ACLU: Gay Kansas coupled harmed by marriage delay


LGBT would have happily taken that ten years ago, but the far right said "no."

So the LGBT have taken marriage and are telling you to, "SHUT THE FUCK UP."

Incorrect. The LGBT refused to accept civil union 10 years ago. They want to force themselves into our churches. I predicted this same crap 10 years ago. Matter of time.

The state has NO right to fine a church for its beliefs. Period. But it's okay if all these sharia asshats run amock, right? Teaching hate. Can't do anything to them, can we? But sh*t, don't let Christians believe in anything.

Absolutely was the states such as Texas, Virginia, Florida, etc. that refused to recognise either marriage OR civil unions of any kind. The RW screwed their own pooch on this one.
Racial segregation was in fact around when we were young, so can the crap, Marty.

The courts make the decisions on how Loving and Windsor et al are pertinent today.

You have right to your opinion but you are not the decider on facts terms and definitions.

No, it wasn't, I was born in the 70's. All de jure segregation was struck down by then.

and you keep going back to loving, which covers opposite sex marriage among races, but does not say anything about same sex. Once again you hope and pray the courts stretch their decisions to suit your desires.
The 70s still had segregation in wasn't as bad as the 50s & 60s but was still there.
The state has NO right to fine a church for its beliefs. Period. But it's okay if all these sharia asshats run amock, right? Teaching hate. Can't do anything to them, can we? But sh*t, don't let Christians believe in anything.

Christians can marry who they will or will not in Churches
Muslims can marry who they will or will not in wherever Muslims marry.

Christians can spout any non-violent crap they want to.
Muslims can spout any non-violent crap they want to.

If you were a Muslim posting here about how much Allah hates homosexuals, I would be criticizing you exactly the same.

Did you just call me a muslim?

My point concerns the law. The US Constitution. The left bitches and moans about my religion; yet, they want to shove their religion down our throats. The 1st Amendment isn't a one-way street.

Oh ... and I'm a Southern Baptist by the way. ;)
Racial segregation was in fact around when we were young, so can the crap, Marty.

The courts make the decisions on how Loving and Windsor et al are pertinent today.

You have right to your opinion but you are not the decider on facts terms and definitions.

No, it wasn't, I was born in the 70's. All de jure segregation was struck down by then.

and you keep going back to loving, which covers opposite sex marriage among races, but does not say anything about same sex. Once again you hope and pray the courts stretch their decisions to suit your desires.

No you want the court to contract it to fit yours: won't happen.

I want the courts to interpret, not legislate. You know, their original intent.

You assholes see the court as a short-cut to imposing your will on others. Your worship of 5 of 9 un-elected lawyers would be comical if it wasnt so dangerous.
Which is exactly what they have done. :D
Racial segregation was in fact around when we were young, so can the crap, Marty.

The courts make the decisions on how Loving and Windsor et al are pertinent today.

You have right to your opinion but you are not the decider on facts terms and definitions.

No, it wasn't, I was born in the 70's. All de jure segregation was struck down by then.

and you keep going back to loving, which covers opposite sex marriage among races, but does not say anything about same sex. Once again you hope and pray the courts stretch their decisions to suit your desires.
The 70s still had segregation in wasn't as bad as the 50s & 60s but was still there.

Race has nothing to do with behavior. One's a choice. The other you're born with.
The state has NO right to fine a church for its beliefs. Period. But it's okay if all these sharia asshats run amock, right? Teaching hate. Can't do anything to them, can we? But sh*t, don't let Christians believe in anything.

Christians can marry who they will or will not in Churches
Muslims can marry who they will or will not in wherever Muslims marry.

Christians can spout any non-violent crap they want to.
Muslims can spout any non-violent crap they want to.

If you were a Muslim posting here about how much Allah hates homosexuals, I would be criticizing you exactly the same.

Did you just call me a muslim?

