Accepting the results of the election...

One of the fundamental pillars of our democratic system accepting the results of an election, and the peaceful transition of power.

This is the first election where both could be fundamentally threatened by pre-election rhetoric and inflammatory statements.

Folks are now bringing up Al Gore, in his election against Bush as if it were somehow equivalent. But is it?

The Florida vote was extremely close - close enough to demand a recount which was within a candidates legal rights. When it was finally decided, by the courts - Gore graciously and completely accepted the outcome. There was no talk about "rigged" elections from Mr. Gore.

But the fundamental difference is this: all this occurred AFTER the election and Gore accepted the court's verdict.

There was no pre-election claims (whenever the polls dropped) about rigged elections, about his crooked opponent rigging things, etc. undermining the very electoral process in this country. This is a first from a presidential candidate, and it's dangerous because he flirts with it and encourages his supporters with it. They can't possibly lose - because it's "rigged".

I hated that Bush won - not once, but twice - felt like doomsday. But we survived as a country (and for those who hate Obama - we'll still survive as a country).

I'm horrified that supporters of Trump, encouraged BY Trump's rhetoric are saying these things...

Trumpā€™s supporters talk rebellion, assassination at his rallies - The Boston Globe
And if Trump doesnā€™t win, some are even openly talking about violent rebellion and assassination, as fantastical and unhinged as that may seem.

ā€œIf sheā€™s in office, I hope we can start a coup. She should be in prison or shot. Thatā€™s how I feel about it,ā€ Dan Bowman, a 50-year-old contractor, said of Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee. ā€œWeā€™re going to have a revolution and take them out of office if thatā€™s what it takes. Thereā€™s going to be a lot of bloodshed. But thatā€™s what itā€™s going to take. . . . I would do whatever I can for my country.ā€

He then placed a Trump mask on his face and posed for pictures.

Trumpā€™s campaign has taken a sharp turn toward such dark warnings in recent days. He says he is a victim of conspiracies, portrays himself as a martyr to the cause of the right wing, and is stoking anger in advance of what may be a defeat on Nov. 8.

Trump has suggested that the Secret Service protecting Clinton should be disarmed and ā€œsee what happens to her,ā€ and that ā€œSecond Amendment peopleā€ could take matters into their own hands if she wins and appoints judges who support gun control. But his campaign disavowed some of the remarks of his supporters on Saturday after this article was posted online.

Trump Supporters Call For Violent Coup If He Loses, Vow To Racially Profile Minority Voters
Steve Webb, a 61-year-old carpenter, told the Globe he plans to heed Trump's call to "watch your precincts" on Election Day.

ā€œIā€™ll look for . . . well, itā€™s called racial profiling. Mexicans. Syrians. People who canā€™t speak American,ā€ he said. ā€œIā€™m going to go right up behind them. Iā€™ll do everything legally. I want to see if they are accountable. Iā€™m not going to do anything illegal. Iā€™m going to make them a little bit nervous.ā€

And from: Trumpā€™s supporters talk rebellion, assassination at his rallies - The Boston Globe
Fergus Cullen, former chairman of the New Hampshire GOP, said it was an incredibly important moment in 2000 when Democrat Al Gore gave a speech saying he accepted the results of the Supreme Court decision to award the majority of electoral votes and presidential victory to George W. Bush.

ā€œHad he not done that, or done so halfheartedly, or even suggested that heā€™d been robbed, or otherwise tried to delegitimize the results, it would have been a huge blow to our democratic process,ā€ Cullen said.

Cullen expects Trumpā€™s warnings about a rigged election to get even uglier in coming weeks, and he fears they will incite violence if Trump loses.

ā€œThatā€™s really scary,ā€ Cullen said, recounting the violence at Trump rallies around the country leading up to the Republican National Convention. ā€œIn this country, weā€™ve always had recriminations after one side loses. But we havenā€™t had riots. We havenā€™t had mobs that act out with violence against supporters of the other side.ā€™ā€™

ā€œThereā€™s no telling what his supporters would be willing to do at the slightest encouragement from their candidate,ā€ he said.

