Abrams ends run for Governor of Georgia, but doesn’t “concede”

Oh fer Chrissakes just go away you stupid cow YOU LOST!

She is neither stupid nor a cow and she's not going away. That election from stolen by Republican voter suppression tactics. Nobody is putting up with this shit any longer.

It ends or the state will be in litigation until Democrats own the government and a new voters' rights act is enacted but these stupid white supremacist tricks to stop minorities and women from voting are the very antithesis of your Constitution. The world is watching Republicans cheat and lie and deny people the their legal voting rights, all the while screaming "they're CHEATING".

Do you think people are blind? Do you think that the entire world doesn't see that the Republican Party is cheating in these elections, and clinging to power by any means necessary?

No ones vote was suppressed.

If republicans were cheating would we have lost the House? Far more important than who is governor in GA
Oh fer Chrissakes just go away you stupid cow YOU LOST!

She is neither stupid nor a cow and she's not going away. That election from stolen by Republican voter suppression tactics. Nobody is putting up with this shit any longer.

It ends or the state will be in litigation until Democrats own the government and a new voters' rights act is enacted but these stupid white supremacist tricks to stop minorities and women from voting are the very antithesis of your Constitution. The world is watching Republicans cheat and lie and deny people the their legal voting rights, all the while screaming "they're CHEATING".

Do you think people are blind? Do you think that the entire world doesn't see that the Republican Party is cheating in these elections, and clinging to power by any means necessary?

OMG the law was enforced and you loons scream "stolen election!!!!" LMAO

About as stupid as that idiot left loon on here screaming Senate seats were stolen due to gerrymandering.

The law was enforced???? You can't possibly be that stupid, can you? Oh yeah, you can.

Over one million names were struck off the voter registration lists with no notification. Many elderly voters who had lived in the same home for years went to vote and found they names had been stricken from the voters list.

Thousands of voter registration applications were toss out, again with no notification or follow-up. 50,000 more voter registration application were put on "hold" because they didn't "exactly match" existing records. Spelling, a hyphen missing. Any little thinig they could toss them for.

Then they Republicans threw out of early ballots because the signature was "different" than their signatures on the registration forms. Again, these ballots were tossed without notification to the voter that there was a problem.

All of these abuses were substanially applied against voters in historically Democratic voting areas. The vast majority of those purged for voter lists, had their applications tossed or put on "hold", and had their votes tossed, were from areas which had strong Democratic support.

The courts told them to stop doing that tossing early ballots without notification, and a whole range of other things.

You bet your ass Abrams is going after this dishonest, partisan theft of this election. The whole world is watching. That's the part you idiots keep forgetting. We see what your doing, making a sham of the Constitution, keeping non-Republicans away from having their votes counted and their voices heard.

The entire world now know that Republicans are dishonest and will cheat to keep Democrats out of power. No one will take the USA seriously in complaining about improperly conducted elections, ever again. Even though Republicans won this Governorship, they have lost all credibility in their support for this dishonest abuse of the Constitution.

Name one
Two things.
1, Did Ray Moore ever concede? No!.
2, Little Trumpsters attacking an intelligent Black, overweight woman. Exactly what you'd expect from racist, women hating Little Trumpsters. Also, I highly doubt anyone of you are as smart as Abrams and I bet most of you are overweight out-of-shape keyboard hypocritical losers.

1) who cares about Roy Moore? Everyone left and right laughed at the guy when he refused to concede.

2) no one is insulting anyone intelligent
I think Oprah should give her a new Cadillac to cheer her up.
perfect recipe for her to hate:
anything and everything
to be a stupid/biased/bigoted/etc politician
there were amazing grassroots campaigns run by black candidates like Gillum, Stacy Abrams, not to mention Beto O'Rourke!
i was just interested 'black panther stacy abrams' governor run because of her anti gun attitude . Looks like she lost so if she did lose then all is right in the world and maybe Georgias gun owners will smarten up for next time .
there were amazing grassroots campaigns run by black candidates like Gillum, Stacy Abrams, not to mention Beto O'Rourke!

