ACLU comes to bombers aid

Doesn't the ACLU actively protect the Constitution and one's rights per the Constitution just like the NRA protects one's 2nd Amendment rights??

Yes, but conservatives hate the ACLU because the Union is usually protecting the Constitution from attacks by the right.

I don't recall the ACLU defending certain rights of citizens they seem to do it selectively

you also dont recall alot of facts your given here daily.

Provide some proof of your stupid claims
Doesn't the ACLU actively protect the Constitution and one's rights per the Constitution just like the NRA protects one's 2nd Amendment rights??

Yes, but conservatives hate the ACLU because the Union is usually protecting the Constitution from attacks by the right.

I don't understand the blanket hate for the ACLU. It seems whenever the Constitution is protected, it pisses someone off. So the ALCU has actively protected rights favored by the left, the ALCU also defends rights the conservatives favor. A while back it defended Rush Limbaugh, more recently gun rights, yet much of the right has been trained to hate the ACLU. Why?
The ACLU Defends Gun Rights
The ACLU Defends Gun Rights - Hit & Run :
I knew they would show up. their looking for a tasty settlement here at taxpayers expense

BOSTON — As the lone surviving suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing lay hospitalized under heavy guard, the American Civil Liberties Union and a federal public defender raised concerns about investigators' plan to question 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev without reading him his Miranda rights.

huff post

IMO this kid still has a chance of getting off scott free

Did you bother to read, or comprehend, your own article:

ACLU Executive Director Anthony Romero said the legal exception applies only when there is a continued threat to public safety and is "not an open-ended exception" to the Miranda rule, which guarantees the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney.

This has nothing to do with a ‘settlement,’ but concern for due process.

And don’t you and others on the right have a shared motive with the ACLU, as conservatives have been whining about the ‘Miranda exception’ since the arrest, so the ACLU are the good guys now, correct?
Doesn't the ACLU actively protect the Constitution and one's rights per the Constitution just like the NRA protects one's 2nd Amendment rights??

That is the only thing that the ACLU does and that's why the R hates them. The Constitution is in the way of the right wing agenda.

NRA is in the employ of the gun makers. The more innocent people die, the more guns they can sell.
Doesn't the ACLU actively protect the Constitution and one's rights per the Constitution just like the NRA protects one's 2nd Amendment rights??

Yes, but conservatives hate the ACLU because the Union is usually protecting the Constitution from attacks by the right.

And the ACLU has protected the Constitution from attacks by the far left...... just not as often. I'm sure you'll draw your own conclusions as to why...... Ain't interpretive bias great? :thup:
Doesn't the ACLU actively protect the Constitution and one's rights per the Constitution just like the NRA protects one's 2nd Amendment rights??

Yes they do but sometimes they do it selectively.
I don't see them going to the defense of citizens losing their second amendment right.

And the EXACT names of the citizens losing their 2nd amendment right?

Can you answer this - why do the gun nuts want to arm known terrorists like the people who set those bombs"
Good for the ACLU. Someone needs to stop the US government from operating like a banana republic.
I knew they would show up. their looking for a tasty settlement here at taxpayers expense

BOSTON — As the lone surviving suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing lay hospitalized under heavy guard, the American Civil Liberties Union and a federal public defender raised concerns about investigators' plan to question 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev without reading him his Miranda rights.

huff post

IMO this kid still has a chance of getting off scott free

Did you bother to read, or comprehend, your own article:

ACLU Executive Director Anthony Romero said the legal exception applies only when there is a continued threat to public safety and is "not an open-ended exception" to the Miranda rule, which guarantees the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney.

This has nothing to do with a ‘settlement,’ but concern for due process.

And don’t you and others on the right have a shared motive with the ACLU, as conservatives have been whining about the ‘Miranda exception’ since the arrest, so the ACLU are the good guys now, correct?

and you bought that?? it has to do with big profits for them. they do target gov lawsuits
They could always get him on resisting arrest and possibly felony murder. Depends how mass handles it. Some states can charge you for felony murder if your co criminal gets killed by you, the cops, or anyone.
They could always get him on resisting arrest and possibly felony murder. Depends how mass handles it. Some states can charge you for felony murder if your co criminal gets killed by you, the cops, or anyone.

I believe that is all states
Doesn't the ACLU actively protect the Constitution and one's rights per the Constitution just like the NRA protects one's 2nd Amendment rights??

Yes, but conservatives hate the ACLU because the Union is usually protecting the Constitution from attacks by the right.

I don't understand the blanket hate for the ACLU. It seems whenever the Constitution is protected, it pisses someone off. So the ALCU has actively protected rights favored by the left, the ALCU also defends rights the conservatives favor. A while back it defended Rush Limbaugh, more recently gun rights, yet much of the right has been trained to hate the ACLU. Why?
The ACLU Defends Gun Rights
The ACLU Defends Gun Rights - Hit & Run :

The hatred conservatives have had for the ACLU has gone on for decades, based mostly on First Amendment Establishment Clause jurisprudence – where ignorant conservatives incorrectly perceived numerous Supreme Court decisions as ‘attacking Christianity.’

One such example is County of Allegheny v. American Civil Liberties Union (1989), where the Court struck down as un-Constitutional the displaying a crèche in the county courthouse.
So why don't the aclu libs oppose to foot washing basins at the university of michigan dearborn? it's a state school.
I knew they would show up. their looking for a tasty settlement here at taxpayers expense

BOSTON — As the lone surviving suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing lay hospitalized under heavy guard, the American Civil Liberties Union and a federal public defender raised concerns about investigators' plan to question 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev without reading him his Miranda rights.

huff post

IMO this kid still has a chance of getting off scott free
Where's Jack Ruby, when you need him?

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