About those riots in Ferguson.........


And their bibles are locked and loaded.
Newby, this sermon is for you. It is entitled Simon the Sorcerer and I believe that if you will listen to it you will discover the truth about what God expects from each one of us as Christians. This message is not what you think so please listen to it and feel free to look at the other sermons offered by The Hand of Help Ministry. This message is what the Lord put on my heart to give to you. Please listen to it. I will post the podcast link also.

Hand of Help Ministries - Truth Be Told

Nov 17, 2010 - Simon The Sorcerer (25:30)

Newby, click the arrow to the far left of the link Simon the Sorcerer and as you see exit click continue and you will see the podcast open up to you and the message will begin.

Okay, I listened to your sermon, and as I suspected, it really didn't touch on the topic that I was questioning you on. We weren't discussing repentance, and you'll get no argument from me that repentance for one's sins is part and parcel of turning your life over to Christ. But even the minister in your sermon said that no one can pray for you to have your sins forgiven, that it is between you and God. So even his sermon doesn't comport with the notion of a 'nation' repenting as a whole, only people can repent, one at a time, i.e. individual salvation. So the idea of a country or a nation being punished as a whole still does not fit into the paradigm of Christ's promise or even the sermon that you linked to. And you've not answered any of my questions with how you believe that will look like? If America is punished by God, do those who are saved suffer also, lose their status as being saved because of where they physically reside? And I almost get the notion from the sermon that I listened to that you believe that once you are a 'true Christian', you don't sin at all anymore? Is that what you believe?

And their bibles are locked and loaded.

Better keep an eye on that monster under your bed!!! :eek-52:

It appears that the monster of religious extremism haunts you, not me.

It’s an old ploy of religionists: to define out of their religion anyone who does anything in the religion’s name that they find “un-religious” or to be the "wrong kind" of religionist. That's a bit disingenuous, don't you think?

Christianity, like most religions, has splintered into a number of sects and subdivisions and there are varying interpretations on any number of issues.The catalyst that generally ends belief in the tooth fairy is the exposure of that parental fraud. Similarly, your insistence that you hold the truth of the gawds will and intent while others do not hold to “real christianity” is an artifact of such fraud. It permits the apologist to dismiss the "real christianity" of others, and such inconvenient details as yet other third party, fourth party, etc., etc., ad nauseum "real christians" with a counter claim of fabrication.

And their bibles are locked and loaded.

Better keep an eye on that monster under your bed!!! :eek-52:

The relationship between religion and schizophrenia is particular interesting to psychologists because of the similarities between religious experiences and psychotic episodes; religious experiences often involve auditory and/or visual hallucinations, and those with schizophrenia commonly report similar hallucinations, along with a variety of delusions. A common report from those with schizophrenia is some type of a religious delusion - that is, they believe a god is talking to them,
Back in the 80's Brother Dumitru Duduman had given the warning to America that the LORD had assigned for him to give. It was called, America will Burn. In that message the word he was given was that first things would get better in Romania but closer to the fall of America there would be a revolution in Romania. That has now happened. It happened back in 2012 and continued to escalate afterwards... the other sign he was told would happen would be an uprising in the center of the nation in which there would be an "internal revolution" and while the government was handling that trouble the Russians would seize the opportunity to attack us. Now the Word Dumitru was given was that Russia would strike our nuclear warehouses in Florida, California, New York and Las Vegas and I know in my heart he was a true man of God ( he is in heaven now) and that his message was from the LORD. I also recall his being told that China would first invade Taiwan and when the US responded the Russians would use that opportunity ( or will it be an excuse? )to then attack the USA. It will not just be the Russians although they will do the initial strike. According to the warning Dumitru was told to give America - Cuba, Nicaragua and China and two other nations will assist the Russians in the invasion of America. You can read the entire prophecy in the book called, Man through the Fire without burning by Dumitru Duduman

With that said, I noticed that his grandson gave a brief comment about it on his website yesterday and this is a link and clip from it. He has been getting emails asking if the riots in Ferguson are an indication of the internal revolution his grandfather had been told would happen in the center of America prior to the Russians invading America.

Here is the Link:
Hand of Help Ministries

Everything is playing out before our very eyes, and I catch myself wondering if, when they do the post mortem on this nation, cause of death will be suicide, hubris, or stupidity.

