Accepting the results of the election...

The Florida vote was extremely close - close enough to demand a recount which was within a candidates legal rights.

The FL recount was not demanded by Al Gore. Rather, it was mandated by FL state law. Mr. Gore had nothing do with whether it took place or didn't.

Had no idea - thanks for the info :)
The Florida vote was extremely close - close enough to demand a recount which was within a candidates legal rights.

The FL recount was not demanded by Al Gore. Rather, it was mandated by FL state law. Mr. Gore had nothing do with whether it took place or didn't.

Had no idea - thanks for the info :)

You're welcome.
One of the fundamental pillars of our democratic system accepting the results of an election, and the peaceful transition of power.

This is the first election where both could be fundamentally threatened by pre-election rhetoric and inflammatory statements.

1. The election has already been threatened by George Soros being connected to a company that manufactures voting machines for 16 states while being heavily invested in Hillary winning - to the tune of MILLIONS.

2. The election has already been threatened by the artificial manipulation ('fixing') of the DNC Primaries by Democrats and the large amount of voter fraud in their primaries.

3. The election has already been threatened by the un-matched level of pre-election voter fraud / potential voter fraud - the FBI investigating election fraud in no less than 4 states, over 4 million illegally registered voters, the Washington Maul terrorist already having voted several times for Hillary in the primaries, etc...

4. Just last week Hillary stood on stage by Al Gore and nodded her head 'yes' as supporters chanted the 2000 election was stolen, to this day giving credibility to the idea that the 2000 election - 16 years ago - was stolen.
-- Last week Hillary agreed that Gore ‘won’ 2000 election - Hot Air

5. In 2002 Hillary declared Bush had been 'selected' NOT 'elected'
-- Newsweek: Hillary Clinton to Crowd at Fund-Raiser in Los Angeles: Bush Was 'Selected' President, Not Elected; Says Bush's Machine Has Raised Far More Money to 'Ruin the Reputations of Our Candidates'

6. The NYTimes ran an article about how liberals claimed 8 significant times elections have been stolen
-- 8 Times Liberals Claimed An Election Was Stolen Or Rigged

7. Kerry thought / claimed Bush 'rigged' the election in 2004
-- John Kerry Thinks Bush Rigged The 2004 Election

8. Gore refused to concede the fact that he lost the election in 2000 - Dems ignored the courts who ordered a re-count stop (In the end their own personal re-count showed Bush won)
-- Flashback: Gore Refuses to Concede Election, Demands Recount ‘to Ensure All the Votes Are Counted’

(DURING that debacle Gore said a re-count had to take place because 'EVERY VOTE MATTERS'. When asked how a re-count of absentee ballots would work based o 'timeliness' (and knowing the vast majority of absentee ballots were from GOP-favoring military voters) he actually suggested throwing them out and not counting them.)

MEANWHILE Joe Scarborough is appropriately slamming the media for their hypocrisy on this issue
-- Joe Scarborough Lashes Out At The Media, Defends Trump's Refusal To Say Whether He'd Accept Election Results

....and a reported 72% of Americans have voter fraud concerns
-- Poll: Voters Have Concerns Over Election Security

So for all the Liberals whining about Trump saying he wants to see what the Democrats, BLM, these organizations hiring people to engage in violence at GOP rallies, the DNC, Soros, Hillary, and Barry do DURING the election 1st sit back, STFU, and know YES, YOU & ALL THESE GROUPS / PEOPLE HELPED BUILD THIS!
If Trump wins, few on the Left will accept it. In fact, some think the Left will take extreme measures to invalidate a Trump win.

You must remember this age old truism. Whatever the Left accuses their opponents of, they are guilty of.

If Trump wins, always possible - I would accept it. I would be utterly disgusted at the electorate, I would truly fear for our country's future and pray that Congress can keep him in check (since Trump doesn't seem to realize that the POTUS is not synominous with CEO) and I would count down the years, months and days to the next election.

I would NOT say it was rigged. I would NOT encourage violence. What's more - I haven't seen Clinton encouraging violence if she doesn't win.
You do know that the Clinton campaign encouraged violence at Trump rallies, right? It's on tape:

O'Keefe produces fake videos

They are not "stings", they are highly edited hit pieces that leave all contrary evidence on the cutting room floor
I have never seen words like that or attempts to undermine the entire process from any candidate before - not from the right, not from the left. This isn't a left vs right issue.
I've never seen the question asked before. Did it bother you that Gore held us up for two months after the election? My guess is no.