Based on the video evidence of the DNC political operatives claiming to incite violence at Trump rallies, busing in voters for 50 years and fraudulent voter registration, are you really asking a serious question?

The so called groped women who after years and some even decades come out of the woodwork right now? Look I'll agree that both parties have major flaws, but how in the hell do you ignore this?

Where are the questions on how she has manipulated men, her husband would be the best example. No woman that I know or have known would have put up with the women she has in their husbands closet, yet you think her judgement is better? If the vast majority of women as the media / polls claim are pro Hillary, how do they reconcile this alone?

The system is corrupt, broken and in need of repair and only a fool believes you put the rooster in charge of the hen house...
No, they've been there all along. He's been investigated for them and committed perjury while testifying about them.

But nice try.

Hop on the Dem Bus for a ride to the nearest treatment facility. When you get out, they'll pay you for your work.'s a Trump accuser who sued him in 1997, long before he ran for election.

1997: Jill Harth

In a 1997 lawsuit against Trump, Jill Harth accused the candidate of ā€œattempted ā€˜rape,ā€™ ā€ according to an interview she did with The Guardian in July.

One question...why would anyone that filed a lawsuit claiming someone raped them support that same person when they announced intent to run for POTUS?

:dunno: but then, there were similar inconsistencies with Bill's accusers.

Either way - she made the accusation before Trump ever ran for anything.

You failed to answer the question...why would a woman who claimed a man sexually assaulted her support that man in anything he attempted?

Did you miss the :dunno: part of my response?

No but I don't know any woman that would support a man that sexually assaulted her. Not a one.

See where this is going? She has no credibility
I wonder how folks would feel if Russia had hacked the GOP and Trump, including altering some of the content - instead...if they would still be applauding it or if they would be rightly angry at foreign intervention? Is foreign intervention ok when it's YOUR candidate? :eusa_think:

Got any proof Russia did it? Russia was libturd disneyland in the 80's while they tried to undermine Reagan on Gorby's behalf.

Then if you do have "proof" who leaked it? Aren't you bed wetters pissing and moaning about leaks here?

Wouldn't it be "classified" that security was breached? Was it possibly something on hitlery's server they know everyone is about to find out about?

Personally if any corrupt political whore from either bullshit party can be exposed and I don't care who exposed them or how.

The problem with you sniveling zealots is that you will never question the validity of the exposure, you always seek to attack those who did it. You have the sort of ethical compass a bloody thirsty tyrant in waiting must have.

This non-acceptance fromTrump is indicative of one of two character flaws, both disturbing and pitiful. First, it may indicate that The Donald is a sore loser. Should a business deal go south or he fails in some way, his default solution is to cry foul. Conspiracies are to blame, as far as The Donald is concerned. There is someone else to blame. Accepting failure is not part of The Donald's DNA.

The other reason he is pretty-emptively claiming fraud without evidence is to delegitimize the elected President. It's Birtherism redux. The way he used the birth certificate controversy to delegitimize President Obama, he is setting up a bogus claim of fraud to delegitimize President Clinton. Because if the Presdent is not legitimate, no deals made with the President can be legitimate.
What results are we talking about? The results reported by the media?
That's the problem in this country, even those that despise the media are willing to accept what's reported.

I asked this on another thread, no answers.

When is the President officially elected?
When the Electoral College meets, on December 19.

It drives me nuts when someone asks a question, you answer, and then they say "Wrong" but never tell you what's wrong with it. Like Jeopardy without Alex Trebek. What the hell, Defiant1?
'Bout time he walked that back.
The Left has already rigged the election by using the media to lie about Trump to the American people. This whole groping scandal is part of the rigging. The MSM is clearly in the tank for the criminal and their reporting has been absurdly biased also part of the Americans can see the bias and discount it, dumb Americans can't. I call that rigging the election.

What liesw specifically? Are you saying Trump didn't grope any of those women? (and I bet you think that everything said about Bill Clinton is god's honest truth ;) )
You can't be this stupid unless it is purposeful. Trump was never accused of groping until...magic he runs as an R. He is wealthy in the public eye for decades...but nothing until just before the election 9 women come forth

Are you really this easily duped by the Clinton owned media?