My point concerns the law. The US Constitution. The left bitches and moans about my religion; yet, they want to shove their religion down our throats. The 1st Amendment isn't a one-way street.

Oh ... and I'm a Southern Baptist by the way. ;)
Well, that explains a lot.
Racial segregation was in fact around when we were young, so can the crap, Marty.

The courts make the decisions on how Loving and Windsor et al are pertinent today.

You have right to your opinion but you are not the decider on facts terms and definitions.

No, it wasn't, I was born in the 70's. All de jure segregation was struck down by then.

and you keep going back to loving, which covers opposite sex marriage among races, but does not say anything about same sex. Once again you hope and pray the courts stretch their decisions to suit your desires.
The 70s still had segregation in wasn't as bad as the 50s & 60s but was still there.

Race has nothing to do with behavior. One's a choice. The other you're born with.
Like religion. It's a choice.
Racial segregation was in fact around when we were young, so can the crap, Marty.

The courts make the decisions on how Loving and Windsor et al are pertinent today.

You have right to your opinion but you are not the decider on facts terms and definitions.

No, it wasn't, I was born in the 70's. All de jure segregation was struck down by then.

and you keep going back to loving, which covers opposite sex marriage among races, but does not say anything about same sex. Once again you hope and pray the courts stretch their decisions to suit your desires.
The 70s still had segregation in wasn't as bad as the 50s & 60s but was still there.

government enforced segregation?
Racial segregation was in fact around when we were young, so can the crap, Marty.

The courts make the decisions on how Loving and Windsor et al are pertinent today.

You have right to your opinion but you are not the decider on facts terms and definitions.

No, it wasn't, I was born in the 70's. All de jure segregation was struck down by then.

and you keep going back to loving, which covers opposite sex marriage among races, but does not say anything about same sex. Once again you hope and pray the courts stretch their decisions to suit your desires.

No you want the court to contract it to fit yours: won't happen.

I want the courts to interpret, not legislate. You know, their original intent.

You assholes see the court as a short-cut to imposing your will on others. Your worship of 5 of 9 un-elected lawyers would be comical if it wasnt so dangerous.
Which is exactly what they have done. :D

Not even close. They are usurping the 10th amendment based on a desire to change laws, not based on their constitutionality.
Racial segregation was in fact around when we were young, so can the crap, Marty.

The courts make the decisions on how Loving and Windsor et al are pertinent today.

You have right to your opinion but you are not the decider on facts terms and definitions.

No, it wasn't, I was born in the 70's. All de jure segregation was struck down by then.

and you keep going back to loving, which covers opposite sex marriage among races, but does not say anything about same sex. Once again you hope and pray the courts stretch their decisions to suit your desires.
The 70s still had segregation in wasn't as bad as the 50s & 60s but was still there.

government enforced segregation?
Yes...there were segregationist laws still on the books in the 70s
It's very simple. Gay married couples want the same government cash and prizes straight married couples get. That's all there is to it.

We heteros have been demanding the government get all up in our marriages for the past century. We want to be showered with all kinds of cash and prizes for being married.

Now that gays are asking for IDENTICAL cash and prizes, some bigots are all upset about government being all up in the institution of marriage! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

You can shove your "civil union" bullshit up your asses. Such things are not equal by any stretch of the imagination unless those "unions" receive the exact same local, state, and federal cash and prizes every hetero marriage gets.

This has nothing to do with whatever brand of religion to which you belong. That's a bigot's red herring. This is about government cash and prizes. Your church can exclude homos and their marriages all the live long day. Nobody gives a shit.

HETERO: Give me cash and prizes for being married!

GOVT: Here you go!

HOMO: I'd like the same, please.

Inside every opponent to same sex marriage is a Westboro Baptist crying to get out.

When the same sex marriage opponent is faced with the simple reality that all gays want is the same treatment as everyone else, the GOD HATES FAGS T-shirt is donned and his inner Fred Phelps comes to the fore.
Marty must have been fine with racial segregation in the day.
Did segregation include butt fucking?

