According to science, how does a new species develop?

And the next question, "Why has evolution stopped?" begs an answer that scientists merely stab at.

Yeah- I hear that from Anti-Evolutionists a lot.

Of course you cannot prove that evolution has stopped.

Because of course it hasn't. You just cherry pick some species that you haven't observed changing in your lifetimes and proclaim that evolution is dead.

I have cited an article three times in this thread detailing observed evolution.

You Christianists ignore it of course.

Not only do we not ignore science, we understand that the smarter scientists get, the closer to God they get. We knew that Christ was inter-dimensional long before Hawking figured that there were other dimensions. Einstein had to be introduced to God's space time, before he put it together, almost...
There is one of our notable scientists, that believes he has figured it out. We live in a matrix, and dimensions abound. Christ was in the sixth dimension when he appeared in the upper room. Did you know that?
Christians love science.
A mutation is a variation of normal DNA. It is a mistake.

For one species to turn into another, the very same mistake<(an oxymoron) would have to occur over millions of years for a new species to exist. We would be walking on all of the bones of all those missing links that the process would have to produce before it made it as a new species.
Wow....millions of years.....yes sometimes it takes that long.

We are walking on the remains of all the species before us- we even build with them.

And a 'mistake' can often lead to beneficial change.
Mistakes usually die off in nature so the stronger of the species can continue to reproduce in kind.
Actually the vast majority of mutations are essentially irrelevant- with no negative or positive effect. Of the rest- most are negative.

But if the 'mistake' allows in individual to contribute his or her DNA better than others- that 'mistake' makes them the stronger of the species and those genes carry on.
And the next question, "Why has evolution stopped?" begs an answer that scientists merely stab at.

Yeah- I hear that from Anti-Evolutionists a lot.

Of course you cannot prove that evolution has stopped.

Because of course it hasn't. You just cherry pick some species that you haven't observed changing in your lifetimes and proclaim that evolution is dead.

I have cited an article three times in this thread detailing observed evolution.

You Christianists ignore it of course.

Not only do we not ignore science, we understand that the smarter scientists get, the closer to God they get. We knew that Christ was inter-dimensional long before Hawking figured that there were other dimensions. Einstein had to be introduced to God's space time, before he put it together, almost...
There is one of our notable scientists, that believes he has figured it out. We live in a matrix, and dimensions abound. Christ was in the sixth dimension when he appeared in the upper room. Did you know that?
Christians love science.

There are some Christians who do love science. They are not the Christians who preach the infallibility of the Bible or that the Old Testament should be taken literally so that the Sun was created the day after earth.

When I speak of you 'Christianists' I was speaking specifically of all of you arguing in this thread that evolution doesn't exist- and have pointedly ignored the article which I cited documenting the emergence of new species.
And the next question, "Why has evolution stopped?" begs an answer that scientists merely stab at.

Yeah- I hear that from Anti-Evolutionists a lot.

Of course you cannot prove that evolution has stopped.

Because of course it hasn't. You just cherry pick some species that you haven't observed changing in your lifetimes and proclaim that evolution is dead.

I have cited an article three times in this thread detailing observed evolution.

You Christianists ignore it of course.

Not only do we not ignore science, we understand that the smarter scientists get, the closer to God they get. We knew that Christ was inter-dimensional long before Hawking figured that there were other dimensions. Einstein had to be introduced to God's space time, before he put it together, almost...
There is one of our notable scientists, that believes he has figured it out. We live in a matrix, and dimensions abound. Christ was in the sixth dimension when he appeared in the upper room. Did you know that?
Christians love science.

Where does the Bible mention dimensions?
And the next question, "Why has evolution stopped?" begs an answer that scientists merely stab at.

Yeah- I hear that from Anti-Evolutionists a lot.

Of course you cannot prove that evolution has stopped.

Because of course it hasn't. You just cherry pick some species that you haven't observed changing in your lifetimes and proclaim that evolution is dead.

