Accepting the results of the election...

If Trump wins, few on the Left will accept it. In fact, some think the Left will take extreme measures to invalidate a Trump win.

You must remember this age old truism. Whatever the Left accuses their opponents of, they are guilty of.

They are already firebombing Republican offices.

Actually - one Republican office was firebombed and no one has been arrested (correct?) - you don't even know who did it.

Actually, one or ten makes no difference. It's the thought that counts.
Oh November is going to be fun!

I hope Donald Trump does not accept the election result and armed rebellion happens because I will finally get to say these nutters have lost it...

Now with that written it is my opinion when the election is done Donald Trump will accept his loss ( if he loses ) but some of his supporters will not and will carry hatred and anger for the next four years...

I doubt any violence happens and all those screaming for revolution will just be keyboard warriors for the next four years...

The only violent people are the democrats who have been caught on video stating they have sent people to commit violence at Trump rallies.....bob craemer, the husband of jan shakowski an Illinois Representative admitted it.....he stated he knows hilary and her staff know about the operations, they funnel money to the Democrat National Committte who funneled it to him and his group....and that he got direct orders from the DNC Director of Special Events......

Those are the violent ones...not to forget the actual assassination attempt on Trump, the Trump supporter shot by hilary supporters, the Trump supporters attacked, beaten and spit on by hilary supporters....

and bob craemer states that when he needed professional, violent thugs, he would contact the Democrat National Committee and they would connect him with the local AFL-CIO to get trained union thugs to help him.....

it is all on fucking video.....

you are pretty stupid....

Do you need a list of violence committed by Trump supporters including those caught on video to complete your collection?

Moron....we have actual video of bob craemer and his buddy foval admitting that they are actively inciting violence at Trump rallies and coordinating with both the hilary campaign and the democrat national committe......that they get their orders on a daily 1:00 phone call and are paid by the DNC who funnels money from the hilary campaign.....

and here is the list...and you can now add the fire bombing of the Republican campaign headquarters in North guys are brownshirt assholes...

Fire bombing of Republican headquarters...

Trump supporter chased and beaten because he wore Trump Hat...
Black Lives Matter Mob Chases, Beats Man Wearing Trump Hat
---Trump supporter shot in the leg...

Paul Jones, Trump supporter, shot at Cleveland bar during heated political debate

---Trump supporter hit with crow bar....

Man Attacked With Crowbar Over Donald Trump T-Shirt: Cops

---Female Trump supporter hit with eggs and bottle....

Female Trump Supporter Hit With Eggs, Bottles as California Protest Turns Violent — See What Was Caught on Video

SAN JOSE, Calif. (TheBlaze/AP) — A few hundred protesters are blocking traffic and some are scuffling with supporters of Donald Trump after the presidential candidate’s rally in San Jose, California.

Police were keeping their distance and not getting involved with the protesters marching in the streets outside of San Jose Convention Center on Thursday night.

One woman, a Trump supporter, was surrounded by protesters who allegedly threw eggs and bottles at her head,BuzzFeed reported.

---Moron democrats stop Trump rally in chicago..

Inside the Protest That Stopped the Trump Rally

--left wing socialist, a democrat supporter, tries to murder Trump...

Source: Man who grabbed gun wanted to kill Trump - CNN Video

---left wing democrats shut down Arizona highway to Trump rally....

'Shut Down Trump': Protesters Shut Down AZ Highway to Rally

--democrats punch Trump supporters at same rally where they threw eggs and bottles at the woman....

Punches, eggs thrown as protesters attack Trump supporters outside San Jose rally

Protests outside a Donald Trump rally in downtown San Jose spun out of control Thursday night when some demonstrators attacked the candidate's supporters.

Protesters jumped on cars, pelted Trump supporters with eggs and water balloons, snatched signs, and stole "Make America Great" hats off supporters' heads before burning them and snapping selfies with the charred remains.

Several people were caught on camera punching Trump supporters. At least one attacker was arrested, according to CNN, although police did not release much information.

---democrat mob attacks Trump motorcade and supporters....

Mainstream media ignores anti-Trump mob in Minneapolis | Fox News

A violent mob terrorized Donald Trump donors but the Mainstream Media ignored the story. It happened Friday night at a fundraiser held at the Minneapolis Convention Center.

Some of Trump’s supporters were punched and spat upon, The Hill reports. Others were pelted by garbage and taunted by the angry mob.

Click here to join Todd’s American Dispatch: a must-read for Conservatives!

The vicious thugs actually attacked elderly women. What kind of a lowlife does something like that?
If Trump wins, few on the Left will accept it. In fact, some think the Left will take extreme measures to invalidate a Trump win.

You must remember this age old truism. Whatever the Left accuses their opponents of, they are guilty of.

They are already firebombing Republican offices.

Actually - one Republican office was firebombed and no one has been arrested (correct?) - you don't even know who did it.
And another had a bomb threat called in,and another had bricks thrown through the windows,and another was burglarized...

Let me know when the perpetrators are caught.

In the meantime, consider these:

NC Democratic headquarters attacked on same night nearby GOP office was firebombed
Box Vandalized Outside NC Democrat Office
Washoe County Democratic Party headquarters vandalized
Swastikas Painted on NJ Politician's Home, Sidewalk

And lastly - perhaps the right way to handle violence from the fringes and show it is NOT acceptable...strong condemnation and fund raising to rebuild.
Trump, Clinton weigh in after Triangle GOP office firebombed ::

We have actual democrat activists...bob craemer and two others admitting that they are inciting violence and committing voter fraud........on video, in their own words and that they are coordinating with hilary and the DNC...