The left is running on faux outrage because it's the only way they can make their candidate look better.
The left is setting up to steal the election. They are trying to push the narrative that if anybody says that Hillary didn't win the election, it's either because of the Russians or it's because they aren't "accepting" of the results.
One of the fundamental pillars of our democratic system accepting the results of an election, and the peaceful transition of power.

This is the first election where both could be fundamentally threatened by pre-election rhetoric and inflammatory statements.

Folks are now bringing up Al Gore, in his election against Bush as if it were somehow equivalent. But is it?

The Florida vote was extremely close - close enough to demand a recount which was within a candidates legal rights. When it was finally decided, by the courts - Gore graciously and completely accepted the outcome. There was no talk about "rigged" elections from Mr. Gore.

But the fundamental difference is this: all this occurred AFTER the election and Gore accepted the court's verdict.

There was no pre-election claims (whenever the polls dropped) about rigged elections, about his crooked opponent rigging things, etc. undermining the very electoral process in this country. This is a first from a presidential candidate, and it's dangerous because he flirts with it and encourages his supporters with it. They can't possibly lose - because it's "rigged".

I hated that Bush won - not once, but twice - felt like doomsday. But we survived as a country (and for those who hate Obama - we'll still survive as a country).

I'm horrified that supporters of Trump, encouraged BY Trump's rhetoric are saying these things...

Trump’s supporters talk rebellion, assassination at his rallies - The Boston Globe
And if Trump doesn’t win, some are even openly talking about violent rebellion and assassination, as fantastical and unhinged as that may seem.

“If she’s in office, I hope we can start a coup. She should be in prison or shot. That’s how I feel about it,” Dan Bowman, a 50-year-old contractor, said of Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee. “We’re going to have a revolution and take them out of office if that’s what it takes. There’s going to be a lot of bloodshed. But that’s what it’s going to take. . . . I would do whatever I can for my country.”

He then placed a Trump mask on his face and posed for pictures.

Trump’s campaign has taken a sharp turn toward such dark warnings in recent days. He says he is a victim of conspiracies, portrays himself as a martyr to the cause of the right wing, and is stoking anger in advance of what may be a defeat on Nov. 8.

Trump has suggested that the Secret Service protecting Clinton should be disarmed and “see what happens to her,” and that “Second Amendment people” could take matters into their own hands if she wins and appoints judges who support gun control. But his campaign disavowed some of the remarks of his supporters on Saturday after this article was posted online.

Trump Supporters Call For Violent Coup If He Loses, Vow To Racially Profile Minority Voters
Steve Webb, a 61-year-old carpenter, told the Globe he plans to heed Trump's call to "watch your precincts" on Election Day.

“I’ll look for . . . well, it’s called racial profiling. Mexicans. Syrians. People who can’t speak American,” he said. “I’m going to go right up behind them. I’ll do everything legally. I want to see if they are accountable. I’m not going to do anything illegal. I’m going to make them a little bit nervous.”

And from: Trump’s supporters talk rebellion, assassination at his rallies - The Boston Globe
Fergus Cullen, former chairman of the New Hampshire GOP, said it was an incredibly important moment in 2000 when Democrat Al Gore gave a speech saying he accepted the results of the Supreme Court decision to award the majority of electoral votes and presidential victory to George W. Bush.

“Had he not done that, or done so halfheartedly, or even suggested that he’d been robbed, or otherwise tried to delegitimize the results, it would have been a huge blow to our democratic process,” Cullen said.

Cullen expects Trump’s warnings about a rigged election to get even uglier in coming weeks, and he fears they will incite violence if Trump loses.

“That’s really scary,” Cullen said, recounting the violence at Trump rallies around the country leading up to the Republican National Convention. “In this country, we’ve always had recriminations after one side loses. But we haven’t had riots. We haven’t had mobs that act out with violence against supporters of the other side.’’

“There’s no telling what his supporters would be willing to do at the slightest encouragement from their candidate,” he said.

As you far left drones keep proving that you will not accept any election if you loose!


This isn't about TRUMP accepting election results.

It's about the LEFT and their plan to steal the election.
I wonder how folks would feel if Russia had hacked the GOP and Trump, including altering some of the content - instead...if they would still be applauding it or if they would be rightly angry at foreign intervention? Is foreign intervention ok when it's YOUR candidate? :eusa_think:

There is no PROOF the Russians did anything, there are "17 Intelligence Sources" that believe they did, are these the same "Intelligence Sources" that claimed there were WMD's in Iraq?

