Acosta has pass revoked

Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.
the funny thing is, the pussy grabber lied about why Costa was banned....and we can all see the lie on video.
the funny thing is, the pussy grabber lied about why Costa was banned....and we can all see the lie on video.

The funnier thing about what you said is, Clinton the original pussy grabber isn't the President anymore.
Trump and Acosta hate each other. Acosta is a great reporter. It really pisses Trump off that Acosta isn't afraid of him. Reminds me of the days of President Nixon and Dan Rather.

Acosta showed his fear of Trump, when Trump started leaving the podium to go after Acosta physically, and suddenly Acosta did an about face and handed the microphone to the aide (to keep Trump from coming at him)

Acosta is a wimp who strongarms women, but is a wimp against a strong man.

So you really think Trump was going to actually go after Acosta, man you must be on some powerful shit or coming off of it.

So you really think Trump was going to actually go after Acosta, man you must be on some powerful shit or coming off of it.
The picture of President Trump getting ready to level the scumbag who pushed the intern is what the nation saw. Christine Blasey Ford had her fantasy played out on national tv, and so did Jim Acosta. I think America has seen enough theatrics from the left. Now, we don't want to see that kind of garbage any more. If a news organization constantly pillories all conservatives and our choices in concert with the Democrat Party's pro-Maxine Waters crowd, some of us think nobody wants to see their children brainwashed by leftists and their Hollyweird cronies.​
I don't think this poster who disagrees with your world view is likely not the user you claim him to be. I think he is a sincere man who hits the ball out of the park on a regular basis and has caring ways for the future of the American people.​
Why not spend your time on objectives that would improve your fellow man rather than dripping constant acid on one of the best Presidents ever to grace the Oval Office. You may not like what he says, but you can count on President Trump to tell the American people the truth. And he's eloquent while doing so.​
"What separates the winners from the losers is how a person reacts to each new twist of fate."-DJT

POTUS should take his own advice instead of lashing out like a sulking 6 year old over losing the house. No doubt he'll jet off this weekend to another cracker rally and will be right back to his repellent tweeting self.
That's not how America rolls. This thread is about conduct of an aggressive, in-your-face reporter trying to create embroiling the President of the United States to hurt him, and nothing else. Parliamentary procedure of the Press is what the issue is, not the President's tweets. Of course, it's expedient for the loyal opposition to feed on any negativity their hatemongers of the press excite. But it's poor business to spit into the wind. And Mr. Acosta, basically spit into the wind on national tv. :lmao:
Acosta doesn't ask questions. He hurls accusations. He's nothing but a partisan agitator.
Trump and Acosta hate each other. Acosta is a great reporter. It really pisses Trump off that Acosta isn't afraid of him. Reminds me of the days of President Nixon and Dan Rather.

Acosta showed his fear of Trump, when Trump started leaving the podium to go after Acosta physically, and suddenly Acosta did an about face and handed the microphone to the aide (to keep Trump from coming at him)

Acosta is a wimp who strongarms women, but is a wimp against a strong man.

So you really think Trump was going to actually go after Acosta, man you must be on some powerful shit or coming off of it.

So you really think Trump was going to actually go after Acosta, man you must be on some powerful shit or coming off of it.

The picture of President Trump getting ready to level the scumbag who pushed the intern is what the nation saw. Christine Blasey Ford had her fantasy played out on national tv, and so did Jim Acosta. I think America has seen enough theatrics from the left. Now, we don't want to see that kind of garbage any more. If a news organization constantly pillories all conservatives and our choices in concert with the Democrat Party's pro-Maxine Waters crowd, some of us think nobody wants to see their children brainwashed by leftists and their Hollyweird cronies.

I don't think this poster who disagrees with your world view is likely not the user you claim him to be. I think he is a sincere man who hits the ball out of the park on a regular basis and has caring ways for the future of the American people.

Why not spend your time on objectives that would improve your fellow man rather than dripping constant acid on one of the best Presidents ever to grace the Oval Office. You may not like what he says, but you can count on President Trump to tell the American people the truth. And he's eloquent while doing so.​

I hope the leftwing douchebags keep it up. Their sealing their electoral fate.
Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.

Imagine if they banned all rude people, Trump would be kicked out. Funny how there's one rule for one lot of people, and another for others.

Also funny that asking questions of presidential policy is deemed rude.
any man had every right to PUNCH that jackass for putting his hand on a female

Putting his hands on a female? Perhaps IF he had done that, punching him would be warranted. But I have to laugh at a Trump supporter trying to make that claim.

