According To Witnesses The Michael Brown Killer Cop Acted Like A Vigilante

I don't trust police officers, they are trained liars who often get away with murder. That may be the case here or it might not be. We do not have all the facts. I am content to wait for more evidence.

Meanwhile I am going to bust out the glass in front of a store and take a new 60" flat screen TV set!

No justice, free shit!!
It's a peace sign.

I've done the sideways peace sign in my youth as well.

Black folks have a thing called flavor.

We do things differently sometimes just because, especially in our youth.

Gang signs are more complicated than that.

If it's a gang sign, then you have to identify it.

Until then, it's a peace sign, as I've identified it.


No its not. I guess this is 'then'

Quit covering for your 'people'. Your part of the problem and offer nothing to a solution


This gangsta is showing off the backwards peace sign before capping his prey in the ass, yo.


The Backwards Peace Sign is an archaic gang symbol used by Japanese kids, Gangstas, and White People that will never be Gangstas. The symbol itself is a reference to the values of the average gangster, turn your back against peace and cap the mo' fo's ass. Gangstas often give this symbol to their prey before viciously killing them with a fast metallic object, in the ass. However it has been developed to be used in other situations such as taking dorky pictures and imitating a confused hippie. The Chinese consider it to be the retarded brother of the normal Peace Sign and have adapted it to mean Fuck you.

Backwards Peace Sign - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia

Thats Metta World Peace formerly known as Ron Artest. Hes not a gangsta. He plays basketball.

Ron Artest destroyed a TV camera during a game at Madison Square Garden in 2003.
He was involved in the Piston/Pacers brawl (Malice at the Palace).
Also arrested in 2007 for domestic violence.

Not exactly the record of an angel.
Dorin Johnson, the young man that claims to be with Michael Brown during the incident has given multiple interviews stating that the cop reached his arm out the car while driving and accosted the victim Michael Brown, then came out and shot him.

Another witness, Piaget (I forget her last name) also witnessed it from the balcony of her apartment corroborates that .

There's been reports that the victim stole something from QuickTrip, well, if there's no 911 call from the QT...that cop is toast.

As it stands right now, it's not looking too good for that cop.

Everything the police has said to this point is in complete contradiction to what all the witnesses are saying.

In a neighborhood full of people, there are more than the two above mentioned witnesses as well, most who have remained anonymous.

The FBI is already involved in the investigation and sooner or later, we'll get to the bottom of this mess.

Until somebody comes up with a video, or some actual evidence one way or another, all anyone has is he said/he said. People who form judgments based on that are idiots.

No its not. I guess this is 'then'

Quit covering for your 'people'. Your part of the problem and offer nothing to a solution


This gangsta is showing off the backwards peace sign before capping his prey in the ass, yo.


The Backwards Peace Sign is an archaic gang symbol used by Japanese kids, Gangstas, and White People that will never be Gangstas. The symbol itself is a reference to the values of the average gangster, turn your back against peace and cap the mo' fo's ass. Gangstas often give this symbol to their prey before viciously killing them with a fast metallic object, in the ass. However it has been developed to be used in other situations such as taking dorky pictures and imitating a confused hippie. The Chinese consider it to be the retarded brother of the normal Peace Sign and have adapted it to mean Fuck you.

Backwards Peace Sign - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia

Thats Metta World Peace formerly known as Ron Artest. Hes not a gangsta. He plays basketball.

Ron Artest destroyed a TV camera during a game at Madison Square Garden in 2003.
He was involved in the Piston/Pacers brawl (Malice at the Palace).
Also arrested in 2007 for domestic violence.

Not exactly the record of an angel.

That makes him a gangsta? :lol:

You scary white people are funny. Do you even know what a gangsta is?
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White people are getting pissed at having to accept being victims of black violence. That's why there are more and more incidents of shooting to kill.
There's more white on white violence than anything dude.

Chicago murders are mostly Black on Black
Knockout attacks are Black on White.

Facts suck, don't they?

There are cases of white guys doing knockout attacks on Black people as well. Matter of fact white people started the phenomenon.
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Thats Metta World Peace formerly known as Ron Artest. Hes not a gangsta. He plays basketball.

Ron Artest destroyed a TV camera during a game at Madison Square Garden in 2003.
He was involved in the Piston/Pacers brawl (Malice at the Palace).
Also arrested in 2007 for domestic violence.

Not exactly the record of an angel.

That makes him a gangsta? :lol:

No, but it shows he's a troublemaker.
Dorin Johnson, the young man that claims to be with Michael Brown during the incident has given multiple interviews stating that the cop reached his arm out the car while driving and accosted the victim Michael Brown, then came out and shot him.

Another witness, Piaget (I forget her last name) also witnessed it from the balcony of her apartment corroborates that .

There's been reports that the victim stole something from QuickTrip, well, if there's no 911 call from the QT...that cop is toast.

As it stands right now, it's not looking too good for that cop.

Everything the police has said to this point is in complete contradiction to what all the witnesses are saying.

In a neighborhood full of people, there are more than the two above mentioned witnesses as well, most who have remained anonymous.

The FBI is already involved in the investigation and sooner or later, we'll get to the bottom of this mess.

As it stands right now, no one knows what happened. The police claim they have forensic evidence that the gun was fired inside the car. If that is true, it directly contradicts the testimony of both people who claim to have seen the whole thing.
I don't trust police officers, they are trained liars who often get away with murder. That may be the case here or it might not be. We do not have all the facts. I am content to wait for more evidence.

Meanwhile I am going to bust out the glass in front of a store and take a new 60" flat screen TV set!

No justice, free shit!!

