Act of War

This isn't the first time I've heard about Obama ignoring the advice of generals and instead of even TRYING to make a new deal, he just wanted to pull out of Iraq. Think about it, that was actually one of his campaign promises. I don't know what role Bush played by agreeing to an "end date" in all of this. I thought such things were up for negotiation. I do agree that the Iraq War destabilized the area. Is that because of the war itself or because of how we left the place? The Iraqis themselves also hold some responsibility for this mess. Allowing themselves (governmental officials) to be bought and sold by the extremist elements.

Yeah well, his hands aren't clean either.

No they are not............but he had a hell of a lot more understanding of the situation than the Dumb Ass we have now.


How could Bush have more understanding on this matter than Obama when you're criticizing Obama for withdrawing all of the troops ... on Bush's timetable?
Now you just have to stop supporting your Government's Endless War policy.
so the stupid liberal wants to surrender to ISIS??

See why we have to be positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?

Your Government helped create ISIS in the first place. No meddling in Iraq and Syria, no ISIS. Think about that for a bit.

dear, our govt created the world after WW2 and saved civilization! THe idea that we should stop is Nazi like despite some failures.

Do you have the IQ to understand?

Bombing/invading more countries will make you less safe. And you'll continue to see your own country move closer to becoming a miserable Police State. Everything you've been taught is wrong. Permanant War might be what's best for the few powerful Elites, but it's not what's best for you the average Citizen.
Some of their demands seem pretty reasonable. The West especially the U.S., should leave those lands it doesn't belong in. I mean, why the hell are we fighting a war in Syria anyway? It isn't our fight. We shouldn't have meddled. In fact if we hadn't, there would be no ISIS. We need to end the endless War policy. It's time to come home and secure our border.
Al Qaeda made lot's of demands but not ISIS. What demands has ISIS made of the west other than ransoms? The only thing they want from non-believes is their life.

ISIS targets, Muslims, Jews, Christians, and anyone who's not a true believer. They seek to form their Islamic state in Syria and Iraq and expand it within 5 years to include the entire Middle East. You would think this would bring every nation in the region together but deep seated animosities keep that from happening. Unfortunately, the United States is probably the only nation that could pull the various Muslim countries together to engage ISIS.

The U.S./West is responsible for the bloody carnage we're currently seeing in the Middle East. There are more terrorists there than ever before. And that's due to constant U.S. meddling. So the U.S./West can't help. They're part of the problem.

The U.S. invasion of Iraq helped terrorist groups like Al Qaeda immensely. There would be no Al Qaeda/ISIS foothold in the Middle East if not for all the U.S. meddling. It shouldn't have funded & armed any groups in Syria. It had no right meddling in its Civil War. The West, especially the U.S., need to stop the meddling and go home. They don't belong in those lands.
At this point the US has only several bad options, lead a coalition to destroy ISIS's will to continue the battle or sit back and bomb the hell out of them and hope someone else in addition to the Kurds puts some boots on the ground which is the key to a militarily victory. Possibly sending 5,000 or 10,000 US special forces working with the Kurds and Iraqis while maintaining US and Russian bombings would be enough to send ISIS fighters back to where they came from. I really don't think there's any real possibility of destroying ISIS. At best we can beat them militarily and end the battle, but of course not the war. They will just disperse into northern Africa or Yemen or someplace else like Al Qaeda has done. Terrorist groups like ISIS are completely mobile. They are not depend on any one country for their support.

Why do we have to fight with them? According to the liberals if we just stay out of their business, they will leave us alone. :) Is that right? Staying out of "their business" means helping them in any way as well.
I really don't think doing nothing is an option that we should consider. If the US backed off from bombing and support for the Kurds and Iraqis we would be looking at a new Islamic Republic dedicated to death of all non-believers. Such an event would increase the threat to all countries including the US.

At a minimum we should maintain the bombings, support the Iraqis and Kurds, and encourage other nations to do their share.

