Achievements of Russia and Ukraine after 22.02.2022


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
What has achieved Russia after two years of the war.
The same is about Ukraine
Who benefits hugely of the war?
Everyone except Russian and Ukrainian peoples, especially the Great Reset of Schwab & Co
Bottom line: both Putin and Zelensky are flunkies of Schwab who together eliminate a former Great Slavic people and make its country clean for another peoples.
Russians, Ukrainians, don't be idiots, you are fooled, stop the war immediately and send your corrupted NWO trash politicians to Hell

By the way: if we check the true nationalities and religion affinity of the war propagandists from the both sides we will see similarities, but we are not allowed to talk about because it would be antisemitic.

What has achieved Russia after two years of the war.
The same is about Ukraine
Who benefits hugely of the war?
Everyone except Russian and Ukrainian peoples, especially the Great Reset of Schwab & Co
Bottom line: both Putin and Zelensky are flunkies of Schwab who together eliminate a former Great Slavic people and make its country clean for another peoples.
Russians, Ukrainians, don't be idiots, you are fooled, stop the war immediately and send your corrupted NWO trash politicians to Hell

By the way: if we check the true nationalities and religion affinity of the war propagandists from the both sides we will see similarities, but we are not allowed to talk about because it would be antisemitic.


Putin REFUSED to be a WEF Puppet and they thought they could bring him to heel by goading him into attacking the Nazis in Ukraine
Putin REFUSED to be a WEF Puppet

Satanist Putin is the Schwab's puppet # 4( after Trump, Biden and Xi Jinping), he extremely successfully transforms the country in a digital prison with 'vaccine' mandates.
Together with his pals from above he launched SCAMdemic CONvid 1984 and established one of the most tough Corona prison in the world
The wars of the age of finance capital are, above all, about predicting the complex intertwining gains and losses of a political-economic campaign. Capital sits down at the negotiating table when debit no longer converges with credit, war ceases to be profitable.
The exceptions are conflicts where the very physical existence of the bourgeoisie is at stake.
In this regard, the fatal mistake of the West was the assassination of Gaddafi after he had made all the "compromises". Then russian capitalists finally realized that the price of Western guarantees was zero.
Satanist Putin is the Schwab's puppet # 4( after Trump, Biden and Xi Jinping), he extremely successfully transforms the country in a digital prison with 'vaccine' mandates.
Together with his pals from above he launched SCAMdemic CONvid 1984 and established one of the most tough Corona prison in the world
Nobody forced anyone to vaccinate, what are you protesting against?
What has achieved Russia after two years of the war.
The same is about Ukraine

Why raise questions when you then make zero effort to answer OP ?
All you then do is rant and rave about a very jaundiced view of geo-political alignments which you make zero effort to substantiate .
Obviously you have no real news sources for the state of play in Ukraine but as you fail to ask for help or even guidance it seems kinder to leave you in blissful ignorance .

However , being a kind person by nature , I recommend Simplicius as one brilliant introduction to the total subject although I think that it might be too detailed , scholarly and complex for Normies .
Nevertheless , give him a go . Take him in small manageable chunks but put in some effort .

Last year The Economist published articles predicting Russia's economic collapse.
Now they're reporting that it's unexpectedly strong.This shows a lack of reliable economic foresight and a tendency to criticize Russia regardless of facts.
It is wise to seek out credible sources rather than relying solely on this kind of bullshit biased narrative....

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