ACLU: Gay Kansas coupled harmed by marriage delay

Progtards want Christianity OUT of their LIVES and SCHOOLS and the PUBLIC, yet when it comes to MARRIAGE, which is the CHRISTIAN ritual of HOLY MATRIMONY between a man a woman in the eyes GOD... ooohh now, they WANT that, only... they DON'T want it the way the Christians do it, so ALL CHRISTIANS from the BEGINNING OF TIME, THE WORLD OVER, have to BASTARDIZE THEIR BELIEFS because of some mentally ill sexual perverts.

Yeah, not asking for anything special there at all... :uhoh3:

There are no more worse BIGOTS and MILITANTS, as in the HOMO MAFIA, than the faggot crowd and their loving supporters. Some of the PUSHIEST ASSHOLES on the planet.
Marty must have been fine with racial segregation in the day.
Did segregation include butt fucking?

Why do sexual acts between 2 consenting adults justify government discrimination?
Why do the disgusting, mentally ill, sexual perversions of a small minority have to bastardize an age old religious holy union between a man and woman?

Why do progtards push so hard for marriage anyway when marriage is a CHRISTIAN, RELIGIOUS thing? I thought progs HATED all things religion?

Because the SECULAR government of ours grants rights and privileges to those who are married. It's not a religious thing, its a government sanctioned privilege that people of a certain class are being discriminated against from enjoying that privilege. Simple.
Marty must have been fine with racial segregation in the day.
Did segregation include butt fucking?

Why do sexual acts between 2 consenting adults justify government discrimination?
Why do the disgusting, mentally ill, sexual perversions of a small minority have to bastardize an age old religious holy union between a man and woman?

Why do progtards push so hard for marriage anyway when marriage is a CHRISTIAN, RELIGIOUS thing? I thought progs HATED all things religion?

Because the SECULAR government of ours grants rights and privileges to those who are married. It's not a religious thing, its a government sanctioned privilege that people of a certain class are being discriminated against from enjoying that privilege. Simple.

Simple. Change the law. That doesn't include forcing aberrant sexual behavior on my church. Where is the separation of church and state here? Looks to me like the state is forcing its will on the church.

Which way you want to whine?
Progtards want Christianity OUT of their LIVES and SCHOOLS and the PUBLIC, yet when it comes to MARRIAGE, which is the CHRISTIAN ritual of HOLY MATRIMONY between a man a woman in the eyes GOD... ooohh now, they WANT that, only... they DON'T want it the way the Christians do it, so ALL CHRISTIANS from the BEGINNING OF TIME, THE WORLD OVER, have to BASTARDIZE THEIR BELIEFS because of some mentally ill sexual perverts.

Yeah, not asking for anything special there at all... :uhoh3:

There are no more worse BIGOTS and MILITANT, as in the HOMO MAFIA, than the faggot crowd and their loving supporters. Some of the PUSHIEST ASSHOLES on the planet. believe that it's only marriage if christians are doing it?
Progtards want Christianity OUT of their LIVES and SCHOOLS and the PUBLIC, yet when it comes to MARRIAGE, which is the CHRISTIAN ritual of HOLY MATRIMONY between a man a woman in the eyes GOD... ooohh now, they WANT that, only... they DON'T want it the way the Christians do it, so ALL CHRISTIANS from the BEGINNING OF TIME, THE WORLD OVER, have to BASTARDIZE THEIR BELIEFS because of some mentally ill sexual perverts.

Yeah, not asking for anything special there at all... :uhoh3:

There are no more worse BIGOTS and MILITANT, as in the HOMO MAFIA, than the faggot crowd and their loving supporters. Some of the PUSHIEST ASSHOLES on the planet. believe that it's only marriage if christians are doing it?
Wait... you're not saying you want to be marriad in a CHRISTIAN CHURCH by a CHRISTIAN PREACHER?
Marty must have been fine with racial segregation in the day.
Did segregation include butt fucking?