Endless War is making you less safe. And your Liberty at home is under relentless assault. It's time to rethink the Endless War policy.
It is such an odd defense that defies logic. Bush created a democracy in Iraq that was a success until Obama lost it. How did Obama lose it. By not going against public opinion and breaking the contract that Bush signed with his successful democratic government. The contract that was supposed to prove Bush's success, that Iraq could stand on its own. Some of you must be contortionists in your day job.
The Iraqi government was a joke when Bush set it up and it hasn't approved much. Parliament is made up of dozens of political parties and coalitions that can agree on practically nothing. Without the protection of the US, the government would collapse.
It is such an odd defense that defies logic. Bush created a democracy in Iraq that was a success until Obama lost it. How did Obama lose it. By not going against public opinion and breaking the contract that Bush signed with his successful democratic government. The contract that was supposed to prove Bush's success, that Iraq could stand on its own. Some of you must be contortionists in your day job.
The Iraqi government was a joke when Bush set it up and it hasn't approved much. Parliament is made up of dozens of political parties and coalitions that can agree on practically nothing. Without the protection of the US, the government would collapse.

So, I still don't understand how you think a war is going to solve anything. So, we go over there, we kill some terrorists, we leave, and then what happens? Then everyone lives happily ever after? I don't think so. We need a NEW approach.
The only way we would be able to "control" anything that happens over in there would outright occupation, probably against their will. Just going over there and dropping some bombs on some terrorists is NOT going to solve this problem. Sending troops is not going to either. There are always going to be MORE to take the place of the dead ones. Where does it end? If we keep going over there and sticking our noses in their business, we are only going to make the problem worse and not better.
If Al Qaeda, Isis, the Taliban and the rest confined their activitiy to their own territory you 'might' have an argument.

The point is moot now. They are the ones dictating the fighting ground, which they have made the entire human race.

We have to land 100-200,000 troops there, crush each of those groups, and leave 50,000 troops there indefinitely. The West has to get used to a decades long struggle.

The enemy will not stop whether we occupy the region or not. All we can do is eliminate any territorial bases they have, keep them scattered, on the run, and as unorganized as possible until this 'movement' finally, slowly, dies out. And the main thing is, remove as much incentive for others to join as we can. The main part of this is making sure they don't have any map they can show a potential recruit or post online that says, "see, we control all of this area in Iraq and Syria. We are winning. That is the main thing that has to be eliminated.
If Al Qaeda, Isis, the Taliban and the rest confined their activitiy to their own territory you 'might' have an argument.

The point is moot now. They are the ones dictating the fighting ground, which they have made the entire human race.

We have to land 100-200,000 troops there, crush each of those groups, and leave 50,000 troops there indefinitely. The West has to get used to a decades long struggle.

The enemy will not stop whether we occupy the region or not. All we can do is eliminate any territorial bases they have, keep them scattered, on the run, and as unorganized as possible until this 'movement' finally, slowly, dies out. And the main thing is, remove as much incentive for others to join as we can. The main part of this is making sure they don't have any map they can show a potential recruit or post online that says, "see, we control all of this area in Iraq and Syria. We are winning. That is the main thing that has to be eliminated.

The PROBLEM with that is that when you kill them, kill their children/family members, destroy their businesses, their livelihoods, their homes, you create MORE of them.
If Al Qaeda, Isis, the Taliban and the rest confined their activitiy to their own territory you 'might' have an argument.

The point is moot now. They are the ones dictating the fighting ground, which they have made the entire human race.

We have to land 100-200,000 troops there, crush each of those groups, and leave 50,000 troops there indefinitely. The West has to get used to a decades long struggle.

The enemy will not stop whether we occupy the region or not. All we can do is eliminate any territorial bases they have, keep them scattered, on the run, and as unorganized as possible until this 'movement' finally, slowly, dies out. And the main thing is, remove as much incentive for others to join as we can. The main part of this is making sure they don't have any map they can show a potential recruit or post online that says, "see, we control all of this area in Iraq and Syria. We are winning. That is the main thing that has to be eliminated.

The PROBLEM with that is that when you kill them, kill their children/family members, destroy their businesses, their livelihoods, their homes, you create MORE of them.

War is what it is. This shit has to stop and the only way it will is when we go put a stop to it.

My prediction is the West will dilly dally around until there is a large scale attack in the US again. Then we'll put a stop to it.

Again, the point is moot. They aren't going to stop.
It is such an odd defense that defies logic. Bush created a democracy in Iraq that was a success until Obama lost it. How did Obama lose it. By not going against public opinion and breaking the contract that Bush signed with his successful democratic government. The contract that was supposed to prove Bush's success, that Iraq could stand on its own. Some of you must be contortionists in your day job.
The Iraqi government was a joke when Bush set it up and it hasn't approved much. Parliament is made up of dozens of political parties and coalitions that can agree on practically nothing. Without the protection of the US, the government would collapse.

