About to crash

Whatever cash I have in my Safe at home and in the Savings Account, you would surely call me a liar. That is what your type does.

Now run along and go play in your piles of cash.

Cash in hand is what is needed in an emergency. When you need to be bailed out of jail for one of your drunk binges does your wife have to go to a bondman, or is there enough in the safe to get you out?


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42k, in hand. Your turn, sport.

wow, what a waste. That could be earning interest.

Well, each to their own. I showed you where my cash is. I am not a caveman, I do not keep mine in a tin can behind my house
wow, what a waste. That could be earning interest.

Well, each to their own. I showed you where my cash is. I am not a caveman, I do not keep mine in a tin can behind my house

Oh boy, "earning interest".. What a joke. The best interest rate out there is what 5.3%? I bought a car a few days ago for 56k. Did 3k worth of work on it over the weekend, and sold it for 68k today.

Tell the class what my ROI was. For 6 days.....

You assume my money does nothing when it isn't in the bank.

You are so incredibly wrong.

But then, you always are.
Oh boy, "earning interest".. What a joke. The best interest rate out there is what 5.3%? I bought a car a few days ago for 56k. Did 3k worth of work on it over the weekend, and sold it for 68k today.

Tell the class what my ROI was. For 6 days.....

You assume my money does nothing when it isn't in the bank.

You are so incredibly wrong.

But then, you always are.

I assume your money does nothing when it is in your back yard buried in a tin can!

And I am correct.

But it was a cool story! Do you have any more?
I assume your money does nothing when it is in your back yard buried in a tin can!

And I am correct.

But it was a cool story! Do you have any more?
I have presented proof I have more in cash, than you make in a year, boy.

Work harder.
Let's see your cash on hand. I have shown mine. Let's see if you can come up with your 16k.

And when the market crashes, and you lose whatever it is that you thought you had, and I buy up the stocks at low prices (which I have done four times in my life) what will you say then?
Yeah, sure.

Bet you’re an internets billionaire.
not even close. There was not even 50 grand in your pile you dug up from the back yard.

But then again I am not an old, demented fool like you that has no job.

only stupid people work harder, I work smarter.
Correct, it is 42k, as I said. DUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Which is more than you make in a year. Based on your accounts, if those are yours, you aren't very well off. Better than average. But lower, lower, middle class. I am upper middle class. And for an old demented fool, I am doing way better than you.

Correct, it is 42k,

which is less than a third of my annual take home.

Which is more than you make in a year. Based on your accounts, if those are yours, you aren't very well off

That is my basic bank account, checking and savings in case of an emergency.

You asked for money on hand, which is what money in the bank is.

I did not include investments or CDs as those take more time to turn into cash. But you would not know about such things since you keep all your money buried in your back yard. I did not include mine nor the wife's 401ks.

You are an odd bird, but not shocking for a demented old fool
which is less than a third of my annual take home.

That is my basic bank account, checking and savings in case of an emergency.

You asked for money on hand, which is what money in the bank is.

I did not include investments or CDs as those take more time to turn into cash. But you would not know about such things since you keep all your money buried in your back yard. I did not include mine nor the wife's 401ks.

You are an odd bird, but not shocking for a demented old fool
Not based on your bank account. But hey, cool story brah!
Not based on your bank account. But hey, cool story brah!

Why would I need more money in my bank account?

I have more than enough in there for an emergency, the rest is making me more money.

You are really not very good at this.

But then again you keep your money buried in your backyard, so such things as a bank and investments are beyond you.
and if it's no good?....then what GG????


then we are all fucked and it will not matter.

But I have been alive for almost 59.5 years and that has never happened. I have no reason at all to think it will happen in the next 59.5 years.

I am not going to live my life in some constant state of fear, you all might as well be worried about an extinction level event meteor hitting the planet.
Why would I need more money in my bank account?

I have more than enough in there for an emergency, the rest is making me more money.

You are really not very good at this.

But then again you keep your money buried in your backyard, so such things as a bank and investments are beyond you.
Money is power. No money, no power. But hey, you do you. And you do realize I have other accounts too, one with Schwab, one with Merril Lynch, one with American Stock Transfer, plus bank accounts etc.

But it is your liquid assets, that determine how good you are doing. I can lose everything in a stock crash, and I will be fine. The banks can go tits up, and I won't care.

You.....not so much.

So who has the power?

It certainly ain't you.
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Money is power. No money, no power. But hey, you do you.

Correct, and I have more than you!

And you do realize I have other accounts to, one with Schwab, one with Merril Lynch, one with American Stock Transfer, plus bank accounts etc.

oh look, the story is now changing. Crazy how that happens all the time with you.

But it is your liquid assets, that determine how good you are doing. I can lose everything in a stock crash, and I will be fine. The banks can go tits up, and I won't care.

all because you have 42 grand buried in your back yard?


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