About those riots in Ferguson.........

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Back in the 80's Brother Dumitru Duduman had given the warning to America that the LORD had assigned for him to give. It was called, America will Burn. In that message the word he was given was that first things would get better in Romania but closer to the fall of America there would be a revolution in Romania. That has now happened. It happened back in 2012 and continued to escalate afterwards... the other sign he was told would happen would be an uprising in the center of the nation in which there would be an "internal revolution" and while the government was handling that trouble the Russians would seize the opportunity to attack us. Now the Word Dumitru was given was that Russia would strike our nuclear warehouses in Florida, California, New York and Las Vegas and I know in my heart he was a true man of God ( he is in heaven now) and that his message was from the LORD. I also recall his being told that China would first invade Taiwan and when the US responded the Russians would use that opportunity ( or will it be an excuse? )to then attack the USA. It will not just be the Russians although they will do the initial strike. According to the warning Dumitru was told to give America - Cuba, Nicaragua and China and two other nations will assist the Russians in the invasion of America. You can read the entire prophecy in the book called, Man through the Fire without burning by Dumitru Duduman

With that said, I noticed that his grandson gave a brief comment about it on his website yesterday and this is a link and clip from it. He has been getting emails asking if the riots in Ferguson are an indication of the internal revolution his grandfather had been told would happen in the center of America prior to the Russians invading America.

Here is the Link:
Hand of Help Ministries

Everything is playing out before our very eyes, and I catch myself wondering if, when they do the post mortem on this nation, cause of death will be suicide, hubris, or stupidity.

It’s sad what’s happening, and it will get sadder. Of this I am certain.

I’ve been getting tons of e-mails asking of this is what my grandfather saw back in 1984, about an internal revolution started by the communists in the middle of the country, and I will say to you what I said last night on a radio show, they picked the wrong martyr to anchor a revolution on, but eventually the right one will come along.
What we ought to take away from what’s been happening in recent weeks is the speed with which civil order and the illusion of safety we’ve fashioned for ourselves can be utterly demolished. If nothing else, that should be of grave concern indeed.

continue reading message on link above.......
Here is the link to the message Dumitru gave back in the early 80's about the Russians invading America. I also put up a portion of the message and you can click the link to read the entire message.
The Message For America
He showed me all of California and said, "This is Sodom and Gomorrah! All of this, in one day it will burn! It's sin has reached the Holy One." Then he took me to Las Vegas. "This is Sodom and Gomorrah. In one day it will burn." Then he showed me the state of New York. "Do you know what this is?" he asked. I said, "No." He said "This is New York. This is Sodom and Gomorrah! In one day it will burn." Then he showed me all of Florida, "This is Florida." he said. "This is Sodom and Gomorrah! In one day it will burn."
Then he took me back home to the rock where we had begun. "IN ONE DAY IT WILL BURN! All of this I have shown you" - I said, "How will it burn?" He said, "Remember what I am telling you, because you will go on television, on the radio and in churches. You must yell with a loud voice. Do not be afraid, because I will be with you." I said, "How will I be able to go? Who knows me here in America? I don't know anybody here." He said, "Don't worry yourself. I will go before you. I will do a lot of healing in the American churches and I will open the doors for you. But do not say anything else besides what I tell you. This country will burn!"

Click the link above to read the entire message. There is also a video message of this which was taped at John Kilpatrick's church back in the early 80's. I will try to find that and put it up. There were also some specific prophecies about Romania becoming better and then later on a revolution taking place - specific details about China's plans to invade Taiwan and an internal revolution taking place in the center of the United States before the Russians did the nuclear strike. I believe is a fulfillment of Amos 3:7 because God does not do anything without telling His servants first.
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Here is the video and you can see Brother Dumitru Duduman give the message in his Romanian language and his grandson interprets for him. This is the message of how Russia will attack America with nuclear weapons and a call for America to repent:

Is there any message from the Abrahamic religions that doesn't have "or else" attached to it? Love God...or else. Don't covet...or else. Pray for America...or else.