Alinskyite Tactics, Robert Creamer, and Us, by Stanley Kurtz, National Review

Thank you for trying (few posts) to put into words those recent video. Even that does not phase "them"? Disgusting creatures w/o any decency. I feel sick about it.
Last edited:
Oh November is going to be fun!

I hope Donald Trump does not accept the election result and armed rebellion happens because I will finally get to say these nutters have lost it...

Now with that written it is my opinion when the election is done Donald Trump will accept his loss ( if he loses ) but some of his supporters will not and will carry hatred and anger for the next four years...

I doubt any violence happens and all those screaming for revolution will just be keyboard warriors for the next four years...

The only violent people are the democrats who have been caught on video stating they have sent people to commit violence at Trump rallies.....bob craemer, the husband of jan shakowski an Illinois Representative admitted it.....he stated he knows hilary and her staff know about the operations, they funnel money to the Democrat National Committte who funneled it to him and his group....and that he got direct orders from the DNC Director of Special Events......

Those are the violent ones...not to forget the actual assassination attempt on Trump, the Trump supporter shot by hilary supporters, the Trump supporters attacked, beaten and spit on by hilary supporters....

and bob craemer states that when he needed professional, violent thugs, he would contact the Democrat National Committee and they would connect him with the local AFL-CIO to get trained union thugs to help him.....

it is all on fucking video.....

you are pretty stupid....

Do you need a list of violence committed by Trump supporters including those caught on video to complete your collection?

Moron....we have actual video of bob craemer and his buddy foval admitting that they are actively inciting violence at Trump rallies and coordinating with both the hilary campaign and the democrat national committe......that they get their orders on a daily 1:00 phone call and are paid by the DNC who funnels money from the hilary campaign.....

and here is the list...and you can now add the fire bombing of the Republican campaign headquarters in North guys are brownshirt assholes...

Fire bombing of Republican headquarters...

Trump supporter chased and beaten because he wore Trump Hat...
Black Lives Matter Mob Chases, Beats Man Wearing Trump Hat
---Trump supporter shot in the leg...

Paul Jones, Trump supporter, shot at Cleveland bar during heated political debate

---Trump supporter hit with crow bar....

Man Attacked With Crowbar Over Donald Trump T-Shirt: Cops

---Female Trump supporter hit with eggs and bottle....

Female Trump Supporter Hit With Eggs, Bottles as California Protest Turns Violent — See What Was Caught on Video

SAN JOSE, Calif. (TheBlaze/AP) — A few hundred protesters are blocking traffic and some are scuffling with supporters of Donald Trump after the presidential candidate’s rally in San Jose, California.

Police were keeping their distance and not getting involved with the protesters marching in the streets outside of San Jose Convention Center on Thursday night.

One woman, a Trump supporter, was surrounded by protesters who allegedly threw eggs and bottles at her head,BuzzFeed reported.

---Moron democrats stop Trump rally in chicago..

Inside the Protest That Stopped the Trump Rally

--left wing socialist, a democrat supporter, tries to murder Trump...

Source: Man who grabbed gun wanted to kill Trump - CNN Video

---left wing democrats shut down Arizona highway to Trump rally....

'Shut Down Trump': Protesters Shut Down AZ Highway to Rally

--democrats punch Trump supporters at same rally where they threw eggs and bottles at the woman....

Punches, eggs thrown as protesters attack Trump supporters outside San Jose rally

Protests outside a Donald Trump rally in downtown San Jose spun out of control Thursday night when some demonstrators attacked the candidate's supporters.

Protesters jumped on cars, pelted Trump supporters with eggs and water balloons, snatched signs, and stole "Make America Great" hats off supporters' heads before burning them and snapping selfies with the charred remains.

Several people were caught on camera punching Trump supporters. At least one attacker was arrested, according to CNN, although police did not release much information.

---democrat mob attacks Trump motorcade and supporters....

Mainstream media ignores anti-Trump mob in Minneapolis | Fox News

A violent mob terrorized Donald Trump donors but the Mainstream Media ignored the story. It happened Friday night at a fundraiser held at the Minneapolis Convention Center.

Some of Trump’s supporters were punched and spat upon, The Hill reports. Others were pelted by garbage and taunted by the angry mob.

Click here to join Todd’s American Dispatch: a must-read for Conservatives!

The vicious thugs actually attacked elderly women. What kind of a lowlife does something like that?

Here you go - your list is incomplete, seems to be missing a bunch of violent acts:
Man arrested in connection with punch at Trump rally
Trump supporter charged after sucker-punching protester at North Carolina rally
Trump campaign manager gets rough with Breitbart reporter
Video Shows Black Woman Being Repeatedly Shoved, Followed at Kentucky Trump Rally
The Trump Supporters Hate Map: Tracing Acts of Harrassment and Violence at Rallies from Coast to Coast
All the times Trump has called for violence at his rallies
Trump Supporters Pepper Spray Non-Violent Protesters (VIDEO) | RedState
There Have Been at Least 9 Violent Attacks on Women by Trump Supporters
“Hillary needs to be taken out”: Donald Trump’s violent rhetoric is taking a real form at his campaign rallies
Police issue warrant for Trump supporter who appeared to punch protester at a rally -
Deplorable Violence at Trump Rallies Deserves Press Coverage

I'm sure there are more examples, it's easy to find on searches...takes more time to verify accuracy but I doubt anyone cares about that anymore.

In the meantime, does this mean you condone all this violence?
Hillary shouldn't be paying thugs to incite violence at Trump rallies. Also don't come to rally looking for trouble and you won't find any. Simple fact.
If Trump wins, few on the Left will accept it. In fact, some think the Left will take extreme measures to invalidate a Trump win.

