"Active Shooter" video game lets you be school shooter

I remember back when i was kid that people said the same shit about music.
I listened to marilyn manson, gangsta rap and other music like that. Guess what?
Im 32 with a good job, great wife, great kids that need nothing and i will be completely debt free in three years and i never killed anyone. I also smoked pot since i was 16. Seems people like you guys were dead fucking wrong.
You are now those old people that you more than likely made fun of when you were kids. DrLove OldLady
At least i did. And still do because fear mongering is a cowards way out.
Part of it seems to be a function of their age, but another part is cooler heads not prevailing. People like to scape-goat taking a pragmatic look at problems.... and instead they take the cartooned-version and run with that intellectually lazy caricature. That's how freedoms get restricted for dumb fucking reasons. This shit's nauseating to listen to at dinner tables and parties and barbecues and crap....so I just act like I don't hear the news or want to talk about it.
Of course I'm fine with free speech, and also my kids are raised how I see fit so I dont actually have to whine about "cultural degredation" on a daily basis like you do.....you project a lack of personal responsibility with your piddly cry-baby bullshit.
More personal attacks and insults.

I'm so glad I'm not like you.
If the shoe fits, dork
How I got up in your heads like this, I'll never know. It's flattering, I guess, but kinda creepy.

You're like angry children.
This is your m.o. when you don't have a rational argument to stand on. That's what's creepy, is that you're somehow able to take up oxygen.

Angry like children would be the cane-waving elderly like yourself in here whining about "culture these days" while fundamentally missing the point: it's in your and every other parent's hands. You lead by example, not by being a whiny child on a message-board. I'll feel free to own you more in the future, thanks.
Not to intrude on your argument with Mac, but while I agree it is our responsibility as parents to lead by example and raise our children to be decent human beings, I cannot parent them all. There are a lot of lost children who don't have parents who bother. We feed those kids; why do we not take any responsibility as a country to teach them not to murder?
Oh good, he can go drama queen on YOU for a while.

You'd think they would understand this.
Of course I'm fine with free speech, and also my kids are raised how I see fit so I dont actually have to whine about "cultural degredation" on a daily basis like you do.....you project a lack of personal responsibility with your piddly cry-baby bullshit.
More personal attacks and insults.

I'm so glad I'm not like you.
If the shoe fits, dork
How I got up in your heads like this, I'll never know. It's flattering, I guess, but kinda creepy.

You're like angry children.
This is your m.o. when you don't have a rational argument to stand on. That's what's creepy, is that you're somehow able to take up oxygen.

Angry like children would be the cane-waving elderly like yourself in here whining about "culture these days" while fundamentally missing the point: it's in your and every other parent's hands. You lead by example, not by being a whiny child on a message-board. I'll feel free to own you more in the future, thanks.
Not to intrude on your argument with Mac, but while I agree it is our responsibility as parents to lead by example and raise our children to be decent human beings, I cannot parent them all. There are a lot of lost children who don't have parents who bother. We feed those kids; why do we not take any responsibility as a country to teach them not to murder?
If we had some huge issue with teaching kids "not to murder," then why are the number of murderers decreasing?

You can't really have sane discussions if you're unwilling to base them on reality. Also, I dont know where this anti-teaching kids campaign thingy is, or where you got it from...
More personal attacks and insults.

I'm so glad I'm not like you.
If the shoe fits, dork
How I got up in your heads like this, I'll never know. It's flattering, I guess, but kinda creepy.

You're like angry children.
This is your m.o. when you don't have a rational argument to stand on. That's what's creepy, is that you're somehow able to take up oxygen.

Angry like children would be the cane-waving elderly like yourself in here whining about "culture these days" while fundamentally missing the point: it's in your and every other parent's hands. You lead by example, not by being a whiny child on a message-board. I'll feel free to own you more in the future, thanks.
Not to intrude on your argument with Mac, but while I agree it is our responsibility as parents to lead by example and raise our children to be decent human beings, I cannot parent them all. There are a lot of lost children who don't have parents who bother. We feed those kids; why do we not take any responsibility as a country to teach them not to murder?
Oh good, he can go drama queen on YOU for a while.