Proselytizers might get more mileage out of the message if they concentrate on the love and forgiveness and paradise parts of the myth instead of constantly beating people over the head with the doom and gloom and eternal torments.
This is another message from Dumitru Duduman from 1984 I believe..... in this message we see Mystery Babylon explained. Interesting story - many years ago when Dumitru went to a certain Christian meeting with other Christian Ministers attending there was a speaker there claiming that Mystery Babylon was Iraq! Now Revelation 18 is very clear about the description of Mystery Babylon - she is surrounded by many waters - yet the speaker was claiming that Iraq - a landlocked nation was the Mystery Babylon found in the bible. Brother Duduman did obey God and gave his message afterwards and those who are filled with the Holy Spirit and sensitive to the Holy Spirit, belonging to the LORD, knew he was telling the truth. Today he is in heaven enjoying his reward! Here is the message and link....

Mystery Babylon


Why did God name America Mystery Babylon?

"Tell them, because all the nations of the world immigrated to America with their own gods and were not stopped. Encouraged by the freedom here, the wickedness began to increase. Later on, even though America was established as a Christian nation, the American people began to follow the strange gods that the immigrants had brought in, and also turned their backs on the God who had built and prospered this country."
Here is the message about the timing of the invasion of the Russians. You can read it here:

Revolution In Romania
June 1989

As we continued to pray, asking the Lord when these things would happen to America, I had a message from God telling me, "Don't be afraid. First, there will be a revolution in Romania, and then the troubles will come upon America. However, things will get better in Romania before anything happens to this country."

update: Just as Dumitru was told - things got better in Romania and then? In 2012 a Revolution began to erupt in Romania. Here is the video of how that happened. America has now drawn closer to her day of judgment.

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Here is the video and you can see Brother Dumitru Duduman give the message in his Romanian language and his grandson interprets for him. This is the message of how Russia will attack America with nuclear weapons and a call for America to repent:

In recent news reports we see that Russia is now becoming more emboldened in her preparations of attacking the United States. First we have this news:

Russia plans long-range bomber flights near U.S. shores - CNN.com

(CNN) -- Russia plans to send long-range bombers to the Gulf of Mexico in what appears to be Moscow's latest provocative maneuver in its increasingly frosty relations with the West.

Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said Wednesday that "we have to maintain (Russia's) military presence in the western Atlantic and eastern Pacific, as well as the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico" -- including sending bombers "as part of the drills."

It's an argument U.S. officials don't seem to be buying.

"We do not see the security environment as warranting such provocative and potentially destabilizing activity," a senior Obama administration official said Thursday.
Interesting choice of words from Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu. "as part of the drills"....
This news report was from back in June and it is noteworthy because according to the warning given Dumitru Duduman - California is one of the states that the Russians will be doing a nuclear strike on. Have a look at this news report:

Russian Bombers Fly Within 50 Miles of California Coast Washington Free Beacon

Russian TU-95 Bear H / AP

BY: Bill Gertz
June 11, 2014 7:15 pm

Four Russian strategic bombers triggered U.S. air defense systems while conducting practice bombing runs near Alaska this week, with two of the Tu-95 Bear H aircraft coming within 50 miles of the California coast, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (Norad) confirmed Wednesday.

“The last time we saw anything similar was two years ago on the Fourth of July,” Navy Capt. Jeff Davis, a Norad spokesman, told the Free Beacon.

Davis said the latest Bear H incursions began Monday around 4:30 p.m. Pacific time when radar detected the four turbo-prop powered bombers approaching the U.S. air defense zone near the far western Aleutian Islands.

- See more at: http://freebeacon.com/national-security/russian-bombers-fly-within-50-miles-of-california-coast/#sthash.AwTTKFPk.dpuf[/URL]
In this message you see the dialogue where Dumitru is told some very specific things about the Russians. It is called - Sent to America.

Sent To America

He was the man dressed in white; the angel of the Lord. He said nothing, just motioned for us to sit down. When we were high over the ground, he finally spoke, "Look down." I looked and the land of Romania was covered with an army of tanks, machine guns, and aircraft, all poised for battle. [This occurred in December 1989 during the revolution in Romania.]

"See, all of this evil will eventually happen. This is why the Lord has taken you from Romania, to save you. Now you are in a position to help your people from your new home. You will provide tremendous assistance to your Christian Brothers and Sisters as well as to your loved ones. This is why I have sent you to America. So be strong and trust the Lord fully. He will not let you down."