I have cited an article three times in this thread detailing observed evolution.

You Christianists ignore it of course.

Not only do we not ignore science, we understand that the smarter scientists get, the closer to God they get. We knew that Christ was inter-dimensional long before Hawking figured that there were other dimensions. Einstein had to be introduced to God's space time, before he put it together, almost...
There is one of our notable scientists, that believes he has figured it out. We live in a matrix, and dimensions abound. Christ was in the sixth dimension when he appeared in the upper room. Did you know that?
Christians love science.

Where does the Bible mention dimensions?
God created all of space/time. That means He exists in a dimension outside of the one we inhabit.
And the next question, "Why has evolution stopped?" begs an answer that scientists merely stab at.

Yeah- I hear that from Anti-Evolutionists a lot.

Of course you cannot prove that evolution has stopped.

Because of course it hasn't. You just cherry pick some species that you haven't observed changing in your lifetimes and proclaim that evolution is dead.

I have cited an article three times in this thread detailing observed evolution.

You Christianists ignore it of course.

Not only do we not ignore science, we understand that the smarter scientists get, the closer to God they get. We knew that Christ was inter-dimensional long before Hawking figured that there were other dimensions. Einstein had to be introduced to God's space time, before he put it together, almost...
There is one of our notable scientists, that believes he has figured it out. We live in a matrix, and dimensions abound. Christ was in the sixth dimension when he appeared in the upper room. Did you know that?
Christians love science.

Where does the Bible mention dimensions?
God created all of space/time. That means He exists in a dimension outside of the one we inhabit.

It says so right in the
And the next question, "Why has evolution stopped?" begs an answer that scientists merely stab at.

Yeah- I hear that from Anti-Evolutionists a lot.

Of course you cannot prove that evolution has stopped.

Because of course it hasn't. You just cherry pick some species that you haven't observed changing in your lifetimes and proclaim that evolution is dead.

I have cited an article three times in this thread detailing observed evolution.

You Christianists ignore it of course.

Not only do we not ignore science, we understand that the smarter scientists get, the closer to God they get. We knew that Christ was inter-dimensional long before Hawking figured that there were other dimensions. Einstein had to be introduced to God's space time, before he put it together, almost...
There is one of our notable scientists, that believes he has figured it out. We live in a matrix, and dimensions abound. Christ was in the sixth dimension when he appeared in the upper room. Did you know that?
Christians love science.

Where does the Bible mention dimensions?
God created all of space/time. That means He exists in a dimension outside of the one we inhabit.
it's still part of the universe. We live in all the dimensions, BTW.
You didn't answer the question: where does the Bible mention dimensions?
And the next question, "Why has evolution stopped?" begs an answer that scientists merely stab at.

Yeah- I hear that from Anti-Evolutionists a lot.

Of course you cannot prove that evolution has stopped.

Because of course it hasn't. You just cherry pick some species that you haven't observed changing in your lifetimes and proclaim that evolution is dead.

I have cited an article three times in this thread detailing observed evolution.

You Christianists ignore it of course.

Not only do we not ignore science, we understand that the smarter scientists get, the closer to God they get. We knew that Christ was inter-dimensional long before Hawking figured that there were other dimensions. Einstein had to be introduced to God's space time, before he put it together, almost...
There is one of our notable scientists, that believes he has figured it out. We live in a matrix, and dimensions abound. Christ was in the sixth dimension when he appeared in the upper room. Did you know that?
Christians love science.

Where does the Bible mention dimensions?

Genesis, according to Maimonides. In the 1100's. What he gleaned scientifically from Genesis was there were at least 10 dimensions. 4 seen, 6 unseen. Fast forward to today and science has concluded that there are at least 10. 4 seen 6 unseen. It really screwed with Einstein to find out there was a 4th. He called it the bane of his existence.
If there are ten, there can also be an unlimited number of dimensions. < So says science, today..

