According to Twitter Baghdad Int’l Airport Hit w/Rockets from Iranian Militia

Looks like Iran is begging for an ass kicking!!!

U.S. Air Force

Looks like Iran is begging for an ass kicking!!!

U.S. Air Force

Way to old.
Why dont you get your fat ass down to the enlistment office?
I'm sure our aircraft carriers wouldnt mind an extra ship anchor.

I did my 21 years and may get recalled. How about this for you? U.S. Army: What’s Your Warrior?

You won't get recalled. No more than I will.

She is just bragging. Hiding behind her service to berate others

U.S. Air Force Have at it.
WTF is it to you? It's none of our damn business. We keep children in cages where we are. So who the f are you to talk about "holding people by force?"

That means that people are wishing to escape the tyranny of Iran..not sneak in by the millions like the US.

View attachment 299019
WTF is it to you? We have kids in cages back at home, and you want to pretend to care about Iran's people? :auiqs.jpg:You can tell that to another fellow Trump Toad, but you can't tell me that.

I dont care about Iran's people. So I dont know who it is you think told you that. I care about Americans.

I was pointing out that the Iranian people are probably rooting for Trump...while Democrats root for their oppressors.

History repeats itself. In the 1980's the Democrats sent a a young girl named Samantha Smith over to the USSR to apologize for Ronald Reagan. The media lionized her (even named her a "goodwill ambassador") and and the Russians built a statue in her honor after she visited and enjoyed a stroll around the prison.

Years later, when communism fell, the citizens melted her statue down for the metal. LINK

Way to old.
Why dont you get your fat ass down to the enlistment office?
I'm sure our aircraft carriers wouldnt mind an extra ship anchor.
I did my 21 years and may get recalled. How about this for you? U.S. Army: What’s Your Warrior?
You won't get recalled. No more than I will.
Maybe...maybe not, but I will go if called. I don't hide like CRC trumpanzee cowards do.

Poor little drug user that was dishonorable discharged!
What drugs were you caught with, Omar? Hashish? Opium?
WTF is it to you? It's none of our damn business. We keep children in cages where we are. So who the f are you to talk about "holding people by force?"

That means that people are wishing to escape the tyranny of Iran..not sneak in by the millions like the US.

View attachment 299019
WTF is it to you? We have kids in cages back at home, and you want to pretend to care about Iran's people? :auiqs.jpg:You can tell that to another fellow Trump Toad, but you can't tell me that.

Yes thanks to Obama keep kids in cages!

We dont keep kids in cages.
Looks like it is shutting down for the night. The president will not speak tonight. no casualties at the international air port where 2 missile hit (1 did not explode the other hit nothing important. and Al Asad air base took several hit. No US casualties. Some Iraqi casualties.
Nope. But I wonder if you are going to join up to help U.S. Air Force or U.S. Army: What’s Your Warrior? or United States Marines Corps

You upset that you could not attend the funeral in Iran?
Nope...but I know projection when I see it. Maybe this for you? U.S. Army: What’s Your Warrior?

Yes you are upset that you missed the funeral or your hero terrorist!
Nope...but more projection on your part, I see. We know CRCs are just the other side of the coin from fundie muslims.

Yes we know you you will go and support your terrorist hereos!
Oh Omar, when you learn English in one of those muslim schools, they don't really help you with correct spelling much, do they?
Way to old.
Why dont you get your fat ass down to the enlistment office?
I'm sure our aircraft carriers wouldnt mind an extra ship anchor.
I did my 21 years and may get recalled. How about this for you? U.S. Army: What’s Your Warrior?
You won't get recalled. No more than I will.
Maybe...maybe not, but I will go if called. I don't hide like CRC trumpanzee cowards do.

Poor little drug user that was dishonorable discharged!
What drugs were you caught with, Omar? Hashish? Opium?

I see you finally admit to your drug use and you being dishonorable discharged!
Iran says they will attack inside the US and Hezbolla will attack Israel if the US responds.

They love their rhetoric!

THIS JUST IN: Not one American killed in the Iranian attack.
But Trump will nuke Iran anyway for general purposes, and you will dutifully support him.
Exactly! They are brainless children parading around as adults, cheer leading about bombing the shit out of people over something Trump started. They are borderline retarded and totally evil.

They try and pretend they are somehow morally better. They are not. Not even close.
Let's take out thier oldest most sacred mosque ...why not got fuckers have zero respect for other cultures they blow up 1000 year old buddhas without even flinching...

And I dont know why we cant just take out the whole friggin "leadership " while they're in session standing around chanting death to America ......just like some " democrats "

Then ya let the Iranian people sort the rest out amongst themselves .
They were just rioting in the streets ...and they got slaughtered for it ...yet again ....all it would take is one general with loyal troops for the people to get behind to start slitting islamomanic throats ...

In a deplorable Yankee world I would try to flip iran without shedding one drop of american blood .Then down the road you could obliterate the trailer trash of the desert Saudis
You upset that you could not attend the funeral in Iran?
Nope...but I know projection when I see it. Maybe this for you? U.S. Army: What’s Your Warrior?

Yes you are upset that you missed the funeral or your hero terrorist!
Nope...but more projection on your part, I see. We know CRCs are just the other side of the coin from fundie muslims.

Yes we know you you will go and support your terrorist hereos!
Oh Omar, when you learn English in one of those muslim schools, they don't really help you with correct spelling much, do they?

Why would you denigrate Islamic education?
You people are mentally sick. This is a manufactured crisis for oil, and this dick head Trump wants to cash in at the expense of needless loss of life. And you could give two shits about that.
Did you not know we are the largest exporter of oil?

Was killing Salami a "needless loss of life"?
Im talking about us you fucking moron.
Your president can handle this without loss of american life. He isnt interested in fighting them on their terms
Really? He already fucked up a great deal with Iran that was working, he got impeached, said he would bomb the shit out of them and get their oil, so here we are. And "Trump can handle this?" Are you out of your damn mind?

Iran is violating the deal
Nope. the deal is dead. Can't violate something we pulled out of.
Trump just refused to brief the nation tonight on Iran, because he's a coward who needs to be removed from office
You upset that you could not attend the funeral in Iran?
Nope...but I know projection when I see it. Maybe this for you? U.S. Army: What’s Your Warrior?

Yes you are upset that you missed the funeral or your hero terrorist!
Nope...but more projection on your part, I see. We know CRCs are just the other side of the coin from fundie muslims.

Yes we know you you will go and support your terrorist hereos!
Oh Omar, when you learn English in one of those muslim schools, they don't really help you with correct spelling much, do they?

See how the far left has nothing left!

I am sorry you miss being in Iran and supporting your terrorist friends!
Obama Bombs. Say it.

It happened.

I don't like war....I don't want war...I respect Iranians!

But I want the mullahs to go

that's basically it my friends! :2up:
We have Jimmy Carter to thank for Islamic rule in the ME. Democrats love establishing Islamic theocracies

...and we have Obama to blamed for giving them a big infusion of cash to use for terrorism.
That's a lie that has never been proven. You are a liar. The money was not ours. Try another bs line. That one has lost its expiration.

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