Why do sexual acts between 2 consenting adults justify government discrimination?
Why do the disgusting, mentally ill, sexual perversions of a small minority have to bastardize an age old religious holy union between a man and woman?

Why do progtards push so hard for marriage anyway when marriage is a CHRISTIAN, RELIGIOUS thing? I thought progs HATED all things religion?

Because the SECULAR government of ours grants rights and privileges to those who are married. It's not a religious thing, its a government sanctioned privilege that people of a certain class are being discriminated against from enjoying that privilege. Simple.
We tried.....people like you in many states shut that down. Now, too bad for you, nothing short of actual CIVIL marriage will be acceptable.
Progtards want Christianity OUT of their LIVES and SCHOOLS and the PUBLIC, yet when it comes to MARRIAGE, which is the CHRISTIAN ritual of HOLY MATRIMONY between a man a woman in the eyes GOD... ooohh now, they WANT that, only... they DON'T want it the way the Christians do it, so ALL CHRISTIANS from the BEGINNING OF TIME, THE WORLD OVER, have to BASTARDIZE THEIR BELIEFS because of some mentally ill sexual perverts.

Yeah, not asking for anything special there at all... :uhoh3:

There are no more worse BIGOTS and MILITANT, as in the HOMO MAFIA, than the faggot crowd and their loving supporters. Some of the PUSHIEST ASSHOLES on the planet. believe that it's only marriage if christians are doing it?

Government decides who's "married" in the eyes of God. Wow, that's twisted, isn't it bodecea?
Progtards want Christianity OUT of their LIVES and SCHOOLS and the PUBLIC, yet when it comes to MARRIAGE, which is the CHRISTIAN ritual of HOLY MATRIMONY between a man a woman in the eyes GOD... ooohh now, they WANT that, only... they DON'T want it the way the Christians do it, so ALL CHRISTIANS from the BEGINNING OF TIME, THE WORLD OVER, have to BASTARDIZE THEIR BELIEFS because of some mentally ill sexual perverts.

Yeah, not asking for anything special there at all... :uhoh3:

There are no more worse BIGOTS and MILITANT, as in the HOMO MAFIA, than the faggot crowd and their loving supporters. Some of the PUSHIEST ASSHOLES on the planet. believe that it's only marriage if christians are doing it?
Wait... you're not saying you want to be marriad in a CHRISTIAN CHURCH by a CHRISTIAN PREACHER?
1. We are talking about civil marriage
2. We already are civilly married in CA

3. This has ALWAYS been about civil marriage, not religious marriage of any kind (tho some religious organizations have been marrying gays for decades)
Marty must have been fine with racial segregation in the day.
Did segregation include butt fucking?

Why do sexual acts between 2 consenting adults justify government discrimination?
Why do the disgusting, mentally ill, sexual perversions of a small minority have to bastardize an age old religious holy union between a man and woman?

Why do progtards push so hard for marriage anyway when marriage is a CHRISTIAN, RELIGIOUS thing? I thought progs HATED all things religion?

Well there is so much that is wrong about your post, its hard to know where to start
a) homosexuals are not mentally ill.
b) every sexual act that homosexuals do is done by heterosexuals also
c) marriage is not a Christian thing- marriage predates Christianity, is performed by every religious tradition, and in the United States is legally non-religious- though you can get a religious marriage ceremony.
d) by 'prog' I assume you mean- progressive- liberal- and most liberals in the United States are religious.
e) Sex has nothing to do with marriage- whether or not you get freaked out by the idea of two men having sex- that has nothing to do with marriage- no more than you freaking out that after they get married, Jane might be giving Joe blowjobs.
Progtards want Christianity OUT of their LIVES and SCHOOLS and the PUBLIC, yet when it comes to MARRIAGE, which is the CHRISTIAN ritual of HOLY MATRIMONY between a man a woman in the eyes GOD... ooohh now, they WANT that, only... they DON'T want it the way the Christians do it, so ALL CHRISTIANS from the BEGINNING OF TIME, THE WORLD OVER, have to BASTARDIZE THEIR BELIEFS because of some mentally ill sexual perverts.

