ACLU comes to bombers aid

I say, arrest him, read him his miranda rights, give him bail, release on the Boston common. Publish it in the papers a week ahead of time. Or put a tracking divide on him and build obama a new drone.

You do not believe in innocent until proven guilty? Very in American of you, why does that not surprise me?
Doesn't the ACLU actively protect the Constitution and one's rights per the Constitution just like the NRA protects one's 2nd Amendment rights??

Yes, but conservatives hate the ACLU because the Union is usually protecting the Constitution from attacks by the right.

I don't understand the blanket hate for the ACLU. It seems whenever the Constitution is protected, it pisses someone off. So the ALCU has actively protected rights favored by the left, the ALCU also defends rights the conservatives favor. A while back it defended Rush Limbaugh, more recently gun rights, yet much of the right has been trained to hate the ACLU. Why?
The ACLU Defends Gun Rights
The ACLU Defends Gun Rights - Hit & Run :

They are fucking idiots led around by the right wing media.
I knew they would show up. their looking for a tasty settlement here at taxpayers expense

BOSTON — As the lone surviving suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing lay hospitalized under heavy guard, the American Civil Liberties Union and a federal public defender raised concerns about investigators' plan to question 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev without reading him his Miranda rights.

huff post

IMO this kid still has a chance of getting off scott free

The ACLU is defending your freedom here, you should thank them.
I knew they would show up. their looking for a tasty settlement here at taxpayers expense

BOSTON — As the lone surviving suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing lay hospitalized under heavy guard, the American Civil Liberties Union and a federal public defender raised concerns about investigators' plan to question 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev without reading him his Miranda rights.

huff post

IMO this kid still has a chance of getting off scott free

What is it with these right wingers? They claim to love the constitution and at the first chance, want to use it to wipe ass?

We have hundreds of terrorists convicted and locked up in American prisons. How many were convicted by Military Tribunal since 9/11? Three? And was it one or two of them let go?

So is that the Republican plan for this kid? To let him go? They let Bin Laden go.
Doesn't the ACLU actively protect the Constitution and one's rights per the Constitution just like the NRA protects one's 2nd Amendment rights??

No... The Constitution protects gun Rights, the NRA just protects people from assholes who try and usurp those Rights.
Doesn't the ACLU actively protect the Constitution and one's rights per the Constitution just like the NRA protects one's 2nd Amendment rights??

Yes, but conservatives hate the ACLU because the Union is usually protecting the Constitution from attacks by the right.

Most conservatives have a beef with the way the ACLU interprets freedom of religion vis a vis public prayer.
So why don't the aclu libs oppose to foot washing basins at the university of michigan dearborn? it's a state school.

Oh My Fucking God -- You believe that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

for anyone who missed this, the nutters are all screaming and crying over a foot washing basin because they're too fucking stupid to recognize a mop basin IN THE JANITOR CLOSET!! when they see one!

Just when you think they can't get any dumber.

Ya gotta love it.

Once again, novasteve has made my day.

I was wrong ...

University of Michigan-Dearborn: Accommodating Student Needs
I knew they would show up. their looking for a tasty settlement here at taxpayers expense

BOSTON — As the lone surviving suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing lay hospitalized under heavy guard, the American Civil Liberties Union and a federal public defender raised concerns about investigators' plan to question 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev without reading him his Miranda rights.

huff post

IMO this kid still has a chance of getting off scott free

What is it with these right wingers? They claim to love the constitution and at the first chance, want to use it to wipe ass?

We have hundreds of terrorists convicted and locked up in American prisons. How many were convicted by Military Tribunal since 9/11? Three? And was it one or two of them let go?

So is that the Republican plan for this kid? To let him go? They let Bin Laden go.

And,then, if the anti-America right gets their way, he'll be able to legally buy any weapon he wants so he can try again.
Doesn't the ACLU actively protect the Constitution and one's rights per the Constitution just like the NRA protects one's 2nd Amendment rights??

Yes, but conservatives hate the ACLU because the Union is usually protecting the Constitution from attacks by the right.

Most conservatives have a beef with the way the ACLU interprets freedom of religion vis a vis public prayer.

And yet, hardly a day goes by when one of them does not mis-quote Thomas Jefferson!
Yes, but conservatives hate the ACLU because the Union is usually protecting the Constitution from attacks by the right.

Most conservatives have a beef with the way the ACLU interprets freedom of religion vis a vis public prayer.