The video tapes are very clear, they paid people to vote and cause disruptions at Trump events, yet you speculate about Russian involvement. Now they want to tell us that all of the Wiki Leaks emails are made up? Granted this is the same woman who deleted 30,000+ of her emails from her personal server after being subpoenaed by to DOJ. You're a F'ING IDIOT if you believe for a minute you wouldn't be in jail for doing the same thing...
If Trump wins, few on the Left will accept it. In fact, some think the Left will take extreme measures to invalidate a Trump win.

You must remember this age old truism. Whatever the Left accuses their opponents of, they are guilty of.

If Trump wins, always possible - I would accept it. I would be utterly disgusted at the electorate, I would truly fear for our country's future and pray that Congress can keep him in check (since Trump doesn't seem to realize that the POTUS is not synominous with CEO) and I would count down the years, months and days to the next election.

I would NOT say it was rigged. I would NOT encourage violence. What's more - I haven't seen Clinton encouraging violence if she doesn't win.
You do know that the Clinton campaign encouraged violence at Trump rallies, right? It's on tape:

O'Keefe produces fake videos

They are not "stings", they are highly edited hit pieces that leave all contrary evidence on the cutting room floor
If this level of sleaze doesn't give you pause, vote for the Beast.
If Trump wins, few on the Left will accept it. In fact, some think the Left will take extreme measures to invalidate a Trump win.

You must remember this age old truism. Whatever the Left accuses their opponents of, they are guilty of.

If Trump wins, always possible - I would accept it. I would be utterly disgusted at the electorate, I would truly fear for our country's future and pray that Congress can keep him in check (since Trump doesn't seem to realize that the POTUS is not synominous with CEO) and I would count down the years, months and days to the next election.

I would NOT say it was rigged. I would NOT encourage violence. What's more - I haven't seen Clinton encouraging violence if she doesn't win.
You should fear a Cankles win far more than a Trump win, but this would require you to think.

We obviousy differ on that. However the issue is not WHO wins - it's accepting the results of an election - not undermining the very process itself and calling for violence.

Why would ANY Candidate from EITHER side throw out a blanket statement prior to the election?
They wouldn't, your blatant defense of Gore's actions are VERY telling.


Trump has repeatedly thrown out blanket statements prior to the election.

Gore didn't.

Who's defending what here?

Stick to the topic, it ain't my first rodeo.
It would be stupid for ANYONE to say that no matter what happens I'll accept the results of said election.
If you think Hitlery will not throw a fit and sue if she loses a close election you are in serious need of some help.
Gore tried EVERYTHING he could think of to overturn that election, you folks STILL have not accepted the results of that election.

"GOP grab the White House from Democrat Al Gore.

"Our democracy is still evolving. You know we had some problems in some of our presidential elections," she said. "As you may remember, in 2000 our presidential election came down to one state where the brother of one of the men running for president was governor of the state. So we have our problems too." …
Hillary Clinton

And I know that’s been a problems here in Ohio. And I hope that everybody in Ohio, you watch this election like a hawk. Don’t let them pull anything over your eyes again. I mean, I find it amazing that one of the people running for high office is actually running the elections. That should not be permitted, that is a conflict of interest.
Hillary Clinton

So let's just put this crap to bed now, Hillary herself whines about elections being stolen.
The left is setting up to steal the election. They are trying to push the narrative that if anybody says that Hillary didn't win the election, it's either because of the Russians or it's because they aren't "accepting" of the results.
I wouldn't doubt that. Despite what Americans saw in the DNC Primaries, what was leaked out through hacks, and the election fraud SEEN their narrative / plan followed so far is to mock anyone who suggests voter fraud or a rigged election as seen in their primaries. (Forget what you have seen - believe what we say!!)

If the election IS stolen, evidence of mass voter fraud does exist, just keep saying, 'See, he has been claiming this garbage all along. Nothing to see here.

If there is wide-spread provable, undeniable voter fraud I hope the US populace does not stand for it.
One of the fundamental pillars of our democratic system accepting the results of an election, and the peaceful transition of power.

This is the first election where both could be fundamentally threatened by pre-election rhetoric and inflammatory statements.

1. The election has already been threatened by George Soros being connected to a company that manufactures voting machines for 16 states while being heavily invested in Hillary winning - to the tune of MILLIONS.

What actual evidence is there of this beyond conjecture?

2. The election has already been threatened by the artificial manipulation ('fixing') of the DNC Primaries by Democrats and the large amount of voter fraud in their primaries.

What actual evidence is there of this beyond conjecture?

