About this wall

"Nobody has the intention of building a wall." - GDR head of state Walter Ulbricht, East Berlin, June 15th 1961

A few month later, in August 1961 he thanked the labour force for erecting this wall.

It’s purpose; protecting eastern Germany from western spies, insurgents and intrusion of undesirable elements.

A wall is always going to have two sides. Perhaps the actual, acute need for a wall, in reality, isn’t that desperate? More like a political trophy of some kind?

The Berlin wall was to keep people from getting out, not getting in.
That's a tomato/tomahto argument. But the East Berliners BELIEVED it was to keep decadence out, just like you believe it will keep druggies and rapists out.

But the East Berliners BELIEVED it was to keep decadence out

207,000 East Germans fled through Berlin in the first 7 months of 1961.
Did they believe they needed protection from decadence?
I don’t have the energy to over-repeat myself. Please, the Berlin Wall had only local impact. It surrounded West Berlin. We can agree of its purpose, however that was not the open and official stand point of those who built it.

So, with that said - the real practical use of any such installation might be more about sending signals than creating a long term change.

The "wall" (in Berlin) was just a small portion of the border between the eastern and western parts of Germany. The whole border was guarded, protected by double or triple fences, and mined. And yes, it had far more than a symbolic meaning: Before wall and fence were built, the GDR was bleeding folks to the west in numbers threatening the very existence of the GDR. That bleeding was severely reduced, but not even a shoot-to-kill policy at the border could stop it entirely.

Of course, Ulbricht told tall stories about the wall's purpose. No one, literally, believed that nonsense.
"Nobody has the intention of building a wall." - GDR head of state Walter Ulbricht, East Berlin, June 15th 1961

A few month later, in August 1961 he thanked the labour force for erecting this wall.

It’s purpose; protecting eastern Germany from western spies, insurgents and intrusion of undesirable elements.

A wall is always going to have two sides. Perhaps the actual, acute need for a wall, in reality, isn’t that desperate? More like a political trophy of some kind?


So sorry!

Your link doesn't support your claim the wall was to keep the bad element out. That was a new one on me.



Okay, I’m sure I can find it, but seriously - you seems smart. Of course the East German dictatorship didn’t present the wall as a prison, they lied and had it to represent protection. I just talked about the wall from it’s builders stand point.

So, you are saying that our government is no different that the East German government? That's what someone who hates America would say.
"Nobody has the intention of building a wall." - GDR head of state Walter Ulbricht, East Berlin, June 15th 1961

A few month later, in August 1961 he thanked the labour force for erecting this wall.

It’s purpose; protecting eastern Germany from western spies, insurgents and intrusion of undesirable elements.

A wall is always going to have two sides. Perhaps the actual, acute need for a wall, in reality, isn’t that desperate? More like a political trophy of some kind?

The Berlin wall was to keep people from getting out, not getting in.
That's a tomato/tomahto argument. But the East Berliners BELIEVED it was to keep decadence out, just like you believe it will keep druggies and rapists out.

But the East Berliners BELIEVED it was to keep decadence out

207,000 East Germans fled through Berlin in the first 7 months of 1961.
Did they believe they needed protection from decadence?
None of the East Germans believed what the government told them.
"Nobody has the intention of building a wall." - GDR head of state Walter Ulbricht, East Berlin, June 15th 1961

A few month later, in August 1961 he thanked the labour force for erecting this wall.

It’s purpose; protecting eastern Germany from western spies, insurgents and intrusion of undesirable elements.

A wall is always going to have two sides. Perhaps the actual, acute need for a wall, in reality, isn’t that desperate? More like a political trophy of some kind?


So sorry!

Your link doesn't support your claim the wall was to keep the bad element out. That was a new one on me.



Okay, I’m sure I can find it, but seriously - you seems smart. Of course the East German dictatorship didn’t present the wall as a prison, they lied and had it to represent protection. I just talked about the wall from it’s builders stand point.

So, you are saying that our government is no different that the East German government? That's what someone who hates America would say.

He's not from here. Stockholm Sweden, what can you expect? He has Stockholm syndrome.

Trump promised us a wall, and he knows how important it is to keep voters motivated. DHS wants the wall. In video clips we see how it does stop all but the most athletic climbers. If you saw the 6,000 member caravans going to Tijuana to get into the US any way they can, you'd know that the new wall is really needed. We can't afford open borders.
there is no Express, wall building power.
The Trump Wall is an atrocity, a boondoggle, a political ploy playing to the racists and xenophobes that are Trump's deplorable "base", and what we're seeing right now is the starting shot of Trump's 2020 campaign. Trump pretends to "protect" Americans against the "darkies", while it's plain as day he doesn't give a shit. And yes, that stupid wall will be defeated; just the costs for travel to the U.S. will rise, and the servitude of those making the journey will exacerbate.
Purpose of the Berlin Wall was to keep people out. Their leaders told them so.

