About this wall

Ya think?

What the hell of a question is that any way? No, I don’t think - it’s the way it is.

So you're disagreeing with your own statement, I was agreeing with you. LMAO

Yeah I know - just wrapped your question twice - it’s sort of... well “ya think?” A very subtle phrase like patting the head of someone (child). I hate it! :04:

Yeah, it's a bit condescending, but well deserved for someone who obviously hasn't thought things trough, done the research and has no idea what reality is on the ground. I'd honestly like to see how your little country would absorb 3 million illegals who have a culture 100% the polar opposite of yours. The US allows about 1.4 million legal immigrants a year.

It’s well thought through, you only have to adopt a new dimension to your line of thinking.

And you can’t compare the countries in that aspect. You are the ones in luck, believe me.

And I still only question this wall, what it really represents. Eye opener though is that it seems that a lot of people want the wall for the exact same reason a lot of people doesn’t: spite.

The wall represents a deterrent and the will of a people, even if it is 1/4th as effective as believed, it is still an investment worth making and will more than pay for itself in the long run.

It was more than symbolic - if the Berlin Wall had not been built, East Germans would have left in droves. They risked getting shot to get out of there and many of them died trying, and it sure as hell wasn't to keep anybody out. Our proposed wall is the reverse, it is only one part of an overall solution to reduce illegal immigration and the flow of illegal drugs and anything else into the US. What makes this whole thing so vexing is that the democrats voted for that wall 12 years ago, but now that Trump wants it they're voting against it.
I don’t have the energy to over-repeat myself. Please, the Berlin Wall had only local impact. It surrounded West Berlin. We can agree of its purpose, however that was not the open and official stand point of those who built it.

So, with that said - the real practical use of any such installation might be more about sending signals than creating a long term change.

You have to marvel at the utter irony of a poster from Stockholm Sweden named Erik the Viking who is all but CRYING about a foreign nation wanting to defend its own borders with a wall. From foreign invaders.

Has anyone but me let this sink in? Because here we are at the close of 2018: Erik THE VIKING is crying about a foreign nation defending its borders from foreign invaders with a wall.

Just....I need all the GIFs for this one, Erik the Viking.
Not crying, only asking the question if this wall is more of a political slogan. A question you could ask yourself too.
The rethoric and emotions are sky high. You shut down government to speed things up. No patience or thought through arguments.

Here's something to think through:

Your username is ERIK VIKING from SWEDEN and you are worked up about a foreign nation building a wall to keep out INVADERS

All together now....

Yeah. Maybe I should address this. I’ve spent years in the US. Almost any swede adopt instantly. Also the other way around.

I’m almost 50 years old. I’ve actually been in the Soviet Union. And Russia. And Berlin. And the Middle East. And Africa. And South America. I have a very close personal connection to the US.

So I really want US to prosper. It’s beneficial to me.

And your cranked up rethoric about invaders - give it a break. We’re talking about knocked out civilians. If you were facing a real invasion - the blood would be flowing in the other end of the court.

Then go screw yourself, this is about US security..

even if it is 1/4th as effective as believed,

Which makes it an abject failure...a very COSTLY abject failure.

Less than half of illegals come over the border. If the wall only stops 1/4 of those trying to get in that way...it stops only one in eight at BEST

This thing is nothing but a very expensive symbol
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even if it is 1/4th as effective as believed,

Which makes it an abject failure...a very COSTLY abject failure.

Less than half of illegals come over the border. If the wall only stops 1/4 of those trying to get in that way...it stops only one in eight at BEST

This thing is nothing but a very expensive symbol

Still pushing the commie propaganda I see, about 60% of illegals come across the border. But the wall will free up resources for interior enforcement. So you lose on both.

My comcern here is that of “the wall” has become more important than it really is. (Although the objection to the wall is equally one eyed)

A middle ground is in desperate need to be found.

Edit: it seems more important to have Trump “winning” or “loosing” while the truth is that it isn’t important at all. What is on stake is if you, as a nation is winning or loosing.

That's part clear-eyed, part nonsense.

