According to Twitter Baghdad Int’l Airport Hit w/Rockets from Iranian Militia

Iran says they will attack inside the US and Hezbolla will attack Israel if the US responds.

They love their rhetoric!

THIS JUST IN: Not one American killed in the Iranian attack.

Great news, if true. No offense, but who says so?

I still think the US will respond though, going after military targets in Iran. Usually you go after the SAM sites first, then the Air Defenses, then the Command/Control, then their air bases and aircraft. Once they are defenseless from the air, they are FUCKED. We don't have to send in troops unless they foolishly employ nukes and other WMDs. Then it's a regime change war.

Military command in Iraq just reported it in and Fox picked it up off the wire. The USA will definitely respond. The beauty of it all is that the Dems greatest fear has happened: This effectively renders moot their efforts to impeach Trump and will even cut into the Dems Iowa Caucus. Trump has stolen the show.
"Of all the Presidents of the last 100 years we could have at the helm right now, we have Trump. Think about that." - Marvelous Michael Avenatti
WTF is it to you? It's none of our damn business. We keep children in cages where we are. So who the f are you to talk about "holding people by force?"

That means that people are wishing to escape the tyranny of Iran..not sneak in by the millions like the US.

View attachment 299019
WTF is it to you? We have kids in cages back at home, and you want to pretend to care about Iran's people? :auiqs.jpg:You can tell that to another fellow Trump Toad, but you can't tell me that.

Yes thanks to Obama keep kids in cages!
No link - watching on the news right now.

Reportedly cruise/ballistic missiles

thats cause they are RETALIATING for what asshole trump did who threw the first punch starting a war,something out corrupt government has been doing for DECADES now. He was hoping that they would just stand there and let him be a bully and keep hitting punching them but they are doing what he did not expect,fighting back.

wow we got some stuod fuck trolls who are so sick they think thats funny about our government doing this staritng a war,go work for the CIA you asshoel traiter trolls.
Good God have you paid attention?
Yup, I saw iran attack our embassy last week and also killed an American a few days before that. Prior to that they attacked ships, oil refineries and one of our drones.

All BEFORE we responded.

Are you aware the US massacred 25 Iraqi troops? This is why they rioted at the embassy. Get informed!

Why would Iran attack us for killing Iraqis?
You idiot. You dummies complain about a little protest outside the embassy, but ignore the fact it was in retaliation of the US massacring 25 Iraqi militia.
If this is news to you, you have to admit you are uninformed.

I've asked you several times and you've failed to answer.
Why would Iran bomb US interests for killing Iraqis?

I want to see the link that says US forces massacred 25 Iragi militia. I think that is total, 100% BULLSHIT! Iran is attacking us cuz we killed their general.
Violent attacks upon US soil.

View attachment 298976
Kill. Kill. Kill.
Yes, Iran has murdered hundreds of Americans.
and you also think the CIA is not ab evil organization and does not go around and start wars in other countries as well i am sure.comedy gold.:lmao::laughing0301:
So how’d Trump get Iran to attack us?

wow you are way dumber than I thought, do you have have alzheimers diseace or soemthing? have you already forgotten he PROVOKED them by MURDERING a general in violation of the UN? obviously so.LOL

It wasn't a violation you Iran sympathizing asshat.....he was a listed terrorist responsible for killing
U.S. citizens......
Good God have you paid attention?
Yup, I saw iran attack our embassy last week and also killed an American a few days before that. Prior to that they attacked ships, oil refineries and one of our drones.

All BEFORE we responded.

Are you aware the US massacred 25 Iraqi troops? This is why they rioted at the embassy. Get informed!

Why would Iran attack us for killing Iraqis?
You idiot. You dummies complain about a little protest outside the embassy, but ignore the fact it was in retaliation of the US massacring 25 Iraqi militia.
If this is news to you, you have to admit you are uninformed.

I've asked you several times and you've failed to answer.
Why would Iran bomb US interests for killing Iraqis?

Just yesterday the idiot was claiming Iran was no threat to us at all. Now the Tards are claiming we've poked a hornets nest.
I don't like war....I don't want war...I respect Iranians!