So, I still don't understand how you think a war is going to solve anything. So, we go over there, we kill some terrorists, we leave, and then what happens? Then everyone lives happily ever after? I don't think so. We need a NEW approach.
War occurs because negotiations fail or as in this instance aren't possible. There was a time when the US could have backed off from the Middle East but those days are long past.

ISIS is not like Al Qaeda or other Islamic terrorist groups. Their goal is to de-westernize Muslim nations, to ex-spell all non-believer, to remove all traces of the godless western civilization that's corrupting their culture. It is a nihilist cult in which the members celebrate death not live. In fact, they;re taught to put aside any hope for life in this godless word. They have no demands and they will not negotiate. They will not roll up their tents and go home if the US refuses to play.
It is such an odd defense that defies logic. Bush created a democracy in Iraq that was a success until Obama lost it. How did Obama lose it. By not going against public opinion and breaking the contract that Bush signed with his successful democratic government. The contract that was supposed to prove Bush's success, that Iraq could stand on its own. Some of you must be contortionists in your day job.
The Iraqi government was a joke when Bush set it up and it hasn't approved much. Parliament is made up of dozens of political parties and coalitions that can agree on practically nothing. Without the protection of the US, the government would collapse.

So, I still don't understand how you think a war is going to solve anything. So, we go over there, we kill some terrorists, we leave, and then what happens? Then everyone lives happily ever after? I don't think so. We need a NEW approach.
War occurs because negotiations fail or as in this instance aren't possible. There was a time when the US could have backed off from the Middle East but those days are long past.

ISIS is not like Al Qaeda or other Islamic terrorist groups. Their goal is to de-westernize Muslim nations, to ex-spell all non-believer, to remove all traces of the godless western civilization that's corrupting their culture. It is a nihilist cult in which the members celebrate death not live. In fact, they;re taught to put aside any hope for life in this godless word. They have no demands and they will not negotiate. They will not roll up their tents and go home if the US refuses to play.

Muslim nations are not really "westernized." Don't really know what you mean by that.

Again, it's not our problem. Let someone else deal with it.
If Al Qaeda, Isis, the Taliban and the rest confined their activitiy to their own territory you 'might' have an argument.

The point is moot now. They are the ones dictating the fighting ground, which they have made the entire human race.

We have to land 100-200,000 troops there, crush each of those groups, and leave 50,000 troops there indefinitely. The West has to get used to a decades long struggle.

The enemy will not stop whether we occupy the region or not. All we can do is eliminate any territorial bases they have, keep them scattered, on the run, and as unorganized as possible until this 'movement' finally, slowly, dies out. And the main thing is, remove as much incentive for others to join as we can. The main part of this is making sure they don't have any map they can show a potential recruit or post online that says, "see, we control all of this area in Iraq and Syria. We are winning. That is the main thing that has to be eliminated.

The PROBLEM with that is that when you kill them, kill their children/family members, destroy their businesses, their livelihoods, their homes, you create MORE of them.

War is what it is. This shit has to stop and the only way it will is when we go put a stop to it.

My prediction is the West will dilly dally around until there is a large scale attack in the US again. Then we'll put a stop to it.

Again, the point is moot. They aren't going to stop.
No, you will not put a stop to them. We can wage war and degrade them into a gorilla operation and force them to move on to greener pastures but they will still exist waiting for the opportunity to grow and strike again. The only way you can really stop them is to win the hearts and mind of the people and that's hard to do when you're blowing their cities and towns..
If Al Qaeda, Isis, the Taliban and the rest confined their activitiy to their own territory you 'might' have an argument.

The point is moot now. They are the ones dictating the fighting ground, which they have made the entire human race.

We have to land 100-200,000 troops there, crush each of those groups, and leave 50,000 troops there indefinitely. The West has to get used to a decades long struggle.

The enemy will not stop whether we occupy the region or not. All we can do is eliminate any territorial bases they have, keep them scattered, on the run, and as unorganized as possible until this 'movement' finally, slowly, dies out. And the main thing is, remove as much incentive for others to join as we can. The main part of this is making sure they don't have any map they can show a potential recruit or post online that says, "see, we control all of this area in Iraq and Syria. We are winning. That is the main thing that has to be eliminated.

The PROBLEM with that is that when you kill them, kill their children/family members, destroy their businesses, their livelihoods, their homes, you create MORE of them.

War is what it is. This shit has to stop and the only way it will is when we go put a stop to it.

