About That Lying Low Life Scum Sucking POS 45 Being Able To Confront The Whistle Blower.

When in doubt, post one of your lame laughing emoji's......especially when you're laughing at the facts. Which is what I have posted.

The 6th. Amendment Right to Confront Your Accuser is clear, in Criminal Cases that right does exist. The current Impeachment Hearings are NOT a trial. That is what you dead from the neck Goosestepping GroppenFuhrer do not want to acknowledge as the truth.

Now if you Fascist Loving Assholes want to admit 45 is a criminal I'm all for it. But otherwise you're just as a Treasonous POS as he is.
So, the Randian of Kentucky is demanding that, under the United States Constitution the 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Dried Up Dog Turd 45 has a "Right To Confront His Accuser". Giving Randy his due, he kinda, sorta, maybe correct.

Under the Sixth Amendment of The Constitution of The United States of America, the "Accused" does have the right to confront his/her accuser. There is just one stipulation. Yes, that right written into the Constitution.

But....and this is helluva huge BUT , under the 6th. Amendment that apples to CRIMINAL CASES ONLY.

Now, if you bunch of slug eating 45 sycophants want to admit that the Lying Sack of Orange Shit Traitor did break the law (he did) fine well right and good. May be prison doors him where the Mystical Magical Non-Existent Sky Shit Him.

But the 6th. Amendment only applies in Criminal Cases.

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.

Now, I am sure the Russian Ass kissing Orange Shit Gibbon will of course plead the 5th. Amendment (Compulsory Self Incrimination is prohibited) as time goes on. But as for being allowed to confront the Whistle Blower, nope....unless he admits he is a criminal.
some day you should tell us what it feels like to be a fucking idiot,,,
Under the Sixth Amendment of The Constitution of The United States of America, the "Accused" does have the right to confront his/her accuser. There is just one stipulation. Yes, that right written into the Constitution.

But....and this is helluva huge BUT , under the 6th. Amendment that apples to CRIMINAL CASES ONLY.

But...and this is a helluva huge BUT, President Trump is continually accused of committing a CRIME. IF Trump is a CRIMINAL, doesn't he have a right to confront his accuser? If he has not committed a crime, why should he be impeached?

P.S. Specifically, what CRIME do you assert he has committed?
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So, the Randian of Kentucky is demanding that, under the United States Constitution the 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Dried Up Dog Turd 45 has a "Right To Confront His Accuser". Giving Randy his due, he kinda, sorta, maybe correct.

Under the Sixth Amendment of The Constitution of The United States of America, the "Accused" does have the right to confront his/her accuser. There is just one stipulation. Yes, that right written into the Constitution.

But....and this is helluva huge BUT , under the 6th. Amendment that apples to CRIMINAL CASES ONLY.

Now, if you bunch of slug eating 45 sycophants want to admit that the Lying Sack of Orange Shit Traitor did break the law (he did) fine well right and good. May be prison doors him where the Mystical Magical Non-Existent Sky Shit Him.

But the 6th. Amendment only applies in Criminal Cases.

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.

Now, I am sure the Russian Ass kissing Orange Shit Gibbon will of course plead the 5th. Amendment (Compulsory Self Incrimination is prohibited) as time goes on. But as for being allowed to confront the Whistle Blower, nope....unless he admits he is a criminal.

Your TDS is off the charts :cuckoo:
So, the Randian of Kentucky is demanding that, under the United States Constitution the 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Dried Up Dog Turd 45 has a "Right To Confront His Accuser". Giving Randy his due, he kinda, sorta, maybe correct.

Under the Sixth Amendment of The Constitution of The United States of America, the "Accused" does have the right to confront his/her accuser. There is just one stipulation. Yes, that right written into the Constitution.

But....and this is helluva huge BUT , under the 6th. Amendment that apples to CRIMINAL CASES ONLY.

Now, if you bunch of slug eating 45 sycophants want to admit that the Lying Sack of Orange Shit Traitor did break the law (he did) fine well right and good. May be prison doors him where the Mystical Magical Non-Existent Sky Shit Him.

But the 6th. Amendment only applies in Criminal Cases.

