Breaking news, the Supreme Court just gives ACA a long over due, GET A FUKIN LIFE GOP SLAP DOWN......ruling that ACA is constitutional and conservatives need to get over it. Of all the crap this country has endured over the last few months and years, the lazy good for nothing, but scare the hell out of white people and hicks, house do nothing but challenge ACA session after session, election year after election year and we all should be sick and tired of it. Sen. McConnell of Ky. who represents the poorest mf's in the country, got a lot of damned nerves blasting ACA. Ky. was the poster child for ACA, with so many hooch hillbillies signing up for it.

Now perhaps this country can move on the more important things, like pork projects, granting tax payer funds to study the reaction of ants after mating.
You must love socialism. Idiot.

If you think that the ACA is socialism, you are the idiot.
You must love socialism. Idiot.
As a Conservative I'm furious that a pack of elite, unelected, activist judges didn't void the will of the people and our elected Congress!
America's Number 1 Christian

Breaking news, the Supreme Court just gives ACA a long over due, GET A FUKIN LIFE GOP SLAP DOWN......ruling that ACA is constitutional and conservatives need to get over it. Of all the crap this country has endured over the last few months and years, the lazy good for nothing, but scare the hell out of white people and hicks, house do nothing but challenge ACA session after session, election year after election year and we all should be sick and tired of it. Sen. McConnell of Ky. who represents the poorest mf's in the country, got a lot of damned nerves blasting ACA. Ky. was the poster child for ACA, with so many hooch hillbillies signing up for it.

Now perhaps this country can move on the more important things, like pork projects, granting tax payer funds to study the reaction of ants after mating.
When a GOP president replaces Obama. SCOTUScare will be repealed because Americans hate it.
A minority don't like it, while a majority like it or want it improved.

No GOP president is going to sign such legislation.
Breaking news, the Supreme Court just gives ACA a long over due, GET A FUKIN LIFE GOP SLAP DOWN......ruling that ACA is constitutional and conservatives need to get over it. Of all the crap this country has endured over the last few months and years, the lazy good for nothing, but scare the hell out of white people and hicks, house do nothing but challenge ACA session after session, election year after election year and we all should be sick and tired of it. Sen. McConnell of Ky. who represents the poorest mf's in the country, got a lot of damned nerves blasting ACA. Ky. was the poster child for ACA, with so many hooch hillbillies signing up for it.

Now perhaps this country can move on the more important things, like pork projects, granting tax payer funds to study the reaction of ants after mating.
When a GOP president replaces Obama. SCOTUScare will be repealed because Americans hate it.
Americans hate it........except:

Those who could not previously afford health insurance

Those who have pre-existing conditions who could not previously get insurance

Women, who were charged higher rates because, being a woman was a pre existing condition.

Children under 26 living at home

Chronically ill people who were facing death because the insurers were allowed to put an annual and lifetime cap on benefits.

The insurance companies who are still in business and still making money hand over fist

Did I miss anything ?
The insurance industry will give heavy campaign money to the opponents of the dummies who say they would repeal it.
Breaking news, the Supreme Court just gives ACA a long over due, GET A FUKIN LIFE GOP SLAP DOWN......ruling that ACA is constitutional and conservatives need to get over it. Of all the crap this country has endured over the last few months and years, the lazy good for nothing, but scare the hell out of white people and hicks, house do nothing but challenge ACA session after session, election year after election year and we all should be sick and tired of it. Sen. McConnell of Ky. who represents the poorest mf's in the country, got a lot of damned nerves blasting ACA. Ky. was the poster child for ACA, with so many hooch hillbillies signing up for it.

Now perhaps this country can move on the more important things, like pork projects, granting tax payer funds to study the reaction of ants after mating.
You must love socialism. Idiot.

If you think that the ACA is socialism, you are the idiot.
Health insurance became socialism when everyone was required to have it. That was the one missing component.
"Health insurance became socialism when everyone was required to have it" So auto insurance is socialism. You are simply stupid.
Breaking news, the Supreme Court just gives ACA a long over due, GET A FUKIN LIFE GOP SLAP DOWN......ruling that ACA is constitutional and conservatives need to get over it. Of all the crap this country has endured over the last few months and years, the lazy good for nothing, but scare the hell out of white people and hicks, house do nothing but challenge ACA session after session, election year after election year and we all should be sick and tired of it. Sen. McConnell of Ky. who represents the poorest mf's in the country, got a lot of damned nerves blasting ACA. Ky. was the poster child for ACA, with so many hooch hillbillies signing up for it.

Now perhaps this country can move on the more important things, like pork projects, granting tax payer funds to study the reaction of ants after mating.
You must love socialism. Idiot.