It’s sad what’s happening, and it will get sadder. Of this I am certain.

I’ve been getting tons of e-mails asking of this is what my grandfather saw back in 1984, about an internal revolution started by the communists in the middle of the country, and I will say to you what I said last night on a radio show, they picked the wrong martyr to anchor a revolution on, but eventually the right one will come along.
What we ought to take away from what’s been happening in recent weeks is the speed with which civil order and the illusion of safety we’ve fashioned for ourselves can be utterly demolished. If nothing else, that should be of grave concern indeed.

continue reading message on link above.......

For someone who enjoys telling me to read the Bible, my impression of you is you only read these false-prophets. Your ignorance of what's in every Bible is profound, and your reliance on soothsayers and charlatans reveals how phoney you and they are.

None of what you have just said is true and I am sorry that you feel that way, Delta. Perhaps you should not read my threads if the material I post troubles you so much.

I tell you to read the Bible because I want you to know the truth and believe it will set you free. Dumitru Duduman never called himself a prophet and many servants of the LORD have been told of things to come because Amos 3:7 makes clear God does tell His Servants before He does something. Such an example would be the judgment that is falling on America now. I have read the Bible for many years and do not consider any of the Hebrew prophets to be soothsayers and charlatans.

Nor do I consider Dumitru Duduman to have ever been such a thing. If you will examine the warning that Dumitru was given to give to America you will find that the warning is confirmed in Revelation 18 and also in the Book of Jeremiah. You will also note that it is even now coming to pass. You'll have to listen to the video to find out which chapter and verse in Jeremiah as I do not recall it exactly. His message is supported by scripture. Examine the evidence before condemning it. Otherwise you shall be kept in eternal ignorance over the matter, Delta.
Anyone else wonder how and why a guy named 'Dummy True Duh Duh Man' is regarded as a prophet in the frist place? :)

You should heed the warnings from God about mocking servants of the LORD, Delta. The LORD warns in Scripture, Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm.

To be clear, God gave this warning in the Bible twice. You'll find it is written in Psalm 105:15 and again in 1 Chronicles 16:22. That is twice the LORD warns people not touch his anointed and warns them not to do his prophets any harm. So you should not do it. Why invite trouble upon yourself like that? Do you think you are able to contend with God Almighty? You should fear the LORD and repent of this wickedness, Delta.
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Back in the 80's Brother Dumitru Duduman had given the warning to America that the LORD had assigned for him to give. It was called, America will Burn. In that message the word he was given was that first things would get better in Romania but closer to the fall of America there would be a revolution in Romania. That has now happened. It happened back in 2012 and continued to escalate afterwards... the other sign he was told would happen would be an uprising in the center of the nation in which there would be an "internal revolution" and while the government was handling that trouble the Russians would seize the opportunity to attack us. Now the Word Dumitru was given was that Russia would strike our nuclear warehouses in Florida, California, New York and Las Vegas and I know in my heart he was a true man of God ( he is in heaven now) and that his message was from the LORD. I also recall his being told that China would first invade Taiwan and when the US responded the Russians would use that opportunity ( or will it be an excuse? )to then attack the USA. It will not just be the Russians although they will do the initial strike. According to the warning Dumitru was told to give America - Cuba, Nicaragua and China and two other nations will assist the Russians in the invasion of America. You can read the entire prophecy in the book called, Man through the Fire without burning by Dumitru Duduman

With that said, I noticed that his grandson gave a brief comment about it on his website yesterday and this is a link and clip from it. He has been getting emails asking if the riots in Ferguson are an indication of the internal revolution his grandfather had been told would happen in the center of America prior to the Russians invading America.

Here is the Link:
Hand of Help Ministries

Everything is playing out before our very eyes, and I catch myself wondering if, when they do the post mortem on this nation, cause of death will be suicide, hubris, or stupidity.

It’s sad what’s happening, and it will get sadder. Of this I am certain.

I’ve been getting tons of e-mails asking of this is what my grandfather saw back in 1984, about an internal revolution started by the communists in the middle of the country, and I will say to you what I said last night on a radio show, they picked the wrong martyr to anchor a revolution on, but eventually the right one will come along.
What we ought to take away from what’s been happening in recent weeks is the speed with which civil order and the illusion of safety we’ve fashioned for ourselves can be utterly demolished. If nothing else, that should be of grave concern indeed.

continue reading message on link above.......

