About to crash

How many people? What percent of the country?

No idea. Lines of people around the block trying to get their cash.

I wasn't one of them.

But you just may be.

But hey, you do you. Just don't whine or snivel when it goes south on you.
No idea. Lines of people around the block trying to get their cash.

I wasn't one of them.

But you just may be.

But hey, you do you. Just don't whine or snivel when it goes south on you.

More than 80% of the money was taken out before it closed.

If my bank was to do that, I have about 40 grand in available credit I could use till I could get my cash out of the bank. I also use three different banks, one I have had since 1988, one since 2000 and one local since I like to have a local bank also.

Seems the danger is negligible
More than 80% of the money was taken out before it closed.

If my bank was to do that, I have about 40 grand in available credit I could use till I could get my cash out of the bank. I also use three different banks, one I have had since 1988, one since 2000 and one local since I like to have a local bank also.

Seems the danger is negligible

Tell that to the 20%
Indeed. Like I said. You do you. I will do me. You make your 3 percent per year.

I made 7 percent yesterday.

But of course you did, you money just multiped while it was in your safe in your fire proof, thief proof room.
But of course you did, you money just multiped while it was in your safe in your fire proof, thief proof room.

Yeah, I made 9000 on platinum yesterday. You should watch the metals market. Lots of volatility. Volatility leads to opportunity.
if you did not sell it, you did not make any money off of it.

I sold it a while ago. I don't count it, till I get cash in hand. Funny how that works. I'm not the government. Until my profit is tangible, it is merely theoretical.

Only government lies to its constituents.
I sold it a while ago. I don't count it, till I get cash in hand. Funny how that works. I'm not the government. Until my profit is tangible, it is merely theoretical.

Only government lies to its constituents.

So you lied again.

Not to mention platinum has been dropping since March, but I am sure you will now tell us you sold it in March and are just now getting the money
Dozens. It most recently happened a few months ago when SVB and two other banks failed.

People went days, and in many cases weeks with no access to their money.

And the economic situation is getting worse, not better.
Weeks? It was just a few days.

That’s just an inconvenience.

How long does it take to regain access to your money when thieves steal it from a safe or vault?
So you lied again.

Not to mention platinum has been dropping since March, but I am sure you will now tell us you sold it in March and are just now getting the money

Nope. I can put the 9 grand in another picture with the 42k you claimed I didn't have.

Damn, boy. You are clueless. I told you, my cash is never stagnant. It is ALWAYS doing something.

Only a fool puts their money in the bank and collects interest.
Nope. I can put the 9 grand in another picture with the 42k you claimed I didn't have.

Damn, boy. You are clueless. I told you, my cash is never stagnant. It is ALWAYS doing something.

Only a fool puts their money in the bank and collects interest.

Your story changes with each post
Your story changes with each post

Nope. My story is consistent. The last picture I showed you had 42k in it, which you said I didn't have. I now have 51k. Thanks to a platinum sale.

You implied it was yesterday that I sold the platinum. I merely stated that that was when I got paid for the sale.

Get your story straight.

You implied it was yesterday that I sold the platinum. I merely stated that that was when I got paid for the sale.

You said you made 9 grand yesterday, which you then admitted that you made it a "while ago" when asked about it.

How long does it take for your cash to be mailed to you after your sale?
You said you made 9 grand yesterday, which you then admitted that you made it a "while ago" when asked about it.

How long does it take for your cash to be mailed to you after your sale?

I made the 9 grand yesterday because that is when I received the money. Only a fool says they made 9 grand before the cash is in hand. What do you do if before you get paid the guy holding your money gets robbed, or dies?

My accountant spent a bit of time pounding that into my head several decades ago. His son is still my accountant to this day.

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