Good post. BTW, if you're ever in the middle of a riot, go into the nearest bookstore. Those never get looted.
This is Micheal Brown:


And, the peaceful demonstators were both black and white............betcha 2-1 the looters were also. The police state the violence was from "out of town". All forget the victim. Far from a "gangsta" he was scheduled to begin college........two days after his death. Let the investigations go forward.
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Is the killed child playing Rock breaks Scissors, or is that some sort of gang sign?

You know, you really should try harder if you're going to be making BOGUS claims.

Why gang sign is it if it's a gang sign [MENTION=47870]Vigilante[/MENTION]?

It's clearly a peace sign.

It could very easily be the sign, or a variation of the sign, for a gang known as "The Vice Lords." The two fingers representing the "V" and the extended thumb representing the "L."

Now, I have no way of knowing whether or not this particular gang has a presence in the St. Louis area, but I do know the sign and I know they are in the Chicago area...


Now I do believe we need to wait for the investigations, especially the FBI and Justice Department investigations, to be completed before we start convicted people on either side. With the possible exception of the looters and thieves folks are quaintly referring to as "protesters."

According to the family, this young man had graduated high school of some sort and was about to begin training at a technical school. That strikes me as someone working to start his life, if true. I would, however, be interested in knowing whether or not Mr. Brown had any prior contact with law enforcement and in what capacity. I am also interested in knowing what kind of record the officer has.

Of course prior run-ins with the police should in no way be considered justification for what happened, but until all is known about all parties, no one will be satisfied.

Yep it's the vice lords sign. He's even wearing their colors.

Urban Dictionary: Vice Lord
You know, you really should try harder if you're going to be making BOGUS claims.

Why gang sign is it if it's a gang sign [MENTION=47870]Vigilante[/MENTION]?

It's clearly a peace sign.

It could very easily be the sign, or a variation of the sign, for a gang known as "The Vice Lords." The two fingers representing the "V" and the extended thumb representing the "L."

Now, I have no way of knowing whether or not this particular gang has a presence in the St. Louis area, but I do know the sign and I know they are in the Chicago area...


Now I do believe we need to wait for the investigations, especially the FBI and Justice Department investigations, to be completed before we start convicted people on either side. With the possible exception of the looters and thieves folks are quaintly referring to as "protesters."

According to the family, this young man had graduated high school of some sort and was about to begin training at a technical school. That strikes me as someone working to start his life, if true. I would, however, be interested in knowing whether or not Mr. Brown had any prior contact with law enforcement and in what capacity. I am also interested in knowing what kind of record the officer has.

Of course prior run-ins with the police should in no way be considered justification for what happened, but until all is known about all parties, no one will be satisfied.

Yep it's the vice lords sign. He's even wearing their colors.

Urban Dictionary: Vice Lord

Vice Lords don't hold their sign like that. They point it downwards. One of my best friends in the military was VL. Stop being a scary white boy! :lol:
Thats Metta World Peace formerly known as Ron Artest. Hes not a gangsta. He plays basketball.

I'm sure no pro athlete has ever been in a gang. :cuckoo:

The relationship between basketball and gangs is no secret. Traditionally the best basketball players often came out of the most impoverished areas, in which they had very little options other than balling or joining a set.

Gangsterish Athletes and Their Entourages

Youre a retard. You cant be a gangsta and a pro athlete. Sorry but the 2 are diametrically opposed. Only retards actually think a pro athlete can be a gangsta.

Facts are a bitch.

Does Aaron Hernandez ring a bell?

Aaron Hernandez Gang Affiliation and Other Pro Athletes With Alleged Gang Ties [PHOTO SLIDESHOW]
Thats Metta World Peace formerly known as Ron Artest. Hes not a gangsta. He plays basketball.

I'm sure no pro athlete has ever been in a gang. :cuckoo:

The relationship between basketball and gangs is no secret. Traditionally the best basketball players often came out of the most impoverished areas, in which they had very little options other than balling or joining a set.

Gangsterish Athletes and Their Entourages

Youre a retard. You cant be a gangsta and a pro athlete. Sorry but the 2 are diametrically opposed. Only retards actually think a pro athlete can be a gangsta.

Aaron Hernandez comes to mind.
And then you have this....8 NBA Players With Gang Affiliations
To say,if you're a professional athlete you cant have gang connections is BS.
I'm sure no pro athlete has ever been in a gang. :cuckoo:

The relationship between basketball and gangs is no secret. Traditionally the best basketball players often came out of the most impoverished areas, in which they had very little options other than balling or joining a set.

Gangsterish Athletes and Their Entourages

Youre a retard. You cant be a gangsta and a pro athlete. Sorry but the 2 are diametrically opposed. Only retards actually think a pro athlete can be a gangsta.

Facts are a bitch.

Does Aaron Hernandez ring a bell?

Aaron Hernandez Gang Affiliation and Other Pro Athletes With Alleged Gang Ties [PHOTO SLIDESHOW]

Facts are a bitch. Gang ties don't make you a gangsta. It just means you know some gangstas. You dont have time to be a gangsta and a pro-athlete. Do you have any idea the amount of work a pro athelete puts in?
I'm sure no pro athlete has ever been in a gang. :cuckoo:

The relationship between basketball and gangs is no secret. Traditionally the best basketball players often came out of the most impoverished areas, in which they had very little options other than balling or joining a set.

Gangsterish Athletes and Their Entourages

Youre a retard. You cant be a gangsta and a pro athlete. Sorry but the 2 are diametrically opposed. Only retards actually think a pro athlete can be a gangsta.

Aaron Hernandez comes to mind.
And then you have this....8 NBA Players With Gang Affiliations
To say,if you're a professional athlete you cant have gang connections is BS.

I didnt say you couldnt have gang connections. It doesnt make you a gangsta just because you have connections. If thats the case I must be gangsta because I know a ton of them.

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