You'd think they would understand this.
She's got a spine, Mac. You don't. Old Lady and I are homeys.
I remember back when i was kid that people said the same shit about music.
I listened to marilyn manson, gangsta rap and other music like that. Guess what?
Im 32 with a good job, great wife, great kids that need nothing and i will be completely debt free in three years and i never killed anyone. I also smoked pot since i was 16. Seems people like you guys were dead fucking wrong.
You are now those old people that you more than likely made fun of when you were kids. DrLove OldLady
At least i did. And still do because fear mongering is a cowards way out.
It isn't fear. It's puking my guts out sick to my soul. You can call me whatever you want, TN, because I know who I am, and I love working with young people. Stick to your stereotype if it makes you feel better, though.
You know, this is just a lawsuit waiting to happen. What would be the reaction if a kid bought the game, played it as a shooter repeatedly to try to figure out the best way to do a shooting, and used it as a simulator for the real thing? I think that they should be held liable if something like that happened.

Yeah.................I like violence in my movies and games just like the next fella, but something like this pushes boundaries in a very bad way.
First paragraph is complete and utter bullshit.

No doubt this game shouldn't exist but would you sue Budweiser if a drunk driver hit you?

We have fallen so far from personal responsibility in this country it sickens me.

The child and his parents would be the only ones to blame if that happened.

She's got a spine, Mac. You don't. Old Lady and I are homeys.
I take incoming from both ends every day. You don't.

You hide with your "homeys" in your Safe Space.
You're the one that ducked the conversation with your same old tripe that you give everyone else that defeats your logic.

"ohhh in their heads"



You're a pansy, whereas Old Lady and I can easily carry a conversation.
She's got a spine, Mac. You don't. Old Lady and I are homeys.
I take incoming from both ends every day. You don't.

You hide with your "homeys" in your Safe Space.
You're the one that ducked the conversation with your same old tripe that you give everyone else that defeats your logic.

"ohhh in their heads"



You're a pansy, whereas Old Lady and I can easily carry a conversation.
I treat you as you behave: A petulant child.

But then, I'm a "douche lord".

More personal attacks and insults.

I'm so glad I'm not like you.
If the shoe fits, dork
How I got up in your heads like this, I'll never know. It's flattering, I guess, but kinda creepy.

You're like angry children.
This is your m.o. when you don't have a rational argument to stand on. That's what's creepy, is that you're somehow able to take up oxygen.

Angry like children would be the cane-waving elderly like yourself in here whining about "culture these days" while fundamentally missing the point: it's in your and every other parent's hands. You lead by example, not by being a whiny child on a message-board. I'll feel free to own you more in the future, thanks.
Not to intrude on your argument with Mac, but while I agree it is our responsibility as parents to lead by example and raise our children to be decent human beings, I cannot parent them all. There are a lot of lost children who don't have parents who bother. We feed those kids; why do we not take any responsibility as a country to teach them not to murder?
If we had some huge issue with teaching kids "not to murder," then why are the number of murderers decreasing?

You can't really have sane discussions if you're unwilling to base them on reality. Also, I dont know where this anti-teaching kids campaign thingy is, or where you got it from...
You call the numbers, the statistics, reassuring. I say 10,000 gun homicides a year and a steadily increasing number of mass shootings is not reassuring. Those are the numbers I am looking at. I guess it's the glass half empty, half full.

I didn't say ANYWHERE that you were anti-teaching kids. I'm saying you can't teach them all. Neither can I. What is there to understand about that?
I think Nintendo should be fined as well. Mario Kart inspires people to drive aggressively and without concern for others.
You know, this is just a lawsuit waiting to happen. What would be the reaction if a kid bought the game, played it as a shooter repeatedly to try to figure out the best way to do a shooting, and used it as a simulator for the real thing? I think that they should be held liable if something like that happened.

Yeah.................I like violence in my movies and games just like the next fella, but something like this pushes boundaries in a very bad way.
First paragraph is complete and utter bullshit.

No doubt this game shouldn't exist but would you sue Budweiser if a drunk driver hit you?

We have fallen so far from personal responsibility in this country it sickens me.

The child and his parents would be the only ones to blame if that happened.

Exactly, thank you!!!