Yeah, not asking for anything special there at all... :uhoh3:

There are no more worse BIGOTS and MILITANT, as in the HOMO MAFIA, than the faggot crowd and their loving supporters. Some of the PUSHIEST ASSHOLES on the planet. believe that it's only marriage if christians are doing it?

Government decides who's "married" in the eyes of God. Wow, that's twisted, isn't it bodecea?
Who said that?
Marty must have been fine with racial segregation in the day.
Did segregation include butt fucking?

Why do sexual acts between 2 consenting adults justify government discrimination?
Why do the disgusting, mentally ill, sexual perversions of a small minority have to bastardize an age old religious holy union between a man and woman?

Why do progtards push so hard for marriage anyway when marriage is a CHRISTIAN, RELIGIOUS thing? I thought progs HATED all things religion?

Because the SECULAR government of ours grants rights and privileges to those who are married. It's not a religious thing, its a government sanctioned privilege that people of a certain class are being discriminated against from enjoying that privilege. Simple.

Simple. Change the law. That doesn't include forcing aberrant sexual behavior on my church. Where is the separation of church and state here? Looks to me like the state is forcing its will on the church.

Which way you want to whine?

No one is forcing anything on your church. Your church doesn't want to marry blacks or gays or jews- your church isn't force to marry anyone.
Did segregation include butt fucking?

Why do sexual acts between 2 consenting adults justify government discrimination?
Why do the disgusting, mentally ill, sexual perversions of a small minority have to bastardize an age old religious holy union between a man and woman?

Why do progtards push so hard for marriage anyway when marriage is a CHRISTIAN, RELIGIOUS thing? I thought progs HATED all things religion?

Because the SECULAR government of ours grants rights and privileges to those who are married. It's not a religious thing, its a government sanctioned privilege that people of a certain class are being discriminated against from enjoying that privilege. Simple.
We tried.....people like you in many states shut that down. Now, too bad for you, nothing short of actual CIVIL marriage will be acceptable.

I've never heard anyone object to a civil union. Never heard it on the news. Never read of it here on the internet.

So if you're able to dig up some obscure opinion piece, it's not worth the bandwidth it takes to display it.

You people WANT to FORCE your sick crap on CHRISTIANS. It's IN YOUR FACE, just like you love to do, FORCE your shit on people that DON'T want it. That's your way, and why the majority do and always will hate you for it.
Progtards want Christianity OUT of their LIVES and SCHOOLS and the PUBLIC, yet when it comes to MARRIAGE, which is the CHRISTIAN ritual of HOLY MATRIMONY between a man a woman in the eyes GOD... ooohh now, they WANT that, only... they DON'T want it the way the Christians do it, so ALL CHRISTIANS from the BEGINNING OF TIME, THE WORLD OVER, have to BASTARDIZE THEIR BELIEFS because of some mentally ill sexual perverts.

Yeah, not asking for anything special there at all... :uhoh3:

There are no more worse BIGOTS and MILITANTS, as in the HOMO MAFIA, than the faggot crowd and their loving supporters. Some of the PUSHIEST ASSHOLES on the planet.

Wait- are you actually claiming to be a Christian?
Did segregation include butt fucking?

Why do sexual acts between 2 consenting adults justify government discrimination?
Why do the disgusting, mentally ill, sexual perversions of a small minority have to bastardize an age old religious holy union between a man and woman?

Why do progtards push so hard for marriage anyway when marriage is a CHRISTIAN, RELIGIOUS thing? I thought progs HATED all things religion?

Because the SECULAR government of ours grants rights and privileges to those who are married. It's not a religious thing, its a government sanctioned privilege that people of a certain class are being discriminated against from enjoying that privilege. Simple.

