About to crash

It's not wishful thinking you baboon. It is a warning. Morons, like you, will suffer, which is fine. He is warning the non morons.

all the while waiting for the CRASH you morons have your money buried in the back yard under your clothes line :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
all the while waiting for the CRASH you morons have your money buried in the back yard under your clothes line :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Nah, I am buying depressed properties.

My grandkids are going to be quite rich.

Your squirts, not so much.

So run along, little child.
Nah, I am buying depressed properties.

My grandkids are going to be quite rich.

Your squirts, not so much.

So run along, little child.

Indeed. Don't you wish you had the kind of money I have?

How much cash you have on hand right now?

Actual rich people, much like smart people, never need to brag how much money they have or how smart they are.

As for cash in hand that I could get in the next 5 minutes, only about $16,000. The rest is tied up making me more money.
Actual rich people, much like smart people, never need to brag how much money they have or how smart they are.

As for cash in hand that I could get in the next 5 minutes, only about $16,000. The rest is tied up making me more money.

Poor you. Rich people don't brag. I ain't rich. Never said I was. But I am better off than you. And by a lot.

I have more than double that in my safe right now, but as you say, my money makes money.

But, I am pulling it out of the stock market. That is going to tank, and tank big.

Then I will go back and buy for half or less of what I cashed out at.

So who's money will do better work for them?

Poor you. Rich people don't brag. I ain't rich. Never said I was. But I am better off than you. And by a lot.

I have more than double that in my safe right now, but as you say, my money makes money.

sure you do.

But, I am pulling it out of the stock market. That is going to tank, and tank big.

they have been saying that for a couple year now.

Then I will go back and buy for half or less of what I cashed out at.

That is always the goal.

So who's money will do better work for them?

mine because your is sitting a safe not doing a damn thing. At least my ready cash is getting interest. When we hit 20 next month I will pull 10 back out and put into a CD for close to 6% and then build up again. That is just my "non invested cash". I would not get up to 20 before pulling it out, but my wife is a worrier so we spilt the difference
sure you do.

they have been saying that for a couple year now.

That is always the goal.

mine because your is sitting a safe not doing a damn thing. At least my ready cash is getting interest. When we hit 20 next month I will pull 10 back out and put into a CD for close to 6% and then build up again. That is just my "non invested cash". I would not get up to 20 before pulling it out, but my wife is a worrier so we spilt the difference

Let's see your cash on hand. I have shown mine. Let's see if you can come up with your 16k.

And when the market crashes, and you lose whatever it is that you thought you had, and I buy up the stocks at low prices (which I have done four times in my life) what will you say then?
Well the 'I got mine' crowd is certainly parading themselves about in their cardboard shoes

Methinks this will be the 3rd or 4th 'crash' in my working career

Being i live a rather spartan lifestyle at the lower rungs of society , the impact is usually negligible

That said, i find most self made sorts entertaining

Do keep posting...... ;) ~S~
Let's see your cash on hand. I have shown mine. Let's see if you can come up with your 16k.

I was a tad off, it is 19k, not 16k. So, lets see yours.


And when the market crashes, and you lose whatever it is that you thought you had, and I buy up the stocks at low prices (which I have done four times in my life) what will you say then?

Nope, as our money will be moved to safety before it does, if it does, but not yet. I have the utmost faith in my financial guru. He earns his money. And as you can see, I have money to buy cheap stocks is need be, could cash out a few CDs early if we really needed to. The penalty is not worth concern.
I was a tad off, it is 19k, not 16k. So, lets see yours.

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Nope, as our money will be moved to safety before it does, if it does, but not yet. I have the utmost faith in my financial guru. He earns his money. And as you can see, I have money to buy cheap stocks is need be, could cash out a few CDs early if we really needed to. The penalty is not worth concern.

So, no cash in hand. As expected.

What do you do if there is a power failure that lasts a week or so? A hurricane or a tornado comes along (out here it is earthquakes) and you have no access to your bank account for weeks. What are you going to do? Every disaster preparedness plan MUST include a good supply of cash.
So, no cash in hand. As expected.

What do you do if there is a power failure that lasts a week or so? A hurricane or a tornado comes along (out here it is earthquakes) and you have no access to your bank account for weeks. What are you going to do? Every disaster preparedness plan MUST include a good supply of cash.
Whatever cash I have in my Safe at home and in the Savings Account, you would surely call me a liar. That is what your type does.

Now run along and go play in your piles of cash.
So, no cash in hand. As expected.

What do you do if there is a power failure that lasts a week or so? A hurricane or a tornado comes along (out here it is earthquakes) and you have no access to your bank account for weeks. What are you going to do? Every disaster preparedness plan MUST include a good supply of cash.


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