Acosta has pass revoked

Look at the way Acosta baits the President, look at the way he argues with him, look at the way he won't shut up, sit down, and stay down. This is what passes for journalism these days? Trump is no choir boy either, but one of them is the President of the United States, and it ain't Acosta. When the POTUS tells you to sit down, shut up, and give up the mike in the White House, then you should do it. What Acosta did was disrespectful and unprofessional IMHO, and he deserves what he got.

Not allowing Trump to weasel out of answering a question is what journalism is about. Trump is not a President, he is a thug as well as a offensive egomaniac. Ronald Reagan was a real President. He would have acted Presidential and this never would have happened. Acosta was the professional and Trump was not.

Look at the way Acosta baits the President, look at the way he argues with him, look at the way he won't shut up, sit down, and stay down. This is what passes for journalism these days? Trump is no choir boy either, but one of them is the President of the United States, and it ain't Acosta. When the POTUS tells you to sit down, shut up, and give up the mike in the White House, then you should do it. What Acosta did was disrespectful and unprofessional IMHO, and he deserves what he got.

Not allowing Trump to weasel out of answering a question is what journalism is about. Trump is not a President, he is a thug as well as a offensive egomaniac. Ronald Reagan was a real President. He would have acted Presidential and this never would have happened. Acosta was the professional and Trump was not.

no it isn't. i worked my way through college as a journalist and there is a distinct difference between asking tough questions and being a dick. acosta cross that line with CNN long ago. acosta is baiting trump to get inflammatory headlines and that's all there is to it.
Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.

Imagine if they banned all rude people, Trump would be kicked out. Funny how there's one rule for one lot of people, and another for others.

Also funny that asking questions of presidential policy is deemed rude.
any man had every right to PUNCH that jackass for putting his hand on a female

The aide assaulted Acosta by trying to grab the mike. If anyone should be punched out, it was Trump. He was obnoxious and offensive.
How dare that woman pick on that poor man.

Look at the way Acosta baits the President, look at the way he argues with him, look at the way he won't shut up, sit down, and stay down. This is what passes for journalism these days? Trump is no choir boy either, but one of them is the President of the United States, and it ain't Acosta. When the POTUS tells you to sit down, shut up, and give up the mike in the White House, then you should do it. What Acosta did was disrespectful and unprofessional IMHO, and he deserves what he got.

Not allowing Trump to weasel out of answering a question is what journalism is about. Trump is not a President, he is a thug as well as a offensive egomaniac. Ronald Reagan was a real President. He would have acted Presidential and this never would have happened. Acosta was the professional and Trump was not.

no it isn't. i worked my way through college as a journalist and there is a distinct difference between asking tough questions and being a dick. acosta cross that line with CNN long ago. acosta is baiting trump to get inflammatory headlines and that's all there is to it.

Acosta may be suspended for as long as Life plus 20 years for his misbehavior and heckling. Although IMHO, Trump should just have him roughed up and see if he behaves.

Look at the way Acosta baits the President, look at the way he argues with him, look at the way he won't shut up, sit down, and stay down. This is what passes for journalism these days? Trump is no choir boy either, but one of them is the President of the United States, and it ain't Acosta. When the POTUS tells you to sit down, shut up, and give up the mike in the White House, then you should do it. What Acosta did was disrespectful and unprofessional IMHO, and he deserves what he got.

Not allowing Trump to weasel out of answering a question is what journalism is about. Trump is not a President, he is a thug as well as a offensive egomaniac. Ronald Reagan was a real President. He would have acted Presidential and this never would have happened. Acosta was the professional and Trump was not.

Trump doesn't have to answer their loaded questions.
As a matter of fact, he doesn't have to answer any of their questions.

Like Obama.

The reason is simple. Trump didn't answer the question so Acosta called him on it..
Nice attempt to justify being rude and unprofessional - he didn't get what he wanted so he threw a tantrum, continued to disrupt, and physically prevented a female aide from doing her job.