Next, it seemed we were over California. The angel said, "There is San Francisco. There is Sacramento and Modesto. Soon we will see Los Angeles." I had no idea there were such places in California, or even in the world. But I still remember the exact names.

At last we were over Fullerton where we now live. "You can go home," the angel said, "but I want to tell you what will happen. You have seen a number of cities. The day will come when I will punish the citizens of those cities because of their sins. Their sin has reached into heaven. God will punish them just as he punished Sodom and Gomorrah."

"How will this happen? Surely they are able to defend themselves against any imaginable invasion."

"That is your opinion, not the mind of God. The Russian government will have all the information regarding the whereabouts of American missiles. They will have the exact locations of the weapons factories. Even now they are preparing an attack against America. When America believes there is peace and safety, the Russians will lead an all out attack. They already have it planned! They plan to attack from such remote bases as Cuba, Nicaragua, Central America, Mexico, and the ocean. They have had these plans for a long time, but God has not yet allowed them to be fulfilled. Nevertheless, the day will come when America will be punished for her sins by fire."

continue reading on the link above.....

In this encounter Dumitru is told that the Russian government will have all the information regarding the whereabouts of American missiles. At the time Dumitru was told of this - the Russians did not have the whereabouts of our missile sites but during the Obama adminstration the Russians were given tours of these facilities as I understand it. So while the Russians did not have this information in 1989 they do have it today. Furthermore, the Cubans and Nicaraguans have been seen down in Mexico doing drills with Chinese soldiers. There have been reports of Chinese down in Mexico by the Cartels who were concerned over their presence in Mexico and others wondered why they were putting up military bases down there -which have also been seen on Google maps. Early on there were a few Fox News reports asking about the presence of Chinese soldiers seen on the border of Mexico - then those reports went away - if I recall correctly those reports were back some ten years ago - so the presence of Chinese troops in Mexico is not something new.

There have been Mexican fishermen who have reported seeing Nicaraguan and Cuban soldiers doing war games off the beaches of Mexico and other locals have given eye witness testimonies of seeing unusual activity but it has mainly been kept out of the main stream media news reports.
So once again we see that plans are in place for some sort of invasion against the United States. Add to this that the Russians have been arming the Nicaraguans and now there are reports of the Russians having bases in Cuba and in South America and it would appear that is for them to refuel their aircraft and again it does appear they are drawing closer to executing their attack / invasion of the United States. The bases was another thing that was mentioned to Dumitru. Also concerning the ocean - there have been sightings of Akula Class II Nuclear Submarines - Russian - off the coast of Texas this past year ( or the year before - I will have to find the news article and post it here - God willing) and also off the eastern seaboard. The Akula Class II Nuclear Submarine cannot be detected - in earlier days the Russians did not have the technology to prevent their submarines from being detected. Now they do. Which is why no one had an answer for the Texas Senator who asked why that Russian nuclear attack sub was off the coast of Texas for approximately one month and remained undetected.

When you put all the various stories together a picture emerges and we can see that Dumitru Duduman did deliver the Warning for America the LORD told him to give. God bless him. I know he is enjoying his reward in heaven now.
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Jeri, I have a question for you.

If you believe in the INDIVIDUAL salvation of Jesus Christ as described in the new testament, then why would you say that this group or this country is being punished by God? 'America' cannot be saved, only people, individual people can be saved. Only the individual person can turn to Christ and accept Him as their savior, a country cannot. God punishing countries or groups of people is from the old testament, and is not the teaching of Jesus Christ or part of the new covenant. I really don't believe that God punishes an entire country of people because of the sins of those who are not Christian. And why are their sins anymore severe than the sins of Christians. Even you, as devout as you are, still sin? Would your sins be part and parcel of why God would punish American as a whole? It just doesn't work that way.
Jeri, I have a question for you.

If you believe in the INDIVIDUAL salvation of Jesus Christ as described in the new testament, then why would you say that this group or this country is being punished by God? 'America' cannot be saved, only people, individual people can be saved. Only the individual person can turn to Christ and accept Him as their savior, a country cannot. God punishing countries or groups of people is from the old testament, and is not the teaching of Jesus Christ or part of the new covenant. I really don't believe that God punishes an entire country of people because of the sins of those who are not Christian. And why are their sins anymore severe than the sins of Christians. Even you, as devout as you are, still sin? Would your sins be part and parcel of why God would punish American as a whole? It just doesn't work that way.

