Accepting the results of the election...

I am laughing at the babbling heads whining about Trumps statement being unamerican etc. Yep. Its unamerican to CHEAT to win as well. Don't see no whining about that from the left! Don't cheat and you have no reason to have results called into question. Simple as that. I am with Donald 100%!

Cheating how ?! More imagination by the right wing tinfoil hats.

Trumps words are dangerous because he's going to get the whackos all in a tizzy when he loses .

I have never seen words like that or attempts to undermine the entire process from any candidate before - not from the right, not from the left. This isn't a left vs right issue.

The democrats were caught on video doing exactly that....bob craemer and his buddy foval and the other minion were on video...stating how they commit massive voter fraud, how they do it, which states they do it in and how they use illegal aliens to do it as well.....


They were huh? Pardon me for being quite skeptical here...since we're talking O'Keefe with a penchant for creative editing.
Oh yeah definitely a left winger....they don't like the facts its all of a sudden a CONSPIRACY!
I am laughing at the babbling heads whining about Trumps statement being unamerican etc. Yep. Its unamerican to CHEAT to win as well. Don't see no whining about that from the left! Don't cheat and you have no reason to have results called into question. Simple as that. I am with Donald 100%!

Cheating how ?! More imagination by the right wing tinfoil hats.

Trumps words are dangerous because he's going to get the whackos all in a tizzy when he loses .

I have never seen words like that or attempts to undermine the entire process from any candidate before - not from the right, not from the left. This isn't a left vs right issue.

The democrats were caught on video doing exactly that....bob craemer and his buddy foval and the other minion were on video...stating how they commit massive voter fraud, how they do it, which states they do it in and how they use illegal aliens to do it as well.....


They were huh? Pardon me for being quite skeptical here...since we're talking O'Keefe with a penchant for creative editing.

Another left wing lie...all of his videos are available in full length...but you have to lie because the fact that he has bob craemer admitting to committing voter fraud on a massive level with direct orders from hilary and the DNC as well as inciting violence at Trump rallies on their orders just can't be allowed to be seen by normal Americans...
Oh November is going to be fun!

I hope Donald Trump does not accept the election result and armed rebellion happens because I will finally get to say these nutters have lost it...

Now with that written it is my opinion when the election is done Donald Trump will accept his loss ( if he loses ) but some of his supporters will not and will carry hatred and anger for the next four years...

I doubt any violence happens and all those screaming for revolution will just be keyboard warriors for the next four years...

The only violent people are the democrats who have been caught on video stating they have sent people to commit violence at Trump rallies.....bob craemer, the husband of jan shakowski an Illinois Representative admitted it.....he stated he knows hilary and her staff know about the operations, they funnel money to the Democrat National Committte who funneled it to him and his group....and that he got direct orders from the DNC Director of Special Events......

Those are the violent ones...not to forget the actual assassination attempt on Trump, the Trump supporter shot by hilary supporters, the Trump supporters attacked, beaten and spit on by hilary supporters....

and bob craemer states that when he needed professional, violent thugs, he would contact the Democrat National Committee and they would connect him with the local AFL-CIO to get trained union thugs to help him.....

it is all on fucking video.....

you are pretty stupid....

Do you need a list of violence committed by Trump supporters including those caught on video to complete your collection?

Moron....we have actual video of bob craemer and his buddy foval admitting that they are actively inciting violence at Trump rallies and coordinating with both the hilary campaign and the democrat national committe......that they get their orders on a daily 1:00 phone call and are paid by the DNC who funnels money from the hilary campaign.....

and here is the list...and you can now add the fire bombing of the Republican campaign headquarters in North guys are brownshirt assholes...

Fire bombing of Republican headquarters...

Trump supporter chased and beaten because he wore Trump Hat...
Black Lives Matter Mob Chases, Beats Man Wearing Trump Hat
---Trump supporter shot in the leg...

Paul Jones, Trump supporter, shot at Cleveland bar during heated political debate

---Trump supporter hit with crow bar....

Man Attacked With Crowbar Over Donald Trump T-Shirt: Cops

---Female Trump supporter hit with eggs and bottle....

Female Trump Supporter Hit With Eggs, Bottles as California Protest Turns Violent — See What Was Caught on Video

SAN JOSE, Calif. (TheBlaze/AP) — A few hundred protesters are blocking traffic and some are scuffling with supporters of Donald Trump after the presidential candidate’s rally in San Jose, California.

Police were keeping their distance and not getting involved with the protesters marching in the streets outside of San Jose Convention Center on Thursday night.

One woman, a Trump supporter, was surrounded by protesters who allegedly threw eggs and bottles at her head,BuzzFeed reported.

---Moron democrats stop Trump rally in chicago..