And your new profile image brings this to mind,

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross." Sinclair Lewis

SInclair Lewis was a socialist and an enemy of God, Delta. Who you find quote worthy speaks volumes about who you are as an individual. You should find a better role model for yourself.

Sinclair Lewis - Conservapedia

Lewis studied at Yale University, becoming an atheist[1] and "card-carrying socialist." He lived for a time at "a sort of commune" started by Upton Sinclair, the future Socialist Party candidate for governor of California. When Jack London, the socialist candidate for mayor of Oakland, California, went to Yale to speak for socialism, Lewis met him.[2]

By 1909 Lewis was at the artists' colony in Carmel, California, along with his classmate William Rose Benét. Benét would be one of 50 "dupes and fellow travelers" featured by Life magazine attending the 1949 "Cultural and Scientific Conference for World Peace," hosted by theCommunist-front National Council of Arts, Sciences, and Professions, "dominated by intellectuals who fellow-travel the Communist line," attended by delegates from Russia, Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia, and providing "a sounding board for Communist propaganda."[3]
Back in the 80's Brother Dumitru Duduman had given the warning to America that the LORD had assigned for him to give. It was called, America will Burn. In that message the word he was given was that first things would get better in Romania but closer to the fall of America there would be a revolution in Romania. That has now happened. It happened back in 2012 and continued to escalate afterwards... the other sign he was told would happen would be an uprising in the center of the nation in which there would be an "internal revolution" and while the government was handling that trouble the Russians would seize the opportunity to attack us. Now the Word Dumitru was given was that Russia would strike our nuclear warehouses in Florida, California, New York and Las Vegas and I know in my heart he was a true man of God ( he is in heaven now) and that his message was from the LORD. I also recall his being told that China would first invade Taiwan and when the US responded the Russians would use that opportunity ( or will it be an excuse? )to then attack the USA. It will not just be the Russians although they will do the initial strike. According to the warning Dumitru was told to give America - Cuba, Nicaragua and China and two other nations will assist the Russians in the invasion of America. You can read the entire prophecy in the book called, Man through the Fire without burning by Dumitru Duduman

With that said, I noticed that his grandson gave a brief comment about it on his website yesterday and this is a link and clip from it. He has been getting emails asking if the riots in Ferguson are an indication of the internal revolution his grandfather had been told would happen in the center of America prior to the Russians invading America.

Here is the Link:
Hand of Help Ministries

Everything is playing out before our very eyes, and I catch myself wondering if, when they do the post mortem on this nation, cause of death will be suicide, hubris, or stupidity.

It’s sad what’s happening, and it will get sadder. Of this I am certain.

I’ve been getting tons of e-mails asking of this is what my grandfather saw back in 1984, about an internal revolution started by the communists in the middle of the country, and I will say to you what I said last night on a radio show, they picked the wrong martyr to anchor a revolution on, but eventually the right one will come along.
What we ought to take away from what’s been happening in recent weeks is the speed with which civil order and the illusion of safety we’ve fashioned for ourselves can be utterly demolished. If nothing else, that should be of grave concern indeed.

continue reading message on link above.......

Getting back on topic here:

To be clear - the reason I had wondered about Ferguson being the possible internal revolution Dumitru Duduman had been shown - is because I believe the riots in Ferguson and elsewhere have been started by the Communists. While I realize there are African American citizens, Hispanic citizens and others who are protesting - the real culprits behind these riots are the Communists and while it does not appear now that this one will be what instigates the Russian surprise attack on America I believe it will be an incident like this one that will create the opportunity for us to be blindsided.
Back in the 80's Brother Dumitru Duduman had given the warning to America that the LORD had assigned for him to give. It was called, America will Burn. In that message the word he was given was that first things would get better in Romania but closer to the fall of America there would be a revolution in Romania. That has now happened. It happened back in 2012 and continued to escalate afterwards... the other sign he was told would happen would be an uprising in the center of the nation in which there would be an "internal revolution" and while the government was handling that trouble the Russians would seize the opportunity to attack us. Now the Word Dumitru was given was that Russia would strike our nuclear warehouses in Florida, California, New York and Las Vegas and I know in my heart he was a true man of God ( he is in heaven now) and that his message was from the LORD. I also recall his being told that China would first invade Taiwan and when the US responded the Russians would use that opportunity ( or will it be an excuse? )to then attack the USA. It will not just be the Russians although they will do the initial strike. According to the warning Dumitru was told to give America - Cuba, Nicaragua and China and two other nations will assist the Russians in the invasion of America. You can read the entire prophecy in the book called, Man through the Fire without burning by Dumitru Duduman