If I sin I repent. I do not play games with God, Newby. I take the words of Jesus Christ literally. The road is narrow and few will ever find it. On your question of individual salvation - of course I believe salvation is an individual thing - I also believe that a nation can repent as we see that Ninevah repented and was spared by the LORD. As for America I do not believe America will repent. I believe America is definitely going to be destroyed and the wicked will perish out of the land along with the tares that have been intermingled with the church in America. The bible is clear that the tares are removed first - and destroyed.

The wide road church will suffer the same judgment the wicked will suffer, Newby. They will be destroyed and perish in hell along with the wicked - there is no difference in their fate - why should there be? Because they said a prayer at the altar asking Jesus into their hearts but decided to believe a wide road preacher teaching the false prosperity message and grace as a license to sin? No. The bible is very clear that without holiness no one will see the LORD.

Any Christian that dresses like the world, acts like the world, sins like the world will be judged like the world. The bible is clear that no fornicator, no idolater, no murderer, no homosexual, no sorcerer, no liar, no reviler, no adulterer, no coward, no unbelieving, will enter the Kingdom of heaven. (that includes born again liars, adulterers, cowards, homosexuals, fornicators,idolaters, etc) No one taking the mark will enter the kingdom of heaven (the mark the One World Goverment intends to order all to receive in order to buy,sell or trade) We are to live holy lives. God isn't grading on a curve. We either follow Jesus Christ and obey the Word of God and keep His Commandments or we don't. There is no in-between.

I have wondered why Christians in America believe they are different from Christians in other nations, Newby. They say they do not believe that God will judge America. That America is a Christian nation and it will never be judged. Really? I cannot find that anywhere in the bible. Who are these people? That is what I think.

God is a just God. You say you do not find that God will bring judgment upon nations in these days? That it is strictly an old testament teaching? Jesus didn't come to do away with the law, Newby, but to fulfill it. The prophecy of Ezekiel and Obadiah as I read it has not yet been fulfilled. How can the judgment on these nations be prophesied as yet to come -even in the book of Isaiah and yet be done away with as Old Testament at the same time? Will Ezekiel's prophecy be fulfilled or won't it be? If he is a true prophet of the LORD it must be fulfilled. You see?

Here is what I believe. There are many running around calling themselves prophets. You see them on that Elijah list site - and other false teaching places - you see them on television calling themselves Apostles and Prophets and Prophetesses- this is all nonsense - these people prophesy out of the imagination of their own minds and their god is filthy lucre because they love the things of this world. But do not mistake such people with someone such as Dumitru Duduman who lived his whole life after coming to Christ as a humble man of God -who never sought after the riches of this world - who smuggled bibles and assisted the families of those who were helping spread the Gospel in communist nations and risked their lives to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Because Dumitru Duduman did hear from the LORD and the warning he was given for America was from the LORD and this I know because the Holy Spirit has confirmed it to me. I know when the Holy Spirit confirms something to me. Because I belong to Him!

From the day I first heard of the man I knew he was the Lord's servant. I cannot explain to you why others have not recognized this but perhaps it is because the truth is not in them and they are filthy with sin. Perhaps that is why they do not recognize the wolves about them. Because there is no discernment for those who live in sin. Saved or unsaved - if you live in sin - you are quite vulnerable to the evil about you and will not recognize it even when it is standing right in front of you.

I have to go now but I hope that I have answered your question sufficiently. I will also pray that the Holy Spirit will confirm this word to you so that you may know that Dumitru received his warning - America will burn - from the LORD and that if the church does not repent - the wide road prosperity gospel preachers and grace to sin preachers and the people who support them - will perish with the wicked and be in hell one day. That is the truth.
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Jeri, I have a question for you.

If you believe in the INDIVIDUAL salvation of Jesus Christ as described in the new testament, then why would you say that this group or this country is being punished by God? 'America' cannot be saved, only people, individual people can be saved. Only the individual person can turn to Christ and accept Him as their savior, a country cannot. God punishing countries or groups of people is from the old testament, and is not the teaching of Jesus Christ or part of the new covenant. I really don't believe that God punishes an entire country of people because of the sins of those who are not Christian. And why are their sins anymore severe than the sins of Christians. Even you, as devout as you are, still sin? Would your sins be part and parcel of why God would punish American as a whole? It just doesn't work that way.