You realize, don't you, that Clinton's women came out of the woodwork at a politically strategic time? But thanks for playing :)

No, they've been there all along. He's been investigated for them and committed perjury while testifying about them.

But nice try.

Hop on the Dem Bus for a ride to the nearest treatment facility. When you get out, they'll pay you for your work.'s a Trump accuser who sued him in 1997, long before he ran for election.

1997: Jill Harth

In a 1997 lawsuit against Trump, Jill Harth accused the candidate of ā€œattempted ā€˜rape,ā€™ ā€ according to an interview she did with The Guardian in July.

What's this thread about?
One of the fundamental pillars of our democratic system accepting the results of an election, and the peaceful transition of power.

This is the first election where both could be fundamentally threatened by pre-election rhetoric and inflammatory statements.

Folks are now bringing up Al Gore, in his election against Bush as if it were somehow equivalent. But is it?

The Florida vote was extremely close - close enough to demand a recount which was within a candidates legal rights. When it was finally decided, by the courts - Gore graciously and completely accepted the outcome. There was no talk about "rigged" elections from Mr. Gore.

But the fundamental difference is this: all this occurred AFTER the election and Gore accepted the court's verdict.

There was no pre-election claims (whenever the polls dropped) about rigged elections, about his crooked opponent rigging things, etc. undermining the very electoral process in this country. This is a first from a presidential candidate, and it's dangerous because he flirts with it and encourages his supporters with it. They can't possibly lose - because it's "rigged".

I hated that Bush won - not once, but twice - felt like doomsday. But we survived as a country (and for those who hate Obama - we'll still survive as a country).

I'm horrified that supporters of Trump, encouraged BY Trump's rhetoric are saying these things...

Trumpā€™s supporters talk rebellion, assassination at his rallies - The Boston Globe
And if Trump doesnā€™t win, some are even openly talking about violent rebellion and assassination, as fantastical and unhinged as that may seem.

ā€œIf sheā€™s in office, I hope we can start a coup. She should be in prison or shot. Thatā€™s how I feel about it,ā€ Dan Bowman, a 50-year-old contractor, said of Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee. ā€œWeā€™re going to have a revolution and take them out of office if thatā€™s what it takes. Thereā€™s going to be a lot of bloodshed. But thatā€™s what itā€™s going to take. . . . I would do whatever I can for my country.ā€

He then placed a Trump mask on his face and posed for pictures.

Trumpā€™s campaign has taken a sharp turn toward such dark warnings in recent days. He says he is a victim of conspiracies, portrays himself as a martyr to the cause of the right wing, and is stoking anger in advance of what may be a defeat on Nov. 8.

Trump has suggested that the Secret Service protecting Clinton should be disarmed and ā€œsee what happens to her,ā€ and that ā€œSecond Amendment peopleā€ could take matters into their own hands if she wins and appoints judges who support gun control. But his campaign disavowed some of the remarks of his supporters on Saturday after this article was posted online.

Trump Supporters Call For Violent Coup If He Loses, Vow To Racially Profile Minority Voters
Steve Webb, a 61-year-old carpenter, told the Globe he plans to heed Trump's call to "watch your precincts" on Election Day.

ā€œIā€™ll look for . . . well, itā€™s called racial profiling. Mexicans. Syrians. People who canā€™t speak American,ā€ he said. ā€œIā€™m going to go right up behind them. Iā€™ll do everything legally. I want to see if they are accountable. Iā€™m not going to do anything illegal. Iā€™m going to make them a little bit nervous.ā€

And from: Trumpā€™s supporters talk rebellion, assassination at his rallies - The Boston Globe
Fergus Cullen, former chairman of the New Hampshire GOP, said it was an incredibly important moment in 2000 when Democrat Al Gore gave a speech saying he accepted the results of the Supreme Court decision to award the majority of electoral votes and presidential victory to George W. Bush.

ā€œHad he not done that, or done so halfheartedly, or even suggested that heā€™d been robbed, or otherwise tried to delegitimize the results, it would have been a huge blow to our democratic process,ā€ Cullen said.

