Absentee Ballot Rejections Could Triple in November Election


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
One of the major hold-ups was the staggering number of rejected absentee ballots. The fact is, this will be the first election most voters will be mailing in their ballot. There are proper procedures to follow or your ballot will be tossed. People being people, tens of thousands of voters will mail in their ballots late, or fail to sign their ballots, or even fail to fill them out. Other ballots will be disqualified because the voter signature on the ballot does not match the one on file.

We’ve been hearing the warnings from election officials about the chaos that will reign after the presidential election. The AP did a study of what that might mean for the count.

The sudden leap is worrisome: 22 states are going from absentee ballots comprising less than 10% of all ballots four years ago to perhaps half or more this November. Pennsylvania is among them: Nearly 51% of all votes cast during its June primary were mail-in.
If voter turnout is the same as 2016 and the ballot rejection rate equals the 1.4% from this year’s primary, nearly 43,000 voters in Pennsylvania could be disenfranchised this fall, according to AP’s analysis. That’s almost the same number of votes by which Trump defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton in the state four years ago, when some 2,100 ballots were rejected.
In closely fought battleground states, court challenges of rejected ballots and appeals of those decisions to the courts could last into next year. It’s a distinct possibility that several states will be close enough that the rejected ballots could spell the difference between victory or defeat for either candidate.

Progs will scream hat rules MUST be changed and that ALL ballots, even those that show up late MUST be counted. Mail-In ballots cannot be stopped now but ALL rules must stand. If the ballots are late they don't get counted, if they don't meet ALL current standards they don't get counted.
It's going to get so ugly....:frown:

Just the thought makes my stomach turn....praying the President and Patriots know what the are doing and spare the American people the chaos and havoc the Left is planning.

Praying the President is steps ahead of these Leftist scum.
BREAKING: Trump tells supporters to be 'poll watchers' on November 3rd: "Watch all the thieving and stealing and robbing they do. This is important."
This would have never been a problem but for right wingers making it more difficult for persons to vote in person. Thanks, right wingers.

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