You must remember this age old truism. Whatever the Left accuses their opponents of, they are guilty of.

They are already firebombing Republican offices.

Actually - one Republican office was firebombed and no one has been arrested (correct?) - you don't even know who did it.

This happened in a county where Democrats are 5-1 over Republican. Take a guess who did it

Could be anyone but why wait for evidence? I think what is MORE telling is that local Democrats chose to fundraise for the Republicans and help them rebuild. That sends a pretty darn good messagge that someone went to far and it's not acceptable. That's what normal people do (and I include most Republicans in that statement as well). They don't justify the violence - they condemn it. Has Trump ever done that? :eusa_think:
I am laughing at the babbling heads whining about Trumps statement being unamerican etc. Yep. Its unamerican to CHEAT to win as well. Don't see no whining about that from the left! Don't cheat and you have no reason to have results called into question. Simple as that. I am with Donald 100%!

Cheating how ?! More imagination by the right wing tinfoil hats.

Trumps words are dangerous because he's going to get the whackos all in a tizzy when he loses .

Al Gore didn't accept the results of the election and went to court. And lost. Same thing, Then the left whined for a few years that he won the popular vote, and should be President. LMFAO

Al Gore questioned a specific state and asked for a recount. He went to court because of restrictions being placed on that recount.

It is not the same thing as Trump claiming the entire election process is biased against him with zero evidence to support it
If Trump wins, few on the Left will accept it. In fact, some think the Left will take extreme measures to invalidate a Trump win.

You must remember this age old truism. Whatever the Left accuses their opponents of, they are guilty of.

If Trump wins, always possible - I would accept it. I would be utterly disgusted at the electorate, I would truly fear for our country's future and pray that Congress can keep him in check (since Trump doesn't seem to realize that the POTUS is not synominous with CEO) and I would count down the years, months and days to the next election.

I would NOT say it was rigged. I would NOT encourage violence. What's more - I haven't seen Clinton encouraging violence if she doesn't win.

Nah, she's just encouraging violence to win.

Fact-Check: Yes, the Hillary Clinton Campaign Used Activists to Disrupt Trump Rallies - Breitbart
Actual quote: It would be ridiculous to cheat like that, lets say we put people on a bus to go vote in another state, under what names could they vote? It would never work

Veritas plays: lets say we put people on a bus to vote in another state

Breitbart headline: Dems ship voters in from other states

This is rdean's post from another thread this a.m. Informative, huh? Instead of just calling rdean a name, check it out and see if the stuff you're believing is true.

You're another shill and wouldn't recognize a fact if a sack of them hit you in the head.

You loons and your attacking sources then quoting loon sites like Snopes are sad
So you don't think that was the actual quote? I don't think you'd even bother to check because it makes no difference to you if it's true. That's the difference between a conservative like you and an Independent like me.
You're just going to back the cause, not the facts.

I don't know what Snopes is, but I know World Weekly News quality when I see it. If you're too young to remember WWN (it used to be at the checkout counter at all the grocery stores) :
Weekly World News - Wikipedia
The Weekly World News was a largely fictional news tabloid published in the United States from 1979 to 2007, renowned for its outlandish cover stories often ...

You're no freaking Independent lady and as for your other blather wth are you blabbering about?
If Trump wins, few on the Left will accept it. In fact, some think the Left will take extreme measures to invalidate a Trump win.

You must remember this age old truism. Whatever the Left accuses their opponents of, they are guilty of.

They are already firebombing Republican offices.

Actually - one Republican office was firebombed and no one has been arrested (correct?) - you don't even know who did it.

This happened in a county where Democrats are 5-1 over Republican. Take a guess who did it

Could be anyone but why wait for evidence? I think what is MORE telling is that local Democrats chose to fundraise for the Republicans and help them rebuild. That sends a pretty darn good messagge that someone went to far and it's not acceptable. That's what normal people do (and I include most Republicans in that statement as well). They don't justify the violence - they condemn it. Has Trump ever done that? :eusa_think:

That sounds like they had inside information and a guilty conscience.
If Trump wins, always possible - I would accept it. I would be utterly disgusted at the electorate, I would truly fear for our country's future and pray that Congress can keep him in check (since Trump doesn't seem to realize that the POTUS is not synominous with CEO) and I would count down the years, months and days to the next election.

I would NOT say it was rigged. I would NOT encourage violence. What's more - I haven't seen Clinton encouraging violence if she doesn't win.

Nah, she's just encouraging violence to win.

Fact-Check: Yes, the Hillary Clinton Campaign Used Activists to Disrupt Trump Rallies - Breitbart
Actual quote: It would be ridiculous to cheat like that, lets say we put people on a bus to go vote in another state, under what names could they vote? It would never work

Veritas plays: lets say we put people on a bus to vote in another state

Breitbart headline: Dems ship voters in from other states

This is rdean's post from another thread this a.m. Informative, huh? Instead of just calling rdean a name, check it out and see if the stuff you're believing is true.

You're another shill and wouldn't recognize a fact if a sack of them hit you in the head.

You loons and your attacking sources then quoting loon sites like Snopes are sad
So you don't think that was the actual quote? I don't think you'd even bother to check because it makes no difference to you if it's true. That's the difference between a conservative like you and an Independent like me.
You're just going to back the cause, not the facts.

I don't know what Snopes is, but I know World Weekly News quality when I see it. If you're too young to remember WWN (it used to be at the checkout counter at all the grocery stores) :
Weekly World News - Wikipedia
The Weekly World News was a largely fictional news tabloid published in the United States from 1979 to 2007, renowned for its outlandish cover stories often ...

This will be ignored, I guarantee....