If I sin I repent. I do not play games with God, Newby. I take the words of Jesus Christ literally. The road is narrow and few will ever find it. On your question of individual salvation - of course I believe salvation is an individual thing - I also believe that a nation can repent as we see that Ninevah repented and was spared by the LORD. As for America I do not believe America will repent. I believe America is definitely going to be destroyed and the wicked will perish out of the land along with the tares that have been intermingled with the church in America. The bible is clear that the tares are removed first - and destroyed.

'America' can't repent Jeri, only PEOPLE can repent, that's my point. An entire country isn't doomed or judged by God, a country does not have a heart or a soul or a conscience, only people do. Everyone will be judged individually by God, and where they physically lived will not matter in the least. How can a 'nation' repent? That's not what Christ taught, He only ever spoke of an individual repenting and being saved. Is only America going to be destroyed? Isn't God's judgement going to be for everyone? Are you saying that other countries will repent as a whole and be 'saved' and therefore not destroyed? That makes no sense whatsoever based on scripture in the New Testament.

The wide road church will suffer the same judgment the wicked will suffer, Newby. They will be destroyed and perish in hell along with the wicked - there is no difference in their fate - why should there be? Because they said a prayer at the altar asking Jesus into their hearts but decided to believe a wide road preacher teaching the false prosperity message and grace as a license to sin? No. The bible is very clear that without holiness no one will see the LORD.

What you're saying in the paragraph above this one is that 'America' will be destroyed, not the 'wicked', only the wicked in America then? What about the non wicked in America? Will they suffer too because of others wickedness?

Any Christian that dresses like the world, acts like the world, sins like the world will be judged like the world. The bible is clear that no fornicator, no idolater, no murderer, no homosexual, no sorcerer, no liar, no reviler, no adulterer, no coward, no unbelieving, will enter the Kingdom of heaven. (that includes born again liars, adulterers, cowards, homosexuals, fornicators,idolaters, etc) No one taking the mark will enter the kingdom of heaven (the mark the One World Goverment intends to order all to receive in order to buy,sell or trade) We are to live holy lives. God isn't grading on a curve. We either follow Jesus Christ and obey the Word of God and keep His Commandments or we don't. There is no in-between.

You're still stuck in the old testament. Do you 'sin like the world', or are your sins different than those of the world? And if so, then how are they different? And you're saying that none of those you described (murderer, idolator, etc..) will enter the Kingdom of heaven? Even if they've repented and asked for forgiveness and salvation through Christ? That's what you're saying when you say that even 'born again' sinners will not go to heaven. Then what's the point of seeking salvation through Christ if your sins are not going to be forgiven? You seem to miss the entire purpose of Christ's teaching and the reason for His time on Earth, and his crucifixion. You are not free from sin, Jeri, even if you are following the word of Christ and keeping God's commandments, you are still a sinner.

I have wondered why Christians in America believe they are different from Christians in other nations, Newby. They say they do not believe that God will judge America. That America is a Christian nation and it will never be judged. Really? I cannot find that anywhere in the bible. Who are these people? That is what I think.

Where do you get the impression that American Christians think they're different? I think Christians in America believe in the new testament and the new covenant created by God through Jesus Christ, and our salvation through His crucifixion. I don't know how you substantiate in any biblical context that God will judge a 'country' and destroy those who are saved along with the wicked because they physically reside in a certain place? Do you think God cares where you live?

God is a just God. You say you do not find that God will bring judgment upon nations in these days? That it is strictly an old testament teaching? Jesus didn't come to do away with the law, Newby, but to fulfill it. The prophecy of Ezekiel and Obadiah as I read it has not yet been fulfilled. How can the judgment on these nations be prophesied as yet to come -even in the book of Isaiah and yet be done away with as Old Testament at the same time? Will Ezekiel's prophecy be fulfilled or won't it be? If he is a true prophet of the LORD it must be fulfilled. You see?

Right, He fulfilled it because WE cannot. Where in the new testament does it state that God will judge nations and how does that work with the individual salvation that Christ promised? Explain to me how that works? If a nation is considered Christian and worthy then are all saved in that nation, despite their individual acceptance of Christ as their savior? If a nation is found 'wicked', then are all destroyed, even those that have accepted Christ and have the promise of salvation? If you are saved Jeri, do you think that changes depending on what country you reside in?