3. The election has already been threatened by the un-matched level of pre-election voter fraud / potential voter fraud - the FBI investigating election fraud in no less than 4 states, over 4 million illegally registered voters, the Washington Maul terrorist already having voted several times for Hillary in the primaries, etc...

What actual evidence is there of this beyond conjecture?

4. Just last week Hillary stood on stage by Al Gore and nodded her head 'yes' as supporters chanted the 2000 election was stolen, to this day giving credibility to the idea that the 2000 election - 16 years ago - was stolen.
-- Last week Hillary agreed that Gore ‘won’ 2000 election - Hot Air

What actual evidence is there of this beyond conjecture that she was nodding her head in agreement?

And this is relevent how?

6. The NYTimes ran an article about how liberals claimed 8 significant times elections have been stolen
-- 8 Times Liberals Claimed An Election Was Stolen Or Rigged

Were any of those liberals running for POTUS...or any office? Kind of a key point here.

7. Kerry thought / claimed Bush 'rigged' the election in 2004
-- John Kerry Thinks Bush Rigged The 2004 Election

Ok, we have Kerry believing he lost due to fraud. Did he proclaim that prior to the election thus putting any results into question? Did equivocate about accepting the results? That's the key point here.

8. Gore refused to concede the fact that he lost the election in 2000 - Dems ignored the courts who ordered a re-count stop (In the end their own personal re-count showed Bush won)
-- Flashback: Gore Refuses to Concede Election, Demands Recount ‘to Ensure All the Votes Are Counted’

(DURING that debacle Gore said a re-count had to take place because 'EVERY VOTE MATTERS'. When asked how a re-count of absentee ballots would work based o 'timeliness' (and knowing the vast majority of absentee ballots were from GOP-favoring military voters) he actually suggested throwing them out and not counting them.)

Again - was he going on about this prior to the election itself? Did he demand a recount or did Florida law? He did concede.

MEANWHILE Joe Scarborough is appropriately slamming the media for their hypocrisy on this issue
-- Joe Scarborough Lashes Out At The Media, Defends Trump's Refusal To Say Whether He'd Accept Election Results

....and a reported 72% of Americans have voter fraud concerns
-- Poll: Voters Have Concerns Over Election Security

And again, has any candidate announced ahead of the election that it is rigged and he might not accept the results?

So for all the Liberals whining about Trump saying he wants to see what the Democrats, BLM, these organizations hiring people to engage in violence at GOP rallies, the DNC, Soros, Hillary, and Barry do DURING the election 1st sit back, STFU, and know YES, YOU & ALL THESE GROUPS / PEOPLE HELPED BUILD THIS!

It's amazing how Trump supporters refuse to demand any sort of accountability for their candidates behavior here.
It's almost over Trumpy almost over....shhhhh shhhhh.....there you go!!!

Trump as a baby with hilly.jpg
If Trump wins, always possible - I would accept it. I would be utterly disgusted at the electorate, I would truly fear for our country's future and pray that Congress can keep him in check (since Trump doesn't seem to realize that the POTUS is not synominous with CEO) and I would count down the years, months and days to the next election.

I would NOT say it was rigged. I would NOT encourage violence. What's more - I haven't seen Clinton encouraging violence if she doesn't win.
You should fear a Cankles win far more than a Trump win, but this would require you to think.

We obviousy differ on that. However the issue is not WHO wins - it's accepting the results of an election - not undermining the very process itself and calling for violence.

Why would ANY Candidate from EITHER side throw out a blanket statement prior to the election?
They wouldn't, your blatant defense of Gore's actions are VERY telling.


Trump has repeatedly thrown out blanket statements prior to the election.

Gore didn't.

Who's defending what here?

Stick to the topic, it ain't my first rodeo.

This is the topic dude. Try to come up with something more original.

It would be stupid for ANYONE to say that no matter what happens I'll accept the results of said election.
If you think Hitlery will not throw a fit and sue if she loses a close election you are in serious need of some help.
Gore tried EVERYTHING he could think of to overturn that election, you folks STILL have not accepted the results of that election.

At this point - even when Hillary's polls were down, she was not claiming the system was rigged. Trump was, and does so every time his poll numbers drop.

"GOP grab the White House from Democrat Al Gore.

