According to Twitter Baghdad Int’l Airport Hit w/Rockets from Iranian Militia

Nope...but I know projection when I see it. Maybe this for you? U.S. Army: What’s Your Warrior?

Yes you are upset that you missed the funeral or your hero terrorist!
Nope...but more projection on your part, I see. We know CRCs are just the other side of the coin from fundie muslims.

Yes we know you you will go and support your terrorist hereos!
Oh Omar, when you learn English in one of those muslim schools, they don't really help you with correct spelling much, do they?

Why would you denigrate Islamic education?
Every day I would....gladly.
Nope...but I know projection when I see it. Maybe this for you? U.S. Army: What’s Your Warrior?

Yes you are upset that you missed the funeral or your hero terrorist!
Nope...but more projection on your part, I see. We know CRCs are just the other side of the coin from fundie muslims.

Yes we know you you will go and support your terrorist hereos!
Oh Omar, when you learn English in one of those muslim schools, they don't really help you with correct spelling much, do they?

See how the far left has nothing left!

I am sorry you miss being in Iran and supporting your terrorist friends!
Poor Omar....stuck in a rut now. When will you be asked to strap on that special vest?
Yes you are upset that you missed the funeral or your hero terrorist!
Nope...but more projection on your part, I see. We know CRCs are just the other side of the coin from fundie muslims.

Yes we know you you will go and support your terrorist hereos!
Oh Omar, when you learn English in one of those muslim schools, they don't really help you with correct spelling much, do they?

Why would you denigrate Islamic education?
Every day I would....gladly.

Yes we know that the far left share the same theocracy as Iran, it is why you support the terrorists!
And you are a sinner that will be removed to Hell.

Are you going to help Iran interfere in our elections like they promise?

And why did Ollie Assburn’s 30 Obama Bomb Missiles bought with Obama Bucks from Iran not kill a Single America?

Doesn’t Iran’s fake god Ollie Assburn love The Ayatollah Assaholla?

Trump just refused to brief the nation tonight on Iran, because he's a coward who needs to be removed from office
Are you aware the US massacred 25 Iraqi troops? This is why they rioted at the embassy. Get informed!

Why would Iran attack us for killing Iraqis?
You idiot. You dummies complain about a little protest outside the embassy, but ignore the fact it was in retaliation of the US massacring 25 Iraqi militia.
If this is news to you, you have to admit you are uninformed.
Violent attacks upon US soil.

View attachment 298976

yeah thanks to asshole trump who STARTED it

two morons who can only laugh off truth of this post i see.

Nah...we're just laughing at you.
Yes you are upset that you missed the funeral or your hero terrorist!
Nope...but more projection on your part, I see. We know CRCs are just the other side of the coin from fundie muslims.

Yes we know you you will go and support your terrorist hereos!
Oh Omar, when you learn English in one of those muslim schools, they don't really help you with correct spelling much, do they?

See how the far left has nothing left!

I am sorry you miss being in Iran and supporting your terrorist friends!
Poor Omar....stuck in a rut now. When will you be asked to strap on that special vest?

I see you really do support them terrorists!

Miss Iran that badly?
So..I heard on the news that Iran is saying we better not retaliate with their bombings in Iraq bases because we killed their general. So...they think killing our soldiers..more than one if the reports of 70 payment for their ONE lowlife scumbag that killed his own people and planned attacks on us as well? Fuck that. They want to play bomb games? Ok.
That can't be right. Trump said killing the general would prevent attacks. You must have bad info.
Prevent gorilla/terrorist attacks around the world in message there of, and not to mean that it would prevent government promoted attacks by a nation promoting terrorist attacks in the region under cover against American's.
This just in.
  • We have six B-52s in the area.
  • Numerous carrier fleets just outside Iran.
  • Something like 35-45 of our top jet fighters ready (F-35?).

Our allies response in the area:
  • Several NATO troops pulling out of the area.
In other words, out NATO allies had their troops there until there was an actual risk of them engaging in a real military operation. o_O
A war with Iran is madness and it is strategically and morally a disaster in the making. And don't believe anyone who tells you otherwise.
The libs on NBC and CNN seem joyous as they see this unprovoked attack on America by Iran as "the beginning of the end" for Trump as the "walls are closing in". Throughout the liberal and islamic worlds, there are celebrations planned from Tehran to Dearborn to Berkeley.
I did my 21 years and may get recalled.

You have a point, someone has to clean the latrine.

They do call back those that were dishonorably discharged for drugs!
So, you've already been contacted then.

Yes we know you are drug user and are dishonorable!

But you do love them terrorist!
Learn English, Omar. You just aren't cutting it as an effective terrorist cell mole that way.
I did my 21 years and may get recalled.

You have a point, someone has to clean the latrine.

They do call back those that were dishonorably discharged for drugs!
So, you've already been contacted then.

Yes we know you are drug user and are dishonorable!

But you do love them terrorist!
Learn English, Omar. You just aren't cutting it as an effective terrorist cell mole that way.

See how the far left has nothing left!

They just defend their terrorist buddies!
Pay attention. Gog and Magog are coming and Iran is incinerated!

Ezekiel 38 BSB

Wait until they try to attack Israel. It's coming. Could be a few weeks from now, could be 5 years, but they are going to do it.
Sooner the better

Israel isn't going down. Sorry to disappoint you.
Those pushing the end of the world for their religion should be classified as a terrorist and treated accordingly.

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