Active Shooter Reported Near Planned Parenthood In Colorado

LOL. yet, what I wrote is perfectly understandable whether they contain capital letters or not.

so what's your excuse? inbreeding?

And the typical liberal style of debate rears it's ugly head.

<pssst> there's no apostrophe in its ugly head

but anyhoo....what is that? stating a fact? I know they are pesky little things to deal with but every word was legible & coherent.

no if you mean by me asking you if you are an inbred ape... you do realize yu threw that gauntlet down first... how convenient for you to forget & start wagging your finger....

AND the typical rw nutter style of debate rears its ugly head.

And you continue with the typical tactics of the loser...
Think how thats worked out with Trump.

hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....... that's all you got?

Apparently I have enough to make you resort to name calling instead of addressing my point.
Clear cut victory.

Who are you trying to bullshit 'eh? you started with me, inbreeder- back in post #557.

nice try, doesn't fly 'cept I had you resorting to name calling.

LOL@ y-o-u.
Again, we see the left as they truly are: hateful, racist, ignorant, liars.

None of them have an ounce of maturity or honor, if they did they would shamefully apologize for their behavior in this thread. They take a serious situation where people died and use it for an attack on their opponents. Without knowing any facts or details.

But who can blame them alone? The major news networks and the Huffington post all reported it as right wing terrorism, and Twitter called it so and Twitter doesn't lie right?

Left wingers are truly the worse kind of people, low life scum who are not worth engaging in conversation let alone debate. Fucking morons all of them.

Tell us again about the dangers of Muslims.

You should ask the French people at that metal concert...oh can't....the muslims murdered mean like that danger of muslims?

Or ask the victims of our white mass shooters of the dangers of whites with guns.

You know that most of the gun murder in the United States is done by minorities...right?
It's not the people, boys, it's the guns. One we can get rid off, and one we're stuck with.
Again, we see the left as they truly are: hateful, racist, ignorant, liars.

None of them have an ounce of maturity or honor, if they did they would shamefully apologize for their behavior in this thread. They take a serious situation where people died and use it for an attack on their opponents. Without knowing any facts or details.

But who can blame them alone? The major news networks and the Huffington post all reported it as right wing terrorism, and Twitter called it so and Twitter doesn't lie right?

Left wingers are truly the worse kind of people, low life scum who are not worth engaging in conversation let alone debate. Fucking morons all of them.

Tell us again about the dangers of Muslims.

You should ask the French people at that metal concert...oh can't....the muslims murdered mean like that danger of muslims?

Or ask the victims of our white mass shooters of the dangers of whites with guns.

You know that most of the gun murder in the United States is done by minorities...right?
It's not the people, boys, it's the guns. One we can get rid off, and one we're stuck with.

Sorry, not the guns......
Again, we see the left as they truly are: hateful, racist, ignorant, liars.

None of them have an ounce of maturity or honor, if they did they would shamefully apologize for their behavior in this thread. They take a serious situation where people died and use it for an attack on their opponents. Without knowing any facts or details.

But who can blame them alone? The major news networks and the Huffington post all reported it as right wing terrorism, and Twitter called it so and Twitter doesn't lie right?

Left wingers are truly the worse kind of people, low life scum who are not worth engaging in conversation let alone debate. Fucking morons all of them.

Tell us again about the dangers of Muslims.

You should ask the French people at that metal concert...oh can't....the muslims murdered mean like that danger of muslims?

"The muslims" [sic] did that huh?
You're telling us that a billion and a half people from all over the world walked into the confines of a rock concert ---- and nobody noticed?

"The muslims" [sic] -- just like Donald Rump talking about "the blacks"... SMFH

Well the shooters weren't Amish.....
Just out of curiosity, if Muslims only killed Muslims, and ******* only killed *******, would you care, at all?
Again, we see the left as they truly are: hateful, racist, ignorant, liars.

None of them have an ounce of maturity or honor, if they did they would shamefully apologize for their behavior in this thread. They take a serious situation where people died and use it for an attack on their opponents. Without knowing any facts or details.

But who can blame them alone? The major news networks and the Huffington post all reported it as right wing terrorism, and Twitter called it so and Twitter doesn't lie right?

Left wingers are truly the worse kind of people, low life scum who are not worth engaging in conversation let alone debate. Fucking morons all of them.

Tell us again about the dangers of Muslims.

You should ask the French people at that metal concert...oh can't....the muslims murdered mean like that danger of muslims?

"The muslims" [sic] did that huh?
You're telling us that a billion and a half people from all over the world walked into the confines of a rock concert ---- and nobody noticed?

"The muslims" [sic] -- just like Donald Rump talking about "the blacks"... SMFH

Well the shooters weren't Amish.....
Just out of curiosity, if Muslims only killed Muslims, and ******* only killed *******, would you care, at all?

Why is it you always call Black Americans the n word....?
Tell us again about the dangers of Muslims.

You should ask the French people at that metal concert...oh can't....the muslims murdered mean like that danger of muslims?

"The muslims" [sic] did that huh?
You're telling us that a billion and a half people from all over the world walked into the confines of a rock concert ---- and nobody noticed?

"The muslims" [sic] -- just like Donald Rump talking about "the blacks"... SMFH

Well the shooters weren't Amish.....
Just out of curiosity, if Muslims only killed Muslims, and ******* only killed *******, would you care, at all?

Why is it you always call Black Americans the n word....?
Because you aren't honest enough to. Now, do you have an answer?
Again, we see the left as they truly are: hateful, racist, ignorant, liars.

None of them have an ounce of maturity or honor, if they did they would shamefully apologize for their behavior in this thread. They take a serious situation where people died and use it for an attack on their opponents. Without knowing any facts or details.