Then there was Christ's appearing out of nowhere, and disappearing the same way. He was multi dimension. He stepped from one into another. From seen to unseen.

Not only does the Bible mention dimensions, it describes them. Our science is not that advanced yet, but when they finally understand dimensions they will find that dimensions can burn, be torn, rolled up, and stretched.

Think of dimensions like a bathtub filled with bubbles. Pick a bubble and call it our universe. Our Father is a creator. Why would He stop with just 1 bubble? Ours just happens to be the one His children are reared in.
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For one species to turn into another, the very same mistake<(an oxymoron) would have to occur over millions of years for a new species to exist. This is so stunngly ignorant. The "mistake" only has to occur once. The new gene is then inherited.
And the next question, "Why has evolution stopped?" begs an answer that scientists merely stab at.

Yeah- I hear that from Anti-Evolutionists a lot.

Of course you cannot prove that evolution has stopped.

Because of course it hasn't. You just cherry pick some species that you haven't observed changing in your lifetimes and proclaim that evolution is dead.

I have cited an article three times in this thread detailing observed evolution.

You Christianists ignore it of course.

Not only do we not ignore science, we understand that the smarter scientists get, the closer to God they get. We knew that Christ was inter-dimensional long before Hawking figured that there were other dimensions. Einstein had to be introduced to God's space time, before he put it together, almost...
There is one of our notable scientists, that believes he has figured it out. We live in a matrix, and dimensions abound. Christ was in the sixth dimension when he appeared in the upper room. Did you know that?
Christians love science.

Where does the Bible mention dimensions?

Genesis, according to Maimonides. In the 1100's. What he gleaned scientifically from Genesis was there were at least 10 dimensions. 4 seen, 6 unseen. Fast forward to today and science has concluded that there are at least 10. 4 seen 6 unseen. It really screwed with Einstein to find out there was a 4th. He called it the bane of his existence.
If there are ten, there can also be an unlimited number of dimensions. < So says science, today..

Then there was Christ's appearing out of nowhere, and disappearing the same way. He was multi dimension. He stepped from one into another. From seen to unseen.

Not only does the Bible mention dimensions, it describes them. Our science is not that advanced yet, but when they finally understand dimensions they will find that dimensions can burn, be torn, rolled up, and stretched.

Think of dimensions like a bathtub filled with bubbles. Pick a bubble and call it our universe. Our Father is a creator. Why would He stop with just 1 bubble? Ours just happens to be the one His children are reared in.

What are the four "seen" dimensions? I'm only aware of three.

I've never seen anything in the Bible that mentions dimensions. Can you quote where it does that?

A single bubble wouldn't be the entire universe. It would be subuniverse. The universe is everything that exists. How would God exist outside everthing that exists?
And the next question, "Why has evolution stopped?" begs an answer that scientists merely stab at.

Yeah- I hear that from Anti-Evolutionists a lot.

Of course you cannot prove that evolution has stopped.

Because of course it hasn't. You just cherry pick some species that you haven't observed changing in your lifetimes and proclaim that evolution is dead.

I have cited an article three times in this thread detailing observed evolution.

You Christianists ignore it of course.

Not only do we not ignore science, we understand that the smarter scientists get, the closer to God they get. We knew that Christ was inter-dimensional long before Hawking figured that there were other dimensions. Einstein had to be introduced to God's space time, before he put it together, almost...
There is one of our notable scientists, that believes he has figured it out. We live in a matrix, and dimensions abound. Christ was in the sixth dimension when he appeared in the upper room. Did you know that?
Christians love science.

Where does the Bible mention dimensions?

Genesis, according to Maimonides. In the 1100's. What he gleaned scientifically from Genesis .

Hmmm how did he test that hypothesis 'scientifically'?

I do love it however, when Christianists resort to a Torah scholar to explain their believe in Creation....
And the next question, "Why has evolution stopped?" begs an answer that scientists merely stab at.

Yeah- I hear that from Anti-Evolutionists a lot.

