About those Haitians in Springfield.

You admit that the flotsam we bring in today are nothing but leeches.
In order to get 30 workers they imported 20,000 layabouts to make the lives of Americans hell in their own city. The Haitians revitalize nothing. They open businesses with American money to sell prepaid phone cards to Haiti and Africa. They sell their own hometown crap to one another. They do keep auto repair companies in business by making the streets bumper car games. The people don't want them there. Put it to a vote.
Legal immigrants (which these people are) have the right to where they choose
Why would they eat cats here when they can easily get beef, pork or chicken?

People in Haiti weren't eating cats because they love cats, you racist fuckwads. They were eating cats because they were starving.
Because they are poor. You spend your whole life enjoying a cat hot off the fire, why would you want to pay $7 a pound for beef, which they probably aren’t even familiar with? It’s what they are accustomed to.

Stop being so white-centric and assuming people of other cultures are just like you.
Because they are poor. You spend your whole life enjoying a cat hot off the fire, why would you want to pay $7 a pound for beef, which they probably aren’t even familiar with? It’s what they are accustomed to.

Stop being so white-centric and assuming people of other cultures are just like you.
Except they aren't poor in Ohio, they've got good jobs and can buy food.

Stop trying to pretend you are clever, you really aren't.
Except most of them are working and they've revitalized the area.

The votes of bigots don't count.
There is not one thing they have done to revitalize anything for Americans. They aren't working which is one of the complaints. They are doing what they did in Haiti, be criminals.

Except they aren't poor in Ohio, they've got good jobs and can buy food.

Stop trying to pretend you are clever, you really aren't.
20,000 hatiains and you think they:
(a) all have jobs
(b) they all prefer to eat the same food as you
(c) that 0 out of 20,000 continue to eat cat.
Actually, they did.

The Haitian population is estimated to be between 15,000 to 20,000 in the area and has provided a boost to the nearly dying city, which had lost both industry and population over the last decade, reported Dayton Daily News.

While the immigrants were welcomed by many longtime residents, their arrival has also caused concern and even animosity among others who say the newcomers are taking jobs at factories, driving up housing costs, worsening traffic and straining city services.

“We want more jobs in our community, and in order to fill those jobs, some jobs need to be people who are not originally from here,” Jaime McGregor, who owns the manufacturing factory McGregor Metals in Springfield, told PBS.

McGregor told the outlet that about 10% of his workforce, about 30 employees, is Haitian.

“I wish I had 30 more,” he said. “Our Haitian associates come to work every day. They don’t have a drug problem. They’ll stay at their machine. They’ll achieve their numbers. They are here to work. And so in general, that’s a stark difference from what we’re used to in our community.”
You confuse a handful of elites in and out of government with the people as a whole
Why would they eat cats here when they can easily get beef, pork or chicken?

People in Haiti weren't eating cats because they love cats, you racist fuckwads. They were eating cats because they were starving.
How the fuck do you know Fucktard.
Sounds like some dopey drool from Miss rotten
word salad known as Kamala.
Why would Kamala the Harris and Nasty Joe even think
about sending them to a pleasant small Ohio city.
because they are leftards who enjoy stickin' it to
normal Americans.Why not San Fransico or L.A.
An interesting article about Haitians resettling in Springfield, OH. Contrary to portraying them as a menace, they have actually revitalized a city that had been in decline.

Springfield, about 45 miles from the state capital of Columbus, suffered a steep decline in its manufacturing sector toward the end of the last century, and its population shrank as a result. But its downtown has been revitalized in recent years as more Haitians arrived and helped meet the rising demand for labor as the economy emerged from the pandemic. Officials say Haitians now account for about 15% of the population.

“The Haitian immigrants who started moving to Springfield the last few years are the reason why the economy and the labor force has been revitalized there,” said Guerline Jozef, executive director of the Haitian Bridge Alliance, which provides legal and social services to immigrants across the U.S.

But hey, let's post a funny meme about Trump running with a cat in his hands.
Illegal immigrants revitalizing a city? You worthless leftist traitors will believe absolutely anything that fits your narrative. Go take a long walk on a short pier.
20,000 hatiains and you think they:
(a) all have jobs
(b) they all prefer to eat the same food as you
(c) that 0 out of 20,000 continue to eat cat.
A. Find a segment of any population group that is 100% employed
B. Now we’re attacking people based on food preferences?
C. The burden of proof is on you and you fall
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