Immediately after doing the Clinton’s dirty work as a DOJ official, Comey resigned from the DOJ and took a position as the head attorney (Counsel) of the Lockheed Martin company, a huge military contractor. While he was in that position Lockheed became a major contributor (millions) to the Clinton Foundation and its fake charity spin-offs. In return for these payment to Clinton Inc., Lockheed received huge contracts with Hillary’s state department. Comey was the chief legal officer of Lockheed throughout this period of contributions to Clinton Inc. in return for State Dept. contracts.

So! Is her act about him costing her the election put on or real! Is he a snake?
Trump fired Comey so don't expect Comey to say nice things about Trump. Just a hint, be ready to hear some horseshit.
Comey is admired by 95% of D.C., and 100% by those who know him personally.

Those scum trying to smear him only look weak.
Comey is admired by 95% of D.C., and 100% by those who know him personally.

Those scum trying to smear him only look weak.
I don't know him, but based on how many lies Comey has told vs. how many Trump has told, I know who I would most likely believe in a he said-he said disagreement. Of course the Trump supporters have to discredit Comey prior to his testimony. So little time left! Let the smear campaign begin in earnest.
Trump fired Comey so don't expect Comey to say nice things about Trump. Just a hint, be ready to hear some horseshit.

Correct! But, isn't his ties to the Clinton corruption interesting? Explains why he stood there for an hour listing her transgressions and then "deciding" not to prosecute!
Comey is admired by 95% of D.C., and 100% by those who know him personally.

Those scum trying to smear him only look weak.

This is exactly the way attorney's work in the courtroom... Discredit, Degrade a persons character...

Quite an admission that that is
Comey is admired by 95% of D.C., and 100% by those who know him personally.

Those scum trying to smear him only look weak.

This is exactly the way attorney's work in the courtroom... Discredit, Degrade a persons character...

so maybe ewe fools should stop doing it to Trump? Still pious?
Comey is admired by 95% of D.C., and 100% by those who know him personally.

Those scum trying to smear him only look weak.

This is exactly the way attorney's work in the courtroom... Discredit, Degrade a persons character...

Quite an admission that that is
Comey is admired by 95% of D.C., and 100% by those who know him personally.

Those scum trying to smear him only look weak.

This is exactly the way attorney's work in the courtroom... Discredit, Degrade a persons character...

so maybe ewe fools should stop doing it to Trump? Still pious?

Actually it is Trump dividing and insulting the American people by his actions and tweets.
Comey is admired by 95% of D.C., and 100% by those who know him personally.

Those scum trying to smear him only look weak.

This is exactly the way attorney's work in the courtroom... Discredit, Degrade a persons character...

Quite an admission that that is
Comey is admired by 95% of D.C., and 100% by those who know him personally.

Those scum trying to smear him only look weak.

This is exactly the way attorney's work in the courtroom... Discredit, Degrade a persons character...

so maybe ewe fools should stop doing it to Trump? Still pious?

Actually it is Trump dividing and insulting the American people by his actions and tweets.
How izz ewe being divided sweet cheeks?
Wiwwow impugning the head law enforcement officer of this great nation purely for her political gain. Say it aint so
Where did sweet cheeks go? I thought she was gonna tell us how Trump has divided the nation? Is that a closely guarded secret? Or just shit thrown on the wall?
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Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Comey had to Go! [/paste:font]

James Comey was one of the most incompetent if not corrupt FBI directors in memory and that’s including J. Edgar Hover. Comey has undermined American’s confidence in the criminal justice system (as did the Obama administration in general) and had to go. Comey’s handling of both the Clinton investigation and the Russian hacking investigation were beyond incompetent and entered the realm of obstruction of justice.

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