Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

Another mass shooting – and conservatives in knee-jerk fashion start with the lies and demagoguery about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated’ rather than offering solutions having nothing to do with the regulation of firearms.

Conservatives don’t offer solutions having nothing to do with the regulation of firearms because ‘guns’ is a hot-button wedge issue conservatives use to drive the base to the polls and attack political opponents with lies about ‘banning’ and ‘confiscating’ guns.

No one wants to ‘ban’ guns; no one wants to ‘confiscate’ guns.
🖕🖕🖕 Liar
I would say the same about people who refuse to address the issue.

Mass shooting, thoughts and prayers, do nothing, next mass shooting. Rinse and repeat.
After the last one in Florida, we had endless discussions but the only thing the Democrats would talk about was gun control laws. No plans were even considered for hardening security on school, making grants available for armed security, NOTHING. They always shrieked even louder about the idea someone with guns could be around the chirren every day. So yeah, massacre after massacre is exactly what you get.

Has graphs and everything...
Lol. Not only did the rates drop below original, after a rise, but it's not even the US, the country under discussion, which has homicide rates at multiples of the UK in any event.

What a deflection. I see why you didn't give the link.
After the last one in Florida, we had endless discussions but the only thing the Democrats would talk about was gun control laws. No plans were even considered for hardening security on school, making grants available for armed security, NOTHING. They always shrieked even louder about the idea someone with guns could be around the chirren every day. So yeah, massacre after massacre is exactly what you get.
Florida had armed security. Maybe that’s why.

Again, the bodies of 18 children are not even cold yet, and Democrats are wasting no time in using the tragedy to push their anti-2nd amendment agenda.

After all of these killings NY psychos you would think Democrats would not be against armed police in schools.

Nothing about mental illness, nothing about illegal guns being used in big's all about taking away law-abiding citizens' rights / guns.

Side Note:
I want one of these cowards captured alive so we can have a public execution by firing squad.
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Oh. Well, if your contention is that Mexico is equally/similarly as advanced as the US, you'd know better than I.
Yes defeating far left narratives with facts often deflates the wankers.
The 'facts' you pull from your arse?

People ask, 'why would this kid do that?' well...he's nineteen and already a murderer before he killed the kids and the teacher. I'd respect for life and you can't lay that at the feet of the NRA. Lay that at the feet of PP, School, entertainment and even parents. He is being chased, runs into a school and shoots kids indiscriminately.....a desire to take people with him, to hurt as many people as he can...that's called meanness.

A little surprising the left has any care for these gradeschoolers since they'd have been just as happy to have killed them in the womb before they could get out.
what we COULD do is to harden these schools. It wouldn't stop every shooter but it would damned sure help.
What wouldn't help would be to look at a critical point of mass shooting events. Never.
Particularly not the 'shooting' point. No way.
The 'facts' you pull from your arse?

And the far left reaches again.

20k laws and we are still littered with guns. As long as there are many guns, it will happen. Just like it doesn't happen where there is strong gun control.
So if Biden managed to get the cops to go around to collect guns from everyone, some would fight back. Maybe a LOT would fight back. How would you feel about 50 or 100 thousand dead Americans if it got the guns out of the hands of regular citizens?
Guns flow in this country like water, and that's why we have mass shooting after mass shooting and, you know, spare me the bullshit about mental illness. We don't have any more mental illness than any other country in the world

Events like this expose and separate the punk ass incels from the grown ass men.

No grown ass man is going to come out fighting for a gun right after a massacre of children.

Only a punk ass incel is going to do that.

The grown ass men, even the gun owning grown ass men, aren't going to come out fighting for a gun.

You can just look at the replies in the threads, and the boys stand out very clearly from the men.

Men defend children, boys defend toys.

It's just that fucking simple.

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