If you think that the ACA is socialism, you are the idiot.
If you think it isn't you are the idiot. Idiot.
Breaking news, the Supreme Court just gives ACA a long over due, GET A FUKIN LIFE GOP SLAP DOWN......ruling that ACA is constitutional and conservatives need to get over it. Of all the crap this country has endured over the last few months and years, the lazy good for nothing, but scare the hell out of white people and hicks, house do nothing but challenge ACA session after session, election year after election year and we all should be sick and tired of it. Sen. McConnell of Ky. who represents the poorest mf's in the country, got a lot of damned nerves blasting ACA. Ky. was the poster child for ACA, with so many hooch hillbillies signing up for it.

Now perhaps this country can move on the more important things, like pork projects, granting tax payer funds to study the reaction of ants after mating.
Why are you happy about being forced to buy ins or else?

I thought liberals supported liberty

not really, I know yall hate freedom, have for years
Breaking news, the Supreme Court just gives ACA a long over due, GET A FUKIN LIFE GOP SLAP DOWN......ruling that ACA is constitutional and conservatives need to get over it. Of all the crap this country has endured over the last few months and years, the lazy good for nothing, but scare the hell out of white people and hicks, house do nothing but challenge ACA session after session, election year after election year and we all should be sick and tired of it. Sen. McConnell of Ky. who represents the poorest mf's in the country, got a lot of damned nerves blasting ACA. Ky. was the poster child for ACA, with so many hooch hillbillies signing up for it.

Now perhaps this country can move on the more important things, like pork projects, granting tax payer funds to study the reaction of ants after mating.
When a GOP president replaces Obama. SCOTUScare will be repealed because Americans hate it.
Americans hate it........except:

Those who could not previously afford health insurance

Those who have pre-existing conditions who could not previously get insurance

Women, who were charged higher rates because, being a woman was a pre existing condition.

Children under 26 living at home

Chronically ill people who were facing death because the insurers were allowed to put an annual and lifetime cap on benefits.

The insurance companies who are still in business and still making money hand over fist

Did I miss anything ?

I agree that one good thing that came from the ACA. Requiring insurance companies to issue policies covering pre-existing conditions is not all bad.

I don't know any 26 year old children, and are you sure they need to live at home to be insured on the parents policy? I don't know.
Breaking news, the Supreme Court just gives ACA a long over due, GET A FUKIN LIFE GOP SLAP DOWN......ruling that ACA is constitutional and conservatives need to get over it. Of all the crap this country has endured over the last few months and years, the lazy good for nothing, but scare the hell out of white people and hicks, house do nothing but challenge ACA session after session, election year after election year and we all should be sick and tired of it. Sen. McConnell of Ky. who represents the poorest mf's in the country, got a lot of damned nerves blasting ACA. Ky. was the poster child for ACA, with so many hooch hillbillies signing up for it.

Now perhaps this country can move on the more important things, like pork projects, granting tax payer funds to study the reaction of ants after mating.
Why are you happy about being forced to buy ins or else?

I thought liberals supported liberty

not really, I know yall hate freedom, have for years

Tell you what, If you don't want to buy insure that's fine. But, just agree that when you get sick, you won't go to the ER and get expensive charity care at the tax payers expense, and when that big bill comes, you won't file for bankruptcy and stick it to your creditors. I want freedom from free loaders. A lot of sick and uninsured people drag it all down and we all pay in the end. It's about personal responsibility. Don't conservatives bloviate about personal responsibility all the time
Breaking news, the Supreme Court just gives ACA a long over due, GET A FUKIN LIFE GOP SLAP DOWN......ruling that ACA is constitutional and conservatives need to get over it. Of all the crap this country has endured over the last few months and years, the lazy good for nothing, but scare the hell out of white people and hicks, house do nothing but challenge ACA session after session, election year after election year and we all should be sick and tired of it. Sen. McConnell of Ky. who represents the poorest mf's in the country, got a lot of damned nerves blasting ACA. Ky. was the poster child for ACA, with so many hooch hillbillies signing up for it.

Now perhaps this country can move on the more important things, like pork projects, granting tax payer funds to study the reaction of ants after mating.
Why are you happy about being forced to buy ins or else?

I thought liberals supported liberty

not really, I know yall hate freedom, have for years

Tell you what, If you don't want to buy insure that's fine. But, just agree that when you get sick, you won't go to the ER and get expensive charity care at the tax payers expense, and when that big bill comes, you won't file for bankruptcy and stick it to your creditors. I want freedom from free loaders. A lot of sick and uninsured people drag it all down and we all pay in the end. It's about personal responsibility. Don't conservatives bloviate about personal responsibility all the time
Breaking news, the Supreme Court just gives ACA a long over due, GET A FUKIN LIFE GOP SLAP DOWN......ruling that ACA is constitutional and conservatives need to get over it. Of all the crap this country has endured over the last few months and years, the lazy good for nothing, but scare the hell out of white people and hicks, house do nothing but challenge ACA session after session, election year after election year and we all should be sick and tired of it. Sen. McConnell of Ky. who represents the poorest mf's in the country, got a lot of damned nerves blasting ACA. Ky. was the poster child for ACA, with so many hooch hillbillies signing up for it.