Here is what I believe. There are many running around calling themselves prophets. You see them on that Elijah list site - and other false teaching places - you see them on television calling themselves Apostles and Prophets and Prophetesses- this is all nonsense - these people prophesy out of the imagination of their own minds and their god is filthy lucre because they love the things of this world. But do not mistake such people with someone such as Dumitru Duduman who lived his whole life after coming to Christ as a humble man of God -who never sought after the riches of this world - who smuggled bibles and assisted the families of those who were helping spread the Gospel in communist nations and risked their lives to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Because Dumitru Duduman did hear from the LORD and the warning he was given for America was from the LORD and this I know because the Holy Spirit has confirmed it to me. I know when the Holy Spirit confirms something to me. Because I belong to Him!

I don't rely on anyone, on tv or otherwise, to follow or trust regarding my salvation, I only read the Bible, so I don't know any of these people that you keep referring to in here, never heard of them. I fear that you are more in danger of being misled because you seem to heavily rely on other people to validate your beliefs.

From the day I first heard of the man I knew he was the Lord's servant. I cannot explain to you why others have not recognized this but perhaps it is because the truth is not in them and they are filthy with sin. Perhaps that is why they do not recognize the wolves about them. Because there is no discernment for those who live in sin. Saved or unsaved - if you live in sin - you are quite vulnerable to the evil about you and will not recognize it even when it is standing right in front of you.

I have to go now but I hope that I have answered your question sufficiently. I will also pray that the Holy Spirit will confirm this word to you so that you may know that Dumitru received his warning - America will burn - from the LORD and that if the church does not repent - the wide road prosperity gospel preachers and grace to sin preachers and the people who support them - will perish with the wicked and be in hell one day. That is the truth.

Everyone lives in sin, Jeri, you are seriously being misled if you believe otherwise. I don't know who this person is that you're talking about, but I think he is misleading you if you think a nation will be judged as a whole and not the individual, and that you are without sin. None of that is scriptural at all.
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Newby, this sermon is for you. It is entitled Simon the Sorcerer and I believe that if you will listen to it you will discover the truth about what God expects from each one of us as Christians. This message is not what you think so please listen to it and feel free to look at the other sermons offered by The Hand of Help Ministry. This message is what the Lord put on my heart to give to you. Please listen to it. I will post the podcast link also.

Hand of Help Ministries - Truth Be Told

[URL='http://www.handofhelp.com/mp3player.php?filter=truthbetold&id=5&forcesingle'] Nov 17, 2010 - Simon The Sorcerer (25:30) [/URL]

Newby, click the arrow to the far left of the link Simon the Sorcerer and as you see exit click continue and you will see the podcast open up to you and the message will begin.
Newby, this sermon is for you. It is entitled Simon the Sorcerer and I believe that if you will listen to it you will discover the truth about what God expects from each one of us as Christians. This message is not what you think so please listen to it and feel free to look at the other sermons offered by The Hand of Help Ministry. This message is what the Lord put on my heart to give to you. Please listen to it. I will post the podcast link also.

Hand of Help Ministries - Truth Be Told

Nov 17, 2010 - Simon The Sorcerer (25:30)

Newby, click the arrow to the far left of the link Simon the Sorcerer and as you see exit click continue and you will see the podcast open up to you and the message will begin.

Hi Jeri,

I'm not interested in listening to some sermon by someone not even in this conversation that you believe will change my mind. I've already discovered the truth, and was simply asking you, in your own words, to answer some of my questions. Are you unable or afraid to have a conversation using your own mind and your own words? Is that why you post cartoons comic strips and videos, etc..? If you're convicted so strongly about what you believe, you should be able to articulate those beliefs and explain them without use of those types of things. I asked you a lot of questions about how a country is 'damned' or judged by God and how you reconcile that with the individual salvation that Jesus Christ promised? You can't explain that yourself?
Back in the 80's Brother Dumitru Duduman had given the warning to America that the LORD had assigned for him to give. It was called, America will Burn. In that message the word he was given was that first things would get better in Romania but closer to the fall of America there would be a revolution in Romania. That has now happened. It happened back in 2012 and continued to escalate afterwards... the other sign he was told would happen would be an uprising in the center of the nation in which there would be an "internal revolution" and while the government was handling that trouble the Russians would seize the opportunity to attack us. Now the Word Dumitru was given was that Russia would strike our nuclear warehouses in Florida, California, New York and Las Vegas and I know in my heart he was a true man of God ( he is in heaven now) and that his message was from the LORD. I also recall his being told that China would first invade Taiwan and when the US responded the Russians would use that opportunity ( or will it be an excuse? )to then attack the USA. It will not just be the Russians although they will do the initial strike. According to the warning Dumitru was told to give America - Cuba, Nicaragua and China and two other nations will assist the Russians in the invasion of America. You can read the entire prophecy in the book called, Man through the Fire without burning by Dumitru Duduman