Yes, Trump promised the "wall" to his base, and he needs it as a campaign ploy (at taxpayers' expense). If you think about it, and realize that Israel and Egypt couldn't secure just a few miles of border wall between Egypt and the Gaza Strip, you see that thousands of miles of the wall are just grotesque, costly nonsense.

The middle ground is already there: That's $1.3 to $1.6bn for modern border security, mostly surveillance, and personnel. That was on offer just a few days ago. The Senate passed it unanimously. Trump signaled he'd sign that bill. Then he got clobbered by Coulter and Limbaugh, Trump panicked and folded like a cheap chair. That was the middle ground, and it could have been the law of the land days ago, were it not for Trump's tantrum. He knows his "base" understands "wall", understands even less about border security than he himself does, and that's the end of his wisdom.

If you are somewhat familiar with U.S. history, you know about the nativist eruptions that ravaged the country with every wave of new immigrants - Italians, Chinese, Irish, Catholics - whatever group arrived, it was the downfall of the Republic every time, and after some time, eventually, the screeching would subside, the folks would integrate and all's well. Until there's another wave. There's nothing quite like the spectacle of learning nothing from history, and repeating it ad nauseam, convinced, this time it's absolutely new, and this time devastation and destruction will inevitably arrive. The Goddess of History truly has a grotesque sense of humor.
Barriers erected eliminates 95% of illegal crossing.

If erected over a decade ago there would not be 20+ million illegals in the US, millions of unidentified illegals in the US.

If borders were used to force migrants into using known legal ports of entry where proper thorough processing could have been completed, the massive problem with allowing criminal illegals like MS-13 Gang members, criminals escaping prosecution in their own country, and more could have been prevented or at least greatly reduced.

The TRUTH is Dr.ocrats only believe in 1 form of 'alternate' immigration and that is to give AMNESTY to all of the millions of illegals they have allowed, aided, and abetted illegally entering the US.

Once that is accomplished they will STILL not support securing our borders and controlling who comes into the country. Just like The last time Amnesty was granted, nothing was done to stop illegal immigration. The process just began all over again.
there is no express wall building power. we do have a commerce clause. we should not be losing money on border policy. and, we should have no illegal problem.

here is the actual power delegated: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization

our drug war is not Constitutional especially when the right wing refuses to recognize it as Serious under our form of Capitalism (for the capital market based metrics), with really really serious times of War, Tax rates.
even if it is 1/4th as effective as believed,

Which makes it an abject failure...a very COSTLY abject failure.

Less than half of illegals come over the border. If the wall only stops 1/4 of those trying to get in that way...it stops only one in eight at BEST

This thing is nothing but a very expensive symbol

Still pushing the commie propaganda I see, about 60% of illegals come across the border. But the wall will free up resources for interior enforcement. So you lose on both.

Just the opposite. The wall will siphon OFF resources from other enforcement
The middle ground is already there: That's $1.3 to $1.6bn for modern border security, mostly surveillance, and personnel. That was on offer just a few days ago. The Senate passed it unanimously. Trump signaled he'd sign that bill. Then he got clobbered by Coulter and Limbaugh, Trump panicked and folded like a cheap chair.
My comcern here is that of “the wall” has become more important than it really is. (Although the objection to the wall is equally one eyed)

A middle ground is in desperate need to be found.

Edit: it seems more important to have Trump “winning” or “loosing” while the truth is that it isn’t important at all. What is on stake is if you, as a nation is winning or loosing.

That's part clear-eyed, part nonsense.

Yes, Trump promised the "wall" to his base, and he needs it as a campaign ploy (at taxpayers' expense). If you think about it, and realize that Israel and Egypt couldn't secure just a few miles of border wall between Egypt and the Gaza Strip, you see that thousands of miles of the wall are just grotesque, costly nonsense.

The middle ground is already there: That's $1.3 to $1.6bn for modern border security, mostly surveillance, and personnel. That was on offer just a few days ago. The Senate passed it unanimously. Trump signaled he'd sign that bill. Then he got clobbered by Coulter and Limbaugh, Trump panicked and folded like a cheap chair. That was the middle ground, and it could have been the law of the land days ago, were it not for Trump's tantrum. He knows his "base" understands "wall", understands even less about border security than he himself does, and that's the end of his wisdom.