With that said, I noticed that his grandson gave a brief comment about it on his website yesterday and this is a link and clip from it. He has been getting emails asking if the riots in Ferguson are an indication of the internal revolution his grandfather had been told would happen in the center of America prior to the Russians invading America.

Here is the Link:
Hand of Help Ministries

Everything is playing out before our very eyes, and I catch myself wondering if, when they do the post mortem on this nation, cause of death will be suicide, hubris, or stupidity.

It’s sad what’s happening, and it will get sadder. Of this I am certain.

I’ve been getting tons of e-mails asking of this is what my grandfather saw back in 1984, about an internal revolution started by the communists in the middle of the country, and I will say to you what I said last night on a radio show, they picked the wrong martyr to anchor a revolution on, but eventually the right one will come along.
What we ought to take away from what’s been happening in recent weeks is the speed with which civil order and the illusion of safety we’ve fashioned for ourselves can be utterly demolished. If nothing else, that should be of grave concern indeed.

continue reading message on link above.......

For someone who enjoys telling me to read the Bible, my impression of you is you only read these false-prophets. Your ignorance of what's in every Bible is profound, and your reliance on soothsayers and charlatans reveals how phoney you and they are.

None of what you have just said is true and I am sorry that you feel that way, Delta. Perhaps you should not read my threads if the material I post troubles you so much.

I tell you to read the Bible because I want you to know the truth and believe it will set you free. Dumitru Duduman never called himself a prophet and many servants of the LORD have been told of things to come because Amos 3:7 makes clear God does tell His Servants before He does something. Such an example would be the judgment that is falling on America now. I have read the Bible for many years and do not consider any of the Hebrew prophets to be soothsayers and charlatans.

Nor do I consider Dumitru Duduman to have ever been such a thing. If you will examine the warning that Dumitru was given to give to America you will find that the warning is confirmed in Revelation 18 and also in the Book of Jeremiah. You will also note that it is even now coming to pass. You'll have to listen to the video to find out which chapter and verse in Jeremiah as I do not recall it exactly. His message is supported by scripture. Examine the evidence before condemning it. Otherwise you shall be kept in eternal ignorance over the matter, Delta.

Confirmed in Revelations 18? How does that work? Can you explain how 'America' is being talked about Rev 18? How is it coming to pass? Are you going to answer my other posts?
I apologize, Newby. I thought I did answer them when I posted the link for the podcast from Mike Boldea Jr. entitled Simon the Sorcerer. It is addressing the church. The answers to your questions are found in that sermon. As for Revelation 18. Have you read it yet?
Do you want me to type out Revelation 18 and go over it with you? We can do that. Give me some time. I will put it up in a short while. God willing.

In the meanwhile, will you please listen to that podcast so that we can establish a few things about the difference in believing in Jesus Christ vs. believing in Jesus Christ and obeying Him?
I know what revelations 18 says, no need to post it. I'd just like you to explain how that relates to America?

Which podcast are you referring to? And of course there's a difference in only believing in Jesus Christ versus believing but not obeying? I've never argued otherwise...
I know what revelations 18 says, no need to post it. I'd just like you to explain how that relates to America?

Which podcast are you referring to? And of course there's a difference in only believing in Jesus Christ versus believing but not obeying? I've never argued otherwise...

The podcast is called Simon the Sorcerer. Let me go get the link.

Here is the link:

Truth Be Told US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Nov 17, 2010 - Simon The Sorcerer (25:30)
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I know what revelations 18 says, no need to post it. I'd just like you to explain how that relates to America?

Which podcast are you referring to? And of course there's a difference in only believing in Jesus Christ versus believing but not obeying? I've never argued otherwise...

