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My take is that Greg is trying to make a go of this site, a site with many good and active posters. Will it be the same as when Jim ran it? No. Otherwise there would have been no sale. There was. It's Greg's to run, as he sees fit.

With that said, where are the posts on anything but bitchin about rep and rules? Saddam was killed. The new year looms, have you all nothing to say?

It happened, but why am I not surprised that it would be on a 'gay' topic?

scroll down for the post psycho nut stuff...
ya--I guess it is "bah humbug"

The illusion the those green squares are a sign of hard work or a result of superior posting is exactly that.

yooooo hooooo---reality time people.:cuckoo:

Oh c'mon shy one, tell us mere pidkins what you really mean...
Lighten up, dillo .... it's a message board.

wake up Gunny---That's my point----people think thier little green boxes are like gold or something and that Greg has somehow ripped them off. I might understand that if they were attempting to convey an idea and someome constantly twisted thier words or flamed them hey would be pissed but the across the board deflation of a few green boxes is delusional.
wake up Gunny---That's my point----people think thier little green boxes are like gold or something and that Greg has somehow ripped them off. I might understand that if they were attempting to convey an idea and someome constantly twisted thier words or flamed them hey would be pissed but the across the board deflation of a few green boxes is delusional.

Well there, we agree!
It could also be the time of year. I've been busy as Hell, dealing with the holidays and social commitments they entail, while at the same time having to work 10-12 hour days.

So, some of it may be coincidence since real life commitments are increased this time of year.

And some of it is, most assuredly, that some people just dont' like it here anymore. Greg came in here like Jr. hitler and did as he pleased, THEN made a token gesture to ask if his changes were liked or not. He screwed with the board which in turn was screwing with the people who MAKE the board. Something he TOTALLY disregarded.

He's made HIS board to be as HE WANTS. If you don't like it, move on. That's what I did, as many others. So if this boards posting and attendence has fallen off, Jr hitler has no one to blame but himself.
People act like the rep power was never changed before. One time I went from 20 power to 12 overnight, this time from the high 30s to the mid 20s. It isn't that big of a deal.

I can still not see so many changes that I would need to be upset. Greg isn't doing that bad of a job. Let's just get back to conversations and see how things really have changed.
wake up Gunny---That's my point----people think thier little green boxes are like gold or something and that Greg has somehow ripped them off. I might understand that if they were attempting to convey an idea and someome constantly twisted thier words or flamed them hey would be pissed but the across the board deflation of a few green boxes is delusional.

Could be that some people like to play the game, and don't want it screwed with. As Americans, we come from a society that doesn't like to be punished for nothing, and are usually quite vocal when it happens.

What you choose to antagonistically call delusion, I call perception. I had 36 points in rep power, now I have 26. Am I going to have an anxiety attack over it? No. Nonetheless, the perception is that points were taken away for no reason. Change for the sake of change, not for the sake of improvement.

I'm not flaming anyone, attempting to disrupt the board over it, nor having a hissy fit about it in any way. I expressed my opinion in a thread I considered appropriate for the topic. Expressing an opinion on something doesn't mean I'm going to lose sleep over it.
Could be that some people like to play the game, and don't want it screwed with. As Americans, we come from a society that doesn't like to be punished for nothing, and are usually quite vocal when it happens.

What you choose to antagonistically call delusion, I call perception. I had 36 points in rep power, now I have 26. Am I going to have an anxiety attack over it? No. Nonetheless, the perception is that points were taken away for no reason. Change for the sake of change, not for the sake of improvement.

I'm not flaming anyone, attempting to disrupt the board over it, nor having a hissy fit about it in any way. I expressed my opinion in a thread I considered appropriate for the topic. Expressing an opinion on something doesn't mean I'm going to lose sleep over it.

If they choose to play they outta know that it's rigged don't ya think?
People act like the rep power was never changed before. One time I went from 20 power to 12 overnight, this time from the high 30s to the mid 20s. It isn't that big of a deal.

I can still not see so many changes that I would need to be upset. Greg isn't doing that bad of a job. Let's just get back to conversations and see how things really have changed.

It hasn't been changed (the rep power) in the time I have been a member. And no, it isn't a big deal. As I stated before ... it's a message board. If all it did was piss me off, I can find other things to do.
I don't believe in using negative rep to punctuate ideological disagreement. That tact makes neither side of the argument more right or wrong than it was to begin with. I have used it a couple of times on complete morons whose sole intent was to pull strings while contributing nothing.

That about sums it up. I've also used it when someone has negged me for my opinions.

I gave you positive rep? :shock: My finger must've slipped.:eusa_doh:

Heh.... yeah... it must have. lol.... :cool:

(But you know I deservedi it! ;o))))
That about sums it up. I've also used it when someone has negged me for my opinions.

Heh.... yeah... it must have. lol.... :cool:

(But you know I deservedi it! ;o))))

great post ... i would rep ya for it but i can only rep ya every other post

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