I have no earthly idea what the hell she is blabbering about. One minute she's quoting RDerp and the next minute something about some site I've never heard of.
The Left has already rigged the election by using the media to lie about Trump to the American people. This whole groping scandal is part of the rigging. The MSM is clearly in the tank for the criminal and their reporting has been absurdly biased also part of the Americans can see the bias and discount it, dumb Americans can't. I call that rigging the election.

What liesw specifically? Are you saying Trump didn't grope any of those women? (and I bet you think that everything said about Bill Clinton is god's honest truth ;) )
You can't be this stupid unless it is purposeful. Trump was never accused of groping until...magic he runs as an R. He is wealthy in the public eye for decades...but nothing until just before the election 9 women come forth

Are you really this easily duped by the Clinton owned media?
If Trump wins, few on the Left will accept it. In fact, some think the Left will take extreme measures to invalidate a Trump win.

You must remember this age old truism. Whatever the Left accuses their opponents of, they are guilty of.

They are already firebombing Republican offices.

Actually - one Republican office was firebombed and no one has been arrested (correct?) - you don't even know who did it.

This happened in a county where Democrats are 5-1 over Republican. Take a guess who did it

Could be anyone but why wait for evidence? I think what is MORE telling is that local Democrats chose to fundraise for the Republicans and help them rebuild. That sends a pretty darn good messagge that someone went to far and it's not acceptable. That's what normal people do (and I include most Republicans in that statement as well). They don't justify the violence - they condemn it. Has Trump ever done that? :eusa_think:

That sounds like they had inside information and a guilty conscience.

To me it sounds like a repudiation and a statement that some folks are going way to far in this election and it's not acceptable. A guilty political conscience is NOT going to fund raise for the opposition. It's just going to deny.
I'm sure there are more examples, it's easy to find on searches...takes more time to verify accuracy but I doubt anyone cares about that anymore.

In the meantime, does this mean you condone all this violence?

ALL OF THE LINKS YOU CAN FIND, even the bullshit ones pale in comparrison to the violence that frequently happens where ever democrook agitators are in operation.

So a few bed wetter got slapped and maced at trumptard rallies? Whaaa!!! You put yourselves in the faces of people going to a cult of personality event and agitate them, and want anyone to give a fuck when people give you the slap in the face you deserve?

When you assholes gather in "protest" cities burn down, people are killed, and it ALWAYS over a bullshit event.

The Left has already rigged the election by using the media to lie about Trump to the American people. This whole groping scandal is part of the rigging. The MSM is clearly in the tank for the criminal and their reporting has been absurdly biased also part of the Americans can see the bias and discount it, dumb Americans can't. I call that rigging the election.

What liesw specifically? Are you saying Trump didn't grope any of those women? (and I bet you think that everything said about Bill Clinton is god's honest truth ;) )
You can't be this stupid unless it is purposeful. Trump was never accused of groping until...magic he runs as an R. He is wealthy in the public eye for decades...but nothing until just before the election 9 women come forth

Are you really this easily duped by the Clinton owned media?

You realize, don't you, that Clinton's women came out of the woodwork at a politically strategic time? But thanks for playing :)

5 Times Democrats Claimed U.S. Elections Are ‘Rigged’

1. 2000: Al Gore and the Florida recount. Yes, Gore eventually accepted the result — but only after withdrawing his concession, trying to have the vote recounted only in Democrat-heavy Florida counties, and suing to stop ballots from being recounted. Even after a consortium of media outlets concluded that George W. Bush had indeed won more votes in Florida, Democrats continued to claim the election had been “stolen” by the Supreme Court and Bush was an illegitimate president.

2. 2004: John Kerry and “rigged” machines. While Kerry conceded the election, he and his running mate continued to believe afterwards that the election had been stolen from them, possibly by voting machines. Elizabeth Edwards said in 2007 that she had been “very disappointed” in Kerry’s decision to concede the election. And last year the New Yorker reported that Kerry believed “proxies for Bush had rigged many voting machines” in Ohio, and that he may in fact have won the election.

3. 2008: John Podesta and Obama’s voter fraud. As the Wall Street Journalpointed out recently, President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder have suggested that voter ID laws are a way of rigging elections against black people. And while they downplay fears of voter fraud, Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta reported internally (via Wikileaks) in 2015 that Clinton operatives believed that “the Obama forces flooded the caucuses with ineligible voters” to win the primary.

4. 2014: Congress and a “rigged” district system. Thanks to the Tea Party wave election in 2010 in response to Obamacare, Republicans were left in charge of many state legislatures as they redrew congressional district boundaries. Except in a few states — such as Illinois, where Democrats drew several Republicans out of their seats — that meant Republicans held the advantage in the House. As a result, Democrats complained bitterlythat congressional elections were “rigged” against them.

5. 2016: Bernie Sanders and a “rigged” primary. Sanders uses the word “rigged” often to describe the economic system. But in 2016, the Democratic Party primary was rigged against him in a political sense — both openly, in the party’s anti-democratic super delegate system, and secretly, through collusion between party officials and the Clinton campaign. Sanders supporters protested at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia against what they called a “rigged” election.

Hillary Clinton herself has made at least one similar claim. National Review — which officially opposed Trump earlier this year — points out that Clinton told a private fundraiser in 2002 that George W. Bush had been “selected,” not “elected.”

5 Times Democrats Claimed U.S. Elections Are 'Rigged' - Breitbart
One of the fundamental pillars of our democratic system accepting the results of an election, and the peaceful transition of power.

This is the first election where both could be fundamentally threatened by pre-election rhetoric and inflammatory statements.