But I want the mullahs to go

that's basically it my friends! :2up:
We have Jimmy Carter to thank for Islamic rule in the ME. Democrats love establishing Islamic theocracies

...and we have Obama to blamed for giving them a big infusion of cash to use for terrorism.
That's a lie that has never been proven. You are a liar. The money was not ours. Try another bs line. That one has lost its expiration.

yeah he is a fucking liar and troll always trolling saying the democrats are evil and the repubs can do no wrong. FUCKING idiot and liar.
Yup, I saw iran attack our embassy last week and also killed an American a few days before that. Prior to that they attacked ships, oil refineries and one of our drones.

All BEFORE we responded.

Are you aware the US massacred 25 Iraqi troops? This is why they rioted at the embassy. Get informed!

Why would Iran attack us for killing Iraqis?
You idiot. You dummies complain about a little protest outside the embassy, but ignore the fact it was in retaliation of the US massacring 25 Iraqi militia.
If this is news to you, you have to admit you are uninformed.

I've asked you several times and you've failed to answer.
Why would Iran bomb US interests for killing Iraqis?

I want to see the link that says US forces massacred 25 Iragi militia. I think that is total, 100% BULLSHIT! Iran is attacking us cuz we killed their general.

Yeah...but I like badgering the dumbshit to see if he responds with something I can ridicule.
Yup, I saw iran attack our embassy last week and also killed an American a few days before that. Prior to that they attacked ships, oil refineries and one of our drones.

All BEFORE we responded.

Are you aware the US massacred 25 Iraqi troops? This is why they rioted at the embassy. Get informed!

Why would Iran attack us for killing Iraqis?
You idiot. You dummies complain about a little protest outside the embassy, but ignore the fact it was in retaliation of the US massacring 25 Iraqi militia.
If this is news to you, you have to admit you are uninformed.

I've asked you several times and you've failed to answer.
Why would Iran bomb US interests for killing Iraqis?

I want to see the link that says US forces massacred 25 Iragi militia. I think that is total, 100% BULLSHIT! Iran is attacking us cuz we killed their general.
Iran-backed Iraqi militia vows revenge to US strikes

The big difference left out is it was Iraqi militia backed by Iran
So..I heard on the news that Iran is saying we better not retaliate with their bombings in Iraq bases because we killed their general. So...they think killing our soldiers..more than one if the reports of 70 payment for their ONE lowlife scumbag that killed his own people and planned attacks on us as well? Fuck that. They want to play bomb games? Ok.
So..I heard on the news that Iran is saying we better not retaliate with their bombings in Iraq bases because we killed their general. So...they think killing our soldiers..more than one if the reports of 70 payment for their ONE lowlife scumbag that killed his own people and planned attacks on us as well? Fuck that. They want to play bomb games? Ok.
That can't be right. Trump said killing the general would prevent attacks. You must have bad info.
Violent attacks upon US soil.

View attachment 298976
Kill. Kill. Kill.
Yes, Iran has murdered hundreds of Americans.
and you also think the CIA is not ab evil organization and does not go around and start wars in other countries as well i am sure.comedy gold.:lmao::laughing0301:
So how’d Trump get Iran to attack us?

wow you are way dumber than I thought, do you have have alzheimers diseace or something? have you already forgotten he PROVOKED them by MURDERING a general in violation of the UN? obviously so.LOL
Did you forget the American deaths this general masterminded ? Hey, if he thought that he was safe coming into Iraq where American blood sweat and tears were shed, then he was the idiot for such a move. If any terrorist thinks that they can walk around in Iraq like they are taking some kind of walk through the tulip's, then they are highly mistaken. When we leave Iraq, then they might get away with it, but only when we leave. Until then they best stay in their country where they are protected.
How did Trump get Iran to attack our Embassy in Iraq?
In which no one was killed or hurt, but you Trumpettes want lots of dead Iranian women and children as pay back.

You dumb fucks don’t even know of the 25 Iraqis the US murdered prior to the embassy riots.

We're all dumb fucks, Gripper! Everyone is a brainwashed Trumpian except YOU. God bless you for pointing out what great, noble, innocent people Iran are, and what total assfucks the evil USA is! When can we expect you to fly over, join the Royal Guard and start fighting against us? You KNOW you wanna do it!
Just remember, Dumb Don is your God.
Just remember Beirut Embassy bombings, Kobe Towers, Marine Barracks Lebannon, Advanced IED's and EFPs .....just to name a few..........

They think he was bluffing ..........He Wasn't..........THEY JUST FUCKED UP.
Yeah let’s nuke Tehran and mass murder millions. Yippee!!!

Hyperbole much?

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