If you are somewhat familiar with U.S. history, you know about the nativist eruptions that ravaged the country with every wave of new immigrants - Italians, Chinese, Irish, Catholics - whatever group arrived, it was the downfall of the Republic every time, and after some time, eventually, the screeching would subside, the folks would integrate and all's well. Until there's another wave. There's nothing quite like the spectacle of learning nothing from history, and repeating it ad nauseam, convinced, this time it's absolutely new, and this time devastation and destruction will inevitably arrive. The Goddess of History truly has a grotesque sense of humor.

If you are somewhat familiar with U.S. history, you know about the nativist eruptions that ravaged the country with every wave of new immigrants - Italians, Chinese, Irish, Catholics - whatever group arrived, it was the downfall of the Republic every time, and after some time, eventually, the screeching would subside, the folks would integrate and all's well.

If you are somewhat familiar with U.S. history, you know that we took a four decade break from massive immigration, and somehow we survived. Can we do the same, or will we collapse without millions of low-skilled, non-assimilating newcomers every year?
even if it is 1/4th as effective as believed,

Which makes it an abject failure...a very COSTLY abject failure.

Less than half of illegals come over the border. If the wall only stops 1/4 of those trying to get in that way...it stops only one in eight at BEST

This thing is nothing but a very expensive symbol

Who would someone believe some anonymous guy on the internet or the experts

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.

Do you go to a plumber to get an enema ?

My comcern here is that of “the wall” has become more important than it really is. (Although the objection to the wall is equally one eyed)

A middle ground is in desperate need to be found.

Edit: it seems more important to have Trump “winning” or “loosing” while the truth is that it isn’t important at all. What is on stake is if you, as a nation is winning or loosing.

That's part clear-eyed, part nonsense.

Yes, Trump promised the "wall" to his base, and he needs it as a campaign ploy (at taxpayers' expense). If you think about it, and realize that Israel and Egypt couldn't secure just a few miles of border wall between Egypt and the Gaza Strip, you see that thousands of miles of the wall are just grotesque, costly nonsense.

The middle ground is already there: That's $1.3 to $1.6bn for modern border security, mostly surveillance, and personnel. That was on offer just a few days ago. The Senate passed it unanimously. Trump signaled he'd sign that bill. Then he got clobbered by Coulter and Limbaugh, Trump panicked and folded like a cheap chair. That was the middle ground, and it could have been the law of the land days ago, were it not for Trump's tantrum. He knows his "base" understands "wall", understands even less about border security than he himself does, and that's the end of his wisdom.

If you are somewhat familiar with U.S. history, you know about the nativist eruptions that ravaged the country with every wave of new immigrants - Italians, Chinese, Irish, Catholics - whatever group arrived, it was the downfall of the Republic every time, and after some time, eventually, the screeching would subside, the folks would integrate and all's well. Until there's another wave. There's nothing quite like the spectacle of learning nothing from history, and repeating it ad nauseam, convinced, this time it's absolutely new, and this time devastation and destruction will inevitably arrive. The Goddess of History truly has a grotesque sense of humor.

You do know the difference between legal and Illegal right?
even if it is 1/4th as effective as believed,

Which makes it an abject failure...a very COSTLY abject failure.

Less than half of illegals come over the border. If the wall only stops 1/4 of those trying to get in that way...it stops only one in eight at BEST

This thing is nothing but a very expensive symbol

Still pushing the commie propaganda I see, about 60% of illegals come across the border. But the wall will free up resources for interior enforcement. So you lose on both.

Just the opposite. The wall will siphon OFF resources from other enforcement

LMAO, 50 billion now or continue to pay 100+ billion a year for ever, not even a close call. And that doesn't include the human costs illegals cause. We have enough crime in the country, no need for more criminals sneaking into the country every day. Here's stats form my state, my bold.

