Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

It’s the same as abortion – conservatives aren’t interested in ending the practice, it’s a hot-button wedge issue they use to their partisan advantage.

That’s why conservatives won’t stop with overturning Roe.

Stop with these ridiculous exagerations. I assure you, there are millions of conservatives that want the practice of abortion to end.
Nice dodge by the way.
Because conservatives will not give up their God given constitutionally protect 2nd amendment...and we don't want children killed in the womb, that makes us doubly despicable? C_Clayton_Jones

Let's see...we want to protect ourselves and our families from killers and thieves and we want to protect the unborn. Yes. that's awful. just awful. The alternative in your mind is........take our guns and put us at the mercy of murderers and tyrants and in addition to our babies being murdered by killers and tyrants, we'd still be killing the unborn. yes. That sounds utopian.

"Our prayer tonight is for those parents, lying in bed, trying to to figure out, 'Will I be able to sleep again?'" Biden said. "What do I say to my other children?"
oh...and he killed his grandmother before he killed a minimum of 18 kids now and 2 teachers.

Salvador Ramos

Clayton Jones blames the right for these dead children yet he is happy as a lark to support the killing of these same children in the womb. Maybe he considers it legit to do it by a pair of scissors to the back of the neck rather than a gun?

Lol. Not only did the rates drop below original, after a rise, but it's not even the US, the country under discussion, which has homicide rates at multiples of the UK in any event.

What a deflection. I see why you didn't give the link.
Uhhh...because we haven't banned guns...did you forget what you originally posted?

Short term memory loss may be a sign of early onset dementia.

a good suggestion is informed by the examples of other advanced nations which do not have anywhere near the rate of firearm homicides or mass shootings that America does
I've looked at the rates.

Firearm homicides went down when guns were restricted...but the overall homicide rate went up.

More deaths...just less from guns.

Bullshit. The overall homicide rates did not go up in Australia. The overall homicide rate went DOWN even as gun homicides went down.

Homicide rates in Canada have spiked this year, but have been stable at around 680 deaths per year for the past 4 previous years, even as populations rose.

Worldwide there is a great deal of unrest and instability as the pandemic ends, but in the USA it's insanity because of all of the guns.

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