Folks are now bringing up Al Gore, in his election against Bush as if it were somehow equivalent. But is it?

The Florida vote was extremely close - close enough to demand a recount which was within a candidates legal rights. When it was finally decided, by the courts - Gore graciously and completely accepted the outcome. There was no talk about "rigged" elections from Mr. Gore.

But the fundamental difference is this: all this occurred AFTER the election and Gore accepted the court's verdict.

There was no pre-election claims (whenever the polls dropped) about rigged elections, about his crooked opponent rigging things, etc. undermining the very electoral process in this country. This is a first from a presidential candidate, and it's dangerous because he flirts with it and encourages his supporters with it. They can't possibly lose - because it's "rigged".

I hated that Bush won - not once, but twice - felt like doomsday. But we survived as a country (and for those who hate Obama - we'll still survive as a country).

I'm horrified that supporters of Trump, encouraged BY Trump's rhetoric are saying these things...

Trump’s supporters talk rebellion, assassination at his rallies - The Boston Globe
And if Trump doesn’t win, some are even openly talking about violent rebellion and assassination, as fantastical and unhinged as that may seem.

“If she’s in office, I hope we can start a coup. She should be in prison or shot. That’s how I feel about it,” Dan Bowman, a 50-year-old contractor, said of Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee. “We’re going to have a revolution and take them out of office if that’s what it takes. There’s going to be a lot of bloodshed. But that’s what it’s going to take. . . . I would do whatever I can for my country.”

He then placed a Trump mask on his face and posed for pictures.

Trump’s campaign has taken a sharp turn toward such dark warnings in recent days. He says he is a victim of conspiracies, portrays himself as a martyr to the cause of the right wing, and is stoking anger in advance of what may be a defeat on Nov. 8.

Trump has suggested that the Secret Service protecting Clinton should be disarmed and “see what happens to her,” and that “Second Amendment people” could take matters into their own hands if she wins and appoints judges who support gun control. But his campaign disavowed some of the remarks of his supporters on Saturday after this article was posted online.

Trump Supporters Call For Violent Coup If He Loses, Vow To Racially Profile Minority Voters
Steve Webb, a 61-year-old carpenter, told the Globe he plans to heed Trump's call to "watch your precincts" on Election Day.

“I’ll look for . . . well, it’s called racial profiling. Mexicans. Syrians. People who can’t speak American,” he said. “I’m going to go right up behind them. I’ll do everything legally. I want to see if they are accountable. I’m not going to do anything illegal. I’m going to make them a little bit nervous.”

And from: Trump’s supporters talk rebellion, assassination at his rallies - The Boston Globe
Fergus Cullen, former chairman of the New Hampshire GOP, said it was an incredibly important moment in 2000 when Democrat Al Gore gave a speech saying he accepted the results of the Supreme Court decision to award the majority of electoral votes and presidential victory to George W. Bush.

“Had he not done that, or done so halfheartedly, or even suggested that he’d been robbed, or otherwise tried to delegitimize the results, it would have been a huge blow to our democratic process,” Cullen said.

Cullen expects Trump’s warnings about a rigged election to get even uglier in coming weeks, and he fears they will incite violence if Trump loses.

“That’s really scary,” Cullen said, recounting the violence at Trump rallies around the country leading up to the Republican National Convention. “In this country, we’ve always had recriminations after one side loses. But we haven’t had riots. We haven’t had mobs that act out with violence against supporters of the other side.’’

“There’s no telling what his supporters would be willing to do at the slightest encouragement from their candidate,” he said.

So what you're saying is that regardless of what people say, we are to "accept" whatever the current regime tells us regarding election results?

Uh no.

5 Times Democrats Claimed U.S. Elections Are ‘Rigged’

1. 2000: Al Gore and the Florida recount. Yes, Gore eventually accepted the result — but only after withdrawing his concession, trying to have the vote recounted only in Democrat-heavy Florida counties, and suing to stop ballots from being recounted. Even after a consortium of media outlets concluded that George W. Bush had indeed won more votes in Florida, Democrats continued to claim the election had been “stolen” by the Supreme Court and Bush was an illegitimate president.

2. 2004: John Kerry and “rigged” machines. While Kerry conceded the election, he and his running mate continued to believe afterwards that the election had been stolen from them, possibly by voting machines. Elizabeth Edwards said in 2007 that she had been “very disappointed” in Kerry’s decision to concede the election. And last year the New Yorker reported that Kerry believed “proxies for Bush had rigged many voting machines” in Ohio, and that he may in fact have won the election.

3. 2008: John Podesta and Obama’s voter fraud. As the Wall Street Journalpointed out recently, President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder have suggested that voter ID laws are a way of rigging elections against black people. And while they downplay fears of voter fraud, Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta reported internally (via Wikileaks) in 2015 that Clinton operatives believed that “the Obama forces flooded the caucuses with ineligible voters” to win the primary.

4. 2014: Congress and a “rigged” district system. Thanks to the Tea Party wave election in 2010 in response to Obamacare, Republicans were left in charge of many state legislatures as they redrew congressional district boundaries. Except in a few states — such as Illinois, where Democrats drew several Republicans out of their seats — that meant Republicans held the advantage in the House. As a result, Democrats complained bitterlythat congressional elections were “rigged” against them.

5. 2016: Bernie Sanders and a “rigged” primary. Sanders uses the word “rigged” often to describe the economic system. But in 2016, the Democratic Party primary was rigged against him in a political sense — both openly, in the party’s anti-democratic super delegate system, and secretly, through collusion between party officials and the Clinton campaign. Sanders supporters protested at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia against what they called a “rigged” election.

