Accounting firm fires Trump

Being dumped by your accountants is rarely a positive sign. Neither is their disowning 10 years of your accounts..

The good news is that there are plenty of other firms available and plenty of dodgy firms as well.

I am looking forward to his friends explaining that there is nothing to see here. Hillary and all that !!
What a backward thinking, ignorant, stupid troll you are Commie. The US is being destroyed by incompetent Poopeypants, although our country is millions times better than your shithole, and you TDS about Trump along with the rest of your ilk. Moron.
That SOB sure seems to be a Teflon don

john gotti was thought to be immune too.

then it all came down at once.


18 U.S. Code § 1961 - Definitions

SDNY - who hired mark pomerantz ... a leading expert on RICO & took down mob bosses, met with donny's long time fixer michael cohen at least 8x over this very thing. & he's not the only one.

NY prosecutors interview Cohen an 8th time [at least]in Trump inquiry

New York prosecutors have met for an eighth time with former former Donald Trump attorney Michael Cohen as part of a criminal investigation of the former president's finances
By JIM MUSTIAN Associated Press
March 19, 2021, 12:00 PM
• 2 min read

...The investigation includes an examination of whether Trump or his businesses lied about the value of assets to gain favorable loan terms and tax benefits....

NY prosecutors interview Cohen an 8th time in Trump inquiry
Trump is the one who can't stop talking. He keeps himself in the news, dipshit. He likes attention. And he is cockteasing the tard herd with another run in 2024.

So shut the fuck up and deal with the consequences.
i am dealing with it asswipe....unlike you who cant stop talking about the jerk....take the guys dick out of your mouth and you might be able to talk about something why dont you take your own advice and shut the fuck up and deal with the consequences...
john gotti was thought to be immune too.

then it all came down at once.


18 U.S. Code § 1961 - Definitions

SDNY - who hired mark pomerantz ... a leading expert on RICO & took down mob bosses, met with donny's long time fixer michael cohen at least 8x over this very thing. & he's not the only one.

NY prosecutors interview Cohen an 8th time [at least]in Trump inquiry

New York prosecutors have met for an eighth time with former former Donald Trump attorney Michael Cohen as part of a criminal investigation of the former president's finances
By JIM MUSTIAN Associated Press
March 19, 2021, 12:00 PM
• 2 min read

...The investigation includes an examination of whether Trump or his businesses lied about the value of assets to gain favorable loan terms and tax benefits....

NY prosecutors interview Cohen an 8th time in Trump inquiry
Time will tell. I hope something sticks soon.
i am dealing with it asswipe....unlike you who cant stop talking about the jerk....take the guys dick out of your mouth and you might be able to talk about something why dont you take your own advice and shut the fuck up and deal with the consequences...

Maybe I should point out a simple fact.

Look at the subject of the OP.

Don't bitch, you don't have to post here.
Time will tell. I hope something sticks soon.

the select committee has interviewed some 500 people & the vast majority are cooperating. most, if not all - have to have been seen by the DOJ as well. i think there are so many facets & layers to this, it makes watergate look silly & impotent. DOJ policy is not to talk about any ongoing investigations & seems to be water tight. we heard nothing about the oathkeeper's deep involvement going back to just a few days after the election with their gun running & stashes close to the capital. then that dam broke.

so there's the flying monkeys, the electoral fraud in 7 states, donny & ms lindsey calling georgia, the cray crays like my pillow guy & sydney powell working their magic, a lot of planning at the willard hotel with mastermind criminals like steve bannon & roger stone.

eastman, trump & jeffery clark....

so many angles & deep deep layers.
the select committee has interviewed some 500 people & the vast majority are cooperating. most, if not all - have to have been seen by the DOJ as well. i think there are so many facets & layers to this, it makes watergate look silly & impotent. DOJ policy is not to talk about any ongoing investigations & seems to be water tight. we heard nothing about the oathkeeper's deep involvement going back to just a few days after the election with their gun running & stashes close to the capital. then that dam broke.

so there's the flying monkeys, the electoral fraud in 7 states, donny & ms lindsey, calling georgia, the cray crays like my pillow guy & sydney powell working their magic, a lot of planning at the willard hotel with mastermind criminals like steve bannon & roger stone.

eastman, trump & jeffery clark....

so many angles & deep deep layers.
Well indictment and convicted is two different things. Right now his followers are one in three people out of the entire jury pool. We are talking about people that believe in pedophile vampire lizard people and giant Jewish space lasers. I am not sure any amount of evidence can convince them. People who believe the entire word shut down their economy just to get Trump. How do you convince people this disconnected with reality.
Maybe I should point out a simple fact.

Look at the subject of the OP.

Don't bitch, you don't have to post here.
maybe i should point out a simple fact to you....the thread is about trump.... the op mentioned him by name....and g500 is a big boy he can defend himself...
Well indictment and convicted is two different things. Right now his followers are one in three people out of the entire jury pool. We are talking about people that believe in pedophile vampire lizard people and giant Jewish space lasers. I am not sure any amount of evidence can convince them. People who believe the entire word shut down their economy just to get Trump. How do you convince people this disconnected with reality.

they are a lost cause & hopefully would be excused out of any jury.
"So a NY based accounting firm, MAZARS USA, is squeezed by the Attorney General of New York, and effectively says "were out". Wanna bet AG James is threatening to go after them and all their clients, while offering them immunity to blame all their accounting malfeasance on Trump, as if Trump is the accountant? Isn't part of the job of your accountant to stick by you when you are audited? I guess not when the government boot is on your neck. This has to be a pretty big black eye for MAZARS. How can any client trust them?"

"Ironically, the source for this story is Business Insider, a news website founded by Henry Blodget.

Blodget was an omnipresent technology stock promoter before and during the boom/bust from the late 1990s to the early 2000s.

Blodget was permanently banned from the securities industry by the SEC in 2003.

Incredibly, Blodget is still CEO of Business Insider and is a critic of all things Trump on a daily basis.

At least once a week, the lead news story on is some anti-Trump screed from Business Insider.

Obviously, every anti-Trump source in the world contacts Henry Blodget after every whisper of scandal.

I have not read this article yet, but I assume Trump's accounting firm has been threatened by the politically corrupt AG of New York state."
Mazars prepared Trump org’s taxes. Not the financial statements. Those were done in house by CFO Weisselberg. I bet you can guess who the other signatories on those statements may be as the c suite at Trump org is less than a handful.

At what point will people finally realize that Trump is just a big con man?

"At what point will people finally realize that Trump is just a big con man?" You ask.....

At the same time they realize OBAMA, Biden are also BIG CON MEN ?
Lets hope but hope is all it is


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