Acosta has pass revoked

Acosta assaulted no one. The video makes that clear. The girl tried to grab his mic, he didn't let her. He never touched her. Anyone saying he did is lying.

Every gutless snowflake Trumpstain here is lying openly. Their Stalinist cult ordered them to lie, and like the good little Stalinist suckups they are, they obeyed. Not all Trumpflakes are traitors to American ideals, but most of them are.

Biut then, you have to kind of pity the Trumpstains. Herd identity is everything to them, the main focus of their life. If they acted like a creature with a spine and told the rest of the herd "No, I won't lie along with you", they'd be cast out of the herd. Banishment from the herd is like a death sentence to a Trump sheep, so they all bleat what they're told to bleat.

So, nice thread, Trumpflakes. You all proudly demonstrated the gutless groupthink of your wuss-cult. Not one of you had the 'nads to stand up to the rest of your cult and tell the truth.

This is another reason why it's so good to be a liberal. There's never any pressure from liberal groups to LieForTheCause. Honesty is prized over party loyalty. And that means we won't burn in Hell, so in the long run, liberals win. Think about that, Trumpflakes. Eternity is a long time to burn.

Indeed, the same herdthought that led multiple people on this board to put their own name next to the self-delusional bleating that Rump "was not mocking a reporter".
One quick question. Were the pics posted earlier in the thread from the real video? Or from the doctored video that was subsequently put out?
You're simply reflecting the media's horrible feelings about losing in 2016.

Oh no, not me. I decide his was not the face I wanted for president over a year before the 2016 election.
Yeah, and Hillary was ugly as shit, but that isn't why I didn't want her to be president.
Lincoln was an ugly man....but I believe that looks don't dictate what is a good choice for president.
I mean for God's sake.
If you're choosing your president because of looks you're really fucked up.
this jackass Acosta is an example of everything wrong with the left
Trump was being civil and Acosta was being a JERK
What's the matter Pogo? You funny stuff that demeans women?

What demeans women is Stalinist party hacks using a young woman as a political tool. She didn't complain. She had no problems. The Trump supporters are throwing that young woman in front of them as a shield. Such brave men they are.

Now, Acosta never touched her. She touched him, yet you're still shrieking he assaulted her. You're lying to our faces. How do you justify it to yourself, acting like that?

If you're going to pretend to be independent, don't act like a fanatical Trump shill. That really gives away the game. The open Trump shills are a step above you, being at least they're honest about it.

And if you're too scared to come out from behind that young woman's skirts, we'll all understand. Just keep hiding.
Acosta is a total dickweed who was intent on making himself the center of attention and a martyr for the Media. He plays with words to claim he didn't brush aside that young woman trying to her job. "I never touched her I never put my hands on her". That's true but you can and did push her away with your forearm refusing to give up the mike which is disgusting egotistical behavior. You don't need to "touch" or "put your hands" on someone to be physical and inappropriate which he was.
Acosta is a total dickweed who was intent on making himself the center of attention and a martyr for the Media. He plays with words to claim he didn't brush aside that young woman trying to her job. "I never touched her I never put my hands on her". That's true but you can and did push her away with your forearm refusing to give up the mike which is disgusting egotistical behavior. You don't need to "touch" or "put your hands" on someone to be physical and inappropriate which he was.

The NERVE of that reporter, trying to ask questions. Who does he think he is --- a reporter?

Why that's almost......... "uppity".
You're simply reflecting the media's horrible feelings about losing in 2016.

Oh no, not me. I decide his was not the face I wanted for president over a year before the 2016 election.
Yeah, and Hillary was ugly as shit, but that isn't why I didn't want her to be president.
Lincoln was an ugly man....but I believe that looks don't dictate what is a good choice for president.
I mean for God's sake.
If you're choosing your president because of looks you're really fucked up.

Apparently that's Rump's base then -- the fucked up.

"Look at that face. Would anyone vote for that face?"

But then we all knew that was his base. We just didn't know there were that many fucked up.
Interesting that you believe that seeing the Senate did not fall but in fact the GOP gain more seats.

Your side won the House but if all you have to run on is Trump way of making those like you look foolish, well enjoy losing the Electoral College again.

The reporter was wrong and many times he was told to hand the mic over and he refused showing the disrespect he had for the girl, his fellow journalists and the President.

Now how Trump reacted can be questioned and should be but had Obama done the same damn thing you would be attacking the press just like you did Fox for all those years when Obama was in office.

So as you fringers believe the reporter was correct, well he was not and believe me Trump reaction and taunting during the event was not making it any better for either side.
This is not about sides. You think pissing off liberals really helps this country? Is that what is important to you?
The point being, when Trump lies to a reporter at a presser, the reporter is supposed to sit down and shut up. Anything else is rude, and we know rudeness isn't tolerated in the Trump administration.
The only error you've made in your thesis is that you seem oblivious to the fact that President Trump knows the difference between revealing states' secrets and correcting someone from the rabid leftist full-court-press with a bee biting his hemorrhoids, and how to diffuse the situation. This has a most annoying effect on his little DNC press cooties like Jim Accosta scratching their mange.
The media is even 15 pts less popular than Obama was!!

Here's One Poll The Press Doesn't Want You To See | Investor's Business Daily

Nobody likes Acosta except the nuttters.:coffee:
Oh, comeon, skookerasbil. Acosta's mama loves him. :lol:
More likely she revoked his pass to visit her, too.
Even when a mama has cause, she still loves her little boy, misguided though he may be. That's how mothers are.
Trump and Acosta hate each other. Acosta is a great reporter. It really pisses Trump off that Acosta isn't afraid of him. Reminds me of the days of President Nixon and Dan Rather.

Acosta showed his fear of Trump, when Trump started leaving the podium to go after Acosta physically, and suddenly Acosta did an about face and handed the microphone to the aide (to keep Trump from coming at him)

Acosta is a wimp who strongarms women, but is a wimp against a strong man.

Acosta showed his fear of Trump, when Trump started leaving the podium to go after Acosta physically, and suddenly Acosta did an about face and handed the microphone to the aide (to keep Trump from coming at him)
Acosta is a wimp who strongarms women, but is a wimp against a strong man
Maybe they ought to bring the Secret Service into those meetings if the reporting loons of the left can't do better than pull publicity stunts instead of journalism. The other alternative is one I'd like to see, which would be President Trump speaking to all Americans citizens minus hatemongers' presence. We don't need to see any more of that at all. People with children are likely very unhappy to have them see a man pushing a woman around on the nightly news in a setting that scorches the earth for the Executive Branch of the United States of America. I hope someone important who sees this thread will share what is in the heart of us American citizens. The peaceful thing to do would be to just show up with cameras only showing President Trump telling Americans what we need to know about his decisions. That way, we don't have to wade through ten foot troughs of garbage the press invents to throw America into chaos. God bless America and save it from the hatemongers in the press.​

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