The podcast is called Simon the Sorcerer. Let me go get the link.

Here is the link:

Truth Be Told US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Nov 17, 2010 - Simon The Sorcerer (25:30)

I watched it already, if you read and/or replied to any of the other posts that I've made in the other threads that we've been talking in, you would know that. But, I understand why you don't want to respond to what I'm asking. ;)

I actually quoted the other post in the other thread that you made with the podcast and told you my thoughts on it, and you've ignored my comments.
I didn't ignore your comments. I didn't see them. I haven't been online most of today, Newby.

I already answered your question - it is found in Revelation 18. I'm not big on lengthy discussions in case you have not noticed yet. I realize you are new, so I will just tell you now I do not respond to most of what I read. My threads are mainly for ministry purposes and to edify the reader. I'm not looking for a conversation. As for my bible scripture threads - books of the bible - I do not respond to comments on those either - usually. To answer your question more to the point about America:

America is surrounded by many waters. Iraq is not. America is the nation Revelation 18 is referring to. You do not believe that America can fall under judgment. That is what I am hearing from you. I disagree with you. I am not going to get into a dispute with you over it, Newby. I believe America is under the judgment of God and you do not. We can leave it at that.
I didn't ignore your comments. I didn't see them. I haven't been online most of today, Newby.

I already answered your question - it is found in Revelation 18. I'm not big on lengthy discussions in case you have not noticed yet. I realize you are new, so I will just tell you now I do not respond to most of what I read. My threads are mainly for ministry purposes and to edify the reader. I'm not looking for a conversation. As for my bible scripture threads - books of the bible - I do not respond to comments on those either - usually. To answer your question more to the point about America:

America is surrounded by many waters. Iraq is not. America is the nation Revelation 18 is referring to. You do not believe that America can fall under judgment. That is what I am hearing from you. I disagree with you. I am not going to get into a dispute with you over it, Newby. I believe America is under the judgment of God and you do not. We can leave it at that.

I've been on here longer than you Jeri, so I'm not 'new'. And if you're just here to spout scripture without being willing to have conversation about that scripture and to defend why you believe the way you do, then I think you're just pretty much wasting your time here. How do you do 'ministry' completely one sided? It just doesn't work that way.

Revelations 18 says nothing about America, it's speaking about Babylon.

Why is America so special? Because the 'preachers' that you listen to tell you it must be? I believe that all of humanity is under judgement, not just America. You disagree with me, but yet you can't defend your position on why only America is under judgement through scripture? Or why it is singled out by God? Do you think sin in other countries is somehow different than sin in America? That Christians in America are somehow better than Christians elsewhere? You've never explained how this 'judgment' for America works any differently than God's judgement for anyone that lives anywhere else? None of it makes any logical sense and doesn't comport with Christ's teachings or His promises regarding individual salvation. Perhaps you have good reasons for believing as you do, but you certainly haven't presented those reasons here, therefore your ministry isn't very complete or effective.

The below describes my viewpoint, do you understand what it is saying?

The cross stands as the epitome of evil.
And God takes the greatest evil ever known to humanity
and turns it into the greatest Gift you have ever known
"If the worst things work for good to a believer, what shall the best things?" (Thomas Watson)
"Nothing hurts the Godly.... all things...shall co-operate for their good, that their crosses shall turn
into blessings."

If God can transfigure the greatest of evil into the greatest Gift, then He intends to turn whatever you're experiencing now into a gift. You cannot be undone.

Somewhere, Advent can storm and howl. And the world robed for Christmas can spin on.
You, there on the edge, whispering it, defiant through the torn places: 'All is GRACE'.

You see good as benevolence and bad as punishment. I see both as grace, teaching me something, changing me to be a better person, God uses both for His purpose.
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Excuse me, Newby, I didn't look at your avatar information and had no idea how long you'd been here. I apologize. As for my posting scriptures here and not discussing it with others? I do discuss it as the Holy Spirit leads me but some people are asking questions in order to draw me into a dispute and such people - even some who claim to be Christians - are to be avoided according to Scripture. In fact, the bible says I am to have nothing to do with them. This is my last correspondence with you unless the LORD leads me to do otherwise.

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