Now perhaps this country can move on the more important things, like pork projects, granting tax payer funds to study the reaction of ants after mating.
Why are you happy about being forced to buy ins or else?

I thought liberals supported liberty

not really, I know yall hate freedom, have for years

Tell you what, If you don't want to buy insure that's fine. But, just agree that when you get sick, you won't go to the ER and get expensive charity care at the tax payers expense, and when that big bill comes, you won't file for bankruptcy and stick it to your creditors. I want freedom from free loaders. A lot of sick and uninsured people drag it all down and we all pay in the end. It's about personal responsibility. Don't conservatives bloviate about personal responsibility all the time

"Emergency-room visits continued to climb in the second year of the Affordable Care Act, contradicting the law’s supporters who had predicted a decline in traffic as more people gained access to doctors and other health-care providers.

A survey of 2,098 emergency-room doctors conducted in March showed about three-quarters said visits had risen since January 2014. That was a significant uptick from a year earlier, when less than half of doctors surveyed reported an increase. The survey by the American College of Emergency Physicians is scheduled to be published Monday."
Breaking news, the Supreme Court just gives ACA a long over due, GET A FUKIN LIFE GOP SLAP DOWN......ruling that ACA is constitutional and conservatives need to get over it. Of all the crap this country has endured over the last few months and years, the lazy good for nothing, but scare the hell out of white people and hicks, house do nothing but challenge ACA session after session, election year after election year and we all should be sick and tired of it. Sen. McConnell of Ky. who represents the poorest mf's in the country, got a lot of damned nerves blasting ACA. Ky. was the poster child for ACA, with so many hooch hillbillies signing up for it.

Now perhaps this country can move on the more important things, like pork projects, granting tax payer funds to study the reaction of ants after mating.
Why are you happy about being forced to buy ins or else?

I thought liberals supported liberty

not really, I know yall hate freedom, have for years

Tell you what, If you don't want to buy insure that's fine. But, just agree that when you get sick, you won't go to the ER and get expensive charity care at the tax payers expense, and when that big bill comes, you won't file for bankruptcy and stick it to your creditors. I want freedom from free loaders. A lot of sick and uninsured people drag it all down and we all pay in the end. It's about personal responsibility. Don't conservatives bloviate about personal responsibility all the time
So, b/c you hate poor people, that can't afford ins, you want to fuck them even harder by forcing them to buy it, or fucking else.

yea, leftist talk all sorts of shit about being the most charitable, but we all know it's bullshit, and you just proved it.

thanks for accidentally being honest.
In the old days we just let people die if they couldn't afford medical care, I personally don't object to going back to those days, but I have a feeling most of the country would...
Breaking news, the Supreme Court just gives ACA a long over due, GET A FUKIN LIFE GOP SLAP DOWN......ruling that ACA is constitutional and conservatives need to get over it. Of all the crap this country has endured over the last few months and years, the lazy good for nothing, but scare the hell out of white people and hicks, house do nothing but challenge ACA session after session, election year after election year and we all should be sick and tired of it. Sen. McConnell of Ky. who represents the poorest mf's in the country, got a lot of damned nerves blasting ACA. Ky. was the poster child for ACA, with so many hooch hillbillies signing up for it.

Now perhaps this country can move on the more important things, like pork projects, granting tax payer funds to study the reaction of ants after mating.
When a GOP president replaces Obama. SCOTUScare will be repealed because Americans hate it.

Bull shit.....FACT...the people who hate ACA, ie Obamacare are people who not only don't need it because their either on medicare or have employer provided healthcare are the voices people like you listen too. ACA is very successful, its a needed mandate and you and people like you need to get over it. And unless we get a nut in office like every single GOP maggot running for office, who by the way, will not, I repeat will not do a damn thing to ACA but use it to scare retards like you to get a vote.

Got a question for you.....exactly what is it that the GOP is proposing to replace it and please not the 5000 voucher bullshit.
Breaking news, the Supreme Court just gives ACA a long over due, GET A FUKIN LIFE GOP SLAP DOWN......ruling that ACA is constitutional and conservatives need to get over it. Of all the crap this country has endured over the last few months and years, the lazy good for nothing, but scare the hell out of white people and hicks, house do nothing but challenge ACA session after session, election year after election year and we all should be sick and tired of it. Sen. McConnell of Ky. who represents the poorest mf's in the country, got a lot of damned nerves blasting ACA. Ky. was the poster child for ACA, with so many hooch hillbillies signing up for it.

