About Suing President Obama Over Use of Executive Order's


Dec 5, 2011
So, when remember when all you ConJobs/NeoNuts/RePugs/TeaHadists got up on your feet started cheering when The Boner....St. John of Orange himself announced that he would sue President Obama over his use of Executive Orders.

Well guess what all of you dead from the neck faux snooze addicts...so far that lawsuit has gone no where.

Not one...NOT ONE.....zip, zero, zilch.....nada.....nothing....and NONE...NOT ONE LAW FIRM has been willing to go ahead and try to even file that law suit.

All those "Budget Hawks" that claim they do not believe in wasting Government Tax Payer Dollars and are so strongly opposed to "Frivolous Lawsuits"...each and every fracking one of them thought the lawsuit was a great idea.

Just the thought of spending hundreds of thousands U.S. Tax Payer Dollars gave you people a hard-on, creaming in your frillies at the very thought of suing the President of The United States over "Executive Actions", all the while ignoring how the former deserter-in-chief curious georgie porgie himself abused "Executive Actions" himself.

I know you room temperature types are wetting yourselves over this....just think you might even be dumb enough to even try and Impeachment (it will be an epic fail) over "Executive Actions", but just remember.

If deserter georgie did it....and you had no problem with it.....Impeachment of Mr. Obama for the same exact thing will fail.

Oh....I keep remembering that thinking is you guys are not very good at.....most you failed 1st. Grade and had to mommie show you how to a peanut butter and jelly sandwich....in high school.
Don't wet yourself. I'm confident the R's are as spineless. I doubt they'll even put up a whimper if O does illegal amnesty.
The Total Number of Executive Orders signed by Ronald Reagan - 391.

The Total Number of Executive Orders signed by George H.W. Bush - 166.

The Total Number of Executive Orders signed by William Jefferson Clinton - 364.

The Total Number of Executive Orders signed by George W. Bush - 291.

The Total Number of Executive Orders signed by Barack H. Obama - 193.

While President Clinton signed more Executive Orders than Bush41 and Bush43 President Obama has so far signed less Executive Orders than any of his predecessors.

President Reagan led the pack with the most Executive Orders signed.

President Obama has signed the least number of Executive Orders.

Bush43 signed over 100-More Executive Orders than President Obama and I do not recall any Republican/Conservative getting their frillies in twist over that fact.

Any attempt to sue President Obama will result in failure.

Which is why no law firm to date has taken St. John of Orange's frivolous lawsuit against the President.
Don't wet yourself. I'm confident the R's are as spineless. I doubt they'll even put up a whimper if O does illegal amnesty.

It probably sounded so good when the idea started, but the reality is a different is a different matter.

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