They all lost ;)
you cant spell Gillum without two L's ahahahahahaaaaaa

Son they ALL lost. You'll be lucky is the niggra Gillum stays out of jail.
Gillum will be back and will win in 2022. Get ready to say Governor Gillum!

Sure thing kid, will he be out of jail by then?
there were amazing grassroots campaigns run by black candidates like Gillum, Stacy Abrams, not to mention Beto O'Rourke!

They all lost ;)
you cant spell Gillum without two L's ahahahahahaaaaaa

Son they ALL lost. You'll be lucky is the niggra Gillum stays out of jail.
Gillum will be back and will win in 2022. Get ready to say Governor Gillum!
Lefties love law breakers.
The fat bitch ain't shit. She thought she had the race in the bag after Oprah appeared.
Sore F'in loser...
Oh fer Chrissakes just go away you stupid cow YOU LOST!

She is neither stupid nor a cow and she's not going away. That election from stolen by Republican voter suppression tactics. Nobody is putting up with this shit any longer.

It ends or the state will be in litigation until Democrats own the government and a new voters' rights act is enacted but these stupid white supremacist tricks to stop minorities and women from voting are the very antithesis of your Constitution. The world is watching Republicans cheat and lie and deny people the their legal voting rights, all the while screaming "they're CHEATING".

Do you think people are blind? Do you think that the entire world doesn't see that the Republican Party is cheating in these elections, and clinging to power by any means necessary?

OMG the law was enforced and you loons scream "stolen election!!!!" LMAO

About as stupid as that idiot left loon on here screaming Senate seats were stolen due to gerrymandering.

The law was enforced???? You can't possibly be that stupid, can you? Oh yeah, you can.

Over one million names were struck off the voter registration lists with no notification. Many elderly voters who had lived in the same home for years went to vote and found they names had been stricken from the voters list.

Thousands of voter registration applications were toss out, again with no notification or follow-up. 50,000 more voter registration application were put on "hold" because they didn't "exactly match" existing records. Spelling, a hyphen missing. Any little thinig they could toss them for.

Then they Republicans threw out of early ballots because the signature was "different" than their signatures on the registration forms. Again, these ballots were tossed without notification to the voter that there was a problem.

All of these abuses were substanially applied against voters in historically Democratic voting areas. The vast majority of those purged for voter lists, had their applications tossed or put on "hold", and had their votes tossed, were from areas which had strong Democratic support.

The courts told them to stop doing that tossing early ballots without notification, and a whole range of other things.

You bet your ass Abrams is going after this dishonest, partisan theft of this election. The whole world is watching. That's the part you idiots keep forgetting. We see what your doing, making a sham of the Constitution, keeping non-Republicans away from having their votes counted and their voices heard.

The entire world now know that Republicans are dishonest and will cheat to keep Democrats out of power. No one will take the USA seriously in complaining about improperly conducted elections, ever again. Even though Republicans won this Governorship, they have lost all credibility in their support for this dishonest abuse of the Constitution.

Do you know anything at all about provisional ballots?

Obviously not are you wouldn't be spreading all these lies!
Oh fer Chrissakes just go away you stupid cow YOU LOST!

She is neither stupid nor a cow and she's not going away. That election from stolen by Republican voter suppression tactics. Nobody is putting up with this shit any longer.

It ends or the state will be in litigation until Democrats own the government and a new voters' rights act is enacted but these stupid white supremacist tricks to stop minorities and women from voting are the very antithesis of your Constitution. The world is watching Republicans cheat and lie and deny people the their legal voting rights, all the while screaming "they're CHEATING".

Do you think people are blind? Do you think that the entire world doesn't see that the Republican Party is cheating in these elections, and clinging to power by any means necessary?
Very much a cow. Pigs have pot bellies, she is just flat out obese

So your response to blatant voter suppression is to insult the woman who is vowing to end it? Proof postive that you have NOTHING. You haven't got a response to this level of cheating so you fling shit at the passersby like chimpanzees in the zoo.

Following the law as written, probably by a Democrat legislature, is voter suppression?


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