Between June 1, 2011 and November 30, 2018, these 184,000 illegal aliens were charged with more than 288,000 criminal offenses which included arrests for 538 homicide charges; 32,005 assault charges; 5,622 burglary charges; 36,346 drug charges; 392 kidnapping charges; 15,674 theft charges; 23,222 obstructing police charges; 1,634 robbery charges; 3,381 sexual assault charges; 2,124 sexual offense charges; and 2,898 weapon charges. DPS criminal history records reflect those criminal charges have thus far resulted in over 118,000 convictions including 236 homicide convictions; 13,347 assault convictions; 3,111 burglary convictions; 17,618 drug convictions; 169 kidnapping convictions; 6,994 theft convictions; 11,160 obstructing police convictions; 995 robbery convictions; 1,671 sexual assault convictions; 1,134 sexual offense convictions; and 1,259 weapon convictions.

TxDPS - Texas Criminal Alien Arrest Data

How many more are you willing to allow people who shouldn't even be here to kill, rape, assault and maim Americans. That doesn't include property damage and physical injuries from DUI's and other auto crimes when they're not supposed to be driving.

So you keep drinking the commie piss, real Americans have had a belly full of your commie bullshit. 80% of Americas want a secure border.

ET says he wants to make america safe

Well how is america safer

2 of the worst mass shooting in 2017 were done by Americans

28 school shooting in 2018 were done by Americans

If people can go under a wall, go around a wall, or even go over a wall
How is america safer

If ET wants to make america safer he should just resign

he talks about the M-13 gang

there are an estimate 30,000 gangs

focus on that problem

a wall is just a symbol

if there is a will , there is a way to defeat it

I have always been for more border patrol guards as this provides jobs on a long term basis.
You think the worst mass shootings in the world were done by Americans in 2017?
Remember the to-do in Washington over South Africa being unfair to blacks? Well, the blacks are completely in charge of South Africa now, and guess how many people there died between April, 2017 to March, 2018 there? 20,000, recklessly murdered.. You have crazies going around the country killing productive farmers to death, random killings, and in some cases, they go into a village and shoot everybody they see. They're calling it killing without conscience.

All because we pushed South Africa to give up its leadership to only the black people, who are now getting rid of anyone they do not like. It's chaos there. South Africa: murders surge by more than 7% in a year

And we're not sticking up for the 20,000, but we stood up for hurt feelings of blacks that gave rise to this rule of irresponsibility and helplessness, or maybe it's just unwilling to help innocent people where executions without trial are taking place willy-nilly every year.

I didn't like it at the time. And I was right. We oughta have minded our own business. :cranky:
Barriers erected eliminates 95% of illegal crossing.

If erected over a decade ago there would not be 20+ million illegals in the US, millions of unidentified illegals in the US.

If borders were used to force migrants into using known legal ports of entry where proper thorough processing could have been completed, the massive problem with allowing criminal illegals like MS-13 Gang members, criminals escaping prosecution in their own country, and more could have been prevented or at least greatly reduced.

The TRUTH is Dr.ocrats only believe in 1 form of 'alternate' immigration and that is to give AMNESTY to all of the millions of illegals they have allowed, aided, and abetted illegally entering the US.

Once that is accomplished they will STILL not support securing our borders and controlling who comes into the country. Just like The last time Amnesty was granted, nothing was done to stop illegal immigration. The process just began all over again.
there is no express wall building power. we do have a commerce clause. we should not be losing money on border policy. and, we should have no illegal problem.

here is the actual power delegated: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization

our drug war is not Constitutional especially when the right wing refuses to recognize it as Serious under our form of Capitalism (for the capital market based metrics), with really really serious times of War, Tax rates.
We have a uniform rule of naturalization and existing Immigration laws.

We also have 20+ million illegals in this country who illegally entered the country, approx 1500 unidentified illegals who enter the country per day, and a Democratic party that believes in globalism, open borders, non-enforcement of existing US Immigration policy and law, who aids and abets illegals / human traffickers / violent gangs, and who support federal law-violating violent illegal criminal-protecting Sanctuary cities.
It was more than symbolic - if the Berlin Wall had not been built, East Germans would have left in droves. They risked getting shot to get out of there and many of them died trying, and it sure as hell wasn't to keep anybody out. Our proposed wall is the reverse, it is only one part of an overall solution to reduce illegal immigration and the flow of illegal drugs and anything else into the US. What makes this whole thing so vexing is that the democrats voted for that wall 12 years ago, but now that Trump wants it they're voting against it.
I don’t have the energy to over-repeat myself. Please, the Berlin Wall had only local impact. It surrounded West Berlin. We can agree of its purpose, however that was not the open and official stand point of those who built it.

