About to crash

Did the stock market ever crash?

nope, and it has been about 100 days now.

It is like the weatherman saying "it is going to snow" at the start of December then in January it snows and they go "see, I told you so"
You’re much too old to be so ignorant. Why do you support Joe Biden’s wars? I thought you were a devoted conservative, yet it turns out you’re a ignorant shit lib.

“America is supporting Netanyahu. It’s supporting Likud, not Israel. The majority of Israelis, certainly the non-religious Israelis, the core population of Israel since its founding, is opposing Likud and its policies.

“And so what really is happening is that to the United States, Netanyahu is the Israeli version of Zelensky in the Ukraine.

“And the advantage of having such an unpleasant, opportunist, and corrupt person as Netanyahu, who is under indictment for his bribery and corruption, is precisely that all of the attention now of the whole world that is so appalled by the attacks going on in Gaza, they’re not blaming the United States.

“They’re blaming Israel. They’re blaming Netanyahu and Israel for it, when it’s the United States that has been sending plane load after plane load of bombs, of guns. There are 22,000 machine guns . . . that America is sending for the settlers to use on the West Bank. . . .

“The United States is trying to say, well, we’re only there to give help to an ally. The whole world has noticed that the U.S. now has two aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean, right off the Near Eastern shore, and it has an atomic submarine near the Persian Gulf.

“Why are they there? President Biden and Congress say we are not going to have American troops fighting Hamas in Gaza. We’re not going to get involved. Well, if the troops are not going to get involved, why are they there?

“Well, we know what the American planes are doing. Yesterday, they bombed yet another airport and a fuel depot in Syria. They’re bombing Syria. And it’s very clear that they’re there not to protect Israel, but to fight Iran. . . .

“The United States is pushing Israel and Netanyahu to escalate, escalate, escalate, to do something that at a point is going to lead Nasrallah to finally say, okay, we can’t take it anymore. We’re coming in and helping rescue the Gazians and especially rescue the West Bank, where just as much fighting is taking place. We’re going to come in.

And that’s when the United States will then feel free to move not only against Lebanon, but all the way via Syria, Iraq, to Iran.

“What we’re seeing in Gaza and the West Bank today is only the catalyst, the trigger for the fact that the neocons say we are never going to have a better chance than we have right now to conquer Iran.
Washington Has Decided that a Dominant US Presence in the Middle East Is the Key to US Hegemony and Much More Important than Palestinian Lives

And you continue with the lies.

You really suck at this, boy.
And you continue with the lies.

You really suck at this, boy.
You’re the dumb ass who believes the baby beheading story. Lol. Get informed. You have so little time left.

Other outrageous allegations, such as the story of Hamas “beheading 40 babies' made headlines and the front pages of countless western news outlets. Even Biden claimed to have seen “confirmed photos of terrorists beheading babies." The claims trace back to Israeli reserve settler and soldier David Ben Zion, who has previously incited violent riots against Palestinians and called for the West Bank town of Huwara to be wiped out. No evidence was ever produced to support these claims and the White House itself confirmed later that Joe Biden had never seen such photos.
You’re the dumb ass who believes the baby beheading story. Lol. Get informed. You have so little time left.

Other outrageous allegations, such as the story of Hamas “beheading 40 babies' made headlines and the front pages of countless western news outlets. Even Biden claimed to have seen “confirmed photos of terrorists beheading babies." The claims trace back to Israeli reserve settler and soldier David Ben Zion, who has previously incited violent riots against Palestinians and called for the West Bank town of Huwara to be wiped out. No evidence was ever produced to support these claims and the White House itself confirmed later that Joe Biden had never seen such photos.
:itsok: :itsok: :itsok: :itsok:
Money is power. No money, no power. But hey, you do you. And you do realize I have other accounts too, one with Schwab, one with Merril Lynch, one with American Stock Transfer, plus bank accounts etc.

But it is your liquid assets, that determine how good you are doing. I can lose everything in a stock crash, and I will be fine. The banks can go tits up, and I won't care.

You.....not so much.

So who has the power?

It certainly ain't you.
You seem to be very proud of the 42k you have in cash. Kind of a weird flex considering that many people don’t have much cash in hand. I certainly don’t. Maybe $100 in my wallet.