And if more folks felt this level of responsibility with THEM and THEIRS, maybe less mentally unbalanced kids will be put on pills and left to their own devices while their parents fuck off.
And the libs and the young will wail that this type of mind and soul numbing video has nothing to do with it
Fine the shit out of them until their business goes belly up would make more sense. And never allow them a license for such smut again.

Why don’t we fine everything that anyone might find offensive?
You don't find School Shooter offensive? You don't find the reality it represents offensive? If not, what DO you find offensive?
If the shoe fits, dork
How I got up in your heads like this, I'll never know. It's flattering, I guess, but kinda creepy.

You're like angry children.
This is your m.o. when you don't have a rational argument to stand on. That's what's creepy, is that you're somehow able to take up oxygen.

Angry like children would be the cane-waving elderly like yourself in here whining about "culture these days" while fundamentally missing the point: it's in your and every other parent's hands. You lead by example, not by being a whiny child on a message-board. I'll feel free to own you more in the future, thanks.
Not to intrude on your argument with Mac, but while I agree it is our responsibility as parents to lead by example and raise our children to be decent human beings, I cannot parent them all. There are a lot of lost children who don't have parents who bother. We feed those kids; why do we not take any responsibility as a country to teach them not to murder?
If we had some huge issue with teaching kids "not to murder," then why are the number of murderers decreasing?

You can't really have sane discussions if you're unwilling to base them on reality. Also, I dont know where this anti-teaching kids campaign thingy is, or where you got it from...
You call the numbers, the statistics, reassuring. I say 10,000 gun homicides a year and a steadily increasing number of mass shootings is not reassuring. Those are the numbers I am looking at. I guess it's the glass half empty, half full.

I didn't say ANYWHERE that you were anti-teaching kids. I'm saying you can't teach them all. Neither can I. What is there to understand about that?
What I don't understand, is why you're anti statistics which easily disprove the video game/movie violence correlation with ACTUAL violence.............

and instead of going after the root cause, you'd much sooner attack the 1st amendment ENJOYMENT in a free society that we all get.....based on irrationality.
Fine the shit out of them until their business goes belly up would make more sense. And never allow them a license for such smut again.

Why don’t we fine everything that anyone might find offensive?
You don't find School Shooter offensive? You don't find the reality it represents offensive? If not, what DO you find offensive?
This "game" is just a tiny part of a much larger picture. The decay of our culture was clear long before it came out.

This stuff, as hideous as it is, is a reflection of us, and that should concern us. You would think.
You know, this is just a lawsuit waiting to happen. What would be the reaction if a kid bought the game, played it as a shooter repeatedly to try to figure out the best way to do a shooting, and used it as a simulator for the real thing? I think that they should be held liable if something like that happened.

Yeah.................I like violence in my movies and games just like the next fella, but something like this pushes boundaries in a very bad way.
First paragraph is complete and utter bullshit.

No doubt this game shouldn't exist but would you sue Budweiser if a drunk driver hit you?

We have fallen so far from personal responsibility in this country it sickens me.

The child and his parents would be the only ones to blame if that happened.

Exactly, thank you!!!

And if more folks felt this level of responsibility with THEM and THEIRS, maybe less mentally unbalanced kids will be put on pills and left to their own devices while their parents fuck off.
My oldest daughters school tried to get us to put her on those pills. The got an immediate middle finger from me.
You know, this is just a lawsuit waiting to happen. What would be the reaction if a kid bought the game, played it as a shooter repeatedly to try to figure out the best way to do a shooting, and used it as a simulator for the real thing? I think that they should be held liable if something like that happened.

Yeah.................I like violence in my movies and games just like the next fella, but something like this pushes boundaries in a very bad way.
First paragraph is complete and utter bullshit.

No doubt this game shouldn't exist but would you sue Budweiser if a drunk driver hit you?

We have fallen so far from personal responsibility in this country it sickens me.

The child and his parents would be the only ones to blame if that happened.

Exactly, thank you!!!

And if more folks felt this level of responsibility with THEM and THEIRS, maybe less mentally unbalanced kids will be put on pills and left to their own devices while their parents fuck off.
Wishin and hopin ain't gonna make it so, though.

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