And yet, hardly a day goes by when one of them does not mis-quote Thomas Jefferson!

All of them together do it almost as often as you do all by yourself.
Wouldn't you want to make sure that this scumball doesn't get off on a technicality? Whether he "talks" or not seems to be immaterial at this point. We get into trouble when we screw around with what has served the public so well and for so long. Treat him just as you would someone murdering 3 people at a 7/11 on a Tuesday in July. Collect evidence, protect the chain of custody, charge him, give him a fair and speedy trial, present your evidence, trust the good people in the jury to render a verdict and go from there.

Why in the world would you want to risk it by having their lawyer be able to argue, "My client was questioned without the presence of cousel".

We had a guy who was a suspect in a shooting at one of our trauma centers. The cops questioned him at the ICU post op. I wasn't there so I don't know if he agreed to it at the time or not--hard for me to think the cops would question him if he didn't agree to it. Anyway, the suspect had his lawyer try to throw out the evidence the cops collected.

I'm sure this happens all the time; the only reason I was privy to it was that the suspect tried to sue us for allowing the cops to be there since only family members were supposed to be allowed. What they didn't mention was that the authorities brought him into the ER.

Anyway, treat the scum ball just like any other murderer. Don't make a Casey Anthony, Jody Arias, or OJ Simpson out of this dude.
Wouldn't you want to make sure that this scumball doesn't get off on a technicality? Whether he "talks" or not seems to be immaterial at this point. We get into trouble when we screw around with what has served the public so well and for so long. Treat him just as you would someone murdering 3 people at a 7/11 on a Tuesday in July. Collect evidence, protect the chain of custody, charge him, give him a fair and speedy trial, present your evidence, trust the good people in the jury to render a verdict and go from there.

Why in the world would you want to risk it by having their lawyer be able to argue, "My client was questioned without the presence of cousel".

We had a guy who was a suspect in a shooting at one of our trauma centers. The cops questioned him at the ICU post op. I wasn't there so I don't know if he agreed to it at the time or not--hard for me to think the cops would question him if he didn't agree to it. Anyway, the suspect had his lawyer try to throw out the evidence the cops collected.

I'm sure this happens all the time; the only reason I was privy to it was that the suspect tried to sue us for allowing the cops to be there since only family members were supposed to be allowed. What they didn't mention was that the authorities brought him into the ER.

Anyway, treat the scum ball just like any other murderer. Don't make a Casey Anthony, Jody Arias, or OJ Simpson out of this dude.

What makes you think that Obama will let him go if he gets off on a technicality?
Wouldn't you want to make sure that this scumball doesn't get off on a technicality? Whether he "talks" or not seems to be immaterial at this point. We get into trouble when we screw around with what has served the public so well and for so long. Treat him just as you would someone murdering 3 people at a 7/11 on a Tuesday in July. Collect evidence, protect the chain of custody, charge him, give him a fair and speedy trial, present your evidence, trust the good people in the jury to render a verdict and go from there.

Why in the world would you want to risk it by having their lawyer be able to argue, "My client was questioned without the presence of cousel".

We had a guy who was a suspect in a shooting at one of our trauma centers. The cops questioned him at the ICU post op. I wasn't there so I don't know if he agreed to it at the time or not--hard for me to think the cops would question him if he didn't agree to it. Anyway, the suspect had his lawyer try to throw out the evidence the cops collected.

I'm sure this happens all the time; the only reason I was privy to it was that the suspect tried to sue us for allowing the cops to be there since only family members were supposed to be allowed. What they didn't mention was that the authorities brought him into the ER.

Anyway, treat the scum ball just like any other murderer. Don't make a Casey Anthony, Jody Arias, or OJ Simpson out of this dude.

What makes you think that Obama will let him go if he gets off on a technicality?

Not sure. I doubt we can hold the guy if he's not convicted. Why risk the conviction by giving his lawyer a leg-up on a much publicized violation of the Miranda Ruling?

The best course however is to use the tried and true methods of police work.
Doesn't the ACLU actively protect the Constitution and one's rights per the Constitution just like the NRA protects one's 2nd Amendment rights??

Yes they do but sometimes they do it selectively.
I don't see them going to the defense of citizens losing their second amendment right.

Who lost their second amendment rights?