I personally would have ordered SS to escort him out if it had been me.
Jim Acosta no longer has access to the White House.

CNN's Jim Acosta has press pass suspended by White House, Sarah Sanders announces

Was he rude enough to deserve this? Share.

Imagine if they banned all rude people, Trump would be kicked out. Funny how there's one rule for one lot of people, and another for others.

Also funny that asking questions of presidential policy is deemed rude.
any man had every right to PUNCH that jackass for putting his hand on a female

The aide assaulted Acosta by trying to grab the mike. If anyone should be punched out, it was Trump. He was obnoxious and offensive.

Meh, assault is a little strong for what either of them did. Trumpybear on the other hand, hit back at Jim's rudeness (at daring to question the chosen ones' answers with some followups), with a harsh tone, some standard insults and some very devastating, offense wags of his fingers.
Assaulted a WH intern,nothing but a drama queen who flings POINTLESS questions at President Trump,today was final straw for assaulting a woman. Buh Bye asshole!

Acosta was already reduced to standing up on a chair and heckling his betters.
You're simply reflecting the media's horrible feelings about losing in 2016.

Oh no, not me. I decide his was not the face I wanted for president over a year before the 2016 election. Sometime in the primaries back in 2015, um maybe August or there about......Seriously look at that face!
Acosta assaulted no one. The video makes that clear. The girl tried to grab his mic, he didn't let her. He never touched her. Anyone saying he did is lying.

Every gutless snowflake Trumpstain here is lying openly. Their Stalinist cult ordered them to lie, and like the good little Stalinist suckups they are, they obeyed. Not all Trumpflakes are traitors to American ideals, but most of them are.

Biut then, you have to kind of pity the Trumpstains. Herd identity is everything to them, the main focus of their life. If they acted like a creature with a spine and told the rest of the herd "No, I won't lie along with you", they'd be cast out of the herd. Banishment from the herd is like a death sentence to a Trump sheep, so they all bleat what they're told to bleat.

So, nice thread, Trumpflakes. You all proudly demonstrated the gutless groupthink of your wuss-cult. Not one of you had the 'nads to stand up to the rest of your cult and tell the truth.

This is another reason why it's so good to be a liberal. There's never any pressure from liberal groups to LieForTheCause. Honesty is prized over party loyalty. And that means we won't burn in Hell, so in the long run, liberals win. Think about that, Trumpflakes. Eternity is a long time to burn.
I can easily imagine the reaction of Fox News and all the pseuedocon tards on this forum if Obama had had a reporter's microphone ripped from his hands.

Very easily.

No thinking person buys their bullshit fauxrage.
Acosta assaulted no one. The video makes that clear. The girl tried to grab his mic, he didn't let her. He never touched her. Anyone saying he did is lying.

Every gutless snowflake Trumpstain here is lying openly. Their Stalinist cult ordered them to lie, and like the good little Stalinist suckups they are, they obeyed. Not all Trumpflakes are traitors to American ideals, but most of them are.

Biut then, you have to kind of pity the Trumpstains. Herd identity is everything to them, the main focus of their life. If they acted like a creature with a spine and told the rest of the herd "No, I won't lie along with you", they'd be cast out of the herd. Banishment from the herd is like a death sentence to a Trump sheep, so they all bleat what they're told to bleat.

So, nice thread, Trumpflakes. You all proudly demonstrated the gutless groupthink of your wuss-cult. Not one of you had the 'nads to stand up to the rest of your cult and tell the truth.

This is another reason why it's so good to be a liberal. There's never any pressure from liberal groups to LieForTheCause. Honesty is prized over party loyalty. And that means we won't burn in Hell, so in the long run, liberals win. Think about that, Trumpflakes. Eternity is a long time to burn.

Trump calls CNN's Jim Acosta a 'rude, terrible person'

Clearly touches her (assault by definition) at seconds 15-19 on this CNBC video....

nice job defending the assault of a woman doing her job.

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