Of course you cannot prove that evolution has stopped.

Because of course it hasn't. You just cherry pick some species that you haven't observed changing in your lifetimes and proclaim that evolution is dead.

I have cited an article three times in this thread detailing observed evolution.

You Christianists ignore it of course.

Not only do we not ignore science, we understand that the smarter scientists get, the closer to God they get. We knew that Christ was inter-dimensional long before Hawking figured that there were other dimensions. Einstein had to be introduced to God's space time, before he put it together, almost...
There is one of our notable scientists, that believes he has figured it out. We live in a matrix, and dimensions abound. Christ was in the sixth dimension when he appeared in the upper room. Did you know that?
Christians love science.

Where does the Bible mention dimensions?

Then there was Christ's appearing out of nowhere, and disappearing the same way. He was multi dimension. He stepped from one into another. From seen to unseen.

Not only does the Bible mention dimensions, it describes them..

So Heaven is just another dimension?

And hell is just another dimension?


I get the general idea that certain "mutations" have to occur with one organism to change their species, but what about mating?
Scientist found organic materials on Pluto and serius. These are dwarf planets. They have water inside them.

We may have to thank dwarf planets for bringing water and organic materials to earth.

This is one possibility. If it were true would it change your faith? So why argue unless you prefer another hypothesis?
if you don't believe in evolution, then you must believe 2 humans just ''appeared'' like Star Trek energizing......much more unbelievable than evolution
what's more believable/chance of happening:
a single cell evolving/''appearing'' or millions of single cells arranged into a complicated being just ''appearing''? ''Energize''
View attachment 183169

That's a horrible analogy. Even biology isn't like the Star Trek transporter at all, so you're wrong. The biology states that living organisms were formed from the tree of life. All living organisms have a history, changed over time and different species share common ancestors. There is no need for creation because it is assumed that some bacteria or single-cell organism appeared billions of years ago due to some energy transformation.

On the creation science side, humans were created from God as adult creatures. All living organisms were created that way except for Baby Jesus. Creation scientists say that it is impossible for a single-cell organism to form from non-living materials. This is because the building block of protein can only be created within another living cell and the right amino acids are needed. The formation of protein doesn't happen in nature or outer space. Else we would see the origins of biological evolution happen and one does not need millions of years to do so.

Which is more believable based on the evidence? It's the creation theory since the building block of protein can only occur within a cell. If the evolution origins theory were true, then we would see more living organisms such as microbes or bacteria in other parts of our solar system.
so a fully formed, complex man with millions of cells being produced all at once, is more believable than a single cell being produced??
is this what you saying???

If a cell cannot be created, just like an atom can't be created , then you have to look at what other theories of origins are out there. (BTW molecules can be put together to create something, but not atoms. We can create synthetic diamonds, but not gold. This is as God designed. He put limitations. A man's got to know his limitations as Dirty Harry said.) If it's not based on evolutionary thinking, then it's creation. The arguments have come down to basically these two. Actually, there is a third option where one can choose to ignore the fine tuning facts or laws, as it only applied during expansion, but then they would run into other problems such as fine tuning in biology down the road. Read the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy link below.

Here is evidence of what I am talking about. We have sent probes to every planet and now have boiled it down to two in regards to possibility of life bearing and being able to support life if we choose to colonize there. One is Mars which has been studied in-depth and not one microbe has been found. The remaining planet is Europa which is a moon of Jupiter and not a planet. Mars is still highly questionable in regards to supporting life because not enough water has been found. What's there is frozen and scientists think there was water there in the past. That said, if there was water there in the past, then we would find some evidence of past life. Europa still has a chance because studies have shown vast oceans of water within the planet.