But Acosta didn't put his hands on a female. He simply refused to comply with the order to cease asking questions.
it's on video, moron. He slammed the woman's arm when she tried to take the mic.
While it is a right to a free press, access to the White House Press room is a privilege.
And he did use the back of his hand to shove her away. That's the kind of backhanding I was referring to. After all, the back of the hand shoving somebody else is "backhanding" simply because he used the back of his hand to eliminate someone who called him nonverbally on what the President ordered, verbally. It's a duty thingy when an interloper posing as a reporter does all he can to humiliate and assassinate the character of someone he not-so-secretly despises.

He shoved her away? Not really. He said excuse me, and gently brushed her reaching hand away from the mic he was holding. If you want to see a rude person shoving people out of his way you need not look further than Ol'Trumpybear himself when he shoved his way to the front of that photo op on the world stage. Anyone call that shove an assault?
There is one microphone. Her job is to take it from a reporter that had asked a question and give it to the next. Acosta doesn't get to shove anyone away. She should press charges for assault.

It was obvious on the video Jim shoved no one. Her job is not to grab the microphone out of someones hand while they are trying to question the so-called President, but to transfer it to the next reporter. If that's how President Corleone wants his intern to act he better get some burly bullies from his mob connections.
When the President tells the reporter they are done, they are done and need to give up the microphone. Acosta isn't in charge of that conference, the President is. Idiot.
Once a reporter asks a question they are done. Haranguing the president and monopolizing the microphone is not allowed.
Haranguing the president and monopolizing the microphone is not allowed.

I'm beginning to think that since so many reporters started going bizarroworld apeshit in the same manner as Acosta, there had to be a conspiracy of democrat demagogues who've decided to use their dogs in the press to damage our President. I think the White House should simply let President Trump speak televised editions directly to the people to let them know about government doings without the Christine Blasey Ford method of lying her butt off to humiliate a conservative judge who was innocent of every lying charge she made. These press shills for the Democrat party do not care about the prosperity and well-being of the American people. The best thing to do is simply let the people listen to the President without the mange of the Democrats shedding dandruff on the shoulders of the working people in America. We want to know what the President has to say without some brainwashed press junkie's prejudicial hatred on display. I'm tired of the press poisoning the well all around the White House. Throw all the bums out. The only thing Jim Acosta accomplished in that hateful scene he created is to make people afraid to allow their children watch the horror of that kind of infotainment the Democrats think is really good to push more, more, more and even more pet projects onto the shoulders of taxpayers. Enough, already.
tRump acting like a spoiled child yet again.
Acosta was acting like a spoiled child, you fucking moron. Do you actually approve of his behavior?
Lol, only a bloody tRumpkin would see it that way.
Every adult mature American sees it that way.
Lol, no. Just look around you.
I don't see anyone who says Acosta's behavior was mature.
While it is a right to a free press, access to the White House Press room is a privilege.
Save, what worries me is that I saw the aftermath of screaming, yelling reporters yelling bullcrap at our President as he was leaving the room. That tells me if he didn't start with Jim Acosta, it would have been someone just like Acosta poisoning the well of this White House. The faux indignance I saw on the faces of those faces told me there was something of a conspiracy to just make the President look bad.

I think we should put the liars of the press on the back burner, spend a year of cooling down, and the President only making speeches when he needs to furnish the American people with his decisions. The press has brought this on themselves.

I don't give a damn what the press thinks it has the right to do. They act like vultures looking to kill off America's chances of doing well as President Trump helps this nation out of the fiscal mess it is in but ignores when salacious lies are told by those out of power.

I say, let us have a press situation that does not interfere with this President's talents of orchestrating prosperity in our land. Right now, that means cancelling press conferences for a year to let the dust settle. Then we can decide whether we prefer orderly government announcements or knock down drag outs like the leftist did just the other day.

Nighters, all. Time for mulling over a cup of warm green tea and resting with the hope that the White House will find a way to get information the people need to know directly through the media, and not through the press that wants to obviate its TDS for every little thing. All of us are Americans, and our country is in my prayer list tonight.

Pleasant dreams. :sleep:
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The Press has given most presidents their share of frustrations and headaches. Trump chooses to attack, which is for the most part a new tactic. Personally, I think it gives them more power. I'd basically be unavailable for comment, but to each their own.

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