About those Haitians in Springfield.

Why do lefties always use this overused and stupid euphemism: paying their fair share? Why isn't everyone paying their fair share?

I have no problem with the middle class paying their fair share as well. I also think we need to seriously means-test some entitlements, and get rid of a lot of waster-fraud-and abuse in government. We should probably stop trying to be the world's policeman.

But here's the thing. Before Ronnie Ray-Gun, the rich DID pay their fair share, and despite all the wars and infrastructure projects and space programs we paid for before 1980, we mostly stayed within budget. When we had a war, we issued war bonds that had to be paid back.

Then Reagan bought into the Voodoo Economics, and in 12 years, the National Debt quadrupled. And it just keeps increasing.
I have no problem with the middle class paying their fair share as well. I also think we need to seriously means-test some entitlements, and get rid of a lot of waster-fraud-and abuse in government. We should probably stop trying to be the world's policeman.

But here's the thing. Before Ronnie Ray-Gun, the rich DID pay their fair share, and despite all the wars and infrastructure projects and space programs we paid for before 1980, we mostly stayed within budget. When we had a war, we issued war bonds that had to be paid back.

Then Reagan bought into the Voodoo Economics, and in 12 years, the National Debt quadrupled. And it just keeps increasing.
I'm curious about your perspective. What was different that made rich people pay their 'fair share' prior to 1980?
Works for me. We can probably get a few extra million harvesting those billionaires for transplant organs.

No, government isn't the problem. the real problem is we want government to do all this stuff and we don't want to pay for it. It's why the debt keeps increasing no matter who is in charge.
Like I said in #359, “…you fascist fruitcakes support every penny they spend..”. You want the government pissing away our money overseas. You don’t give a crap about Americans, you despise them and your comments reflect this as you are consistently disparaging Americans. Most people don’t give a crap about 90% of the shit the government uses our money for. Most people would prefer less government and less government spending.

I bet if the government was trimmed back to an efficient size, we could fund them for a long time if we seized the assets of the woke-libtards and “harvested their organs” (your words). That’s your plan, total psycho fascist. Instead of making the same Marxist mistake socialists always do, let’s mix it up. Let’s get rid of the worthless liberal class who are so drunk on ideological delusions that they openly call for murdering “rich” people. That is, when they aren’t sniveling about transing kids. Welcome to the world you wish on others.
JoeB has no idea what he is talking about. The “rich” that he wants to slaughter and steal their money, pay the majority of the tax revenue.

In 2021, the top 1 percent paid 45.8 percent of all federal income taxes, yet their share of the country’s income was 26.3 percent. The top 50 percent of all taxpayers paid 97.7 percent of all federal individual income taxes, while the bottom 50 percent paid the remaining 2.3 percent.

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Like I said in #359, “…you fascist fruitcakes support every penny they spend..”. You want the government pissing away our money overseas. You don’t give a crap about Americans, you despise them and your comments reflect this as you are consistently disparaging Americans. Most people don’t give a crap about 90% of the shit the government uses our money for. Most people would prefer less government and less government spending.

Actually, the majority of what the government spends is on Middle Class entitlements, like Medicare and Social Security. Most people also care about defense spending. Once you take those things out, you really don't have a lot of opportunity for cutting government.


I bet if the government was trimmed back to an efficient size, we could fund them for a long time if we seized the assets of the woke-libtards and “harvested their organs” (your words). That’s your plan, total psycho fascist. Instead of making the same Marxist mistake socialists always do, let’s mix it up. Let’s get rid of the worthless liberal class who are so drunk on ideological delusions that they openly call for murdering “rich” people. That is, when they aren’t sniveling about transing kids. Welcome to the world you wish on others.

Except you guys never give real dollars as to what you want to trim, which is why you spend so much time snivellig about immigrants and transgenders, because you don't have any real idea.

The ironic thing is I doubt you are rich, but you keep throwing done for the worthless fucks.

In 2021, the top 1 percent paid 45.8 percent of all federal income taxes,

Why do you guys keep putting fourth the LIE about Income Taxes, when most of the government's revenues come from other sources that impact the working class more.

The rich aren't paying their fair share or anywhere near it.

Go back to the pre-Reagan tax rates, where the ultra-rich were paying 70% of their income to taxes.
Actually, the majority of what the government spends is on Middle Class entitlements, like Medicare and Social Security. Most people also care about defense spending. Once you take those things out, you really don't have a lot of opportunity for cutting government.

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Except you guys never give real dollars as to what you want to trim, which is why you spend so much time snivellig about immigrants and transgenders, because you don't have any real idea.

The ironic thing is I doubt you are rich, but you keep throwing done for the worthless fucks.

You know full well that we piss away billions of dollars overseas. Maybe it’s not a huge part of the budget but that money could make a real difference for Americans. With just the money we have spent in Ukraine we could have fixed the flint water crisis 200 times over. That equals a lot of good we could do for American communities. And it’s not all defense spending. We piss away billions overseas.

Why do you guys keep putting fourth the LIE about Income Taxes, when most of the government's revenues come from other sources that impact the working class more.

The rich aren't paying their fair share or anywhere near it.

Go back to the pre-Reagan tax rates, where the ultra-rich were paying 70% of their income to taxes.

Just because it hurts your feelings doesn’t make it a “lie”. You need to back up your claims. It’s not even clear what you are ranting about. The government get most of its money from something other than taxes? And that impacts the working class more?
You know full well that we piss away billions of dollars overseas. Maybe it’s not a huge part of the budget but that money could make a real difference for Americans. With just the money we have spent in Ukraine we could have fixed the flint water crisis 200 times over. That equals a lot of good we could do for American communities. And it’s not all defense spending. We piss away billions overseas.

Sigh, another redneck heard from.

Foreign Aid is a HUGE boon for America, stupid. Because it usually comes with a caveat to buy American. Those billions you whine about going to Ukraine, they are spent in American factories creating American jobs. I'm sorry you are too stupid to realize how any of this works.

Here's how you avoid a Flint Water Crisis. Don't let guys like REPUBLICAN Rick Snyder change the source of your water to make a quick buck for his buddies.

There wasn't a crisis until he switched the source of water from Lake Huron through Detroit to a private contract getting it from the Flynt River.

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