Cullen expects Trumpā€™s warnings about a rigged election to get even uglier in coming weeks, and he fears they will incite violence if Trump loses.

ā€œThatā€™s really scary,ā€ Cullen said, recounting the violence at Trump rallies around the country leading up to the Republican National Convention. ā€œIn this country, weā€™ve always had recriminations after one side loses. But we havenā€™t had riots. We havenā€™t had mobs that act out with violence against supporters of the other side.ā€™ā€™

ā€œThereā€™s no telling what his supporters would be willing to do at the slightest encouragement from their candidate,ā€ he said.

Based on the video evidence of the DNC political operatives claiming to incite violence at Trump rallies, busing in voters for 50 years and fraudulent voter registration, are you really asking a serious question?

The so called groped women who after years and some even decades come out of the woodwork right now? Look I'll agree that both parties have major flaws, but how in the hell do you ignore this?[/quote]'s strange, but the same thing occurred with Bill Clinton's accusers but that doesn't seem to bother anyone:dunno:

However - the problems with Trump aren't just with his attitude towards women (caught on tape) but a whole host of issues, including his claims *whenever the polls drop* that the election is "rigged".

There's a disturbing irresponsible and vindictive childishness in his manner and words.

Where are the questions on how she has manipulated men, her husband would be the best example. No woman that I know or have known would have put up with the women she has in their husbands closet, yet you think her judgement is better? If the vast majority of women as the media / polls claim are pro Hillary, how do they reconcile this alone?

Because I'm seeing it's largely conjecture for one, and for another - Bill Clinton isn't running. What's between her and her husband is just that. She's flawed alright - but that argument is one of the weakest ones against her. Go back to the emails and her penchant for secrecy or sense of "entitlement" to the presidency and you would have better arguments.

The system is corrupt, broken and in need of repair and only a fool believes you put the rooster in charge of the hen house...

A rooster like Trump?
How many people here agree/commit to important things before the key facts are in?

However, when the facts come in who is usually humbled?

The democrooks never are, because they don't acknowledge the facts.

Then again the have the self awareness of cattle, so I doubt there's much room in their dense skulls for a sense of humility, or empathy, virtue, right or wrong....

What liesw specifically? Are you saying Trump didn't grope any of those women? (and I bet you think that everything said about Bill Clinton is god's honest truth ;) )
You can't be this stupid unless it is purposeful. Trump was never accused of groping until...magic he runs as an R. He is wealthy in the public eye for decades...but nothing until just before the election 9 women come forth

Are you really this easily duped by the Clinton owned media?

You realize, don't you, that Clinton's women came out of the woodwork at a politically strategic time? But thanks for playing :)

No, they've been there all along. He's been investigated for them and committed perjury while testifying about them.

But nice try.

Hop on the Dem Bus for a ride to the nearest treatment facility. When you get out, they'll pay you for your work.'s a Trump accuser who sued him in 1997, long before he ran for election.

1997: Jill Harth

In a 1997 lawsuit against Trump, Jill Harth accused the candidate of ā€œattempted ā€˜rape,ā€™ ā€ according to an interview she did with The Guardian in July.

What's this thread about?

Just being polite and answering your posts darling. Now go run off and report this.

You start a derailment, make a claim, it's debunked, and you suddenly don't want to discuss it anymore and start crying about topic.

NOW you want to get back to strictly on topic.

Enlighten us then. How is the election being rigged against Trump?

Oh wait...Gipper said the whole "groping scandal" is part of the election being "rigged" and you followed right along :lol:
What's this thread about?

It's about how cool it is to moderate your own threads maybe?

Some people just believe they're superior intellectually when the majority of people disagree with them.

You can't be this stupid unless it is purposeful. Trump was never accused of groping until...magic he runs as an R. He is wealthy in the public eye for decades...but nothing until just before the election 9 women come forth

Are you really this easily duped by the Clinton owned media?

You realize, don't you, that Clinton's women came out of the woodwork at a politically strategic time? But thanks for playing :)

No, they've been there all along. He's been investigated for them and committed perjury while testifying about them.

But nice try.

