"Active Shooter" video game lets you be school shooter

"they"...."them"..."yikes" "in their heads"

You're just old, bro. Folks with more astute brains and values actually argue based on merit, not emotional one-liners born of cowardice like daaa mac does.
"they"...."them"..."yikes" "in their heads"

You're just old, bro. Folks with more astute brains and values actually argue based on merit, not emotional one-liners born of cowardice like daaa mac does.
Well, my short, general little comment turned you into a mewling, flailing drama queen.


So I guess I'm pretty comfy with where I am. But thanks for your intense interest.
Anyone involved in developing or distributing this game deserves a firing squad.

And the people who buy it need to be put in a registry so we can keep an eye on them.

Sick Sick SICK
(well not the firing squad--that would be hypocritical, wouldn't it?)

Of course it would and TN is right - I would never condone such a thing.

Merely venting :redface:
Its a damn video game, people.
If this is sooooo bad, why isnt EVERY game that kills people bad? What about movies? Comic books? STEPHEN KING! :eek:
Turn off your tv if you cant handle a little black box with led lights.
Every game that kills people IS bad. And the movies that legitimize and romanticize violence and shootings. I've never read Stephen King. Do his characters shoot a lot of people? Christine and the folks in The Shining didn't.
Then how come violence per capita has gone down since the 80s when horror-core movies and violent video games really took hold? It really makes no sense...

If you dont think a TV show or game could convince YOU to go and do something retarded, then it's pRRRRRRobably the same experience for 99.99999% of other folks....settle down.
When you say "settle down," I just want to slug you. You get that, right?

All kids who are exposed to gun violence as entertainment are learning a lesson, whether it is spoken or not. I completely disagree with your laissez faire attitude. The violent culture in this country is out of control. Per capita, violence has gone down because of stricter criminal sentences that began in the 90's. The number of mass shootings has NOT gone down, that's for sure. 10,000 gun homicides per year is way too many. If that many people were dying of a virus, the CDC would be moving heaven and earth to stop it. But for some reason, people just shrug when it's due to guns.

Anyway, I don't want to turn this into yet another futile gun control thread. Everyone admits there are many threads to the gun violence in this country. Media and entertainment gun violence is one. It may not affect me or you, but it sure sends the signal to some folks who don't have a good internal balance wheel that shooting people up with guns is just part of what we do and who we are.
"they"...."them"..."yikes" "in their heads"

You're just old, bro. Folks with more astute brains and values actually argue based on merit, not emotional one-liners born of cowardice like daaa mac does.
Well, my short, general little comment turned you into a mewling, flailing drama queen.


So I guess I'm pretty comfy with where I am. But thanks for your intense interest.
Your general comment was soundly defeated, and then all you did was evade the embarrassment and attempted harassment instead. You're a douche-lord, it's not difficult.
"they"...."them"..."yikes" "in their heads"

You're just old, bro. Folks with more astute brains and values actually argue based on merit, not emotional one-liners born of cowardice like daaa mac does.
Well, my short, general little comment turned you into a mewling, flailing drama queen.


So I guess I'm pretty comfy with where I am. But thanks for your intense interest.
Your general comment was soundly defeated, and then all you did was evade the embarrassment and attempted harassment instead. You're a douche-lord, it's not difficult.
"Douche lord".

My apologies, I assumed you were an adult.

Never mind.
If a VIDEO GAME causes a person to do obscene things, they have wayyyy more problems than their tv..
Fear mongering is part of American values, apparently.
And looking at the mass shooters lately, most of them DO/DID have wayyyy more problems than their tv. Those that didn't, just figured it was a reasonable way to deal with their disagreements. Where did they learn that?
Well of course you did. Thats your favorite word lol
We ban child pornography because it is obscene. We ban ISIS recruitment videos because they encourage violence. Why can't we ban something as obscene and encouraging of violence as School Shooter?
I wont argue hyperbole
What is the exaggeration, professor? "Obscene?" Or is it because you have no answer?
You are comparing a video game to child porn and terrorist recruitment videos.
Surely you dont expect me to take crap serious?
I mean it absolutely seriously.
Its a damn video game, people.
If this is sooooo bad, why isnt EVERY game that kills people bad? What about movies? Comic books? STEPHEN KING! :eek:
Turn off your tv if you cant handle a little black box with led lights.
Every game that kills people IS bad. And the movies that legitimize and romanticize violence and shootings. I've never read Stephen King. Do his characters shoot a lot of people? Christine and the folks in The Shining didn't.
Then how come violence per capita has gone down since the 80s when horror-core movies and violent video games really took hold? It really makes no sense...

If you dont think a TV show or game could convince YOU to go and do something retarded, then it's pRRRRRRobably the same experience for 99.99999% of other folks....settle down.
When you say "settle down," I just want to slug you. You get that, right?

All kids who are exposed to gun violence as entertainment are learning a lesson, whether it is spoken or not. I completely disagree with your laissez faire attitude. The violent culture in this country is out of control. Per capita, violence has gone down because of stricter criminal sentences that began in the 90's. The number of mass shootings has NOT gone down, that's for sure. 10,000 gun homicides per year is way too many. If that many people were dying of a virus, the CDC would be moving heaven and earth to stop it. But for some reason, people just shrug when it's due to guns.