Inside the Protest That Stopped the Trump Rally

--left wing socialist, a democrat supporter, tries to murder Trump...

Source: Man who grabbed gun wanted to kill Trump - CNN Video

---left wing democrats shut down Arizona highway to Trump rally....

'Shut Down Trump': Protesters Shut Down AZ Highway to Rally

--democrats punch Trump supporters at same rally where they threw eggs and bottles at the woman....

Punches, eggs thrown as protesters attack Trump supporters outside San Jose rally

Protests outside a Donald Trump rally in downtown San Jose spun out of control Thursday night when some demonstrators attacked the candidate's supporters.

Protesters jumped on cars, pelted Trump supporters with eggs and water balloons, snatched signs, and stole "Make America Great" hats off supporters' heads before burning them and snapping selfies with the charred remains.

Several people were caught on camera punching Trump supporters. At least one attacker was arrested, according to CNN, although police did not release much information.

---democrat mob attacks Trump motorcade and supporters....

Mainstream media ignores anti-Trump mob in Minneapolis | Fox News

A violent mob terrorized Donald Trump donors but the Mainstream Media ignored the story. It happened Friday night at a fundraiser held at the Minneapolis Convention Center.

Some of Trump’s supporters were punched and spat upon, The Hill reports. Others were pelted by garbage and taunted by the angry mob.

Click here to join Todd’s American Dispatch: a must-read for Conservatives!

The vicious thugs actually attacked elderly women. What kind of a lowlife does something like that?
Yes, "creative editing" is today's gay code word for "do not believe what you see, believe what we say." And also, Crooked Hillary paid the violent protesters to fuck around with The Donald's rallies. WTF kind of retarded thread is this? And produced from a "moderator?"

Moderators please reclass this thread to an appropriate comedy sub forum. :p
The Florida vote was extremely close - close enough to demand a recount which was within a candidates legal rights. When it was finally decided, by the courts - Gore graciously and completely accepted the outcome. There was no talk about "rigged" elections from Mr. Gore.

Not from Gore, per say, but millions of his supporters for years have maintained that Bush stole the election and an even more fringe group made that claim again in 2004 when Kerry lost.

That aside, Trump's response last night was a big gaffe. The appropriate response would have been something along the lines of, providing there are no glaring disparities or close recounts, of course I'll accept the results. He blew it, as usual.
The libs STOLE the gubernatorial election here because they didn't accept the count.

As Iceweasel shows, Trump isn't the first conservative loser to weep out an insane conspiracy theory when his side loses. That's been the standard tactic for whiny GOP losers for many years now.

That is, don't pin this all on Trump. The GOP has been deliberately cultivating this paranoid conspiracy mindset in their brainless party hacks for many years now. Trump is just the fruition of that standard GOP loser tactic, so a few Republicans disavowing it now is too little, too late.
Oh November is going to be fun!

I hope Donald Trump does not accept the election result and armed rebellion happens because I will finally get to say these nutters have lost it...

Now with that written it is my opinion when the election is done Donald Trump will accept his loss ( if he loses ) but some of his supporters will not and will carry hatred and anger for the next four years...

I doubt any violence happens and all those screaming for revolution will just be keyboard warriors for the next four years...

The only violent people are the democrats who have been caught on video stating they have sent people to commit violence at Trump rallies.....bob craemer, the husband of jan shakowski an Illinois Representative admitted it.....he stated he knows hilary and her staff know about the operations, they funnel money to the Democrat National Committte who funneled it to him and his group....and that he got direct orders from the DNC Director of Special Events......

Those are the violent ones...not to forget the actual assassination attempt on Trump, the Trump supporter shot by hilary supporters, the Trump supporters attacked, beaten and spit on by hilary supporters....

and bob craemer states that when he needed professional, violent thugs, he would contact the Democrat National Committee and they would connect him with the local AFL-CIO to get trained union thugs to help him.....

it is all on fucking video.....

you are pretty stupid....

Writing someone is fucking stupid is stupid on your part... I have comments from posters on here calling for violent attacks against the government if Trump loses, so eat me on your response!

The reality is you have unhinged nutters on both sides but you only see the evil of one side while excusing the hate speech from your side...

I also wrote those like you will sit behind your keyboard and do nothing because those like you are all words and no damn action because you're too scare of what will really happen if you took up arms against the government!
The Florida vote was extremely close - close enough to demand a recount which was within a candidates legal rights. When it was finally decided, by the courts - Gore graciously and completely accepted the outcome. There was no talk about "rigged" elections from Mr. Gore.

Not from Gore, per say, but millions of his supporters for years have maintained that Bush stole the election and an even more fringe group made that claim again in 2004 when Kerry lost.

