ACLU: Gay Kansas coupled harmed by marriage delay

Inside every opponent to same sex marriage is a Westboro Baptist crying to get out.

When the same sex marriage opponent is faced with the simple reality that all gays want is the same treatment as everyone else, the GOD HATES FAGS T-shirt is donned and his inner Fred Phelps comes to the fore.

That's wrong and you fucking know it. So how do you explain my support of SSM when a legislature votes for it, but my opposition to it when it is imposed by judicial fiat?
Racial segregation was in fact around when we were young, so can the crap, Marty.

The courts make the decisions on how Loving and Windsor et al are pertinent today.

You have right to your opinion but you are not the decider on facts terms and definitions.

No, it wasn't, I was born in the 70's. All de jure segregation was struck down by then.

and you keep going back to loving, which covers opposite sex marriage among races, but does not say anything about same sex. Once again you hope and pray the courts stretch their decisions to suit your desires.
The 70s still had segregation in wasn't as bad as the 50s & 60s but was still there.

government enforced segregation?
Yes...there were segregationist laws still on the books in the 70s

Enforced? Examples please.
Marty must have been fine with racial segregation in the day.
Did segregation include butt fucking?

Why do sexual acts between 2 consenting adults justify government discrimination?
Why do the disgusting, mentally ill, sexual perversions of a small minority have to bastardize an age old religious holy union between a man and woman?

Why do progtards push so hard for marriage anyway when marriage is a CHRISTIAN, RELIGIOUS thing? I thought progs HATED all things religion?

Because the SECULAR government of ours grants rights and privileges to those who are married. It's not a religious thing, its a government sanctioned privilege that people of a certain class are being discriminated against from enjoying that privilege. Simple.

Then do away with the rights and privileges of those who are married. Marriage is religious, civil unions are government.
Good luck with that. :lol:
Inside every opponent to same sex marriage is a Westboro Baptist crying to get out.

When the same sex marriage opponent is faced with the simple reality that all gays want is the same treatment as everyone else, the GOD HATES FAGS T-shirt is donned and his inner Fred Phelps comes to the fore.
Inside every proponent to same sex marriage is a lover of sexual perversion guided by the devil.

If all homos really wanted was the same legal rights as Christian married couples, and it WASN'T about bastardizing Christian marriage, they would be pushing for Civil Unions. But homos hate Christians and Christianity. They tell us that all the time. So their TRUE agenda is to FORCE their disgusting sexual perversion on the church, period, to throw it into the same immoral, filthy gutter that they live in themselves.
Why do sexual acts between 2 consenting adults justify government discrimination?
Why do the disgusting, mentally ill, sexual perversions of a small minority have to bastardize an age old religious holy union between a man and woman?

Why do progtards push so hard for marriage anyway when marriage is a CHRISTIAN, RELIGIOUS thing? I thought progs HATED all things religion?

Well there is so much that is wrong about your post, its hard to know where to start
a) homosexuals are not mentally ill.
b) every sexual act that homosexuals do is done by heterosexuals also
c) marriage is not a Christian thing- marriage predates Christianity, is performed by every religious tradition, and in the United States is legally non-religious- though you can get a religious marriage ceremony.
d) by 'prog' I assume you mean- progressive- liberal- and most liberals in the United States are religious.
e) Sex has nothing to do with marriage- whether or not you get freaked out by the idea of two men having sex- that has nothing to do with marriage- no more than you freaking out that after they get married, Jane might be giving Joe blowjobs.
In the Christian tradition, Jesus, who is God, elevated marriage to a sacrament...a holy Union between a man and a woman...with procreation as its purpose. We are a Christian nation which rejects your premise. Get a civil union. Go fishing with your buddy. Live happily ever after. And stop whining.
So...America citizens who are not Christians aren't married?

I believe he is saying that Jews have to get civil unions because marriage is only for Christians.
They would have to change all those federal, state, and local laws and statutes that refer to civil marriages as........marriages.
Inside every opponent to same sex marriage is a Westboro Baptist crying to get out.

When the same sex marriage opponent is faced with the simple reality that all gays want is the same treatment as everyone else, the GOD HATES FAGS T-shirt is donned and his inner Fred Phelps comes to the fore.
Inside every proponent to same sex marriage is a lover of sexual perversion guided by the devil.

Thanks for validating my point, Mr. Phelps!
Why do sexual acts between 2 consenting adults justify government discrimination?
Why do the disgusting, mentally ill, sexual perversions of a small minority have to bastardize an age old religious holy union between a man and woman?