Why do sexual acts between 2 consenting adults justify government discrimination?
Why do the disgusting, mentally ill, sexual perversions of a small minority have to bastardize an age old religious holy union between a man and woman?

Why do progtards push so hard for marriage anyway when marriage is a CHRISTIAN, RELIGIOUS thing? I thought progs HATED all things religion?

Well there is so much that is wrong about your post, its hard to know where to start
a) homosexuals are not mentally ill.
b) every sexual act that homosexuals do is done by heterosexuals also
c) marriage is not a Christian thing- marriage predates Christianity, is performed by every religious tradition, and in the United States is legally non-religious- though you can get a religious marriage ceremony.
d) by 'prog' I assume you mean- progressive- liberal- and most liberals in the United States are religious.
e) Sex has nothing to do with marriage- whether or not you get freaked out by the idea of two men having sex- that has nothing to do with marriage- no more than you freaking out that after they get married, Jane might be giving Joe blowjobs.
In the Christian tradition, Jesus, who is God, elevated marriage to a sacrament...a holy Union between a man and a woman...with procreation as its purpose. We are a Christian nation which rejects your premise. Get a civil union. Go fishing with your buddy. Live happily ever after. And stop whining.
  • Thanks
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In the Christian tradition, Jesus, who is God, elevated marriage to a sacrament...a holy Union between a man and a woman...with procreation as its purpose. We are a Christian nation which rejects your premise. Get a civil union. Go fishing with your buddy. Live happily ever after. And stop whining.
Why bother with a civil union....when marriage works just as well?

If Civil Unions and Marriage are the same, then why are their civil unions? Remember, the whole 'separate but equal' schtick doesn't have a great historical track records. The only purpose such a separation is serving is to put one above the other.

Which is the opposite of equal.
Racial segregation was in fact around when we were young, so can the crap, Marty.

The courts make the decisions on how Loving and Windsor et al are pertinent today.

You have right to your opinion but you are not the decider on facts terms and definitions.

No, it wasn't, I was born in the 70's. All de jure segregation was struck down by then.

and you keep going back to loving, which covers opposite sex marriage among races, but does not say anything about same sex. Once again you hope and pray the courts stretch their decisions to suit your desires.

No you want the court to contract it to fit yours: won't happen.

I want the courts to interpret, not legislate. You know, their original intent.

You assholes see the court as a short-cut to imposing your will on others. Your worship of 5 of 9 un-elected lawyers would be comical if it wasnt so dangerous.

Your interpretation of the courts is just that- interpretation.

The difference is that someone has to interpret the law and the Constitution- and that is what Judges do.

Otherwise, for example, States could pass laws banning the ownership of handguns, and Justices wouldn't be able to declare such laws unconstitutional.
Marty must have been fine with racial segregation in the day.
Did segregation include butt fucking?

Why do sexual acts between 2 consenting adults justify government discrimination?
Why do the disgusting, mentally ill, sexual perversions of a small minority have to bastardize an age old religious holy union between a man and woman?

Why do progtards push so hard for marriage anyway when marriage is a CHRISTIAN, RELIGIOUS thing? I thought progs HATED all things religion?

Well there is so much that is wrong about your post, its hard to know where to start
a) homosexuals are not mentally ill.
b) every sexual act that homosexuals do is done by heterosexuals also
c) marriage is not a Christian thing- marriage predates Christianity, is performed by every religious tradition, and in the United States is legally non-religious- though you can get a religious marriage ceremony.
d) by 'prog' I assume you mean- progressive- liberal- and most liberals in the United States are religious.
e) Sex has nothing to do with marriage- whether or not you get freaked out by the idea of two men having sex- that has nothing to do with marriage- no more than you freaking out that after they get married, Jane might be giving Joe blowjobs.
In the Christian tradition, Jesus, who is God, elevated marriage to a sacrament...a holy Union between a man and a woman...with procreation as its purpose. We are a Christian nation which rejects your premise. Get a civil union. Go fishing with your buddy. Live happily ever after. And stop whining.