Hillary Clinton herself has made at least one similar claim. National Review — which officially opposed Trump earlier this year — points out that Clinton told a private fundraiser in 2002 that George W. Bush had been “selected,” not “elected.”

5 Times Democrats Claimed U.S. Elections Are 'Rigged' - Breitbart


You are talking about specific complaints about specific states or districts. All based on evidence that supported the claim

Trump has NO EVIDENCE to support his claim of systematic nationwide voter fraud
One of the fundamental pillars of our democratic system accepting the results of an election, and the peaceful transition of power.

This is the first election where both could be fundamentally threatened by pre-election rhetoric and inflammatory statements.

Folks are now bringing up Al Gore, in his election against Bush as if it were somehow equivalent. But is it?

The Florida vote was extremely close - close enough to demand a recount which was within a candidates legal rights. When it was finally decided, by the courts - Gore graciously and completely accepted the outcome. There was no talk about "rigged" elections from Mr. Gore.

But the fundamental difference is this: all this occurred AFTER the election and Gore accepted the court's verdict.

There was no pre-election claims (whenever the polls dropped) about rigged elections, about his crooked opponent rigging things, etc. undermining the very electoral process in this country. This is a first from a presidential candidate, and it's dangerous because he flirts with it and encourages his supporters with it. They can't possibly lose - because it's "rigged".

I hated that Bush won - not once, but twice - felt like doomsday. But we survived as a country (and for those who hate Obama - we'll still survive as a country).

I'm horrified that supporters of Trump, encouraged BY Trump's rhetoric are saying these things...

Trump’s supporters talk rebellion, assassination at his rallies - The Boston Globe
And if Trump doesn’t win, some are even openly talking about violent rebellion and assassination, as fantastical and unhinged as that may seem.

“If she’s in office, I hope we can start a coup. She should be in prison or shot. That’s how I feel about it,” Dan Bowman, a 50-year-old contractor, said of Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee. “We’re going to have a revolution and take them out of office if that’s what it takes. There’s going to be a lot of bloodshed. But that’s what it’s going to take. . . . I would do whatever I can for my country.”

He then placed a Trump mask on his face and posed for pictures.

Trump’s campaign has taken a sharp turn toward such dark warnings in recent days. He says he is a victim of conspiracies, portrays himself as a martyr to the cause of the right wing, and is stoking anger in advance of what may be a defeat on Nov. 8.

Trump has suggested that the Secret Service protecting Clinton should be disarmed and “see what happens to her,” and that “Second Amendment people” could take matters into their own hands if she wins and appoints judges who support gun control. But his campaign disavowed some of the remarks of his supporters on Saturday after this article was posted online.

Trump Supporters Call For Violent Coup If He Loses, Vow To Racially Profile Minority Voters
Steve Webb, a 61-year-old carpenter, told the Globe he plans to heed Trump's call to "watch your precincts" on Election Day.

“I’ll look for . . . well, it’s called racial profiling. Mexicans. Syrians. People who can’t speak American,” he said. “I’m going to go right up behind them. I’ll do everything legally. I want to see if they are accountable. I’m not going to do anything illegal. I’m going to make them a little bit nervous.”

And from: Trump’s supporters talk rebellion, assassination at his rallies - The Boston Globe
Fergus Cullen, former chairman of the New Hampshire GOP, said it was an incredibly important moment in 2000 when Democrat Al Gore gave a speech saying he accepted the results of the Supreme Court decision to award the majority of electoral votes and presidential victory to George W. Bush.

“Had he not done that, or done so halfheartedly, or even suggested that he’d been robbed, or otherwise tried to delegitimize the results, it would have been a huge blow to our democratic process,” Cullen said.

Cullen expects Trump’s warnings about a rigged election to get even uglier in coming weeks, and he fears they will incite violence if Trump loses.

“That’s really scary,” Cullen said, recounting the violence at Trump rallies around the country leading up to the Republican National Convention. “In this country, we’ve always had recriminations after one side loses. But we haven’t had riots. We haven’t had mobs that act out with violence against supporters of the other side.’’

“There’s no telling what his supporters would be willing to do at the slightest encouragement from their candidate,” he said.
Conservatives lying about Gore fails as a red herring fallacy, in no way mitigating Trump's rejection of the democratic process.

It's not failed and lame attempt to deflect.
You got your fallacy dig in there and trotted out what you complained about. Saying you'll wait and see isn't rejecting democracy. How do you know there will be no illegal votes in a close states? You don't.

The irony is hat leftists are the one whining about the rigging of elections by blaming the Russians for revealing the truth about their scumbag politicians. And fighting voter ID laws. And trying to legalize illegals voting. On and on.
The Left has already rigged the election by using the media to lie about Trump to the American people. This whole groping scandal is part of the rigging. The MSM is clearly in the tank for the criminal and their reporting has been absurdly biased also part of the Americans can see the bias and discount it, dumb Americans can't. I call that rigging the election.

What liesw specifically? Are you saying Trump didn't grope any of those women? (and I bet you think that everything said about Bill Clinton is god's honest truth ;) )
You can't be this stupid unless it is purposeful. Trump was never accused of groping until...magic he runs as an R. He is wealthy in the public eye for decades...but nothing until just before the election 9 women come forth

Are you really this easily duped by the Clinton owned media?

You realize, don't you, that Clinton's women came out of the woodwork at a politically strategic time? But thanks for playing :)

No, they've been there all along. He's been investigated for them and committed perjury while testifying about them.

But nice try.

Hop on the Dem Bus for a ride to the nearest treatment facility. When you get out, they'll pay you for your work.
One of the fundamental pillars of our democratic system accepting the results of an election, and the peaceful transition of power.