But who can blame them alone? The major news networks and the Huffington post all reported it as right wing terrorism, and Twitter called it so and Twitter doesn't lie right?

Left wingers are truly the worse kind of people, low life scum who are not worth engaging in conversation let alone debate. Fucking morons all of them.

Tell us again about the dangers of Muslims.

You should ask the French people at that metal concert...oh can't....the muslims murdered mean like that danger of muslims?

"The muslims" [sic] did that huh?
You're telling us that a billion and a half people from all over the world walked into the confines of a rock concert ---- and nobody noticed?

"The muslims" [sic] -- just like Donald Rump talking about "the blacks"... SMFH

Well the shooters weren't Amish.....

Are you that uneducated that you don't understand the meaning of the word "the"? Let alone how proper adjectives work --- funny that Amish gets a capital while "muslims" [sic] doesn't....
As evidenced by the beard.

You've got to wonder how many more deflections the RW has, but this one is too funny. :rofl:

he registered to vote as female.

Post a copy of his voter registration, then.

It's a clerical error, obviously: DEAR, ROBERT LEWIS JR 809 OURAY CT

Like I said, because you spew it means nothing. I read your BS and laugh. For some reason you think you can simply post something and it's factual....hint, it's not. That and you're a fraud LOL
And the typical liberal style of debate rears it's ugly head.

<pssst> there's no apostrophe in its ugly head

but anyhoo....what is that? stating a fact? I know they are pesky little things to deal with but every word was legible & coherent.

no if you mean by me asking you if you are an inbred ape... you do realize yu threw that gauntlet down first... how convenient for you to forget & start wagging your finger....

AND the typical rw nutter style of debate rears its ugly head.

And you continue with the typical tactics of the loser...
Think how thats worked out with Trump.

hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....... that's all you got?

Apparently I have enough to make you resort to name calling instead of addressing my point.
Clear cut victory.

Who are you trying to bullshit 'eh? you started with me, inbreeder- back in post #557.

nice try, doesn't fly 'cept I had you resorting to name calling.

LOL@ y-o-u.

Thats name calling? You're such a delicate flower....
And of course you never addressed my point and you dont even try to make one.
As evidenced by the beard.

You've got to wonder how many more deflections the RW has, but this one is too funny. :rofl:

he registered to vote as female.

Post a copy of his voter registration, then.

It's a clerical error, obviously: DEAR, ROBERT LEWIS JR 809 OURAY CT

Like I said, because you spew it means nothing. I read your BS and laugh. For some reason you think you can simply post something and it's factual....hint, it's not. That and you're a fraud LOL
Unlike you, I am rational. No transsexual looks like that, unless they are going female to male and he clearly is not.
So far, we know from the Right:

He killed these people because he was a transexual
Being a transexual, he was not a republican
Maybe he was really just trying to attract the attention of the police by shooting from a PP, which does not mean that he was antiabortion (this comes from Sherlock Ringo, with his police training).
He was not a domestic terrorist, he was crazy (apparently, one can't be both)
We don't know that he was a Christian. Anybody could have a cross nailed to his house.
PP is a killing factory anyway, so they should expect things like this.
You show me where I have ever implied your filthy statement, then proceed to show where I am a nazi-con. I can show where you continually bring up such filth, though. Seems you are the one with that on your mind. You need to give up whatever is making you so delusional.
Seriously, he is a wack job, period. We want to see him strung up by his toes. Is that better? Because he didn't do it in the name of religion, by not shouting such, it must be a disappointment to you guys. Seems you are the ones that can't accept this for what it is. Killings done by a madman. Surely, you can see it in his eyes.

More hilarious bullshit from a NaziCon. White guy must be crazy. Black guy typical ni**er - lynch him.
From what I understand the tanks were outside. He carried bags in that had to be checked.
And I'm still going to take an impartial, rational wait and see attitude. You should try it counselor.......... :eusa_whistle:

it is rational to assume that the motivation for attacking planned parenthood has zero to do with a secular pov. but if it isn't, i'll acknowledge it.

and the wingers should make sure they continue to falsify "evidence" and pretend that women's healthcare clinics are somehow illegitimate or offensive and that people in them deserve to die.

this is what happens when wingers rev up the rhetoric. that is the intent. and that is why pond scum terrorists like Scott Roeder do the types of things they do.
Yet in this instance it's the left wingers who are ramping up the rhetoric. No law enforcement/judicial official has yet to state whether the target was actually the PP office or if it was simply where the shooter ended up. According to witnesses he was shooting into the grocery store parking lot (not really all that close) before he went into the Planned Parenthood. That alone creates reasonable doubt that his sole target was PP and I can think of two alternate possibilities/scenarios (as the cops did). Like I said, I'll wait for all the facts to come out in order to make any fact based, unbiased judgement/claim.

..and as I said before, he just got tired of carrying all those LP bottles and left them at PP for safe keeping.....
Still have no idea of what I'm referring to, do ya........ Figures........

...and you are still claiming that we don't know that he was targeting PP, when he brought in LP gas tanks and left them in the clinic, while shooting people there. I think that you have had too much grog, matey....

They were wrong, on everything....and eric holders justice department created false claims of racism to put them under federal supervision....

The kid did not have his hands up, he did not say don't lies matter is a movement based on lies....

False claims? :laugh:



LOL Feeling stupid are we? He registered to vote as a female. Of course he went nuts and started shooting, he got that Bruce Jenner disease LMAO
TrashyIrishWhore, you've reached a new low in denial. could simply be that he decided to do some outside contracting work for planned parenthood/murder and abort the kids they missed......which is why he shot those adults......

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