"Our democracy is still evolving. You know we had some problems in some of our presidential elections," she said. "As you may remember, in 2000 our presidential election came down to one state where the brother of one of the men running for president was governor of the state. So we have our problems too." …
Hillary Clinton

And I know that’s been a problems here in Ohio. And I hope that everybody in Ohio, you watch this election like a hawk. Don’t let them pull anything over your eyes again. I mean, I find it amazing that one of the people running for high office is actually running the elections. That should not be permitted, that is a conflict of interest.
Hillary Clinton

So let's just put this crap to bed now, Hillary herself whines about elections being stolen.

And? All this occurred AFTER the election and the court decision.
What actual evidence is there of this beyond conjecture?
If you would bothered to have opened the links....

Video, audio, documents, eye-witnesses, the FBI providing evidence, testimony directly from AL GORE, HILLAR CLINTON, etc...

Aside from ALL THAT, great point - virtually NOTHING!

If Trump wins, few on the Left will accept it. In fact, some think the Left will take extreme measures to invalidate a Trump win.

You must remember this age old truism. Whatever the Left accuses their opponents of, they are guilty of.

If Trump wins, always possible - I would accept it. I would be utterly disgusted at the electorate, I would truly fear for our country's future and pray that Congress can keep him in check (since Trump doesn't seem to realize that the POTUS is not synominous with CEO) and I would count down the years, months and days to the next election.

I would NOT say it was rigged. I would NOT encourage violence. What's more - I haven't seen Clinton encouraging violence if she doesn't win.
You do know that the Clinton campaign encouraged violence at Trump rallies, right? It's on tape:

O'Keefe produces fake videos

They are not "stings", they are highly edited hit pieces that leave all contrary evidence on the cutting room floor

Sure, because Planned Parenthood said so.
(rolling eyes)

Then of course there is Podesta about the emails. "They were altered".
Sure John, we'll take your word for it
What actual evidence is there of this beyond conjecture?
If you would bothered to have opened the links....

Video, audio, documents, eye-witnesses, the FBI providing evidence, testimony directly from AL GORE, HILLAR CLINTON, etc...

Aside from ALL THAT, great point - virtually NOTHING!


Did you actually look at your own links? That is where you HAD links? You had no links for your biggest claims and even with links - claiming that Hillary is nodding "in agreement" is still pretty much conjecture.
You should fear a Cankles win far more than a Trump win, but this would require you to think.

We obviousy differ on that. However the issue is not WHO wins - it's accepting the results of an election - not undermining the very process itself and calling for violence.

Why would ANY Candidate from EITHER side throw out a blanket statement prior to the election?
They wouldn't, your blatant defense of Gore's actions are VERY telling.


Trump has repeatedly thrown out blanket statements prior to the election.

Gore didn't.

Who's defending what here?

Stick to the topic, it ain't my first rodeo.

This is the topic dude. Try to come up with something more original.

It would be stupid for ANYONE to say that no matter what happens I'll accept the results of said election.
If you think Hitlery will not throw a fit and sue if she loses a close election you are in serious need of some help.
Gore tried EVERYTHING he could think of to overturn that election, you folks STILL have not accepted the results of that election.

At this point - even when Hillary's polls were down, she was not claiming the system was rigged. Trump was, and does so every time his poll numbers drop.

"GOP grab the White House from Democrat Al Gore.

"Our democracy is still evolving. You know we had some problems in some of our presidential elections," she said. "As you may remember, in 2000 our presidential election came down to one state where the brother of one of the men running for president was governor of the state. So we have our problems too." …
Hillary Clinton

And I know that’s been a problems here in Ohio. And I hope that everybody in Ohio, you watch this election like a hawk. Don’t let them pull anything over your eyes again. I mean, I find it amazing that one of the people running for high office is actually running the elections. That should not be permitted, that is a conflict of interest.
Hillary Clinton

So let's just put this crap to bed now, Hillary herself whines about elections being stolen.

And? All this occurred AFTER the election and the court decision.

Too funny.

GOP grab the White House from Democrat Al Gore.

"Our democracy is still evolving. You know we had some problems in some of our presidential elections," she said. "As you may remember, in 2000 our presidential election came down to one state where the brother of one of the men running for president was governor of the state. So we have our problems too." …
Hillary Clinton

And I know that’s been a problems here in Ohio. And I hope that everybody in Ohio, you watch this election like a hawk. Don’t let them pull anything over your eyes again. I mean, I find it amazing that one of the people running for high office is actually running the elections. That should not be permitted, that is a conflict of interest.
Hillary Clinton

So let's just put this crap to bed now, Hillary herself whines about elections being stolen. With all due respect how do you know Trump won't accept the election results?
That's simply you engaging in "conjecture", see how that works?

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