This is the first election where both could be fundamentally threatened by pre-election rhetoric and inflammatory statements.

Folks are now bringing up Al Gore, in his election against Bush as if it were somehow equivalent. But is it?

The Florida vote was extremely close - close enough to demand a recount which was within a candidates legal rights. When it was finally decided, by the courts - Gore graciously and completely accepted the outcome. There was no talk about "rigged" elections from Mr. Gore.

But the fundamental difference is this: all this occurred AFTER the election and Gore accepted the court's verdict.

There was no pre-election claims (whenever the polls dropped) about rigged elections, about his crooked opponent rigging things, etc. undermining the very electoral process in this country. This is a first from a presidential candidate, and it's dangerous because he flirts with it and encourages his supporters with it. They can't possibly lose - because it's "rigged".

I hated that Bush won - not once, but twice - felt like doomsday. But we survived as a country (and for those who hate Obama - we'll still survive as a country).

I'm horrified that supporters of Trump, encouraged BY Trump's rhetoric are saying these things...

Trump’s supporters talk rebellion, assassination at his rallies - The Boston Globe
And if Trump doesn’t win, some are even openly talking about violent rebellion and assassination, as fantastical and unhinged as that may seem.

“If she’s in office, I hope we can start a coup. She should be in prison or shot. That’s how I feel about it,” Dan Bowman, a 50-year-old contractor, said of Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee. “We’re going to have a revolution and take them out of office if that’s what it takes. There’s going to be a lot of bloodshed. But that’s what it’s going to take. . . . I would do whatever I can for my country.”

He then placed a Trump mask on his face and posed for pictures.

Trump’s campaign has taken a sharp turn toward such dark warnings in recent days. He says he is a victim of conspiracies, portrays himself as a martyr to the cause of the right wing, and is stoking anger in advance of what may be a defeat on Nov. 8.

Trump has suggested that the Secret Service protecting Clinton should be disarmed and “see what happens to her,” and that “Second Amendment people” could take matters into their own hands if she wins and appoints judges who support gun control. But his campaign disavowed some of the remarks of his supporters on Saturday after this article was posted online.

Trump Supporters Call For Violent Coup If He Loses, Vow To Racially Profile Minority Voters
Steve Webb, a 61-year-old carpenter, told the Globe he plans to heed Trump's call to "watch your precincts" on Election Day.

“I’ll look for . . . well, it’s called racial profiling. Mexicans. Syrians. People who can’t speak American,” he said. “I’m going to go right up behind them. I’ll do everything legally. I want to see if they are accountable. I’m not going to do anything illegal. I’m going to make them a little bit nervous.”

And from: Trump’s supporters talk rebellion, assassination at his rallies - The Boston Globe
Fergus Cullen, former chairman of the New Hampshire GOP, said it was an incredibly important moment in 2000 when Democrat Al Gore gave a speech saying he accepted the results of the Supreme Court decision to award the majority of electoral votes and presidential victory to George W. Bush.

“Had he not done that, or done so halfheartedly, or even suggested that he’d been robbed, or otherwise tried to delegitimize the results, it would have been a huge blow to our democratic process,” Cullen said.

Cullen expects Trump’s warnings about a rigged election to get even uglier in coming weeks, and he fears they will incite violence if Trump loses.

“That’s really scary,” Cullen said, recounting the violence at Trump rallies around the country leading up to the Republican National Convention. “In this country, we’ve always had recriminations after one side loses. But we haven’t had riots. We haven’t had mobs that act out with violence against supporters of the other side.’’

“There’s no telling what his supporters would be willing to do at the slightest encouragement from their candidate,” he said.
Conservatives lying about Gore fails as a red herring fallacy, in no way mitigating Trump's rejection of the democratic process.

It's not failed and lame attempt to deflect.
You got your fallacy dig in there and trotted out what you complained about. Saying you'll wait and see isn't rejecting democracy. How do you know there will be no illegal votes in a close states? You don't.

The irony is hat leftists are the one whining about the rigging of elections by blaming the Russians for revealing the truth about their scumbag politicians. And fighting voter ID laws. And trying to legalize illegals voting. On and on.

"Subversion is the undermining or detachment of the loyalties of significant political and social groups within the victimized state, and their transference, under ideal conditions, to the symbols and institutions of the aggressor."[11]

"Subversion — Actions designed to undermine the military, economic, psychological, or political strength or morale of a governing authority."[12]

"Subversive Activity — Anyone lending aid, comfort, and moral support to individuals, groups, or organizations that advocate the overthrow of incumbent governments by force and violence is subversive and is engaged in subversive activity. All willful acts that are intended to be detrimental to the best interests of the government and that do not fall into the categories of treason, sedition, sabotage, or espionage will be placed in the category of subversive activity."[12]

"Subversive Political Action — A planned series of activities designed to accomplish political objectives by influencing, dominating, or displacing individuals or groups who are so placed as to affect the decisions and actions of another government."[12]

Subversion — "A destructive, aggressive activity aimed to destroy the country, nation, or geographical area of your enemy... [by demoralizing the cultural values and changing the population's perception of reality].[13]

SubversionRoger Trinquier defined subversion as a term that could be lumped together under the name modern warfare, "as being interlocking systems of actions, political, economic, psychological and military that aims at the overthrow of established authority in a country."[14

Straight from the commie play book.
Subversion - Wikipedia
One of the fundamental pillars of our democratic system accepting the results of an election, and the peaceful transition of power.

This is the first election where both could be fundamentally threatened by pre-election rhetoric and inflammatory statements.

Folks are now bringing up Al Gore, in his election against Bush as if it were somehow equivalent. But is it?

