Active shooter reported at Texas elementary school

I spent the past 2 1/2 hours doing just that.

You ignored it as "doing nothing" or me "shitting" on your suggestions.

I actively engaged you with solutions and questions, to which you replied with the above.

You simply aren't interested in any disagreement with your premise. You engage in a victim mentality whenever there is.
You’re open to red flag laws, good for you. We agree there. I thought you would shit on that.

Ironically, one of the few things that I agree with Trump on. But Republicans are against.
Here, I’ll spell it out and connect the dots for you.
Don’t be scared….you are not a RACIST for acknowledging the facts and data…you do not make the facts and data.

So the Buffalo shooter was illegal?
No the far left narrative is it only happens in the US.

Proof that it is not only the US.
Oh. Well, if your contention is that Mexico is equally/similarly as advanced as the US, you'd know better than I.
Oh. Well, if your contention is that Mexico is equally/similarly as advanced as the US, you'd know better than I.

Yes defeating far left narratives with facts often deflates the wankers.
This is what happens when there are no armed security officers.
Exactly. These whiny Liberal bitches keep crying about gun control but as a practical matter that just ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN without one hell of a lot more blood being spilled but what we COULD do is to harden these schools. It wouldn't stop every shooter but it would damned sure help.

Each state could have a bond issue or each school could appeal to parents for donations.
There’s nothing I can say that you would consider a good suggestion. That’s the point.

You. Want. Nothing. Done.
I want exactly what you want. Less innocent people killed.

We simply have a different philosophy of how to achieve that goal.

I believe that guns save lives.

You can't uninvent the firearm.

I believe having an armed citizenry does more good than harm.

Yes...that freedom has consequences...just like the freedom to buy alcohol leads to drunk driving deaths.

I would like to mitigate those consequences as much as possible...but we tried to ban alcohol... how did that turn out?

Would you put a breathalyzer ignition in every car to stop it?

Of course not.. because there are 300 million cars out there an only a small fraction of those are driven by those not responsible enough to not drink and drive.

Does that make it any less tragic when a family is killed by a drunk driver? doesn't...

... but you never hear a call to reinstate prohibition...or limit to amount of alcohol people can buy...or any other restrictions...

Why is that?

Right now......the anti-gun fanatics and joe biden handlers are praying...please don't let the shooter be a DACA kid....Please don't let the shooter be a DACA kid....

If it turns out he is an illegal alien, or DACA kid.....this story....goes away...
This is a lie.
Right now......the anti-gun fanatics and joe biden handlers are praying...please don't let the shooter be a DACA kid....Please don't let the shooter be a DACA kid....

If it turns out he is an illegal alien, or DACA kid.....this story....goes away...
You would love it if he was wouldn’t you?
There are already enough "gun laws" on the books to prevent these thing from happening.
But they're not enforced.
So, given the unwillingness to expend the effort that would require let's go against the other common factor: Schools.
Shut 'em down.
Ban them entirely.
Then common sense might make a comeback when the liberal indoctrination ends!
The kids would be better off with a different kind of environment that doesn't warehouse them in places that become targets. Smaller cell-type situations for teaching 5-10 students by a contract teacher or having an online program, anything but the current abattoirs. They also need socialization to be healthy but that can be accomplished elsewhere as well.
I want exactly what you want. Less innocent people killed.

We simply have a different philosophy of how to achieve that goal.

I believe that guns save lives.

You can't uninvent the firearm.

I believe having an armed citizenry does more good than harm.

Yes...that freedom has consequences...just like the freedom to buy alcohol leads to drunk driving deaths.

I would like to mitigate those consequences as much as possible...but we tried to ban alcohol... how did that turn out?

Would you put a breathalyzer ignition in every car to stop it?

Of course not.. because there are 300 million cars out there an only a small fraction of those are driven by those not responsible enough to not drink and drive.

Does that make it any less tragic when a family is killed by a drunk driver? doesn't...

... but you never hear a call to reinstate prohibition...or limit to amount of alcohol people can buy...or any other restrictions...

Why is that?

I can understand your view, but don’t agree…but it sure is nice to have a sane voice on this.
If he had "legal lineage" he wouldn't have shot up the school like the Buffalo shooter?
Dig deeper…if we had no illegals we’d have no Salvatore Ramos…get it now?
It’s time for everyone to become livid with our border situation…it’s time for everyone to call for a SCOTUS ruling on the 14th…it’s time for everyone to fight to end birthright citizenship.

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