Why do progtards push so hard for marriage anyway when marriage is a CHRISTIAN, RELIGIOUS thing? I thought progs HATED all things religion?

Well there is so much that is wrong about your post, its hard to know where to start
a) homosexuals are not mentally ill.
b) every sexual act that homosexuals do is done by heterosexuals also
c) marriage is not a Christian thing- marriage predates Christianity, is performed by every religious tradition, and in the United States is legally non-religious- though you can get a religious marriage ceremony.
d) by 'prog' I assume you mean- progressive- liberal- and most liberals in the United States are religious.
e) Sex has nothing to do with marriage- whether or not you get freaked out by the idea of two men having sex- that has nothing to do with marriage- no more than you freaking out that after they get married, Jane might be giving Joe blowjobs.
In the Christian tradition, Jesus, who is God, elevated marriage to a sacrament...a holy Union between a man and a woman...with procreation as its purpose. We are a Christian nation which rejects your premise. Get a civil union. Go fishing with your buddy. Live happily ever after. And stop whining.
So...America citizens who are not Christians aren't married?

I believe he is saying that Jews have to get civil unions because marriage is only for Christians.

And by the way- for those saying no one opposed civil unions....

Mitt Romney Reiterates Opposition To Gay Marriage And Civil Unions Before Obama Backs Gay Marriage

"Well, when these issues were raised in my state of Massachusetts, I indicated my view, which is I do not favor marriage between people of the same gender, and I do not favor civil unions if they are identical to marriage other than by name," the former Massachusetts governor told Denver Fox affiliate KDVR-TV. "My view is the domestic partnership benefits, hospital visitation rights, and the like are appropriate but that the others are not."

Protecting marriage isn t enough we must oppose gay civil unions too News LifeSite

Protecting marriage isn’t enough – we must oppose gay ‘civil unions’ too
Earlier today, Gov. John Kasich seemed to come out in support of same-sex civil unions, but Kasich’s spokesperson says the governor was using the term “civil union” loosely and the governor is still against changing the Ohio Constitution to legalize same-sex civil unions and gay marriage.

“The governor’s position is unchanged,” wroteRob Nichols, Kasich’s spokesperson, in an email. “He opposes gay marriage and opposes changing Ohio’s Constitution to allow for civil unions. He’s opposed to discrimination against any Ohioan and, while he may have used the term ‘civil union’ loosely in this instance, he recognizes the existing rights of Ohioans to enter into private contracts to manage their personal property and health care issues.”

Racial segregation was in fact around when we were young, so can the crap, Marty.

The courts make the decisions on how Loving and Windsor et al are pertinent today.

You have right to your opinion but you are not the decider on facts terms and definitions.

No, it wasn't, I was born in the 70's. All de jure segregation was struck down by then.

and you keep going back to loving, which covers opposite sex marriage among races, but does not say anything about same sex. Once again you hope and pray the courts stretch their decisions to suit your desires.
The 70s still had segregation in wasn't as bad as the 50s & 60s but was still there.

government enforced segregation?
Yes...there were segregationist laws still on the books in the 70s

Enforced? Examples please.
Why do you keep moving the goal posts?
The state has NO right to fine a church for its beliefs. Period. But it's okay if all these sharia asshats run amock, right? Teaching hate. Can't do anything to them, can we? But sh*t, don't let Christians believe in anything.

Christians can marry who they will or will not in Churches
Muslims can marry who they will or will not in wherever Muslims marry.

Christians can spout any non-violent crap they want to.
Muslims can spout any non-violent crap they want to.

If you were a Muslim posting here about how much Allah hates homosexuals, I would be criticizing you exactly the same.

Did you just call me a muslim?

My point concerns the law. The US Constitution. The left bitches and moans about my religion; yet, they want to shove their religion down our throats. The 1st Amendment isn't a one-way street.

Oh ... and I'm a Southern Baptist by the way. ;)

Christians can marry who they will or will not in Churches
Muslims can marry who they will or will not in wherever Muslims marry.

Christians can spout any non-violent crap they want to.
Muslims can spout any non-violent crap they want to.

If you were a Muslim posting here about how much Allah hates homosexuals, I would be criticizing you exactly the same

As a member of the 'left'- I don't care what religion you believe in, and I am not shoving anything down your throat. No one is forcing you to marry anyone you don't want to.
No, it wasn't, I was born in the 70's. All de jure segregation was struck down by then.

and you keep going back to loving, which covers opposite sex marriage among races, but does not say anything about same sex. Once again you hope and pray the courts stretch their decisions to suit your desires.
The 70s still had segregation in wasn't as bad as the 50s & 60s but was still there.

government enforced segregation?
Yes...there were segregationist laws still on the books in the 70s

Enforced? Examples please.
Why do you keep moving the goal posts?