I know you have read my response to this question I'm not repeating the answer.
Wouldn't you want to make sure that this scumball doesn't get off on a technicality? Whether he "talks" or not seems to be immaterial at this point. We get into trouble when we screw around with what has served the public so well and for so long. Treat him just as you would someone murdering 3 people at a 7/11 on a Tuesday in July. Collect evidence, protect the chain of custody, charge him, give him a fair and speedy trial, present your evidence, trust the good people in the jury to render a verdict and go from there.

Why in the world would you want to risk it by having their lawyer be able to argue, "My client was questioned without the presence of cousel".

We had a guy who was a suspect in a shooting at one of our trauma centers. The cops questioned him at the ICU post op. I wasn't there so I don't know if he agreed to it at the time or not--hard for me to think the cops would question him if he didn't agree to it. Anyway, the suspect had his lawyer try to throw out the evidence the cops collected.

I'm sure this happens all the time; the only reason I was privy to it was that the suspect tried to sue us for allowing the cops to be there since only family members were supposed to be allowed. What they didn't mention was that the authorities brought him into the ER.

Anyway, treat the scum ball just like any other murderer. Don't make a Casey Anthony, Jody Arias, or OJ Simpson out of this dude.

Exaclty. That's why the ACLU is even more important in this case.

Like it or not, he's a citizen. WE really need to cross all the T's and dot all the i's because we do not want him to get off on appeal.

Play by the rules so no one can ever say they didn't.

Thanks for making this very important point but its pretty complicated for the rw's to GET.
Wouldn't you want to make sure that this scumball doesn't get off on a technicality? Whether he "talks" or not seems to be immaterial at this point. We get into trouble when we screw around with what has served the public so well and for so long. Treat him just as you would someone murdering 3 people at a 7/11 on a Tuesday in July. Collect evidence, protect the chain of custody, charge him, give him a fair and speedy trial, present your evidence, trust the good people in the jury to render a verdict and go from there.

Why in the world would you want to risk it by having their lawyer be able to argue, "My client was questioned without the presence of cousel".

We had a guy who was a suspect in a shooting at one of our trauma centers. The cops questioned him at the ICU post op. I wasn't there so I don't know if he agreed to it at the time or not--hard for me to think the cops would question him if he didn't agree to it. Anyway, the suspect had his lawyer try to throw out the evidence the cops collected.

I'm sure this happens all the time; the only reason I was privy to it was that the suspect tried to sue us for allowing the cops to be there since only family members were supposed to be allowed. What they didn't mention was that the authorities brought him into the ER.

Anyway, treat the scum ball just like any other murderer. Don't make a Casey Anthony, Jody Arias, or OJ Simpson out of this dude.

Exaclty. That's why the ACLU is even more important in this case.

Like it or not, he's a citizen. WE really need to cross all the T's and dot all the i's because we do not want him to get off on appeal.

Play by the rules so no one can ever say they didn't.

Thanks for making this very important point but its pretty complicated for the rw's to GET.

He is not a citizen.
Wouldn't you want to make sure that this scumball doesn't get off on a technicality? Whether he "talks" or not seems to be immaterial at this point. We get into trouble when we screw around with what has served the public so well and for so long. Treat him just as you would someone murdering 3 people at a 7/11 on a Tuesday in July. Collect evidence, protect the chain of custody, charge him, give him a fair and speedy trial, present your evidence, trust the good people in the jury to render a verdict and go from there.

Why in the world would you want to risk it by having their lawyer be able to argue, "My client was questioned without the presence of cousel".

We had a guy who was a suspect in a shooting at one of our trauma centers. The cops questioned him at the ICU post op. I wasn't there so I don't know if he agreed to it at the time or not--hard for me to think the cops would question him if he didn't agree to it. Anyway, the suspect had his lawyer try to throw out the evidence the cops collected.

I'm sure this happens all the time; the only reason I was privy to it was that the suspect tried to sue us for allowing the cops to be there since only family members were supposed to be allowed. What they didn't mention was that the authorities brought him into the ER.

Anyway, treat the scum ball just like any other murderer. Don't make a Casey Anthony, Jody Arias, or OJ Simpson out of this dude.

What makes you think that Obama will let him go if he gets off on a technicality?

yeah, cuz he's done it before, right?

Like, bin laden..

Oh wait, that was the RE-fucking-PUBLICANS who let him go.

Dang. I can't remember all the terrorists President Obama didn't kill with his drones that the treasonous RIGHT want ended.

Help me out, wouldja?

Give me some NAMES of those terrorists President Obama let go.

(You fucking lying ANTI-AMERICAN asshole.)

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