I’m not really arguing immigration as a concept, just that this wall is such a big issue. It has become more a symbol of a something than something really needed.

Walls have generally two fundamentally different purposes: either a siege defence installation or means to keep people under control. It does, however, send a pretty strong signal either way. I just think that this proposed wall is more about the signal than that of real practical value.

Purpose of the Berlin Wall was to keep people out. Their leaders told them so.

How many were sneaking in versus sneaking out?
Well, it’s a matter of definition now, isn’t it? This wall was built by a communist dictatorship. In to the west or out from the east?

It’s pretty obvious today. But no free democratic country was advocating for that wall to be built.

It was “sold” as a protective measure by those who built it.

Point here is that e v e n if a wall serve a purpose you have to take in to account the signal it sends. And then weight it’s practical value to that.
Dozens of border walls have been built in this world, and the only one you douchebags focus on is the Berlin wall. You're obviously not interested in objectivity. You're just spewing propaganda.

Even the Berlin wall was effective. Proves our commie regressives liars.

Effective locally. The Berlin Wall didn’t keep nuclear submarines from the Bering stretch or the ICBM looming over us. But it sent a clear political message.

Reagan demanded that wall to be teared down. The US president brought up a wall, surrounding half a city in no mans land - of no strategic value - to end the cold war.

How shall I put it? That wall didn’t really serve it’s master well.
"It was effective locally?" A wall is only meant to be effective locally, dumbass. The wall accomplished it's purpose, and it did it very effectively. It was a sinister purpose, but it did what was intended. Tearing down the wall isn't what ended the cold war. It was already over by the time the wall came down. Economic collapse is what ended the cold war.

Douchebags like you like to compare Trump's wall to the Berlin wall because you want to smear everyone who supports the wall. You're a sleazy lying douchebag scumbag who is beneath contempt.
The Trump Wall is an atrocity, a boondoggle, a political ploy playing to the racists and xenophobes that are Trump's deplorable "base", and what we're seeing right now is the starting shot of Trump's 2020 campaign. Trump pretends to "protect" Americans against the "darkies", while it's plain as day he doesn't give a shit. And yes, that stupid wall will be defeated; just the costs for travel to the U.S. will rise, and the servitude of those making the journey will exacerbate.

Oh god why don't you folks just admit why you hate it, you could care less since we already have 600 miles of it

You just hate Trump...party before safety of the country .

The Trump Wall is an atrocity, a boondoggle, a political ploy playing to the racists and xenophobes that are Trump's deplorable "base", and what we're seeing right now is the starting shot of Trump's 2020 campaign. Trump pretends to "protect" Americans against the "darkies", while it's plain as day he doesn't give a shit. And yes, that stupid wall will be defeated; just the costs for travel to the U.S. will rise, and the servitude of those making the journey will exacerbate.

Pulling out the race card is all you turds have left. The color of their skin has nothing to do with the reason they need to be kept out. They are ignorant and impoverished and willing to work for third world wages. When they come here they take jobs from Americans and drive their wages down. Their culture is alien to ours and includes a lot of traits that are the reason Mexico is a shit hole. We don't need a bunch of people willing to live in a shit hole to immigrate to the United States.

If you oppose the wall, it means you want to turn the US into shit hole like Mexico. You're a despicable piece of shit.
Trump promised us a wall, and he knows how important it is to keep voters motivated. DHS wants the wall. In video clips we see how it does stop all but the most athletic climbers. If you saw the 6,000 member caravans going to Tijuana to get into the US any way they can, you'd know that the new wall is really needed. We can't afford open borders.
You are citing only half of Thrump's promise of a wall. When he asked who will pay for the wall, what did you shout? And when he asked again, what did you shout even louder? And when, like an old time sawdust floored tent preacher, he primed you a third time, what did you screech at the top of your lungs? THAT's the half of the promise you seem to now think is not worth remembering...the lie part!
So what? All I care about is that the wall gets built. Mexico would pay for it if Congress forced them to pay for it, but it's full of lying morons that people like you put in there.
He promised Mexico would pay for it . Y’all keep ignoring that major fact .
Trump can get Mexico to pay for it by implementing a tax on "remittances" when foreigners send money out of the US to their home country. We need that money spent here creating jobs and paying taxes. So a small tax can be easily justified. It won't only pay for the wall, but for foreign aid as well.