Anyway, I don't want to turn this into yet another futile gun control thread. Everyone admits there are many threads to the gun violence in this country. Media and entertainment gun violence is one. It may not affect me or you, but it sure sends the signal to some folks who don't have a good internal balance wheel that shooting people up with guns is just part of what we do and who we are.
I have a way with getting you to want to slug me :) but I do it to be cute, I promise.

Anyhoo, I understand your perspective but I just disagree with it. The numbers would be on my side with that, as well. We are a LESS violent culture than almost ever. School shootings are up, but psychos are not.....and the psychos that are left have come to make a quasi-popular choice as (probably) inspired by Columbine. That doesn't mean WE as a whole are more violent, that's an irrational deduction.

The problem you're making in your rationale is that you're taking the level of coverage and invoking an outbreak, whereas it's still just an outlier case meaning it's very, VERY rare for someone to do this. Rare meaning x-people out of one million, not rare meaning x-time goes by before another happens.

Then we can also factor in that the vast majority of these shooters are mentally ill, you'd clearly see that it's mental illness and not entertainment consumption that's causing these massacres.
Anyone involved in developing or distributing this game deserves a firing squad.

And the people who buy it need to be put in a registry so we can keep an eye on them.

Sick Sick SICK
(well not the firing squad--that would be hypocritical, wouldn't it?)
Run them over with a UHAUL van?
Burn them to death?
Cut off their skin and shove it down their throat so they choke to death?
Whats an acceptable way to murder them?
Fine the shit out of them until their business goes belly up would make more sense. And never allow them a license for such smut again.
"they"...."them"..."yikes" "in their heads"

You're just old, bro. Folks with more astute brains and values actually argue based on merit, not emotional one-liners born of cowardice like daaa mac does.
Well, my short, general little comment turned you into a mewling, flailing drama queen.


So I guess I'm pretty comfy with where I am. But thanks for your intense interest.
Your general comment was soundly defeated, and then all you did was evade the embarrassment and attempted harassment instead. You're a douche-lord, it's not difficult.
"Douche lord".

My apologies, I assumed you were an adult.

Never mind.
You comfort your losses. A lot.
Does the game have different difficulty settings?

Easy (like in Broward county where cops run away)
Super hard (schools that politicians send their kids)
If a VIDEO GAME causes a person to do obscene things, they have wayyyy more problems than their tv..
Fear mongering is part of American values, apparently.
And looking at the mass shooters lately, most of them DO/DID have wayyyy more problems than their tv. Those that didn't, just figured it was a reasonable way to deal with their disagreements. Where did they learn that?
You think its reasonable for people to think murdering someone is an ok way to deal with disagreements? :aug08_031::aug08_031:
Well of course you did. Thats your favorite word lol
We ban child pornography because it is obscene. We ban ISIS recruitment videos because they encourage violence. Why can't we ban something as obscene and encouraging of violence as School Shooter?
I wont argue hyperbole
What is the exaggeration, professor? "Obscene?" Or is it because you have no answer?
You are comparing a video game to child porn and terrorist recruitment videos.
Surely you dont expect me to take crap serious?
I mean it absolutely seriously.
Then excuse me while i LMAO
Anyone involved in developing or distributing this game deserves a firing squad.

And the people who buy it need to be put in a registry so we can keep an eye on them.

Sick Sick SICK
(well not the firing squad--that would be hypocritical, wouldn't it?)
Run them over with a UHAUL van?
Burn them to death?
Cut off their skin and shove it down their throat so they choke to death?
Whats an acceptable way to murder them?
Fine the shit out of them until their business goes belly up would make more sense. And never allow them a license for such smut again.
fine them for what?
I remember back when i was kid that people said the same shit about music.
I listened to marilyn manson, gangsta rap and other music like that. Guess what?
Im 32 with a good job, great wife, great kids that need nothing and i will be completely debt free in three years and i never killed anyone. I also smoked pot since i was 16. Seems people like you guys were dead fucking wrong.
You are now those old people that you more than likely made fun of when you were kids. DrLove OldLady
At least i did. And still do because fear mongering is a cowards way out.
Fine the shit out of them until their business goes belly up would make more sense. And never allow them a license for such smut again.

Why don’t we fine everything that anyone might find offensive?
And we have some who are just fine with it, as we see.

Of course I'm fine with free speech, and also my kids are raised how I see fit so I dont actually have to whine about "cultural degredation" on a daily basis like you do.....you project a lack of personal responsibility with your piddly cry-baby bullshit.
More personal attacks and insults.

I'm so glad I'm not like you.
If the shoe fits, dork
How I got up in your heads like this, I'll never know. It's flattering, I guess, but kinda creepy.

You're like angry children.
This is your m.o. when you don't have a rational argument to stand on. That's what's creepy, is that you're somehow able to take up oxygen.

Angry like children would be the cane-waving elderly like yourself in here whining about "culture these days" while fundamentally missing the point: it's in your and every other parent's hands. You lead by example, not by being a whiny child on a message-board. I'll feel free to own you more in the future, thanks.
Not to intrude on your argument with Mac, but while I agree it is our responsibility as parents to lead by example and raise our children to be decent human beings, I cannot parent them all. There are a lot of lost children who don't have parents who bother. We feed those kids; why do we not take any responsibility as a country to teach them not to murder?

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