c) marriage is not a Christian thing- marriage predates Christianity, is performed by every religious tradition, and in the United States is legally non-religious- though you can get a religious marriage ceremony.
d) by 'prog' I assume you mean- progressive- liberal- and most liberals in the United States are religious.
e) Sex has nothing to do with marriage- whether or not you get freaked out by the idea of two men having sex- that has nothing to do with marriage- no more than you freaking out that after they get married, Jane might be giving Joe blowjobs
Marty must have been fine with racial segregation in the day.
Did segregation include butt fucking?

Why do sexual acts between 2 consenting adults justify government discrimination?
Why do the disgusting, mentally ill, sexual perversions of a small minority have to bastardize an age old religious holy union between a man and woman?

Why do progtards push so hard for marriage anyway when marriage is a CHRISTIAN, RELIGIOUS thing? I thought progs HATED all things religion?

Well there is so much that is wrong about your post, its hard to know where to start
a) homosexuals are not mentally ill.
b) every sexual act that homosexuals do is done by heterosexuals also
c) marriage is not a Christian thing- marriage predates Christianity, is performed by every religious tradition, and in the United States is legally non-religious- though you can get a religious marriage ceremony.
d) by 'prog' I assume you mean- progressive- liberal- and most liberals in the United States are religious.
e) Sex has nothing to do with marriage- whether or not you get freaked out by the idea of two men having sex- that has nothing to do with marriage- no more than you freaking out that after they get married, Jane might be giving Joe blowjobs.
In the Christian tradition, Jesus, who is God, elevated marriage to a sacrament...a holy Union between a man and a woman...with procreation as its purpose. We are a Christian nation which rejects your premise. Get a civil union. Go fishing with your buddy. Live happily ever after. And stop whining.
So...America citizens who are not Christians aren't married?
It's very simple. Gay married couples want the same government cash and prizes straight married couples get. That's all there is to it.

We heteros have been demanding the government get all up in our marriages for the past century. We want to be showered with all kinds of cash and prizes for being married.

Now that gays are asking for IDENTICAL cash and prizes, some bigots are all upset about government being all up in the institution of marriage! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

You can shove your "civil union" bullshit up your asses. Such things are not equal by any stretch of the imagination unless those "unions" receive the exact same local, state, and federal cash and prizes every hetero marriage gets.

This has nothing to do with whatever brand of religion to which you belong. That's a bigot's red herring. This is about government cash and prizes. Your church can exclude homos and their marriages all the live long day. Nobody gives a shit.

HETERO: Give me cash and prizes for being married!

GOVT: Here you go!

HOMO: I'd like the same, please.


LOL- thank you- exactly.
Marty must have been fine with racial segregation in the day.
Did segregation include butt fucking?

Why do sexual acts between 2 consenting adults justify government discrimination?
Why do the disgusting, mentally ill, sexual perversions of a small minority have to bastardize an age old religious holy union between a man and woman?

Why do progtards push so hard for marriage anyway when marriage is a CHRISTIAN, RELIGIOUS thing? I thought progs HATED all things religion?

Because the SECULAR government of ours grants rights and privileges to those who are married. It's not a religious thing, its a government sanctioned privilege that people of a certain class are being discriminated against from enjoying that privilege. Simple.

Then do away with the rights and privileges of those who are married. Marriage is religious, civil unions are government.
Did segregation include butt fucking?

Why do sexual acts between 2 consenting adults justify government discrimination?
Why do the disgusting, mentally ill, sexual perversions of a small minority have to bastardize an age old religious holy union between a man and woman?

Why do progtards push so hard for marriage anyway when marriage is a CHRISTIAN, RELIGIOUS thing? I thought progs HATED all things religion?