My prediction is the West will dilly dally around until there is a large scale attack in the US again. Then we'll put a stop to it.

Again, the point is moot. They aren't going to stop.
No, you will not put a stop to them. We can wage war and degrade them into a gorilla operation and force them to move on to greener pastures but they will still exist waiting for the to opportunity to grow and strike again. The only way you can really stop them is to win the hearts and mind of the people and that's hard to do win you're blowing their towns and villages.

I have a hard time believing that could ever happen because of their beliefs that we are "infidels" and other such nonsense.
If Al Qaeda, Isis, the Taliban and the rest confined their activitiy to their own territory you 'might' have an argument.

The point is moot now. They are the ones dictating the fighting ground, which they have made the entire human race.

We have to land 100-200,000 troops there, crush each of those groups, and leave 50,000 troops there indefinitely. The West has to get used to a decades long struggle.

The enemy will not stop whether we occupy the region or not. All we can do is eliminate any territorial bases they have, keep them scattered, on the run, and as unorganized as possible until this 'movement' finally, slowly, dies out. And the main thing is, remove as much incentive for others to join as we can. The main part of this is making sure they don't have any map they can show a potential recruit or post online that says, "see, we control all of this area in Iraq and Syria. We are winning. That is the main thing that has to be eliminated.

The PROBLEM with that is that when you kill them, kill their children/family members, destroy their businesses, their livelihoods, their homes, you create MORE of them.

War is what it is. This shit has to stop and the only way it will is when we go put a stop to it.

My prediction is the West will dilly dally around until there is a large scale attack in the US again. Then we'll put a stop to it.

Again, the point is moot. They aren't going to stop.
No, you will not put a stop to them. We can wage war and degrade them into a gorilla operation and force them to move on to greener pastures but they will still exist waiting for the opportunity to grow and strike again. The only way you can really stop them is to win the hearts and mind of the people and that's hard to do when you're blowing their cities and towns..
Can never happen, the cult of Islam can not tolerate any sort of freedom of it subjects.

The cult of Islam only knows force for influencing its subjects, that being its treatment of women and children who are beaten and raped regularly and readily accepted by the Muslim culture...
If Al Qaeda, Isis, the Taliban and the rest confined their activitiy to their own territory you 'might' have an argument.

The point is moot now. They are the ones dictating the fighting ground, which they have made the entire human race.

We have to land 100-200,000 troops there, crush each of those groups, and leave 50,000 troops there indefinitely. The West has to get used to a decades long struggle.

The enemy will not stop whether we occupy the region or not. All we can do is eliminate any territorial bases they have, keep them scattered, on the run, and as unorganized as possible until this 'movement' finally, slowly, dies out. And the main thing is, remove as much incentive for others to join as we can. The main part of this is making sure they don't have any map they can show a potential recruit or post online that says, "see, we control all of this area in Iraq and Syria. We are winning. That is the main thing that has to be eliminated.

The PROBLEM with that is that when you kill them, kill their children/family members, destroy their businesses, their livelihoods, their homes, you create MORE of them.

War is what it is. This shit has to stop and the only way it will is when we go put a stop to it.

My prediction is the West will dilly dally around until there is a large scale attack in the US again. Then we'll put a stop to it.

Again, the point is moot. They aren't going to stop.
No, you will not put a stop to them. We can wage war and degrade them into a gorilla operation and force them to move on to greener pastures but they will still exist waiting for the to opportunity to grow and strike again. The only way you can really stop them is to win the hearts and mind of the people and that's hard to do win you're blowing their towns and villages.

I have a hard time believing that could ever happen because of their beliefs that we are "infidels" and other such nonsense.
I'm not saying we could every win the hearts and minds of the Islamic terrorists. However, they have supporters and potential converts who number in the tens of millions that can be swayed. There are relatively few Islamic terrorist, that is those ready to strap on a suicide vest. However, there are at least a hundred million Islamic fundamentalists that are ISIS recruiting targets. These people don't participate in terrorist activities but also don't condemn them or do anything to stop them.

If we can defeat ISIS on the battlefield it will be a seriously blow to ISIS recruiting because battlefield victors are seen as proof that Allah is with them.

Most people believe the goal of terrorist attacks is just to kill infidels. That's not so. A big factor in terrorist attacks is driving the enemy to attack Muslims, closing and destroying their mosques, and driving them from their homes, confirming ISIS claims. If we do this, we will be dealing not with tens of thousands of terrorist but tens of millions.

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