That aside, Trump's response last night was a big gaffe. The appropriate response would have been something along the lines of, providing there are no glaring disparities or close recounts, of course I'll accept the results. He blew it, as usual.

Trumps problem is there will be no Florida 2000 where he can point to a few discrepancies and claim he could have tipped the balance

Trump is losing and he is losing Bigly

No matter what discrepancies are found and there always are some, he will claim it was part of a nationwide conspiracy led by Rosie O'Donnell, to cost him the election
Trump is by nature, a birther

He honestly believes that Obama was born in Kenya, that Ted Cruz's father killed JFK, that Hillary killed Vince Foster
He is a conspiracy theorist at heart. He believes that nothing happens by chance. That there are evil forces behind everything

No matter how badly he is defeated, no matter how much evidence is presented that it was an honest election

Trump will believe he was cheated until the day he dies

So is hilary since she is the one who started the whole thing and sent her minions sydney blumenthal and her campaign manager to push the birther mean except for that..right?

Birthers....what ya gunna do with them?
Trump is by nature, a birther

He honestly believes that Obama was born in Kenya, that Ted Cruz's father killed JFK, that Hillary killed Vince Foster
He is a conspiracy theorist at heart. He believes that nothing happens by chance. That there are evil forces behind everything

No matter how badly he is defeated, no matter how much evidence is presented that it was an honest election

Trump will believe he was cheated until the day he dies

So is hilary since she is the one who started the whole thing and sent her minions sydney blumenthal and her campaign manager to push the birther mean except for that..right?

Birthers....what ya gunna do with them?

Ask hilary and her minions to apologize.....
What results are we talking about? The results reported by the media?
That's the problem in this country, even those that despise the media are willing to accept what's reported.

I asked this on another thread, no answers.

When is the President officially elected?
When the Electoral College meets, on December 19.

Even Obama admitted to the world Hillary is corrupt.

Oh November is going to be fun!

I hope Donald Trump does not accept the election result and armed rebellion happens because I will finally get to say these nutters have lost it...

Now with that written it is my opinion when the election is done Donald Trump will accept his loss ( if he loses ) but some of his supporters will not and will carry hatred and anger for the next four years...

I doubt any violence happens and all those screaming for revolution will just be keyboard warriors for the next four years...

The only violent people are the democrats who have been caught on video stating they have sent people to commit violence at Trump rallies.....bob craemer, the husband of jan shakowski an Illinois Representative admitted it.....he stated he knows hilary and her staff know about the operations, they funnel money to the Democrat National Committte who funneled it to him and his group....and that he got direct orders from the DNC Director of Special Events......

Those are the violent ones...not to forget the actual assassination attempt on Trump, the Trump supporter shot by hilary supporters, the Trump supporters attacked, beaten and spit on by hilary supporters....

and bob craemer states that when he needed professional, violent thugs, he would contact the Democrat National Committee and they would connect him with the local AFL-CIO to get trained union thugs to help him.....

it is all on fucking video.....

you are pretty stupid....

Writing someone is fucking stupid is stupid on your part... I have comments from posters on here calling for violent attacks against the government if Trump loses, so eat me on your response!

The reality is you have unhinged nutters on both sides but you only see the evil of one side while excusing the hate speech from your side...

I also wrote those like you will sit behind your keyboard and do nothing because those like you are all words and no damn action because you're too scare of what will really happen if you took up arms against the government!

We have video you loon...actual video of high level democrats.....who went to the White House 342 times and on video states that hilary and her staff are aware of what they are doing to incite violence and commit voter are a moron...........they are on video stating what they are doing...and stating it proudly.....
The libs STOLE the gubernatorial election here because they didn't accept the count.

As Iceweasel shows, Trump isn't the first conservative loser to weep out an insane conspiracy theory when his side loses. That's been the standard tactic for whiny GOP losers for many years now.

That is, don't pin this all on Trump. The GOP has been deliberately cultivating this paranoid conspiracy mindset in their brainless party hacks for many years now. Trump is just the fruition of that standard GOP loser tactic, so a few Republicans disavowing it now is too little, too late.
As the moron known as mamooth shows, he/she/it isn't the first whiny liberal to complain about reality not being what they want.

There's no conspiracy dipshit, it's what happened. The party of corruption stole the election from Dino Rossi.
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If Trump wins, few on the Left will accept it. In fact, some think the Left will take extreme measures to invalidate a Trump win.

You must remember this age old truism. Whatever the Left accuses their opponents of, they are guilty of.

They are already firebombing Republican offices.

Actually - one Republican office was firebombed and no one has been arrested (correct?) - you don't even know who did it.
And another had a bomb threat called in,and another had bricks thrown through the windows,and another was burglarized...