Hop on the Dem Bus for a ride to the nearest treatment facility. When you get out, they'll pay you for your work.'s a Trump accuser who sued him in 1997, long before he ran for election.

1997: Jill Harth

In a 1997 lawsuit against Trump, Jill Harth accused the candidate of ā€œattempted ā€˜rape,ā€™ ā€ according to an interview she did with The Guardian in July.

What's this thread about?

Just being polite and answering your posts darling. Now go run off and report this.

You start a derailment, make a claim, it's debunked, and you suddenly don't want to discuss it anymore and start crying about topic.

NOW you want to get back to strictly on topic.

Enlighten us then. How is the election being rigged against Trump?

Oh wait...Gipper said the whole "groping scandal" is part of the election being "rigged" and you followed right along :lol:

You brought up the wimmens, coyote. Typical trolling behavior.
You can't be this stupid unless it is purposeful. Trump was never accused of groping until...magic he runs as an R. He is wealthy in the public eye for decades...but nothing until just before the election 9 women come forth

Are you really this easily duped by the Clinton owned media?

You realize, don't you, that Clinton's women came out of the woodwork at a politically strategic time? But thanks for playing :)

No, they've been there all along. He's been investigated for them and committed perjury while testifying about them.

But nice try.

Hop on the Dem Bus for a ride to the nearest treatment facility. When you get out, they'll pay you for your work.'s a Trump accuser who sued him in 1997, long before he ran for election.

1997: Jill Harth

In a 1997 lawsuit against Trump, Jill Harth accused the candidate of ā€œattempted ā€˜rape,ā€™ ā€ according to an interview she did with The Guardian in July.

What's this thread about?

Just being polite and answering your posts darling. Now go run off and report this.

You start a derailment, make a claim, it's debunked, and you suddenly don't want to discuss it anymore and start crying about topic.

NOW you want to get back to strictly on topic.

Enlighten us then. How is the election being rigged against Trump?

Oh wait...Gipper said the whole "groping scandal" is part of the election being "rigged" and you followed right along :lol:

No, I maintain that when two of your campaign bigwigs get busted talking about rigging the election, it's rigged.

And btw, THIS thread isn't about rigging. It's about TRUMP ACCEPTING THE RESULTS OF THE DEBATE.

Christ. I already answered the question about rigging on the OTHER thread that you are trolling: Rigged Elections and Voter Fraud - how common is fraud? Not very.
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I am laughing at the babbling heads whining about Trumps statement being unamerican etc. Yep. Its unamerican to CHEAT to win as well. Don't see no whining about that from the left! Don't cheat and you have no reason to have results called into question. Simple as that. I am with Donald 100%!

Cheating how ?! More imagination by the right wing tinfoil hats.

Trumps words are dangerous because he's going to get the whackos all in a tizzy when he loses .

Al Gore didn't accept the results of the election and went to court. And lost. Same thing, Then the left whined for a few years that he won the popular vote, and should be President. LMFAO

The case was bush v gore. Bush was the plaintiff, HE took it to the court.
If Trump wins, few on the Left will accept it. In fact, some think the Left will take extreme measures to invalidate a Trump win.

You must remember this age old truism. Whatever the Left accuses their opponents of, they are guilty of.

If Trump wins, always possible - I would accept it. I would be utterly disgusted at the electorate, I would truly fear for our country's future and pray that Congress can keep him in check (since Trump doesn't seem to realize that the POTUS is not synominous with CEO) and I would count down the years, months and days to the next election.

I would NOT say it was rigged. I would NOT encourage violence. What's more - I haven't seen Clinton encouraging violence if she doesn't win.
You do know that the Clinton campaign encouraged violence at Trump rallies, right? It's on tape:

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The Left has already rigged the election by using the media to lie about Trump to the American people. This whole groping scandal is part of the rigging. The MSM is clearly in the tank for the criminal and their reporting has been absurdly biased also part of the Americans can see the bias and discount it, dumb Americans can't. I call that rigging the election.

Whaaaaa! Trump benefited from 24/7 news coverage of his every poop. Now he cries about it because they expose the shit he says and does?
If Trump wins, few on the Left will accept it. In fact, some think the Left will take extreme measures to invalidate a Trump win.