With that said, I noticed that his grandson gave a brief comment about it on his website yesterday and this is a link and clip from it. He has been getting emails asking if the riots in Ferguson are an indication of the internal revolution his grandfather had been told would happen in the center of America prior to the Russians invading America.

Here is the Link:
Hand of Help Ministries

Everything is playing out before our very eyes, and I catch myself wondering if, when they do the post mortem on this nation, cause of death will be suicide, hubris, or stupidity.

It’s sad what’s happening, and it will get sadder. Of this I am certain.

I’ve been getting tons of e-mails asking of this is what my grandfather saw back in 1984, about an internal revolution started by the communists in the middle of the country, and I will say to you what I said last night on a radio show, they picked the wrong martyr to anchor a revolution on, but eventually the right one will come along.
What we ought to take away from what’s been happening in recent weeks is the speed with which civil order and the illusion of safety we’ve fashioned for ourselves can be utterly demolished. If nothing else, that should be of grave concern indeed.

continue reading message on link above.......

For someone who enjoys telling me to read the Bible, my impression of you is you only read these false-prophets. Your ignorance of what's in every Bible is profound, and your reliance on soothsayers and charlatans reveals how phoney you and they are.
Back in the 80's Brother Dumitru Duduman had given the warning to America that the LORD had assigned for him to give. It was called, America will Burn. In that message the word he was given was that first things would get better in Romania but closer to the fall of America there would be a revolution in Romania. That has now happened. It happened back in 2012 and continued to escalate afterwards... the other sign he was told would happen would be an uprising in the center of the nation in which there would be an "internal revolution" and while the government was handling that trouble the Russians would seize the opportunity to attack us. Now the Word Dumitru was given was that Russia would strike our nuclear warehouses in Florida, California, New York and Las Vegas and I know in my heart he was a true man of God ( he is in heaven now) and that his message was from the LORD. I also recall his being told that China would first invade Taiwan and when the US responded the Russians would use that opportunity ( or will it be an excuse? )to then attack the USA. It will not just be the Russians although they will do the initial strike. According to the warning Dumitru was told to give America - Cuba, Nicaragua and China and two other nations will assist the Russians in the invasion of America. You can read the entire prophecy in the book called, Man through the Fire without burning by Dumitru Duduman

With that said, I noticed that his grandson gave a brief comment about it on his website yesterday and this is a link and clip from it. He has been getting emails asking if the riots in Ferguson are an indication of the internal revolution his grandfather had been told would happen in the center of America prior to the Russians invading America.

Here is the Link:
Hand of Help Ministries

Everything is playing out before our very eyes, and I catch myself wondering if, when they do the post mortem on this nation, cause of death will be suicide, hubris, or stupidity.

It’s sad what’s happening, and it will get sadder. Of this I am certain.

I’ve been getting tons of e-mails asking of this is what my grandfather saw back in 1984, about an internal revolution started by the communists in the middle of the country, and I will say to you what I said last night on a radio show, they picked the wrong martyr to anchor a revolution on, but eventually the right one will come along.
What we ought to take away from what’s been happening in recent weeks is the speed with which civil order and the illusion of safety we’ve fashioned for ourselves can be utterly demolished. If nothing else, that should be of grave concern indeed.

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And your new profile image brings this to mind,

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross." Sinclair Lewis
Lovely, lovely folks these angry, self-hating christian extremists. They know with 100% certainty that they, and they alone, are in possession of the "real" christianity. They are the self professed "real" Christians and others are the "wrong kind" of Christians.

Yee haw!

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