Let me know when the perpetrators are caught.

In the meantime, consider these:

NC Democratic headquarters attacked on same night nearby GOP office was firebombed
Box Vandalized Outside NC Democrat Office
Washoe County Democratic Party headquarters vandalized
Swastikas Painted on NJ Politician's Home, Sidewalk

And lastly - perhaps the right way to handle violence from the fringes and show it is NOT acceptable...strong condemnation and fund raising to rebuild.
Trump, Clinton weigh in after Triangle GOP office firebombed ::
It actually is brilliant how the media manipulates bed wetters.

They send "journalists" in to interview "random people" at gatherings of people libturds hate. Then the "journalists" record the opinions of infiltrators, or "man on the street" and "expose" the "racism, bigotry, Christian extremist zealotry, etc" of the group of people they hate.

Sting Video Purports To Show Democrats Describing How To Commit Voter Fraud

This hack piece from NPR, which BTW avoids a comment section because their credibility is an utter joke, can't refute the fact that democrooks cheat in elections, and then totally glossing over of the real sick shit O'Keefe has uncovered at ACORN. Child prostitution ring a bell bed wetters?

Then there's the whole baby organs video that you turds lost your minds over.

Not because of the truly savage nature of PP, but because it was exposed.

I would not be surprised if it were true that Soros, hitlery and other leftist sociopaths actually ate the organs as hors d'oeuvres.

***BREAKING*** The truth behind the embryonic organ market.

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I am laughing at the babbling heads whining about Trumps statement being unamerican etc. Yep. Its unamerican to CHEAT to win as well. Don't see no whining about that from the left! Don't cheat and you have no reason to have results called into question. Simple as that. I am with Donald 100%!

Cheating how ?! More imagination by the right wing tinfoil hats.

Trumps words are dangerous because he's going to get the whackos all in a tizzy when he loses .

Al Gore didn't accept the results of the election and went to court. And lost. Same thing, Then the left whined for a few years that he won the popular vote, and should be President. LMFAO
If Trump wins, few on the Left will accept it. In fact, some think the Left will take extreme measures to invalidate a Trump win.

You must remember this age old truism. Whatever the Left accuses their opponents of, they are guilty of.

They are already firebombing Republican offices.

Actually - one Republican office was firebombed and no one has been arrested (correct?) - you don't even know who did it.
And another had a bomb threat called in,and another had bricks thrown through the windows,and another was burglarized...

Let me know when the perpetrators are caught.

In the meantime, consider these:

NC Democratic headquarters attacked on same night nearby GOP office was firebombed
Box Vandalized Outside NC Democrat Office
Washoe County Democratic Party headquarters vandalized
Swastikas Painted on NJ Politician's Home, Sidewalk

And lastly - perhaps the right way to handle violence from the fringes and show it is NOT acceptable...strong condemnation and fund raising to rebuild.
Trump, Clinton weigh in after Triangle GOP office firebombed ::

We have actual democrat activists...bob craemer and two others admitting that they are inciting violence and committing voter fraud........on video, in their own words and that they are coordinating with hilary and the DNC...

Alinskyite Tactics, Robert Creamer, and Us, by Stanley Kurtz, National Review
Oh November is going to be fun!

I hope Donald Trump does not accept the election result and armed rebellion happens because I will finally get to say these nutters have lost it...

Now with that written it is my opinion when the election is done Donald Trump will accept his loss ( if he loses ) but some of his supporters will not and will carry hatred and anger for the next four years...

I doubt any violence happens and all those screaming for revolution will just be keyboard warriors for the next four years...

The only violent people are the democrats who have been caught on video stating they have sent people to commit violence at Trump rallies.....bob craemer, the husband of jan shakowski an Illinois Representative admitted it.....he stated he knows hilary and her staff know about the operations, they funnel money to the Democrat National Committte who funneled it to him and his group....and that he got direct orders from the DNC Director of Special Events......

Those are the violent ones...not to forget the actual assassination attempt on Trump, the Trump supporter shot by hilary supporters, the Trump supporters attacked, beaten and spit on by hilary supporters....

and bob craemer states that when he needed professional, violent thugs, he would contact the Democrat National Committee and they would connect him with the local AFL-CIO to get trained union thugs to help him.....

it is all on fucking video.....

you are pretty stupid....

Do you need a list of violence committed by Trump supporters including those caught on video to complete your collection?
You mean the ones at HIS rally?
The Left has already rigged the election by using the media to lie about Trump to the American people. This whole groping scandal is part of the rigging. The MSM is clearly in the tank for the criminal and their reporting has been absurdly biased also part of the Americans can see the bias and discount it, dumb Americans can't. I call that rigging the election.

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