About to crash

I have EVERY reason to believe you.
I believe you are doing quite well.

I have read Golfing Gator posts, and I find every reason to believe him too.

I don’t care who has the bigger wad.
Congratulations to both of you.

The only reason that you have to believe me is I presented actual proof. I don't believe anything without proof.

One of the other posters was saying I was a liar so I posted up pics of my Maybach, and my Rolex President.

I proved to them I have what I say I have.
The only reason that you have to believe me is I presented actual proof. I don't believe anything without proof.

One of the other posters was saying I was a liar so I posted up pics of my Maybach, and my Rolex President.

I proved to them I have what I say I have.
And I never denied that.
I just said, Run along and Go Play in your pile of money.
The only reason that you have to believe me is I presented actual proof. I don't believe anything without proof.

One of the other posters was saying I was a liar so I posted up pics of my Maybach, and my Rolex President.

I proved to them I have what I say I have.
Yet you believe Hamas slaughtered Israeli babies without any proof. Why lie about yourself?
How? He has merely claimed things on an internet forum.

For all we know he could be a 30 year INCEL living in his mom's basement.

I presented the cash I have ON HAND, not a picture of someone else's cash.

For all we know it was fake cash that you bought at the party store.

For all we know that is your entire net worth.

for all we know you had just knocked off a 7/11 and have already spent it all on hookers and blow

For all we know it is your boyfriends money that he lets you show off on the internet.

Do you want more?
But you lack the skill to use it.

Shame. Mine might be average, but I know how to use it.

and you know this how?

You claim to only say things you can prove, so tell us how you will prove this one?
Yet you believe Hamas slaughtered Israeli babies without any proof. Why lie about yourself?

I have proof. You spew propaganda, and you have never done anything here to verify anything.

You are merely a poster with no credibility.
For all we know it was fake cash that you bought at the party store.

For all we know that is your entire net worth.

for all we know you had just knocked off a 7/11 and have already spent it all on hookers and blow

For all we know it is your boyfriends money that he lets you show off on the internet.

Do you want more?

What a sad effort. Try harder.
and you know this how?

You claim to only say things you can prove, so tell us how you will prove this one?

Never said I would as it isn't possible. But it IS an example of my ability to lead you around by the nose!
So, you are a liar.

Thanks, that was even easier than normal.

No, you are my bitch is what that post was about. I gave you the win on size, but poor mega macho man you couldn't bear the thought that I am better in the sack than you, so out come your attack whizzers.

Like I said, I own your ass.

Now run along, junior.
No, you are my bitch is what that post was about. I gave you the win on size, but poor mega macho man you couldn't bear the thought that I am better in the sack than you, so out come your attack whizzers.

Like I said, I own your ass.

Now run along, junior.

I can honestly say I have never thought about how good you are in the sack, that you think about me in that way is rather disturbing, but not unexpected.
I can honestly say I have never thought about how good you are in the sack, that you think about me in that way is rather disturbing, but not unexpected.

And yet you responded to my little jibe instead of taking the win.

Poor widdle gulper.
Buuuuuut, you're the fag.

That's your job, sport.

So, get to it!
You must know your beloved Brandon has never been right about any war in his long infamous career. Yet here you are an old fuck who should better, fully supporting Brandon.

You’re much too old to be fooled again.

“War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.”General Smedley Butler
You must know your beloved Brandon has never been right about any war in his long infamous career. Yet here you are an old fuck who should better, fully supporting Brandon.

You’re much too old to be fooled again.

“War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.”General Smedley Butler

Good old Smedley. A truly great man, and I quoted him on this Board long before you, junior.

Now, get back sucking xidens cock.

And make sure you take care of hunter too.
Good old Smedley. A truly great man, and I quoted him on this Board long before you, junior.

Now, get back sucking xidens cock.

And make sure you take care of hunter too.
Doubt that old fuck. You know nothing about Smedley, but you do love Biden.
Doubt that old fuck. You know nothing about Smedley, but you do love Biden.
Smedley rose from a private in the USMC to Commandant, earning two MOH's along the way.

His books are OK, but it is his retirement address that is the winner.

It's a shame that you are only half as smart as you think you are.

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