Screw it, let the whole damn world pay for it, by a fee in visas. $30.00 per head times 45 million a year, it wouldn't take long to pay for all border security.

Is this really about money?

Shit don't build itself. The fees can be used to fund an effective visa tracking system as well. That would address the other 40% of illegals.

I find you sympathetic, practical. And I sort of agree with you. But if it was “only” money, no it would already be in place. US sends Marsquake equipment cross the solar system - if a wall was an urgent matter money would be there?
We know it's not only money. The real reason is all the future Democrat voters coming across the border.
ET says he wants to make america safe

Well how is america safer

2 of the worst mass shooting in 2017 were done by Americans

28 school shooting in 2018 were done by Americans

If people can go under a wall, go around a wall, or even go over a wall
How is america safer

If ET wants to make america safer he should just resign

he talks about the M-13 gang

there are an estimate 30,000 gangs

focus on that problem

a wall is just a symbol

if there is a will , there is a way to defeat it

I have always been for more border patrol guards as this provides jobs on a long term basis.
It's far safer than when Obama was running things. How many terrorist mass murders did we have then?
I don’t have the energy to over-repeat myself. Please, the Berlin Wall had only local impact. It surrounded West Berlin. We can agree of its purpose, however that was not the open and official stand point of those who built it.

So, with that said - the real practical use of any such installation might be more about sending signals than creating a long term change.

The "wall" (in Berlin) was just a small portion of the border between the eastern and western parts of Germany. The whole border was guarded, protected by double or triple fences, and mined. And yes, it had far more than a symbolic meaning: Before wall and fence were built, the GDR was bleeding folks to the west in numbers threatening the very existence of the GDR. That bleeding was severely reduced, but not even a shoot-to-kill policy at the border could stop it entirely.

Of course, Ulbricht told tall stories about the wall's purpose. No one, literally, believed that nonsense.

It reduced to the number of people fleeing to the West to a tiny trickle, sometimes none in a given year.

There's no need to shoot anyone trying to cross the wall. That's just your attempt to smear anyone who supports the wall. Border patrol can simply drive up and apprehend anyone trying to cross.
The Trump Wall is an atrocity, a boondoggle, a political ploy playing to the racists and xenophobes that are Trump's deplorable "base", and what we're seeing right now is the starting shot of Trump's 2020 campaign. Trump pretends to "protect" Americans against the "darkies", while it's plain as day he doesn't give a shit. And yes, that stupid wall will be defeated; just the costs for travel to the U.S. will rise, and the servitude of those making the journey will exacerbate.

Oh god why don't you folks just admit why you hate it, you could care less since we already have 600 miles of it

You just hate Trump...party before safety of the country .
If you are looking to Trump for the safety of our country, I'll pray for you.

The Trump Wall is an atrocity, a boondoggle, a political ploy playing to the racists and xenophobes that are Trump's deplorable "base", and what we're seeing right now is the starting shot of Trump's 2020 campaign. Trump pretends to "protect" Americans against the "darkies", while it's plain as day he doesn't give a shit. And yes, that stupid wall will be defeated; just the costs for travel to the U.S. will rise, and the servitude of those making the journey will exacerbate.

Oh god why don't you folks just admit why you hate it, you could care less since we already have 600 miles of it

You just hate Trump...party before safety of the country .
If you are looking to Trump for the safety of our country, I'll pray for you.


Trump is trying to do his job..

The left is trying to break the law like normal.

"So Trump sends Kushner, Pence & Mulvaney to the Hill to negotiate the wall. Totally mangles the Christmas tradition. You're supposed to send the three WISE men."
It may not be known how many people made it over the Berlin wall but best estimates put it at about at least 5,000 made it over

Estimates of the wall is 21 billion by Homeland Security

I wonder how much will this add to the budget deficit

2017 a budget deficit of $666 billion,

increase of $80 billion over the previous year with no wall

2018 The deficit jumped to $779 billion
no wall

now there are those who want to spent 21 billion for a wall

for 242 years there has not been a wall

yet ET tell people that they need a wall for border security

Fake news from the master of fake news who can't even tell how fake Putin is
"So Trump sends Kushner, Pence & Mulvaney to the Hill to negotiate the wall. Totally mangles the Christmas tradition. You're supposed to send the three WISE men."
Instead he sends the three stooges

Kurshner who can't even get a security clearance but married well

Pence who swings a mean gavel and can say yes faster than a speeding bullet

Mulvaney who just got the job and is thinking that "I really signed on to this" but has said that the wall was to simplistic yet he bring credability to the table
It's far safer than when Obama was running things. How many terrorist mass murders did we have then?[/QUOTE]

Please tell us who these terrorist mass murders were

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