Abused Men: Acid Attacks telling only Half the Story


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
Interesting, when looking up cases of antifreeze poisoning and acid attacks, to see what foundations are helping victims with recovery, I found this about men victims not being equally mentioned in the media.
Acid Attacks: Telling Only Half the Story


“Forty percent of the acid attack victims in Pakistan are men or boys.”
I tried to track this number down but unfortunately the best I could find other than the quote from Sharon Behn is numbers from the Acid Survivors Foundation.
On their website they have a statistics tab.
The numbers for the year 2013 for acid attacks are 69 incidents of acid being used as a weapon and 85 victims.
Using a global population number of 6 billion the average person has a chance of 0.000001416 % of being a victim of one of the most vicious and heinous crimes know to humankind.
This crime is incredibly rare and for that I am glad. I wouldn’t wish this on the worst of the rad-fems.
On page 2 of their statistics tab we they break down the numbers for us; 28 men 44 women and 13 children were attacked with acid in 2013.
The report does not state whether the children were intended or unintended victims injured from being with the adults.
Assuming the children were unintended victims the total number of adults for 2013 is 72. Which means that 38.888% or about 40% of those acid attack victims were men.
On another acid survivors website from Cambodia they have numbers from 1999 – 2013. There numbers show that 40% of the adult victims were adult males, 44.8% were adult females, 7.3% were male children under the age of 13 and 8% were females under the age of 13.

Despite about 40% of the acid attack victims being male acid survivors foundation true to feminist form states:

“Acid violence is a form of gender based violence that reflects and perpetuates the inequality of women in society.”

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