ACLU and democrat leaders at odds over use of terror watch lists

A Senate bill which proposes to use No Fly lists and other terror watch lists is being opposed by the ACLU.
The bill sponsored by Sens. Susan Collins( R-ME) and Harry Reid( D-NV) is a compromise bill originally rproosed by Sen Diane Feinstein( D-CA)....
The ACLU "strongly opposes" any such bill.
I find it odd that those on the political left up in arms over lack of gun control action cannot first get their alleged political allies in line. This is political Standard Operating Procedure. It is done across the board.
ACLU ‘Strongly’ Opposes Latest Bipartisan Effort to Ban Those on Terror Watch Lists From Purchasing Guns
If for no other reason, the legislation should be passed to expose these watch lists. Most people find out they are on a watch list when they try to travel, apply for passport, or a job. There is so much secrecy surrounding watch lists that it can be very difficult to find out why you are on a watch list and once on a watch list it is nearly impossible to get off of it.

I don't think the problem lies in this legislation. It's the government's total disregard of the constitution in regard to these watch lists. Americans have been sold on the idea that we must give up due process in the name of security which is not true. We just need mechanisms built into the law that will protect our rights.

All the watch lists are clear violations of the 5th and 6th amendments, I'd like to know why no one is talking about that.
So please explain in detail your theory.
The way I see it is this.
The 5th Amendment guarantees the right to not self incriminate. It also guarantees us the right to not be tried for the same offense twice and the right to not be deprived of life liberty or property without due process of law.
The 6th entitles us to a speedy trial and be judged by a jury of our peers. It also entitles us the right to confront our accusers in a court of law. And the right to counsel.
I don't see where the issue is. The federal government has broad powers. Powers that WE allow it to have.
Unfortunately, we live in a world where in a moment a person with an agenda or base hatred can wipe out several human beings in an instant.
I do not want government caring for me. But, in my view terrorism is a matter of national security. And as such, certain freedoms must be adjusted. One of which is to allow the government to keep watch of potentially dangerous individuals.
I don't like it. But since the left has gotten its way in preventing us from carrying side arms in public where ever we go, they have forced us to allow the government to do it for us.
It's BULLSHIT... I say let ME protect myself.
But I live in the real world. I get it.
A Senate bill which proposes to use No Fly lists and other terror watch lists is being opposed by the ACLU.
The bill sponsored by Sens. Susan Collins( R-ME) and Harry Reid( D-NV) is a compromise bill originally rproosed by Sen Diane Feinstein( D-CA)....
The ACLU "strongly opposes" any such bill.
I find it odd that those on the political left up in arms over lack of gun control action cannot first get their alleged political allies in line. This is political Standard Operating Procedure. It is done across the board.
ACLU ‘Strongly’ Opposes Latest Bipartisan Effort to Ban Those on Terror Watch Lists From Purchasing Guns
If for no other reason, the legislation should be passed to expose these watch lists. Most people find out they are on a watch list when they try to travel, apply for passport, or a job. There is so much secrecy surrounding watch lists that it can be very difficult to find out why you are on a watch list and once on a watch list it is nearly impossible to get off of it.

I don't think the problem lies in this legislation. It's the government's total disregard of the constitution in regard to these watch lists. Americans have been sold on the idea that we must give up due process in the name of security which is not true. We just need mechanisms built into the law that will protect our rights.

All the watch lists are clear violations of the 5th and 6th amendments, I'd like to know why no one is talking about that.
So please explain in detail your theory.
The way I see it is this.
The 5th Amendment guarantees the right to not self incriminate. It also guarantees us the right to not be tried for the same offense twice and the right to not be deprived of life liberty or property without due process of law.
The 6th entitles us to a speedy trial and be judged by a jury of our peers. It also entitles us the right to confront our accusers in a court of law. And the right to counsel.
I don't see where the issue is. The federal government has broad powers. Powers that WE allow it to have.
Unfortunately, we live in a world where in a moment a person with an agenda or base hatred can wipe out several human beings in an instant.
I do not want government caring for me. But, in my view terrorism is a matter of national security. And as such, certain freedoms must be adjusted. One of which is to allow the government to keep watch of potentially dangerous individuals.
I don't like it. But since the left has gotten its way in preventing us from carrying side arms in public where ever we go, they have forced us to allow the government to do it for us.
It's BULLSHIT... I say let ME protect myself.
But I live in the real world. I get it.

They can watch all the people they want, where I have a problem is when they start denying citizens liberty and constitutional rights based on secret lists without due process, which includes everything you stated above. Especially when those lists contain thousands of errors. Got it now?
Oh look, now the ACLU are good guys.
I neither stated nor implied that. The point here is that one ultra liberal group is at odds with another ultra liberal group.
The sub p;lot is that the Senators who are sponsoring the bill apparently jumped the gun and introduced the bill before getting their normal support groups lined up.
That is political ineptitude.
the ACLU is a far left wing political organization. Fuck 'em......

Aha you think simply shouting ULTRA LIBERAL means something. It doesnt, aha
If the shoe fits.
Too bad, Own it.

A Senate bill which proposes to use No Fly lists and other terror watch lists is being opposed by the ACLU.
The bill sponsored by Sens. Susan Collins( R-ME) and Harry Reid( D-NV) is a compromise bill originally rproosed by Sen Diane Feinstein( D-CA)....
The ACLU "strongly opposes" any such bill.
I find it odd that those on the political left up in arms over lack of gun control action cannot first get their alleged political allies in line. This is political Standard Operating Procedure. It is done across the board.
ACLU ‘Strongly’ Opposes Latest Bipartisan Effort to Ban Those on Terror Watch Lists From Purchasing Guns
If for no other reason, the legislation should be passed to expose these watch lists. Most people find out they are on a watch list when they try to travel, apply for passport, or a job. There is so much secrecy surrounding watch lists that it can be very difficult to find out why you are on a watch list and once on a watch list it is nearly impossible to get off of it.

I don't think the problem lies in this legislation. It's the government's total disregard of the constitution in regard to these watch lists. Americans have been sold on the idea that we must give up due process in the name of security which is not true. We just need mechanisms built into the law that will protect our rights.

All the watch lists are clear violations of the 5th and 6th amendments, I'd like to know why no one is talking about that.
Of course of it's a violation of the constitution. These watch list grew out the patriot act and TSA legislation. Federal courts have been unwilling to do anything to hamper the government because of National Security. There are about 1.8 million people on the terrorist watch list and in 2013 about 47,000 on the no fly list.

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