I swear that title is barf worty. and they are like, Oh thank you dear wonderful Obama for FORCING THIS pos down our throats and growing more Government in a time we could LEAST afford it in what they swore was the WORST recession since the GREAT Depression. and if we don't WANT to buy your forced Insurance, we get to be FINED by you dear wonderful leader. oh please please, can we kiss your feet and this ground you walk on

obots/Obama cult memebers

I swear that title is barf worty. and they are like, Oh thank you dear wonderful Obama for FORCING THIS pos down our throats and growing more Government in a time we could LEAST afford it in what they swore was the WORST recession since the GREAT Depression. and if we don't WANT to buy your forced Insurance, we get to be FINED by you dear wonderful leader. oh please please, can we kiss your feet and this ground you walk on

obots/Obama cult memebers

What is the horseshit. You're still the same old bizarre and hysterical Stephanie that you always were. Don't ever change!
I swear that title is barf worty. and they are like, Oh thank you dear wonderful Obama for FORCING THIS pos down our throats and growing more Government in a time we could LEAST afford it in what they swore was the WORST recession since the GREAT Depression. and if we don't WANT to buy your forced Insurance, we get to be FINED by you dear wonderful leader. oh please please, can we kiss your feet and this ground you walk on

obots/Obama cult memebers

What is the horseshit. You're still the same old bizarre and hysterical Stephanie that you always were. Don't ever change!

go diddle yourself obot/Obama cult memeber
Breaking news, the Supreme Court just gives ACA a long over due, GET A FUKIN LIFE GOP SLAP DOWN......ruling that ACA is constitutional and conservatives need to get over it. Of all the crap this country has endured over the last few months and years, the lazy good for nothing, but scare the hell out of white people and hicks, house do nothing but challenge ACA session after session, election year after election year and we all should be sick and tired of it. Sen. McConnell of Ky. who represents the poorest mf's in the country, got a lot of damned nerves blasting ACA. Ky. was the poster child for ACA, with so many hooch hillbillies signing up for it.

Now perhaps this country can move on the more important things, like pork projects, granting tax payer funds to study the reaction of ants after mating.


The ONLY winners in the ACA are those the rest of us will be forced to subsidize. We will pay for our benefits and the benefits of every freeloader in America.

If that sounds like a great deal to you then you are one clueless idiot.
Breaking news, the Supreme Court just gives ACA a long over due, GET A FUKIN LIFE GOP SLAP DOWN......ruling that ACA is constitutional and conservatives need to get over it. Of all the crap this country has endured over the last few months and years, the lazy good for nothing, but scare the hell out of white people and hicks, house do nothing but challenge ACA session after session, election year after election year and we all should be sick and tired of it. Sen. McConnell of Ky. who represents the poorest mf's in the country, got a lot of damned nerves blasting ACA. Ky. was the poster child for ACA, with so many hooch hillbillies signing up for it.

Now perhaps this country can move on the more important things, like pork projects, granting tax payer funds to study the reaction of ants after mating.


The ONLY winners in the ACA are those the rest of us will be forced to subsidize. We will pay for our benefits and the benefits of every freeloader in America.

If that sounds like a great deal to you then you are one clueless idiot.
Not if he's one of the freeloaders.
Breaking news, the Supreme Court just gives ACA a long over due, GET A FUKIN LIFE GOP SLAP DOWN......ruling that ACA is constitutional and conservatives need to get over it. Of all the crap this country has endured over the last few months and years, the lazy good for nothing, but scare the hell out of white people and hicks, house do nothing but challenge ACA session after session, election year after election year and we all should be sick and tired of it. Sen. McConnell of Ky. who represents the poorest mf's in the country, got a lot of damned nerves blasting ACA. Ky. was the poster child for ACA, with so many hooch hillbillies signing up for it.

Now perhaps this country can move on the more important things, like pork projects, granting tax payer funds to study the reaction of ants after mating.
Obutholecare is a unconstitutional disaster.
Breaking news, the Supreme Court just gives ACA a long over due, GET A FUKIN LIFE GOP SLAP DOWN......ruling that ACA is constitutional and conservatives need to get over it. Of all the crap this country has endured over the last few months and years, the lazy good for nothing, but scare the hell out of white people and hicks, house do nothing but challenge ACA session after session, election year after election year and we all should be sick and tired of it. Sen. McConnell of Ky. who represents the poorest mf's in the country, got a lot of damned nerves blasting ACA. Ky. was the poster child for ACA, with so many hooch hillbillies signing up for it.

Now perhaps this country can move on the more important things, like pork projects, granting tax payer funds to study the reaction of ants after mating.


The ONLY winners in the ACA are those the rest of us will be forced to subsidize. We will pay for our benefits and the benefits of every freeloader in America.

If that sounds like a great deal to you then you are one clueless idiot.
He is a libtard, which makes him a clueless idiot.
Doctors Give Area Man Six Months To Pay Doctors Give Area Man Six Months To Pay

CARBONDALE, IL—Doctors at Southern Illinois Hospital confirmed Monday that Dale Monfort, a 39-year-old lymphatic-cancer sufferer who underwent emergency surgery last week, has just six months to pay.

"Breaking that kind of news to a patient is never easy," said Dr. Albert Sutin, who performed the six-hour, $30,840 procedure to remove a malignant mass in one of Monfort's lymph nodes. "To look a man in the face and tell him he's got, at the very most, half a year to get his affairs in order, well, it's one of the toughest things a doctor has to do."

As soon as we opened up his file, we saw it—a recent job change had left him without active health insurance for the month of August," Sutin said. "Quite frankly, at that point, we knew there was little we could do to help him."
Collecting gas taxes to build roads is not socialism.

Dude, I'm talking the FDR New Deal that created these roads and highways, that put people to work....Geeezzzz, you people are slow as hell!!

That was temporary and it was not socialism. WWII put people to work.

Are you insane or just want a argument? This country, with all its falsehoods and issues, was built and bread on socialistic ideology. Without the intervening of the federal government, things you and I take for granted, like a 40 hour work week, clean water, etc, etc....all products of social intervention. Please please educate yourself before you respond back, its becoming embarrassing just talking to you about this!!

I know the difference between social intervention and socialism. Do you?

Both, in my opinion require the help of the federal gov. A social entity. Listen, I'm right, your wrong, get over it and move on!!

Socialism is good
When the terms "government" and "help" are used in the same sentence or idea, it is indeed scary.
Socialism only works in a captive marketplace where forced confiscation of assets are used to fund the socialist policies and programs.
Those who cheer lead for socialism are for the most part too lazy or have no self respect to make it on their own. So they petition government to create policies where the threat of civil or even criminal penalties will be rendered to those who object to having their assets taken from them.

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