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.

Now, I am sure the Russian Ass kissing Orange Shit Gibbon will of course plead the 5th. Amendment (Compulsory Self Incrimination is prohibited) as time goes on. But as for being allowed to confront the Whistle Blower, nope....unless he admits he is a criminal.
I sense that you do not like President Trump. Why is that? Is he too rich for you? Too unfiltered? Too honest? Too American? Just curious.
Because he's a pig of a man a lying pervert who will lie to your face and keep repeating the lie
Trump will have a chance to face his accusers when the trial is held in the Senate.

And how do you think that will go in the Senate?


To tell the truth, I'm not really sure at this point. The investigation is still going on and there are lots of witnesses still needed to testify.

However....................if the information that comes to light shows that he's guilty, I'm guessing that those in the Senate will see the light and vote to impeach.

But..................like I said, we have to wait and see what all the testimonies are going to bring. So far, there have been a couple of people who said Trump was shaking down the Ukraine.
There'd be many more than a couple if those under subpoena were forced to testify
When in doubt, post one of your lame laughing emoji's......especially when you're laughing at the facts. Which is what I have posted.

The 6th. Amendment Right to Confront Your Accuser is clear, in Criminal Cases that right does exist. The current Impeachment Hearings are NOT a trial. That is what you dead from the neck Goosestepping GroppenFuhrer do not want to acknowledge as the truth.

Now if you Fascist Loving Assholes want to admit 45 is a criminal I'm all for it. But otherwise you're just as a Treasonous POS as he is.
Sorry, you are WRONG!
When in doubt, post one of your lame laughing emoji's......especially when you're laughing at the facts. Which is what I have posted.

The 6th. Amendment Right to Confront Your Accuser is clear, in Criminal Cases that right does exist. The current Impeachment Hearings are NOT a trial. That is what you dead from the neck Goosestepping GroppenFuhrer do not want to acknowledge as the truth.

Now if you Fascist Loving Assholes want to admit 45 is a criminal I'm all for it. But otherwise you're just as a Treasonous POS as he is.

What army were you in?
The Red Army, comrade?
I continue to state facts and Cons continue to lie.

The 6th. Amendment is very clear. The to Confront the Accuser is granted in a Criminal Proceeding.

The Impeachment Hearings (going public, live and in color next week) are NOT a criminal proceeding. The hearings are a means to gather evidence of possible criminal intent, but in no way, shape and/or form are those hearings a trial.

Bitch, Whine, Moan and Complain all you Traitorous, Seig Heil Shouting, Goosestepping Fuck Wad Followers of Orange Shit Stain.

Facts are facts. Which you hate because FACTS are based on truth and you dpeople prefer to be lie to.
Pull yourselves together lefties. I can almost see the spittle on the post. The little democrat impeachment cabal in the basement is falling apart and it seems to be throwing the crazy left into a mental tailspin. I almost shudder to think about what might happen on Trump's next inauguration day.
Bitch, Whine, Moan and Complain all you Traitorous, Seig Heil Shouting, Goosestepping Fuck Wad Followers of Orange Shit Stain.

This is kinda like the "Masked Singer."

Who is this poster, really??

1. Hillary
2. Anthony Weiner
3. Maxine Waters
4. Don Lemon
5. LeBron
6. Al Sharpton
7. Rev Jesse Jackson
8. Jussie Smollett
9. Michelle Obama
10. Michael Robinson
I continue to state facts and Cons continue to lie.

The 6th. Amendment is very clear. The to Confront the Accuser is granted in a Criminal Proceeding.

The Impeachment Hearings (going public, live and in color next week) are NOT a criminal proceeding. The hearings are a means to gather evidence of possible criminal intent, but in no way, shape and/or form are those hearings a trial.

Bitch, Whine, Moan and Complain all you Traitorous, Seig Heil Shouting, Goosestepping Fuck Wad Followers of Orange Shit Stain.

Facts are facts. Which you hate because FACTS are based on truth and you dpeople prefer to be lie to.
Sorry-can't believe you-all you do is swear. You are too emotional-take a pill. Maybe then...

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