About to crash

Smedley rose from a private in the USMC to Commandant, earning two MOH's along the way.

His books are OK, but it is his retirement address that is the winner.

It's a shame that you are only half as smart as you think you are.
Don’t die a dumb warmonger. Learn something today.

“A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small “inside” group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes. In the World War a mere handful garnered the profits of the conflict. At least 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were made in the United States during the World War.” – General Smedley Butler
Smedley rose from a private in the USMC to Commandant, earning two MOH's along the way.

He was never Commandant of the Marine Corps.

He never went higher than Major General. (that is two stars in case you did not know)

Are you ever not wrong?
Don’t die a dumb warmonger. Learn something today.

“A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small “inside” group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes. In the World War a mere handful garnered the profits of the conflict. At least 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were made in the United States during the World War.” – General Smedley Butler

I knew about that before you were even born you ignorant twat.

Go play in your sandbox.
He was never Commandant of the Marine Corps.

He never went higher than Major General. (that is two stars in case you did not know)

Are you ever not wrong?

Yeah, so my memory was wrong about being Commandant. Sue me. At least I used my memory and not wiki like all of you clods.

That's the difference between us, I have a memory, faulty though it may be at times, but without your Google machine you clods can't wipe your own asses.
Yeah, so my memory was wrong about being Commandant. Sue me. At least I used my memory and not wiki like all of you clods.

Having been stationed at Camp Butler, I have no need of wiki. Some of us actually served our country.
You don't.

I knew the magazine for your rifle was 30 rounds and you swore up and down it was 10 or 15, I can't remember which, but I do know that neither of those capacity mags are even made.

And 20 and 30 round mags are the only issue sizes ever for the M-16 series, and 30 for the M4.
Yet you, a Marine, didn't know that.

I knew the magazine for your rifle was 30 rounds and you swore up and down it was 10 or 15, I can't remember which, but I do know that neither of those capacity mags are even made.

And 20 and 30 round mags are the only issue sizes ever for the M-16 series, and 30 for the M4.
Yet you, a Marine, didn't know that.


Yes, I made a mistake about a magazine for a single weapon.

My memory is not prefect.
Yes, I made a mistake about a magazine for a single weapon.

My memory is not prefect.

It's more than that. ALL Marines are rifleman first, their MOS 2nd. I find it difficult to believe a Marine officer could forget such a basic element of the primary tool of their duty.
80 and yet you've learned nothing all those years. You claim to know Smedley yet you support every war. Why lie?
Oh, you poor widdle thing. When you lie about someone, at least make it a lie that is not so easily disproven.

You must be 12. You post like a 12 year old.
It's more than that. ALL Marines are rifleman first, their MOS 2nd. I find it difficult to believe a Marine officer could forget such a basic element of the primary tool of their duty.

I was not an officer, I retired as a GySgt. And yes, we are all riflemen first and foremost, and yet the last time I fired an M-16 was in 2001 as annual qualification is no longer required once someone picks up E7, after that all we have to qualify with is the 9mm.

So yes, 20 plus years later I made a mistake in the size of a magazine for a single weapon.

In the end all that matters is that DFAS keeps putting money in my bank on the 1st of every month till the day that I die, what you think changes nothing.
I was not an officer, I retired as a GySgt. And yes, we are all riflemen first and foremost, and yet the last time I fired an M-16 was in 2001 as annual qualification is no longer required once someone picks up E7, after that all we have to qualify with is the 9mm.

So yes, 20 plus years later I made a mistake in the size of a magazine for a single weapon.

In the end all that matters is that DFAS keeps putting money in my bank on the 1st of every month till the day that I die, what you think changes nothing.

Hmm, I thought you posted a picture of your Marine Officers Guide when you admitted you were wrong.
Hmm, I thought you posted a picture of your Marine Officers Guide when you admitted you were wrong.

Nope, this is what I posted....it is what I got the first day I got to boot camp.

I am more than happy to admit when I make a mistake


Oh, you poor widdle thing. When you lie about someone, at least make it a lie that is not so easily disproven.

You must be 12. You post like a 12 year old.
You’re much too old to be so ignorant. Why do you support Joe Biden’s wars? I thought you were a devoted conservative, yet it turns out you’re a ignorant shit lib.

“America is supporting Netanyahu. It’s supporting Likud, not Israel. The majority of Israelis, certainly the non-religious Israelis, the core population of Israel since its founding, is opposing Likud and its policies.

“And so what really is happening is that to the United States, Netanyahu is the Israeli version of Zelensky in the Ukraine.

“And the advantage of having such an unpleasant, opportunist, and corrupt person as Netanyahu, who is under indictment for his bribery and corruption, is precisely that all of the attention now of the whole world that is so appalled by the attacks going on in Gaza, they’re not blaming the United States.

“They’re blaming Israel. They’re blaming Netanyahu and Israel for it, when it’s the United States that has been sending plane load after plane load of bombs, of guns. There are 22,000 machine guns . . . that America is sending for the settlers to use on the West Bank. . . .

“The United States is trying to say, well, we’re only there to give help to an ally. The whole world has noticed that the U.S. now has two aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean, right off the Near Eastern shore, and it has an atomic submarine near the Persian Gulf.

“Why are they there? President Biden and Congress say we are not going to have American troops fighting Hamas in Gaza. We’re not going to get involved. Well, if the troops are not going to get involved, why are they there?

“Well, we know what the American planes are doing. Yesterday, they bombed yet another airport and a fuel depot in Syria. They’re bombing Syria. And it’s very clear that they’re there not to protect Israel, but to fight Iran. . . .

“The United States is pushing Israel and Netanyahu to escalate, escalate, escalate, to do something that at a point is going to lead Nasrallah to finally say, okay, we can’t take it anymore. We’re coming in and helping rescue the Gazians and especially rescue the West Bank, where just as much fighting is taking place. We’re going to come in.

And that’s when the United States will then feel free to move not only against Lebanon, but all the way via Syria, Iraq, to Iran.

“What we’re seeing in Gaza and the West Bank today is only the catalyst, the trigger for the fact that the neocons say we are never going to have a better chance than we have right now to conquer Iran.
Washington Has Decided that a Dominant US Presence in the Middle East Is the Key to US Hegemony and Much More Important than Palestinian Lives

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