What is happening today is Stephen Hawking wrote a paper before he died which I will relate to fine tuning below. I mention him because he is the person whom I read to learn of the Big Bang Theory. When these atheist scientists were investigating what happened immediately after the expansion, i.e. big bang, they discovered fine tuning parameters that if they were minutely off, then the universe would have collapsed onto itself. If the speed of expansion was too fast, then gravity would not have been able to pull the planets, moons and stars together . Look up John Leslie and fine tuning for an evolutionist view of fine tuning. There are too many parameters to discuss in this short space, so I post links to two web pages, one creation science and the other neutral philosophy that give detailed explanation. The creation science link discusses the parameters and shows how great the chances are of life happening as the universe and earth formed. This is why Stephen Hawking asked, "Why is there something instead of nothing?" The other link discusses the competing theories. One even asks if a response is necessary. It seems to state, "It is what it is."

The Universe: Evidence for Its Fine Tuning

Fine-Tuning (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

What we learn today is Stephen Hawking wrote a paper two weeks before he died. In it he discusses why there are multiverses. It's tries to explain how multiverses could form as other scientists have done like Guth, Linde, Weinberg and others. Why multiverses are important is because it is atheist science's or evolutionary thinking's hypothesis to counter the fine tuning of an intelligent designer and support the anthropic principle. One name for it is the eternal chaotic inflation hypothesis. Creation science thinks fine tuning is evidence for God and creation.

Article and link to his paper from Cornell is within.
Read Stephen Hawking's Final Paper On How To Find Parallel Universes, Submitted Just Two Weeks Before He Died

Confronting the Multiverse: What 'Infinite Universes' Would Mean
if you don't believe in evolution, you must believe a fully formed man just ''appears'' from nothing...yes or no??

That's just idiotic. Evolution can't readily explain how an asexual single-cell turned into a sexual one.
I just saw it explained. Just YouTube it. There are over 100 dwarf planets in our outer solar system. Bet the ones with water and active cores and organic material all have life in their oceans.

If they discover life in Serius or titan or on Pluto what will you say then?

What is your hypothesis?
And the next question, "Why has evolution stopped?" begs an answer that scientists merely stab at.

Yeah- I hear that from Anti-Evolutionists a lot.

Of course you cannot prove that evolution has stopped.

Because of course it hasn't. You just cherry pick some species that you haven't observed changing in your lifetimes and proclaim that evolution is dead.

I have cited an article three times in this thread detailing observed evolution.

You Christianists ignore it of course.

Not only do we not ignore science, we understand that the smarter scientists get, the closer to God they get. We knew that Christ was inter-dimensional long before Hawking figured that there were other dimensions. Einstein had to be introduced to God's space time, before he put it together, almost...
There is one of our notable scientists, that believes he has figured it out. We live in a matrix, and dimensions abound. Christ was in the sixth dimension when he appeared in the upper room. Did you know that?
Christians love science.

Where does the Bible mention dimensions?

Genesis, according to Maimonides. In the 1100's. What he gleaned scientifically from Genesis .

Hmmm how did he test that hypothesis 'scientifically'?

I do love it however, when Christianists resort to a Torah scholar to explain their believe in Creation....

Why wouldn't we refer to the Torah? Same God, different covenant.
How did Einstein test his? His math wouldn't gel. Then Hubble introduced him to space time. That helped the math, but still Einstein would apologize to his peers for it not being exactly right. Had he added the unseen dimensions, he would have been spot on in his calculations. We have since realized they are there.

And yes. Heaven is IN a different dimension. Hell is not.

There was an incident witnessed where Christ had a meeting with Moses and Elijah where the three levitated. You can't do that in our dimensions.
What are examples of new species?
Every species which exists, really. Only one species was the most recent common ancestor of all species. So, at least (all the species - 1) species on the planet are new species, if not all.
What are examples of new species?
Every species which exists, really. Only one species was the most recent common ancestor of all species. So, at least (all the species - 1) species on the planet are new species, if not all.

Riiight. :cuckoo:

What new species have developed in the past 400 years?

I know a few have gone extinct.

Give me an example of an observed new species and not pure crap, pls.

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