You must remember this age old truism. Whatever the Left accuses their opponents of, they are guilty of.

If Trump wins, always possible - I would accept it. I would be utterly disgusted at the electorate, I would truly fear for our country's future and pray that Congress can keep him in check (since Trump doesn't seem to realize that the POTUS is not synominous with CEO) and I would count down the years, months and days to the next election.

I would NOT say it was rigged. I would NOT encourage violence. What's more - I haven't seen Clinton encouraging violence if she doesn't win.

Priceless projection, Obama has acted imperially and avoided following the Constitution as much as he possibly could.
Good lord I already AM disgusted with the electorate that thinks like this.
You realize, don't you, that Clinton's women came out of the woodwork at a politically strategic time? But thanks for playing :)

No, they've been there all along. He's been investigated for them and committed perjury while testifying about them.

But nice try.

Hop on the Dem Bus for a ride to the nearest treatment facility. When you get out, they'll pay you for your work.'s a Trump accuser who sued him in 1997, long before he ran for election.

1997: Jill Harth

In a 1997 lawsuit against Trump, Jill Harth accused the candidate of ā€œattempted ā€˜rape,ā€™ ā€ according to an interview she did with The Guardian in July.

What's this thread about?

Just being polite and answering your posts darling. Now go run off and report this.

You start a derailment, make a claim, it's debunked, and you suddenly don't want to discuss it anymore and start crying about topic.

NOW you want to get back to strictly on topic.

Enlighten us then. How is the election being rigged against Trump?

Oh wait...Gipper said the whole "groping scandal" is part of the election being "rigged" and you followed right along :lol:

No, I maintain that when two of your campaign bigwigs get busted talking about rigging the election, it's rigged.

And btw, THIS thread isn't about rigging. It's about TRUMP ACCEPTING THE RESULTS OF THE DEBATE.

Christ. I already answered the question about rigging on the OTHER thread that you are trolling: Rigged Elections and Voter Fraud - how common is fraud? Not very.

:bang3: Damn - you're right about that KG - I'm jumping back and forth between threads. My apologies.
If Trump wins, few on the Left will accept it. In fact, some think the Left will take extreme measures to invalidate a Trump win.

You must remember this age old truism. Whatever the Left accuses their opponents of, they are guilty of.

If Trump wins, always possible - I would accept it. I would be utterly disgusted at the electorate, I would truly fear for our country's future and pray that Congress can keep him in check (since Trump doesn't seem to realize that the POTUS is not synominous with CEO) and I would count down the years, months and days to the next election.

I would NOT say it was rigged. I would NOT encourage violence. What's more - I haven't seen Clinton encouraging violence if she doesn't win.
You should fear a Cankles win far more than a Trump win, but this would require you to think.

We obviousy differ on that. However the issue is not WHO wins - it's accepting the results of an election - not undermining the very process itself and calling for violence.

Why would ANY Candidate from EITHER side throw out a blanket statement prior to the election?
They wouldn't, your blatant defense of Gore's actions are VERY telling.
If Trump wins, few on the Left will accept it. In fact, some think the Left will take extreme measures to invalidate a Trump win.

You must remember this age old truism. Whatever the Left accuses their opponents of, they are guilty of.

If Trump wins, always possible - I would accept it. I would be utterly disgusted at the electorate, I would truly fear for our country's future and pray that Congress can keep him in check (since Trump doesn't seem to realize that the POTUS is not synominous with CEO) and I would count down the years, months and days to the next election.

I would NOT say it was rigged. I would NOT encourage violence. What's more - I haven't seen Clinton encouraging violence if she doesn't win.
You should fear a Cankles win far more than a Trump win, but this would require you to think.

We obviousy differ on that. However the issue is not WHO wins - it's accepting the results of an election - not undermining the very process itself and calling for violence.

Why would ANY Candidate from EITHER side throw out a blanket statement prior to the election?
They wouldn't, your blatant defense of Gore's actions are VERY telling.


Trump has repeatedly thrown out blanket statements prior to the election.

Gore didn't.

Who's defending what here?

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