Now perhaps this country can move on the more important things, like pork projects, granting tax payer funds to study the reaction of ants after mating.
Why are you happy about being forced to buy ins or else?

I thought liberals supported liberty

not really, I know yall hate freedom, have for years

Tell you what, If you don't want to buy insure that's fine. But, just agree that when you get sick, you won't go to the ER and get expensive charity care at the tax payers expense, and when that big bill comes, you won't file for bankruptcy and stick it to your creditors. I want freedom from free loaders. A lot of sick and uninsured people drag it all down and we all pay in the end. It's about personal responsibility. Don't conservatives bloviate about personal responsibility all the time
So, b/c you hate poor people, that can't afford ins, you want to fuck them even harder by forcing them to buy it, or fucking else.

yea, leftist talk all sorts of shit about being the most charitable, but we all know it's bullshit, and you just proved it.

thanks for accidentally being honest.

Dude, listen I work, you work, we all pay for the poor when they don't have insurance. We all do. If you were smart, you'd understand exactly what ACA does and how beneficial it will become down the people have got to stop looking at a forest and reconize the trees in it...its a win win and you idiots just don't see it, but it is!!

I know people on SSI who are mad as hell because instead of medicare just giving them a card and SSI just giving them a check...they now have to take what little money that disability check entails and pay into healthcare and they're pissed about...but that's how it works more freebee's per say!!
In the old days we just let people die if they couldn't afford medical care, I personally don't object to going back to those days, but I have a feeling most of the country would...

I am old enough to remember when medical care was based soley on your income. But I kinda like your days better...that is if YOU WERE AMONG THOSE THAT DIED FIRST!!.....AS HO!!
Breaking news, the Supreme Court just gives ACA a long over due, GET A FUKIN LIFE GOP SLAP DOWN......ruling that ACA is constitutional and conservatives need to get over it. Of all the crap this country has endured over the last few months and years, the lazy good for nothing, but scare the hell out of white people and hicks, house do nothing but challenge ACA session after session, election year after election year and we all should be sick and tired of it. Sen. McConnell of Ky. who represents the poorest mf's in the country, got a lot of damned nerves blasting ACA. Ky. was the poster child for ACA, with so many hooch hillbillies signing up for it.

Now perhaps this country can move on the more important things, like pork projects, granting tax payer funds to study the reaction of ants after mating.
You must love socialism. Idiot.

This country was built on socialism, where the hell you been? And you too must love it too, so the next time you take a trip on a highway to visit our nations parks.....keep it mind, all socialist projects of the days gone by...sucker
Breaking news, the Supreme Court just gives ACA a long over due, GET A FUKIN LIFE GOP SLAP DOWN......ruling that ACA is constitutional and conservatives need to get over it. Of all the crap this country has endured over the last few months and years, the lazy good for nothing, but scare the hell out of white people and hicks, house do nothing but challenge ACA session after session, election year after election year and we all should be sick and tired of it. Sen. McConnell of Ky. who represents the poorest mf's in the country, got a lot of damned nerves blasting ACA. Ky. was the poster child for ACA, with so many hooch hillbillies signing up for it.

Now perhaps this country can move on the more important things, like pork projects, granting tax payer funds to study the reaction of ants after mating.
Why are you happy about being forced to buy ins or else?

I thought liberals supported liberty

not really, I know yall hate freedom, have for years

Tell you what, If you don't want to buy insure that's fine. But, just agree that when you get sick, you won't go to the ER and get expensive charity care at the tax payers expense, and when that big bill comes, you won't file for bankruptcy and stick it to your creditors. I want freedom from free loaders. A lot of sick and uninsured people drag it all down and we all pay in the end. It's about personal responsibility. Don't conservatives bloviate about personal responsibility all the time
So, b/c you hate poor people, that can't afford ins, you want to fuck them even harder by forcing them to buy it, or fucking else.

yea, leftist talk all sorts of shit about being the most charitable, but we all know it's bullshit, and you just proved it.

thanks for accidentally being honest.

Dude, listen I work, you work, we all pay for the poor when they don't have insurance. We all do. If you were smart, you'd understand exactly what ACA does and how beneficial it will become down the people have got to stop looking at a forest and reconize the trees in it...its a win win and you idiots just don't see it, but it is!!

I know people on SSI who are mad as hell because instead of medicare just giving them a card and SSI just giving them a check...they now have to take what little money that disability check entails and pay into healthcare and they're pissed about...but that's how it works more freebee's per say!!

Everybody who draws SSI has to pay into Medicare Part A. I think it is $104 a month this year. What are they bitching about if the get SSI and SSDI?

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