It's not moving the goal posts, its calling you out for incomplete, and un-sourced statements.
Inside every opponent to same sex marriage is a Westboro Baptist crying to get out.

When the same sex marriage opponent is faced with the simple reality that all gays want is the same treatment as everyone else, the GOD HATES FAGS T-shirt is donned and his inner Fred Phelps comes to the fore.
Inside every proponent to same sex marriage is a lover of sexual perversion guided by the devil.

Hell, I will admit it- I like sex. I love sex. And I am sure you would consider pretty much what every American does in bed to be sexually perverse.
government enforced segregation?
Yes...there were segregationist laws still on the books in the 70s

Enforced? Examples please.
Why do you keep moving the goal posts?

It's not moving the goal posts, its calling you out for incomplete, and un-sourced statements.
Jim Crow Segregation Entries KnowLA Encyclopedia of Louisiana
Racial segregation in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Segregation New Georgia Encyclopedia,d.cGE&surl=1&safe=active#search="segregation laws 1970s"
America in Revolt During the 1960s and 1970s - Google Books
NC Eats DRAWING THE LINE Segregation in the NC Extension Service Race and Gender Segregation Between the 1910s and the 1960s
Race Relations during the 1960s and 1970s
The Last Stand of Massive Resistance Mississippi Public School Integration 1970 Mississippi History Now
School Desegregation - The Busing Debate - Schools Racial Education and Children - JRank Articles

Just a few.

They all refer to de facto segregation, not de jure segregation, which was my original point, that i was born after de jure segregation was already gone.

and most of the things you point out just hit the post in 1970. I was born after that.
Did segregation include butt fucking?

Why do sexual acts between 2 consenting adults justify government discrimination?
Why do the disgusting, mentally ill, sexual perversions of a small minority have to bastardize an age old religious holy union between a man and woman?

Why do progtards push so hard for marriage anyway when marriage is a CHRISTIAN, RELIGIOUS thing? I thought progs HATED all things religion?

Because the SECULAR government of ours grants rights and privileges to those who are married. It's not a religious thing, its a government sanctioned privilege that people of a certain class are being discriminated against from enjoying that privilege. Simple.

Then do away with the rights and privileges of those who are married. Marriage is religious, civil unions are government.
Good luck with that. :lol:

I'd never expect it to happen, but if you want to free religion from government and government from religion, it needs to be done. I think Americans just want to use religion and government mixing together when it suits them and cry foul when it doesn't.

Seems to be a lot of hypocrisy on both sides of the aisle.
Iceman, you got your teeth kicked in, come out spitting teeth in denial, which shows my points about your lie is well grounded.

You lied, got called out, and upped the ante. :lol:

Try again. You couldn't get me 10 years ago, and you still can't. I AM LMAO at you though. You always have been a joke. Still are.

And no, you CAN'T be my best friend. ;)

daveman, you are so easy to spot, anytime and anywhere. As always you are wrong. Nice to see you: some of the newer posters need easy chum like you on which to practice.

Yeah, most LGBT would have been quite happy with a civil union law.

Having been kicked in the teeth, they are hitting back twice as hard and far more effectively.
Why do sexual acts between 2 consenting adults justify government discrimination?
Why do the disgusting, mentally ill, sexual perversions of a small minority have to bastardize an age old religious holy union between a man and woman?

Why do progtards push so hard for marriage anyway when marriage is a CHRISTIAN, RELIGIOUS thing? I thought progs HATED all things religion?

Because the SECULAR government of ours grants rights and privileges to those who are married. It's not a religious thing, its a government sanctioned privilege that people of a certain class are being discriminated against from enjoying that privilege. Simple.
We tried.....people like you in many states shut that down. Now, too bad for you, nothing short of actual CIVIL marriage will be acceptable.

I've never heard anyone object to a civil union. Never heard it on the news. Never read of it here on the internet.

So if you're able to dig up some obscure opinion piece, it's not worth the bandwidth it takes to display it.

You people WANT to FORCE your sick crap on CHRISTIANS. It's IN YOUR FACE, just like you love to do, FORCE your shit on people that DON'T want it. That's your way, and why the majority do and always will hate you for it.

You FORCE your Heterosexuality on everyone else as well. They aren't in your face about it because they want you to be gay or whatever you think, they want to be recognize by our government that their relationship is equal under the law to a heterosexual relationship. You and others have been trying to prevent that and to say their relationship, their love is wrong and immoral and not worthy of equal treatment. That is wrong.

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