So, with that said - the real practical use of any such installation might be more about sending signals than creating a long term change.

You have to marvel at the utter irony of a poster from Stockholm Sweden named Erik the Viking who is all but CRYING about a foreign nation wanting to defend its own borders with a wall. From foreign invaders.

Has anyone but me let this sink in? Because here we are at the close of 2018: Erik THE VIKING is crying about a foreign nation defending its borders from foreign invaders with a wall.

Just....I need all the GIFs for this one, Erik the Viking.
Not crying, only asking the question if this wall is more of a political slogan. A question you could ask yourself too.
The rethoric and emotions are sky high. You shut down government to speed things up. No patience or thought through arguments.

Here's something to think through:

Your username is ERIK VIKING from SWEDEN and you are worked up about a foreign nation building a wall to keep out INVADERS

All together now....

Yeah. Maybe I should address this. I’ve spent years in the US. Almost any swede adopt instantly. Also the other way around.

I’m almost 50 years old. I’ve actually been in the Soviet Union. And Russia. And Berlin. And the Middle East. And Africa. And South America. I have a very close personal connection to the US.

So I really want US to prosper. It’s beneficial to me.

And your cranked up rethoric about invaders - give it a break. We’re talking about knocked out civilians. If you were facing a real invasion - the blood would be flowing in the other end of the court.

Are you a US citizen? Do you pay taxes here?
Barriers erected eliminates 95% of illegal crossing.

If erected over a decade ago there would not be 20+ million illegals in the US, millions of unidentified illegals in the US.

If borders were used to force migrants into using known legal ports of entry where proper thorough processing could have been completed, the massive problem with allowing criminal illegals like MS-13 Gang members, criminals escaping prosecution in their own country, and more could have been prevented or at least greatly reduced.

The TRUTH is Dr.ocrats only believe in 1 form of 'alternate' immigration and that is to give AMNESTY to all of the millions of illegals they have allowed, aided, and abetted illegally entering the US.

Once that is accomplished they will STILL not support securing our borders and controlling who comes into the country. Just like The last time Amnesty was granted, nothing was done to stop illegal immigration. The process just began all over again.
there is no express wall building power. we do have a commerce clause. we should not be losing money on border policy. and, we should have no illegal problem.

here is the actual power delegated: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization

our drug war is not Constitutional especially when the right wing refuses to recognize it as Serious under our form of Capitalism (for the capital market based metrics), with really really serious times of War, Tax rates.
We have a uniform rule of naturalization and existing Immigration laws.

We also have 20+ million illegals in this country who illegally entered the country, approx 1500 unidentified illegals who enter the country per day, and a Democratic party that believes in globalism, open borders, non-enforcement of existing US Immigration policy and law, who aids and abets illegals / human traffickers / violent gangs, and who support federal law-violating violent illegal criminal-protecting Sanctuary cities.
immigration is not mentioned. naturalization is Expressly enumerated. we already know the general government is responsible for entry into the Union since 1808.
Trump is willing to negotiate about the wall and accept less than $5b, and the democrats are insisting on "no wall". That means that the dems now own the shutdown. Hope they enjoy making the families suffer during the holidays, they will not get a paycheck 1/11/19.
Trump is willing to negotiate about the wall and accept less than $5b, and the democrats are insisting on "no wall". That means that the dems now own the shutdown. Hope they enjoy making the families suffer during the holidays, they will not get a paycheck 1/11/19.
your guy Owns it. thank Goodness for modern information age times; we have witnesses now.
Trump is willing to negotiate about the wall and accept less than $5b, and the democrats are insisting on "no wall". That means that the dems now own the shutdown. Hope they enjoy making the families suffer during the holidays, they will not get a paycheck 1/11/19.
your guy Owns it. thank Goodness for modern information age times; we have witnesses now.
If someone is willing to compromise, and the other party is unwilling to compromise, then the unwilling party owns the impasse. Trump will never give up on the wall even if the dems let the government workers starve...

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