Well there is so much that is wrong about your post, its hard to know where to start
a) homosexuals are not mentally ill.
b) every sexual act that homosexuals do is done by heterosexuals also
c) marriage is not a Christian thing- marriage predates Christianity, is performed by every religious tradition, and in the United States is legally non-religious- though you can get a religious marriage ceremony.
d) by 'prog' I assume you mean- progressive- liberal- and most liberals in the United States are religious.
e) Sex has nothing to do with marriage- whether or not you get freaked out by the idea of two men having sex- that has nothing to do with marriage- no more than you freaking out that after they get married, Jane might be giving Joe blowjobs.
In the Christian tradition, Jesus, who is God, elevated marriage to a sacrament...a holy Union between a man and a woman...with procreation as its purpose. We are a Christian nation which rejects your premise. Get a civil union. Go fishing with your buddy. Live happily ever after. And stop whining.
So...America citizens who are not Christians aren't married?

I believe he is saying that Jews have to get civil unions because marriage is only for Christians.
Racial segregation was in fact around when we were young, so can the crap, Marty.

The courts make the decisions on how Loving and Windsor et al are pertinent today.

You have right to your opinion but you are not the decider on facts terms and definitions.

No, it wasn't, I was born in the 70's. All de jure segregation was struck down by then.

and you keep going back to loving, which covers opposite sex marriage among races, but does not say anything about same sex. Once again you hope and pray the courts stretch their decisions to suit your desires.

No you want the court to contract it to fit yours: won't happen.

I want the courts to interpret, not legislate. You know, their original intent.

You assholes see the court as a short-cut to imposing your will on others. Your worship of 5 of 9 un-elected lawyers would be comical if it wasnt so dangerous.

Your interpretation of the courts is just that- interpretation.

The difference is that someone has to interpret the law and the Constitution- and that is what Judges do.

Otherwise, for example, States could pass laws banning the ownership of handguns, and Justices wouldn't be able to declare such laws unconstitutional.
Did segregation include butt fucking?

Why do sexual acts between 2 consenting adults justify government discrimination?
Why do the disgusting, mentally ill, sexual perversions of a small minority have to bastardize an age old religious holy union between a man and woman?

Why do progtards push so hard for marriage anyway when marriage is a CHRISTIAN, RELIGIOUS thing? I thought progs HATED all things religion?

Well there is so much that is wrong about your post, its hard to know where to start
a) homosexuals are not mentally ill.
b) every sexual act that homosexuals do is done by heterosexuals also
c) marriage is not a Christian thing- marriage predates Christianity, is performed by every religious tradition, and in the United States is legally non-religious- though you can get a religious marriage ceremony.
d) by 'prog' I assume you mean- progressive- liberal- and most liberals in the United States are religious.
e) Sex has nothing to do with marriage- whether or not you get freaked out by the idea of two men having sex- that has nothing to do with marriage- no more than you freaking out that after they get married, Jane might be giving Joe blowjobs.
In the Christian tradition, Jesus, who is God, elevated marriage to a sacrament...a holy Union between a man and a woman...with procreation as its purpose. We are a Christian nation which rejects your premise. Get a civil union. Go fishing with your buddy. Live happily ever after. And stop whining.

c) marriage is not a Christian thing- marriage predates Christianity, is performed by every religious tradition, and in the United States is legally non-religious- though you can get a religious marriage ceremony.
d) by 'prog' I assume you mean- progressive- liberal- and most liberals in the United States are religious.
e) Sex has nothing to do with marriage- whether or not you get freaked out by the idea of two men having sex- that has nothing to do with marriage- no more than you freaking out that after they get married, Jane might be giving Joe blowjobs

NYC does that, and your precious courts have seen fit to ignore it. You have to keep a gun unloaded and locked up unless in use, which is a de facto home ban. And you can only get a CCW if you have a reason which is acceptable to the NYPD, another de facto ban.

Where are the courts when it comes to this? cases have been dismissed by judges, because they feel they can write law, not interpret things.

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