Simple. Change the law. That doesn't include forcing aberrant sexual behavior on my church. Where is the separation of church and state here? Looks to me like the state is forcing its will on the church.

Which way you want to whine?

No one is forcing anything on your church. Your church doesn't want to marry blacks or gays or jews- your church isn't force to marry anyone.
Go lie somewhere else you ignorant POS.
Progtards want Christianity OUT of their LIVES and SCHOOLS and the PUBLIC, yet when it comes to MARRIAGE, which is the CHRISTIAN ritual of HOLY MATRIMONY between a man a woman in the eyes GOD... ooohh now, they WANT that, only... they DON'T want it the way the Christians do it, so ALL CHRISTIANS from the BEGINNING OF TIME, THE WORLD OVER, have to BASTARDIZE THEIR BELIEFS because of some mentally ill sexual perverts.

Yeah, not asking for anything special there at all... :uhoh3:

There are no more worse BIGOTS and MILITANTS, as in the HOMO MAFIA, than the faggot crowd and their loving supporters. Some of the PUSHIEST ASSHOLES on the planet.

Wait- are you actually claiming to be a Christian?
Wait - are you?
You people WANT to FORCE your sick crap on CHRISTIANS. It's IN YOUR FACE, just like you love to do, FORCE your shit on people that DON'T want it. That's your way, and why the majority do and always will hate you for it.

No one will be forcing your marry anyone. You will not be forced to be part of a gay marriage.

Letting Bob and Bill be legally married just like my wife and I are- that isn't forcing anything on you.
Progtards want Christianity OUT of their LIVES and SCHOOLS and the PUBLIC, yet when it comes to MARRIAGE, which is the CHRISTIAN ritual of HOLY MATRIMONY between a man a woman in the eyes GOD... ooohh now, they WANT that, only... they DON'T want it the way the Christians do it, so ALL CHRISTIANS from the BEGINNING OF TIME, THE WORLD OVER, have to BASTARDIZE THEIR BELIEFS because of some mentally ill sexual perverts.

Yeah, not asking for anything special there at all... :uhoh3:

There are no more worse BIGOTS and MILITANTS, as in the HOMO MAFIA, than the faggot crowd and their loving supporters. Some of the PUSHIEST ASSHOLES on the planet.

Wait- are you actually claiming to be a Christian?
Wait - are you?

LOL- I am very clear- I am an athiest.

You keep speaking for Christians but I have seen nothing Christian like in your posts- hence my confusion.
You people WANT to FORCE your sick crap on CHRISTIANS. It's IN YOUR FACE, just like you love to do, FORCE your shit on people that DON'T want it. That's your way, and why the majority do and always will hate you for it.

No one will be forcing your marry anyone. You will not be forced to be part of a gay marriage.

Letting Bob and Bill be legally married just like my wife and I are- that isn't forcing anything on you.
Well, if you want play stupid games and pretend ignorant, I guess you can do it with someone else, because that's not even close to all of what this entire issue entails.

B'bye, bubble head.
Progtards want Christianity OUT of their LIVES and SCHOOLS and the PUBLIC, yet when it comes to MARRIAGE, which is the CHRISTIAN ritual of HOLY MATRIMONY between a man a woman in the eyes GOD... ooohh now, they WANT that, only... they DON'T want it the way the Christians do it, so ALL CHRISTIANS from the BEGINNING OF TIME, THE WORLD OVER, have to BASTARDIZE THEIR BELIEFS because of some mentally ill sexual perverts.

Yeah, not asking for anything special there at all... :uhoh3:

There are no more worse BIGOTS and MILITANTS, as in the HOMO MAFIA, than the faggot crowd and their loving supporters. Some of the PUSHIEST ASSHOLES on the planet.

Wait- are you actually claiming to be a Christian?
Wait - are you?

LOL- I am very clear- I am an athiest.

You keep speaking for Christians but I have seen nothing Christian like in your posts- hence my confusion.
I don't give a fuck what you see, jerk off.

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