The Florida vote was extremely close - close enough to demand a recount which was within a candidates legal rights. When it was finally decided, by the courts - Gore graciously and completely accepted the outcome. There was no talk about "rigged" elections from Mr. Gore.

But the fundamental difference is this: all this occurred AFTER the election and Gore accepted the court's verdict.

There was no pre-election claims (whenever the polls dropped) about rigged elections, about his crooked opponent rigging things, etc. undermining the very electoral process in this country. This is a first from a presidential candidate, and it's dangerous because he flirts with it and encourages his supporters with it. They can't possibly lose - because it's "rigged".

I hated that Bush won - not once, but twice - felt like doomsday. But we survived as a country (and for those who hate Obama - we'll still survive as a country).

I'm horrified that supporters of Trump, encouraged BY Trump's rhetoric are saying these things...

Trump’s supporters talk rebellion, assassination at his rallies - The Boston Globe
And if Trump doesn’t win, some are even openly talking about violent rebellion and assassination, as fantastical and unhinged as that may seem.

“If she’s in office, I hope we can start a coup. She should be in prison or shot. That’s how I feel about it,” Dan Bowman, a 50-year-old contractor, said of Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee. “We’re going to have a revolution and take them out of office if that’s what it takes. There’s going to be a lot of bloodshed. But that’s what it’s going to take. . . . I would do whatever I can for my country.”

He then placed a Trump mask on his face and posed for pictures.

Trump’s campaign has taken a sharp turn toward such dark warnings in recent days. He says he is a victim of conspiracies, portrays himself as a martyr to the cause of the right wing, and is stoking anger in advance of what may be a defeat on Nov. 8.

Trump has suggested that the Secret Service protecting Clinton should be disarmed and “see what happens to her,” and that “Second Amendment people” could take matters into their own hands if she wins and appoints judges who support gun control. But his campaign disavowed some of the remarks of his supporters on Saturday after this article was posted online.

Trump Supporters Call For Violent Coup If He Loses, Vow To Racially Profile Minority Voters
Steve Webb, a 61-year-old carpenter, told the Globe he plans to heed Trump's call to "watch your precincts" on Election Day.

“I’ll look for . . . well, it’s called racial profiling. Mexicans. Syrians. People who can’t speak American,” he said. “I’m going to go right up behind them. I’ll do everything legally. I want to see if they are accountable. I’m not going to do anything illegal. I’m going to make them a little bit nervous.”

And from: Trump’s supporters talk rebellion, assassination at his rallies - The Boston Globe
Fergus Cullen, former chairman of the New Hampshire GOP, said it was an incredibly important moment in 2000 when Democrat Al Gore gave a speech saying he accepted the results of the Supreme Court decision to award the majority of electoral votes and presidential victory to George W. Bush.

“Had he not done that, or done so halfheartedly, or even suggested that he’d been robbed, or otherwise tried to delegitimize the results, it would have been a huge blow to our democratic process,” Cullen said.

Cullen expects Trump’s warnings about a rigged election to get even uglier in coming weeks, and he fears they will incite violence if Trump loses.

“That’s really scary,” Cullen said, recounting the violence at Trump rallies around the country leading up to the Republican National Convention. “In this country, we’ve always had recriminations after one side loses. But we haven’t had riots. We haven’t had mobs that act out with violence against supporters of the other side.’’

“There’s no telling what his supporters would be willing to do at the slightest encouragement from their candidate,” he said.

So what you're saying is that regardless of what people say, we are to "accept" whatever the current regime tells us regarding election results?

Uh no.

Yes, just like you accepted the election of Barack Obama in 2008

Oh didn't accept that one

You claimed he was not a legitimate President, an "interloper" if you will, because he was secretly born in Kenya and smuggled into the country in anticipation that he would someday be President
If Trump wins, always possible - I would accept it. I would be utterly disgusted at the electorate, I would truly fear for our country's future and pray that Congress can keep him in check (since Trump doesn't seem to realize that the POTUS is not synominous with CEO) and I would count down the years, months and days to the next election.

I would NOT say it was rigged. I would NOT encourage violence. What's more - I haven't seen Clinton encouraging violence if she doesn't win.

Nah, she's just encouraging violence to win.

Fact-Check: Yes, the Hillary Clinton Campaign Used Activists to Disrupt Trump Rallies - Breitbart
Actual quote: It would be ridiculous to cheat like that, lets say we put people on a bus to go vote in another state, under what names could they vote? It would never work

Veritas plays: lets say we put people on a bus to vote in another state

Breitbart headline: Dems ship voters in from other states

This is rdean's post from another thread this a.m. Informative, huh? Instead of just calling rdean a name, check it out and see if the stuff you're believing is true.

You're another shill and wouldn't recognize a fact if a sack of them hit you in the head.

You loons and your attacking sources then quoting loon sites like Snopes are sad
So you don't think that was the actual quote? I don't think you'd even bother to check because it makes no difference to you if it's true. That's the difference between a conservative like you and an Independent like me.
You're just going to back the cause, not the facts.

I don't know what Snopes is, but I know World Weekly News quality when I see it. If you're too young to remember WWN (it used to be at the checkout counter at all the grocery stores) :
Weekly World News - Wikipedia
The Weekly World News was a largely fictional news tabloid published in the United States from 1979 to 2007, renowned for its outlandish cover stories often ...

You're no freaking Independent lady and as for your other blather wth are you blabbering about?
I am an independent, have always been.
The time honored example of made up sensational nonsense news in my day was the WWN. Some of the articles I've seen on the websites you uphold remind me of WWN nonsense. I mentioned that in response to your accusation that I read Snopes. Which I don't, I remind you.

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