You say you wouldn’t care if the stock market and banks crashed. So now I’m wondering how much you have in those other accounts.
You seem to be very proud of the 42k you have in cash. Kind of a weird flex considering that many people don’t have much cash in hand. I certainly don’t. Maybe $100 in my wallet.

You say you wouldn’t care if the stock market and banks crashed. So now I’m wondering how much you have in those other accounts.

I have a lot. More than enough. If the world took a dump right now, we would be fine. I have been shifting away from stocks and into commodities as the year progresses.

I have kept positions in all of my portfolio, I have just shifted the majority away.

And I am not proud of it. It just is. If cash becomes worthless I have gold and silver backup.

And if that gets problematic I have more ammo for trade than I will ever need.
I have a lot. More than enough. If the world took a dump right now, we would be fine. I have been shifting away from stocks and into commodities as the year progresses.

I have kept positions in all of my portfolio, I have just shifted the majority away.

And I am not proud of it. It just is. If cash becomes worthless I have gold and silver backup.

And if that gets problematic I have more ammo for trade than I will ever need.
Commodities, cool.

Seems like you take a prepper approach to having cash in hand. Maybe that makes sense at your age, but I don’t think many people are going to be as concerned about what you’re preparing for.

Besides, you’re just making your money less safe by having it in your home. Your house burning down or you being robbed are more likely than the banks going under.
Commodities, cool.

Seems like you take a prepper approach to having cash in hand. Maybe that makes sense at your age, but I don’t think many people are going to be as concerned about what you’re preparing for.

Besides, you’re just making your money less safe by having it in your home. Your house burning down or you being robbed are more likely than the banks going under.

No, not really. The safe is very secure in a concrete room. No one gets in that I don't want to.

And it is pretty non flammable.
I’m sure it’s very secure.

Still more likely that you lose it than the banks losing it.

Nope. I built the safe room very specifically to survive a wildfire. Which we do have from time to time.

The safe room is in the sub basement, in bedrock. It ain't going anywhere if there is an earthquake, and the house can burn to the ground (unlikely given all the sprinkler systems I built in) and the safe room is secure.

I spent a great deal of time designing and building this place. My daughter has come up with some interesting ideas of her own which we are working through right now.

She is quite the engineer.
Nope. I built the safe room very specifically to survive a wildfire. Which we do have from time to time.

The safe room is in the sub basement, in bedrock. It ain't going anywhere if there is an earthquake, and the house can burn to the ground (unlikely given all the sprinkler systems I built in) and the safe room is secure.

I spent a great deal of time designing and building this place. My daughter has come up with some interesting ideas of her own which we are working through right now.

She is quite the engineer.
And the banks would be more likely to lose the money because…?
Read your history books. It's not that they will lose it, you won't be able to get to it when you need it.

When was the last time that happened in the US?

I am just a young 59.5, but it has never been a problem in my lifetime.
Silicon valley Bank.

Which is why one should not have all their eggs in the same basket.

Not to mention people took out more than 142 million dollars from SVB in just two days, which was more than 80% of what was in there.

Hardly seems a good reason to keep my money buried in the back yard.
Which is why one should not have all their eggs in the same basket.

Not to mention people took out more than 142 million dollars from SVB in just two days, which was more than 80% of what was in there.

Hardly seems a good reason to keep my money buried in the back yard.

My cash isn't buried. I use it to make more. Only fools think that cash is stagnant.

SVB was one of THREE banks that went tits up. And all of those people were stuck for days, if not weeks, with no access to their funds.

The future doesn't look very bright for quite a few banks at the moment. 33 trillion in ledger debt. At least that much off ledger, and the US money supply is around 23 trillion.

So, we have three times more debt than money to pay for it.

Interesting times...
Read your history books. It's not that they will lose it, you won't be able to get to it when you need it.
So tell us, how many times has that happened in those history books?

And how many times has someone’s safe or vault been broken into?
So tell us, how many times has that happened in those history books?

And how many times has someone’s safe or vault been broken into?

Dozens. It most recently happened a few months ago when SVB and two other banks failed.

People went days, and in many cases weeks with no access to their money.

And the economic situation is getting worse, not better.

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