About Online Reputation Management Agency


May 13, 2014
How you are viewed online may not portray your talents accurately. More and more employers now turn to the search engines to learn more about their potential candidates. Are you aware of what they see?

Online reputation management Defender is no longer for businesses only. Individuals in the job market, in the public eye, or those who possess the same name as people with a bad reputation, can distance themselves from any negative remarks and in replace those with new, positive information to their personal brand online.

Why Does Your Reputation Matter So Much Online?

Search results give people and employers searching for your name a first impression of who you are.

Your online image may be compromised without your direct knowledge. When you are outside the radar as to what is published about you and your background, you could be beaming a signal that could hurt your future or your business. Deceptive or plain incorrect information about you online could become your undoing.

The search results may present something negative about a different person with the same name as you have and can mislead people searching for you.

Negative search results can have a greater impact than you realize. Insurance companies, business partners, future employers and sometimes even prospective amorous interests can and do search for you online to find out more about your background. What people are looking for typically are biographies, write-ups, achievements and more. But in many cases, they find previous arrest notices, negative news articles or even pictures of you that you never intended to go public.

This can be disastrous and if you do nothing about it, you could be missing out on a number of life-enhancing opportunities.
Granny says if dey don't like her reputation...

... dey can kiss her ta-tas.

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